The changing landscape of EMM: the stats you need to know to sell more projects

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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The changing landscape of EMM The stats you need to know to sell more projects

Mobility is changing the IT landscape and enterprise mobility management (EMM) solutions can take your customers beyond a ‘mobility-first’ mindset. Discover the statistics you need to make them aware of helping you to increase sales opportunities.

Enterprise mobility management (EMM) – why does it matter?

Your customers have probably already adopted a mobile-first mindset when it comes to their business, immediately turning to BYOD and COPE working practices.

EMM solutions take your customers beyond these benefits and improves their mobility maturity.

What is changing?

Holistic EMM solutions offer your customers a strategic advantage that elevates their mobility practices to true business transformation, covering devices, apps, and content.

of companies already allow employees to use their own devices at work.


of businesses benefit from executing tasks more quickly as a result of mobility.


EMM market size likely to grow at 30% CAGR from 2016 to 2023.


Your customers need to be aware of the prominence, benefits, and adoption of EMM solutions. If they don’t choose to strategically advance their approach, they’ll be left far behind competitors.

of businesses will prioritise the mobilisation of general business apps over the next two years.


The average ROI gain of an EMM solution is between 20 and 30%, while 52% of organisations see improvements in mobile workforce effectiveness.


Is it all good news?

Your customers are likely to be experiencing negative impacts from their mobile strategy so far.

of organisations believe that unsupported device types and operating systems present a significant challenge to their mobility programmes.


of businesses still see security as the biggest inhibitor of BYOD adoption.


of organisations have experienced data leakage, while 56% are concerned about unauthorised access and to company data.


Fortunately, EMM fills the security gaps, providing visibility, support, and protection at device, application, and content level.

EMM is changing and your customers need to keep up

Your customers will already be aware that the mobility landscape is changing. Put these statistics forward to them to highlight why EMM matters, how it can resolve their business pains, and the threats they face if they don’t keep up. Soon you’ll soon be selling more EMM solutions to customers ready to transform their business.


Alert your customers to the changes in mobile maturity and how quickly they may

be left behind.

Demonstrate the business value of EMM, including the potential productivity

and profitability gains.

Alleviate your customers’ security and support concerns, demonstrating the

benefits of MDM, MAM, MCM.

With a growing mobile estate, evolving security threats, and budget limitations, EMM is now a must-have for managing

your customers’ endpoints.

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