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The Changing Role of Women

Learning Objective: To explore the role of women in society from ancient times to the Renaissance. NEXT NEXTBACK

What do you want to be when you

grow up? Why?

Think, pair, share your ideas. NEXTBACK

How would you feel if you were told that

only the boys could choose a job? If you’re a girl, you are only

allowed to get married, have children and do

housework. NEXTBACK

Historically, it has always been the responsibility of women to raise children and take care of the household by doing the cooking, cleaning and other chores. The role of women often depended on their rank in society (rich

women and poor women in every age led very different lives) but what always seems to have been evident is that the different role women played also led to

them having different rights to men.

Historians know that women were much more limited than men in early civilisations and beyond, but what is

less clear is why and when the idea of women being less important,

intelligent or capable than men become the norm.

Why do you think it was the women’s role to take care of the home and

the family? NEXTBACK

In early civilisations, such as ancient Greece, ancient Rome and ancient Egypt, the rights of women varied considerably. Here are some examples...

In ancient Greece, women were not given an education.

They were married young and always remained in the charge

of their fathers. If the father wanted to, he could divorce his

daughter from her husband and marry her to someone else . The only job women could have

was a religious priestess. In the early days of the Roman

Republic, women passed from the control of their fathers to their

husbands when they married. The husband controlled her property

and she was expected to obey him in everything. Women were not

allowed to hold political power but they did engage in businesses.

In ancient Egypt, women had more much more equality

with men than in other civilisations of the time. Women were able to own

their own property and do whatever they wanted with it. They also had legal rights and

were able to take people to court to sue them and witness

official documents.

Women working alongside a man at a dye shop NEXTBACK

By the time the Anglo-Saxons were living in Britain, female subordination to men was commonplace. A law known as coverture determined that a woman’s

rights were handed over to her husband when they married. It was believed that marriage made the couple one person joined together so a women didn’t

need to have any independence.

She was not allowed to own property or make contracts in her

own name, and even had to give any money she earned (if she

worked) to her husband. In return, the husband was supposed to

protect or ‘cover’ her but, of course, this wasn’t always the case.

How do you feel about the

coverture laws? Why? NEXTBACK

In the medieval period in Britain during the 11th, 12th and 13th

centuries, life was difficult for almost everyone, especially women. A woman was expected to support her husband.

This would often mean helping to work the land. However, women were

paid less for doing the same job as men. Men would perhaps be paid 6p a day for hay making and women would be paid 4p. Men could get 8p a day for reaping crops but a women would be

paid 5p for the same job. NEXTBACK

Here are some other limitations that were placed on the freedom of women during the medieval period:

Women had no legal voice and

so couldn’t challenge any of these laws

that were enforced by

men. How do you feel about


Women could not marry without the consent of their parents.

Women were not allowed to

own any property.

Women could not divorce

their husbands.

Women needed special permission to own a business.

If a woman’s parents died, she could only inherit from them if she had no brothers. NEXTBACK

By the time the Renaissance happened in Britain in the 15th and 16th centuries, almost every aspect of society was determined by gender. Women

were in charge of looking after children and the household. If women worked, they worked as servants or doing other menial tasks, such as sewing.

Wealthy Renaissance women had very different experiences to poorer

women. Their sole focus was to marry well so that their family could form alliances with other rich, powerful families. Women generally did not

choose who they married and marriage was seen more as a business deal than a relationship based on love.

Rich women were given an education. They were taught to read and write, as well as how to playmusical instruments, draw, paint and doneedlework. Poorermen and women weregenerally not educatedat all. NEXTBACK

Throughout history, there have been examples of powerful female leaders. From 1558 to 1603, Elizabeth I was Queen of England. She was the daughter

of Henry VIII who had married six different women throughout his life, trying to get the son he so desperately needed to carry on his line. However,

his only son died young, leaving just two daughters.

At this time, many people believed that a woman was incapable of

ruling. Her advisers tried to arrange a marriage for her but she refused, knowing that her husband would take over the role of leader. She

never married and is remembered as one of the greatest monarchs in

British history. NEXTBACK

In 1558, John Knox published a book anonymously about the role of women rulers. Read the extracts below. How does he feel about women in

general? How do you know?

The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regimen of Women

To promote a woman to bear rule, superiority, dominion, or empire above any realm, nation, or city, is repugnant to nature; contumely [an insult] to God, a thing most contrary to his revealed will and approved ordinance; and finally, it is the subversion of good order, of all equity

and justice.

[...]experience has declared them to be inconstant, variable, cruel, lacking the spirit of counsel and regiment. And these notable faults have men in all ages espied in that kind, for the which not only they have removed women from rule and authority, but also some have

thought that men subject to the counsel or empire of their wives were unworthy of public office. NEXTBACK

We’ve had a very quick run-through of the roles and rights of women up to the

16th century. What do you think are the main points that we

have found out?

Think, pair, share your ideas. NEXTBACK

Did you think of these points? • From ancient times to the Renaissance, it was traditionally the role of women to

raise children and look after the household.

• Different ancient civilisations had different laws to limit the freedoms of women, such as marriage laws or laws against owning property.

• From Anglo-Saxon times, coverture further restricted the rights of women in marriage, giving the woman’s rights to her husband.

• Rich and poor women had very different experiences. Poorer women often worked (mainly as servants) whilst rich women were given a limited education.

What other points did you remember? NEXTBACK


Have a look at these keywords which you might come across over the next few lessons. What do they

mean? How many of them can you define?

patriarchy hierarchy






empowerment NEXTBACK

patriarchy a system of society or government in which men hold the power, and from which women are largely excluded

matriarchy a system of society or government run by women

hierarchy a system in which people are organised according to ranked positions within society

suffrage the right to vote in an election

feminism the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men, and be treated in the same way

sexism prejudice, stereotyping or discrimination against someone based on their gender

revolution a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favour of a new system

empowerment to give someone the authority or power to do something

How many did you define correctly?