THE CHICAGO GOLDSMITH GROUP · PDF fileSEEK YE FIRST, by Joel S. Goldsmith: Chapter 10,...

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Volume xxix ● Issue 10 October, 2011

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2nd – at THE INN OF CHICAGO - 11:00 A.M./ 12:30 P.M.

JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1958 SECOND CHICAGO CLOSED CLASS "Spiritual Healing Without Words or Thoughts,” Tape 1, Side 2 (Attend On-line or by Phone!)

JOHN STEPHENSON: THE 2011 WAIKIKI CLASS "The Joyful Dimension of Spirit," Session 7 (Attend On-line or by Phone!)


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11th – On-line Meeting - 7:30 P.M.

VIRGINIA STEPHENSON: THE OCTOBER, 2011 LESSON/ THE 1994 ASILOMAR CLASS "Awake From the Dream," Session 9 (Attend On-line or by Phone!)



JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1962 LONDON CLOSED CLASS “Dominion,” Tape 4, Side 2” (Attend On-line or by Phone!)


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25th – On-line Meeting – 7:30 P.M.

JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1958 SECOND CHICAGO CLOSED CLASS "Spiritual Healing Without Words or Thoughts,” Tape 1, Side 2 (Repeat of 10/2 Recording.) (Attend On-line or by Phone!)


FURTHER ON-LINE STUDY (At Your Convenience). To hear this recording, go to: l

LUELLA OVEREEM: THE 1985 CLEVELAND CLOSED CLASS “God Experienced Is Individual,” Tape 2, Side 2

MAIL & TEL: Bob Harper, P.O. Box 337, Carpentersville, IL 60110 (847)428-4759 hm … (847) 710-4759 cel …

Books by Joel and Other Infinite Way Teachers Are Available at Most of the Meetings and by Mail Order.Go to:

First Sunday - The Inn of Chicago – 11:00 A.M./12:30 P.M. 162 E. Ohio St., Chicago, IL 60611 (Mezz. Level)

Second Tuesday – On-line Meeting – 7:30 P.M.

Third Sunday - The Home of Bob Harper – 11:00 A.M. 259 Skyline Dr., Carpentersville, IL 60110

Fourth Tuesday – On-line Meeting – 7:30 P.M.

Meetings Conducted by Bob Harper

Please Arrive 15 min. Early for Meditation



SEEK YE FIRST, by Joel S. Goldsmith: Chapter 10, "Dominion;"

DEVELOPING SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS Vol. I, by Luella Overeem: October, 1973 Lesson.


TO ATTEND OUR MEETINGS ON-LINE: Please join our meetings, Sunday, October 2nd; Tuesday, October 11th; Sunday, October 16th; and Tuesday, September 25th. You may join us from your computer or your phone. 10/2 -11:00 AM/12:30 PM: Dial +1 (646)307-1701Access Code:132-406-40110/11 - 7:30 PM: (or) Dial +1 (213) 493-0600. Access Code: 873-397-801.10/16 -11:00 AM: (or)Dial +1 (213) 289-0010. Access Code: 688-811-248 10/25 -7:30 PM. (or) Dial +1 (773) 897-3000. Access Code: 121-922-704 Meeting times are Central Daylight Time. (Note: Meditation starts 15 min. prior to meeting.)

SATURDAY TAPE MEETINGS IN CHICAGO: Hyde Park, 10:30 AM. Conducted by Barbara Holt. Phone: 773-991-6887. E-mail:

ON-LINE TAPE MEETING: My good friends, Marty and Liz Parker, who have a study group in the San Francisco area, are now offering a recording of Joel's each Saturday. Info:



JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1958 SECOND CHICAGO CLOSED CLASS "Spiritual Healing Without Words or Thoughts,” Tape 1, Side 2 (Attend On-line or by Phone!)

I found that healing has nothing to do with a person called a 'patient'. They don't even enter into the case. I don't care what their name is, or what their disease is, or if it isn't a disease. I don't care if it's a sin, or unemployment. None of that makes any difference to me, because I know that a person has nothing to do with their healing, anymore than they had anything to do with getting sick, or sinful, or dead, in the first place. All of the discords of this world are universal mind. In our work we sometimes call it 'hypnotism,' 'appearances,' but what I am trying to convey is that it has nothing to do with you, except that you and I are victims; but aside from that, it has nothing to do with us. We didn't cause it. It makes no difference whether we committed adultery, or robbed a bank. We have nothing to do with becoming sick or sinful. It has to do with a universal mesmerism, a universal hypnotism, and it strikes one person as disease, one person as false appetite, one person as sensuality, one person as poverty, another person as something else, and all the time, it has nothing to do with the person. It has to do with the fact that it is a universal hypnotism, and everybody, by virtue of having been conceived in their mother's womb, is a victim of it.

I can tell you this in a few minutes. It took me many, many years, not only to discover, but to prove this principle. Whenever anyone comes to me for help, I have no interest whatsoever in them, or what they're coming to me for. All I am interested in is this: there is a universal hypnotism, or a universal mesmerism, and it forms itself as sin, disease, death, lack, limitation, unemployment, depression, wars, accidents, and so forth. My work is to lay the ax at the root, not to bother picking off branches, not to bother picking off flowers, not to bother healing a little piece of flesh here, and a little false appetite there, and so forth. Lay the ax at the root! And realize, right off the reel, 'I'm not dealing with person or condition, I am dealing with a universal hypnotism. Now, what is the universal hypnotism?' And I'll tell you that it is the second chapter of Genesis. It is that which produced the false creation called 'mortal man'. It isn't a God creation at all. It has nothing of God in it. God never ordained a disease, God never caused a law of disease, God never caused a disease to flourish or spread. 'God is of too pure eyes to behold iniquity.' God has no pleasure in your dying, 'turn ye and live.'

For Study: THE ART OF SPIRITUAL HEALING, Chapters 1, 7.For Meditation: “Life is not at the mercy of matter.” – Joel, Wisdom #38


JOHN STEPHENSON: THE 2011 WAIKIKI CLASS "The Joyful Dimension of Spirit," Session 7 (Attend On-line or by Phone!)

The sections in this book [THE CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE] are really wonderful, especially in dealing with daily problems. He really shows us how practical this spiritual way of life is:

'God is infinite. Therefore, God must be the only employer. But since God is infinite, God must be the only employee. Employer and employee are not two beings, separate and apart from one another: God is both employer and employee. One, and not two. Inseparable; indivisible.'

Now any problem that you would be looking at in this world, when you go back to Oneness you realize that if there is an exchange, that exchange is taking place in a consciousness of Oneness. When it takes place in Oneness, it's harmonious, it's fulfilling.

'The Father said, “Son, all that I have is thine.” So whatever employment the Father has, the Son has. And this is not in the future tense, this is in the present tense, now. All that the Father has is mine. All the activity, all the employment, all the recognition; all the reward; all of that; all that the Father has.'

Where do we experience this but in that Silence. And we carry that into our daily life, and then what comes through us in this divine Consciousness is this idea of 'all that the Father has is mine.' That's a spiritual principle, because I and the Father is one.

'All that the Father has is mine, for I and the Father is one. We are not two, we are not separate from one another. We are not divisible. We are indivisible. We are one. And so, employer and employee are one. Here where I am, I and the Father are one, and in this oneness is my completeness. God is my supply, God is my meat, my wine, my bread, and my water. God is all of these things. When God gives me Himself, he is giving me bread, meat, wine, and water. God's Selfhood is my food, my clothing, my habitation, my transportation.'~~~~~~~~~~~~

'I am the vine, and ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit. For without me, you can do nothing.' We are impotent without the activity of God. 'If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch and is withered. And men gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.' Now, this is the same as the 'thousand falling at my right and the ten-thousand at my left'. Those that have not awakened to their spiritual nature go through this life subject unto the pain and pleasure, the suffering of this world, until they awaken, until they realize there is a spiritual component to their being. And once they realize that component, they can be purified; and in that purification they realize their true nature. … Purification has nothing to do with material concepts. Purification is getting rid of all material concepts. What the church has created as sin are all material concepts, and they have labeled all these concepts as sin, all these activities. Most of these activities have a spiritual component to them! They have a spiritual basis to them. But because they are judged, they are labeled as sin. Mainly, it was sex. But sex is a part of our lives! There is nothing evil about sex; there is nothing sinful about sex. If you follow the precept of 'Love your neighbor as yourself,' when you express that love, it is going to be in its pure form, it's going to be an expression of Love that is eternal. So when we purify ourself, it doesn't mean that we are giving up all of our human activities, it means that we are looking at the human activities from the spiritual consciousness of oneness, this one Life, this one Life that is expressing Itself in all these dimensions. And when we are partaking of life from a spiritual perspective, we are partaking of life in an attitude of respect, of love. In a sense, we are moral when we are functioning in the world through this awareness of the presence of God … . For Study: THE CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE, Chapter 10.

“It is not vast quantities of mechanical work that appeals to the Divine, but it is the link with the divine consciousness established through that work that matters. This consideration of the spirit in which the work is done is of the utmost

relevance to all of us who want to progress toward divine consciousness. When one is conscious during work, that quality of consciousness is naturally imparted to what one is working with or upon. Such work retains the vibration of

that person and they link others immediately with that cause. - from THE YOGA OF WORK, by M.P. Pandit

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11th – On-line Meeting - 7:30 P.M.

VIRGINIA STEPHENSON: THE OCTOBER, 2011 LESSON/ THE 1994 ASILOMAR CLASS "Awake From the Dream," Session 9 (Attend On-line or by Phone!)

In Yoga teaching, the master takes on the problems of the students, but in Christianity the stress is on individual development. There's a little different slant in the Eastern philosophy, in that you don't develop your individuality. It's to become self-less, and to emerge into Deity, and to lose awareness of your self. But in Christianity, it's also to be self-less, to negate the human ego, but it is to develop your Soul-capacities so that you visibly become the Tree of Life, you are the Tree of Life: God made manifest in the flesh, or God incarnate.

In the book CONSCIOUSNESS UNFOLDING, Joel speaks about that, that he felt Jesus' demonstration was a little higher than Buddha's, because he revealed the spiritual nature of body, so that body wasn't to be negated. Of course, whenever you do that, there is no healing consciousness; and so, in Buddhism, as a rule, there is no healing consciousness, because it is a misunderstanding of what the word 'maya' or 'illusion' means.

'To know that one has been functioning in the dream is the beginning of the awakening.' - Joel, Wisdom #112

To me, these [Wisdoms] were very helpful, because they clue us. When you are dwelling on person, place, or thing, you are functioning in the dream. How many times, we drift into the dream-world, don't we? And often with friends, we get into a conversation about 'this person' and 'that person', and there we are, in the dream! You know, Jesus said anything more than 'no' or 'yes' is of the evil one. It's difficult, but it's true, because all of our conversations and discussions are about 'this world,' even our politics. But as long as we have the facility to consciously know the truth and do world work; and there are those of you here that do have a healing consciousness and are awake, and can do world work. … There really are not two worlds, there is one world, and it's spiritual and eternal and immortal. But we only experience that world when we are not living as a person, as a mortal. When we are living in the parenthesis, then we come down, and we are living in the dream. So we have to keep waking ourselves up, and that is what meditation is all about, to awaken: 'Awake, thou that sleepeth … .' Every time that we meditate, and we come back to the now moment, we are awake. In that awakened state, we have power. It is not a power that we can use, but it is God-power; and wherever we go, the Christ is operating. Even without our doing anything it is being done, because we are in that awakened state. Of course, it's wonderful, if you're working, because you are a better worker. Your mind is more clear. And if you are a student, if you can have many moments of meditation, you can absorb the work that is given you in college, or in school, and you can discern the 'nut' of it, the essence of what you're reading and retain it. Whereas, if you are in a dream world, you can't retain anything. Everything you read goes out of your mind, because you are just floating. So, those short meditations increase your mental capacities and sharpens your ability to discern the real from the unreal, the true from the false. You can go into a book a short distance, and then you say, 'Well, they don't have it. They don't see.' And you're not critical, but you discern where they are in their unfolding of consciousness.

… You cannot enter other people's mentality and ask or pray for them. It's terrible! It's tyranny, it's mental tyranny. I have a passion for freedom, just as Joel did. The healing consciousness is a free consciousness. It's neither land-locked, it isn't held in any prison bars of mental concept. It is free, and that is why you can be healed, because there's nothing there but freedom. That's why you can't give it to anybody; they have to come to you. … He [the Master] never went to one person without them asking, and following, and that's why you cannot give this [truth] to anybody. It's better to just keep everything within you secret and sacred until you see it demonstrated: wherever you go, there is freedom.

For Meditation: “Let God be God.” - Mary Baker EddyFor Study: Virginia's Monthly Lesson For October, 2011; Subscriptions for Virginia’s Monthly Lessons: Leslie Lewis, 3731 Kanina Ave, #231, Honolulu, HI 96815. Tel: (808) 779-9817. Email:


JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1962 LONDON CLOSED CLASS “Dominion,” Tape 4, Side 2” (Attend On-line or by Phone!)

Dominion is something given to us by God, and therefore, we always have it. It has never been taken away from us. The only thing that has been taken away from us is the exercise of our dominion. That, we have surrendered. The dominion we still have, and we can assert it at any moment that seems to be important enough to us, and not before. Nobody is going to assert their dominion because it requires an effort, and at this stage of experience, a very vigorous and continued effort, until we once more are in possession of our dominion. Now, we do not want dominion over each other. Let us immediately get all ideas out of our heads that what we are seeking is dominion over somebody else, or dominion over something else. The dominion that we are seeking is a dominion over our own universe, and that means dominion over our own consciousness as to what we accept as true or false.

… We do not have any dominion over weather, we do not have any dominion over climate, we do not have any dominion over germs, we have dominion over our consciousness, and thereby, we accept our consciousness as being power, authority, and dominion. 'All power is given unto me …,' and automatically, we are withdrawing it from weather, climate, germs. The first thing you know, we are freer from those conditions than the rest of the world.

Where is our God-given dominion over the calendar? Well, we have it, but we have not exercised it, and that is the word. If you want to go through life and maintain your body in some degree of health and harmony, your faculties, you may not achieve the full 100% of spiritual perfection – let us be satisfied if we do a little less than 100% – the point is that we must have dominion. We must recognize that God is the same today as when we were 30, and if God is the same today, God's government is the same today over spirit, soul, mind, and body. 'Your body is the temple of the living God,' and God governs it: but not if you surrender dominion to a calendar; not if you surrender dominion to time; not if you surrender dominion to climate or weather. Heavens no! All of these loses of freedom have come about because we have surrendered. Not because we do not have dominion, but because we have not exercised dominion. Not because we should have dominion over anything external to us, but we must have dominion over what we accept in our consciousness. Do we accept in our consciousness two powers, or one power? Do we accept in our consciousness a power external to us, or all power as being within us? We are the one determining this. God gave us this dominion. It can only be kept by exercising it.

… You will find that in your meditations, every divine idea necessary for you to have will come forth. You cannot get it out of the world, and I will tell you why. Everything that is out in the world belongs to somebody, and you'll either be struggling to take it away from them, or praying to God to deliver it to you, and that is not the way. The way is to discover that God constitutes your individual being. God is your life, God is your mind. Now get inside of your mind and draw forth its treasures; 'open out a way for the imprisoned Splendor to escape.' But do it first by realizing, 'the kingdom of God is within you.' And, 'Whatever of good is to come into my life must well up from within me.' For Study: SEEK YE FIRST, Chapter 10.

For Meditation: “Perfection is gained only by perfection.'”- Mary Baker Eddy

“Always stay in your own movie.” - Ken Kesey

“A paradox is only the truth standing on its head to attract attention.” - G.K. Chesterton

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25th – On-line Only Meeting at 7:30 P.M.

JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1958 SECOND CHICAGO CLOSED CLASS "Spiritual Healing Without Words or Thoughts,” Tape 1, Side 2 (Review of 1st Sunday's Recording) (Attend On-line or by Phone!)

Try to see what I am saying to you: spiritual healing is accomplished only by an actual God realization. It isn't something I can do or you can do. It's a God realization; but the thing that enables me to attain the God realization is that I pay no attention to the person or condition or thing, but I go right down to the root and realize,

'This is a picture drawn by the universal mesmerism, the universal hypnotism, or the 2nd Chapter of Genesis. That which “the Lord God Jehovah,” or somebody or other, created. Man, really: the mind of man-created, the 2nd Chapter of Genesis, and he built all these pictures, then he gave names to them, too. But they never were part of God's creation, and you can tell that in this way: in God's creation, there was light before there was sun; in God's creation there was a crop before there was a seed planted. In other words, you had no material processes.'

Now that's the whole secret, and that is the secret of Melchizedek. Melchizedek had neither father nor mother. Why? He had no material processes. Well, don't you know that's the true life of you and of me is Melchizedek. We, in our true identity, are Melchizedek. We have neither mother nor father, and there was no material process in our birth. Ah, yes. In the Adam-dream, we went through this picture of incarnation, but in our true identity, it never happened. In our true identity, there is a Me, standing back here. I call it “I”. … I was out here before I was conceived in my mother's womb; and I will be out here if I ever should go through the experience of passing on.

… The moment you say, 'I am physical, I am mortal, I am material, I am sick,' or 'I am well,' that moment you are lying to me, you are talking from the standpoint of the dream. And if I can 'stand porter at the door of thought,' I don't take it in. I just stay up here with, 'I am I, and I know that! God is, and thou art, and I know that. Thou art the beloved Son of God, and I know that.' Then I don't have to come down to persons or treatments. All I have to come down to is laying the ax at the root. All I have to see is, 'Look, what you have presented to me is the carnal mind, which is the arm of flesh, or nothingness. The moment I do not have two powers – now you see, I've not made carnal mind the opposite of Divine Mind, and I'm not looking for a Divine Mind to do something to a carnal mind. The minute I have made the carnal mind a nothingness, the arm of flesh, or nothingness, I can do just what it says in Scripture: 'and they rested in his word.' That's what I can do. Now that I've nullified the carnal mind, I can rest in this word, and I can wait here for the Spirit of the Lord God to be upon me. When it does, it breaks the hypnotism.

… How do I break that hypnotism for a person? What can I do? A hypnotist just snaps his fingers and you jump; or he wills you to awaken. I can't use any of those methods, because I am not allowed to use anything that is physical or mental. I am not allowed to use things or thoughts to break the hypnotism. And you can imagine that while I was doing it all the time as a healer, I wasn't aware of what it is that broke the hypnotism. And then I found that famous passage that you will find all throughout my writings, 'the stone carved out of the side of a mountain withouthands.' And by the time I had spent some months puzzling that one, I had the answer: your 'weapon' is something that's neither physical nor mental. Now play that one over on your organ for a while! Your offense, your defense, your weapon against error is something that is neither physical nor mental. Now let's sit here for a little while and see what happens to you if you are not allowed to have any weapon that's physical or mental.

For Study: THE ART OF SPIRITUAL HEALING, Chapters 9, 10.

For Meditation: “For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.” - ISAIAH 30:15

“For as much as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass

hereafter: and the dream [is] certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.” - Daniel 2:45

************ON-LINE STUDY (At Your Convenience). To hear this recording, go to: l

LUELLA OVEREEM: THE 1985 CLEVELAND CLOSED CLASS “God Experience Is Individual,” Tape 2 , Side 2

Question: “Why is it that a condition seems to continue, in spite of the obtaining a feeling of the 'fulness of the God-head bodily'? How do we get deeper into the Soul of us?”

Answer: “Well, it isn't a condition. That is, you have to go deeper. You have to go deeper, and that is a good way to do it, to let go of these concepts. Just calling it a 'condition' means that you are thinking of it as something real. We have to check on ourselves and see how much we are holding on to. It's just a matter of letting go of human beliefs, because whatever the appearance of discord is, God didn't create it, and therefore, it isn't anything real. It's an image in the mind; and some things seem to be tougher than others to let go of. Some are easy, and some take longer. You can't tell anyone what particular thing it is: that has to come to you , what you are holding on to, what you have to discontinue. You may be going deeper in many other areas, but in that particular place, you have to go deeper. That's what we've been saying. If you're trying to heal a condition, trying to heal an appearance of disease, of anything, you see, there is the block. We have to have our focus on realizing God, experiencing God, and not on trying to heal something that isn't really there.”

Question: “It used to be, in meditation, that I felt a 'click'. Actually, it was more like an electric shock. I don't experience that any more. … Is this 'shock' feeling something a lot of people experience, and is it related to my meditation?”

Answer: “It doesn't matter what you feel, and it doesn't matter whether it is similar to what anybody else on earth ever felt or not. These are feelings, and it's an after-effect. It has nothing to do with your meditation. It is your conditioning, or your individual interpretation of it, because when you are one with God, in that moment of union with God, there isn't any feeling at all. Feeling is a human sense. It is the mind interpreting it, and it's after the event. In that moment of contact, in that instant, there is no such thing. What we experience afterward, or the way we interpret it, depends on our own conditioning, on a great many things, and it is of absolutely no importance whatsoever, how you feel, how you interpret it. So, it's a sign which is individual to you, that you've made that contact within, and that's what counts, not the form it takes, not the effect that you interpret it afterwards [as]. So the best thing to do is to pay no attention to any kind of physical or emotional feeling that you have with meditation. These change; you may never have two that seem the same, or you may have a certain kind of feeling that goes along for years, when you meditate, but it's not important; it doesn't matter. You pay no attention to that outer form. All that matters is your inner contact. We have to get to the place where it isn't just an event that takes place two or three times a day, but where we're actually living in meditation and going about our regular work. And yet, we are living out from that consciousness of our spiritual identity. It's just that more, in the beginning, you feel these things that seems strange to you. It's to be a way of life, and you don't notice the feelings. For Study: MAN WAS NOT BORN TO CRY, Chapter 8.

“I have ridden the wind,I have ridden the stars,

I have ridden the force that fliesWith far intent thro' the firmament

And to each allies.And everywhere

That a thought may dareTo gallop, mine has trod –

Only to stand at last on the strandWhere just beyond lies God.” – Cale Young Rice