The Christmas Gift

Post on 06-May-2015

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The true meaning of a Christmas Gift.


Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15

The tradition of gift-giving extends back to the Wise men bringing gifts to

the Christ-child in the manger. We all know how they brought gifts of

gold, frankincense, and myrrh. It is a good tradition I believe, although the true meaning of

Christmas can be overshadowed by giving gifts.

Christmas shopping is a great tradition, but it can also be a very

trying time. So today, I want to help you out

with this year’s shopping. I want to give you a few pointers, as I take you shopping with me.

The best gift would be:

I. A Personal Gift.When we shop our gift should be a personal

gift. We are not shopping for ourselves. I usually head straight to electronics to get some

gadget. But my wife would not appreciate it if I got a new gadget. That just does not interest her.

She may want clothes or shoes. You see, you must buy the person you are

shopping for a personal gift. A gift that fits the person you are shopping for.

God gave a personal gift by giving his Son to die for our sins (John 3:16). He came for

everyone. He came for you! He did not just come for the rich. He did not just come for the poor. He did

not just come for people from England. He came for everyone.

He came and died for you personally, and He would have done it if you were the only person

on the planet!His gift is personal, for each and every one of


2. A Practical Gift.When we go Christmas shopping for those we love, it does not have to be

the best or the most expensive gift, as the old saying goes ‘it is the thought

that counts.’ Our gifts should be practical, not as one lady said to her husband, “This

year let us give each other more practical gifts like socks and fur coats.”

Jesus has given us the most practical gift of all, eternal life for those who

turn to Him. It is something that we all need.

It is something that we all must have. Without it we die and go to hell. With

it, we live eternally. How much more practical could you


3. A Pleasing Gift.The gifts that we give should be

something that would please the one we are giving the gift to.

I would not want to give my daughter a Bible Commentary because I know that is not a gift that would please her (a laptop

would please her). We all know what happens to gifts that

we do not really care for they get put on a shelf somewhere.

God gave me an unspeakably pleasing gift in Jesus. What more could I ask for? “Every

good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh

down from the Father” James 1:17

4. Permanent Gift.The gift that we give should be something that

is permanent and of lasting value. Not something cheaply made that will break the

first day it is used. Also it should be something that will at least

keep the interest beyond Christmas day alone. We have all seen children who get all kinds of nice expensive gifts for Christmas and by the

end of the day they are playing with the boxes and paper.

God gave us the permanent Gift of eternal life (John 10:28 “And I give unto them

eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of

my hand.”) There is really nothing else that we could ever ask for or desire that is higher than

this gift. Jesus laid down His own self so that we

could have this permanent gift.

5. Purchased Gift.It is always a good idea to purchase the gift you are going to buy and not just walk out of the store with

it. So make sure you pay for your gifts!!However, Jesus has already purchased the greatest

gift for us and that is of salvation. What is the best gift you could give this Christmas? You give flowers to your mother because you love

her. A tie to your dad. And your heart to Jesus! What is the best gift you could give this Christmas? Your


I hope that these five little pointers will be a help with

your Christmas shopping this year.

More importantly, I hope that you will accept the free gift

from God sent to you personally. The gift of his Son!

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