The Church of Saint Joseph...Creed is an authoritative summary of Christian-ity‘s basic beliefs....

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Celebration of the Eucharist

Saturday Anticipation Mass: 4:00 p.m.

Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m.

Extraordinary Form: 12:00 p.m.

Daily Celebration of the Eucharist

Monday - Saturday: 8:00 a.m.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday:

Extraordinary Form: 12:00 pm.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

3:00-3:30 p.m. Saturday,

11:30-11:45 a.m. Sunday & by appointment


Please call the Priory Office for Sacramental

Preparation (518) 274-6720


Parishioners contemplating marriage should

contact the Priory at least six months in

advance of their intended wedding date.

The Church of

Saint Joseph 416 Third Street (518) 274-6720

Troy, NY 12180


Fr. James R. Sidoti, O. Carm.

Parochial Vicar, Prior

Fr. Lucian W. Beltzner, O. Carm.

Director of Faith Formation

Patti Schwartz

Cemetery Superintendent

Jason Demarest (518) 461 - 9222

Parish Secretary

Sandi DiNicola

Cemetery & Parish Information: (518) 274-6720

Office hours: Mon.– Fri. 9am-12pm, and 1pm-4pm

Directors of Music Ministry

James Early (Novus Ordo)

Bernard Ouimet (Extraordinary Form)

Carmelite Director of Vocations

Fr. Francis Amodio, O. Carm.

Food Pantry: Mon-Thurs. 9-12; (518) 244-3347

Served by the Carmelites

of the Ancient Observance

St. Joseph Parish Member Enrollment ~ Parish Member Update of Contact Information

Name Address

City State Zip Code Phone ( )_______

Email address: ______________________________________________________________________________

St. Joseph Church Mission StatementSt. Joseph Church Mission StatementSt. Joseph Church Mission StatementSt. Joseph Church Mission Statement

We, the Parish of St. Joseph, South Troy, are Roman

Catholics who strive by our reverent and devout

worship to make our church a House of Prayer. By our

concern for the education of the young and for the

spiritual and temporal welfare of all, we take special

effort to make St. Joseph’s a place of learning

hospitality, assistance and celebration.

Fifth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2018


SATURDAY, April 28 8:00 Mary Bellows - Sr. Frances Scanlon Billy Cisco (L, B) - Jonnie Box 4:00 Harry & Pauline Vetoich (A) - Rose Wronowski Br. Paul Allan Carey - Tom & Marge Heffner Thomas Hughes - Ostrander Family Janet Pontore - Kate Gregaydis (sister)

SUNDAY, April 29

8:30 People of The Parish

Milos & DiRienzo Families – Family 10:30 James Tario (B) - Meg Brian “Bronik” Gawlowski

- Peggy Gulliver 12:00EF– Joan Ilowiecki (L)

- Jim & Mary Ilowiecki

MONDAY, April 30 8:00 Carmelite Purgatorial Society

Brian “Bronik” Gawlowski - Maria & Tony Skotnicki 12:00 EF – Marietta Milkowski (B) - Family

TUESDAY, May 1 8:00 Mary Bellows - Sr. Frances Scanlon


WEDNESDAY, May 2 8:00 Eugene Morris - Charlotte (wife) 12:00 EF – Joseph A. Bouchard - Kirk & Janine Fazioli

THURSDAY, May 3 8:00 Patricia Kaelin (W/A) - Husband (ROSARY FOLLOWING MASS)

FRIDAY, May 4 (First Friday) 8:00 In honor of the Sacred Heart - Parishioner 12:00 EF– Deceased members of the O’Brien &

Kehn Family - Family

SATURDAY, May 5 (First Saturday) 8:00 In honor of the Blessed Mother - Parishioner 4:00 Marguerite Bissette (98B) - Gail (daughter) & Larry Joann Ciarlone - Family Kathleen Kelly Kane - Family Joseph Oathout - The Spillane Family Thomas Hughes - Renato & Antoniette Carbonara


8:30 People of The Parish

Carol Clementi (W/A) – Family Ann and Dorothy Markham

- Markham & Ahern Familes Frances Luke - Diane Novak Czerniawski 10:30 ……………..May Crowning………………...……… John Collins - Niece Fernanda Corina (B) - Gina Corina Walter Sefcik - Irene (wife) 12:00EF– Agnes Barrett - John & Clare Bracken

(EF) means the Mass is celebrated in Latin; the Extraordinary

We welcome into the life of God and the Church

Zachary Michael Poette

baptized Saturday, April 28, 2018

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Do you want to become Catholic?

If you would like to receive the Sacraments of: Baptism, 1st Communion, and Confirmation - the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program is for you.

Call Marion Hills at (518) 271-2290 for more information.

Parish Prayer Line

Call Lea Cramer with prayer requests, at 274-7806, or call the Priory. We pray especially for our ill and homebound parishioners in our daily prayers.

2018 Faith Formation Program/Youth Confirmations will be this Saturday, April 28th at 5pm; celebrated at St. Michael the Archangel Church, Troy, with Bishop Emeritus Howard Hubbard. (Latin) 2018 Confirmations will be Saturday, May 12, 2018 @ 12pm, at St. Joseph Church, Troy, with Bishop Edward Scharfenberger, Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany.

This bulletin can be found online at: http://stjosephcatholicchurchhttp://stjosephcatholicchurchhttp://stjosephcatholicchurch

Confirmation Schedule

In charity, please pray

for the repose of the soul of:

Mary M. Walsh

who entered into eternal life.


(available)(available)(available)(available) CARMELITE CHAPEL CANDLE

Laura DiNicola (L) Laura DiNicola (L) Laura DiNicola (L) Laura DiNicola (L) ---- Family HOST AND WINE

(available)(available)(available)(available) FLOWERS BESIDE OUR LADY


Fred B. McKeon, Jr. (B) Fred B. McKeon, Jr. (B) Fred B. McKeon, Jr. (B) Fred B. McKeon, Jr. (B) ---- Family

Are you or someone dear to you celebrating 50 years of marriage?

It is our honor to invite couples of the archdiocese cele-brating 50 years of marriage during 2018 to the Golden Jubilee Wedding Mass at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on June 3, 2018, at 2:15 p.m. The Mass will be celebrated by His Eminence, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan.

Golden Jubilee Wedding Mass Sunday, June 3, 2018 at 2:15 p.m.

Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, 5th Avenue and 51st Street All who wish to attend the Mass must register by Monday, May 14, 2018. Please contact your parish secretary to register. Pews will be reserved for Golden Jubilee couples and one (1) family/friend. All Golden Jubilee couples will receive a commemorative certificate.

Saint Joseph Church Troy, New York

6th Sunday of Easter - May 5/6


4:00 Rosemary Oathout

8:30 Susan Finn

10:30 Jonathan Memole

Extraordinary Ministers

4:00 Jeanne Dobrindt, Eileen Schrom, Paul Feeley

8:30 Pat Colucci, Jack Shields, Mary Jane Ciccarelli

10:30 Sharon Styles, William Keefer, Kim Myers

Bulletin Memorials We are currently accepting renewals, payments, and changes to Bulletin Memorials at the Priory Office. There is a waiting list for new memorials. Any remaining spaces will be available July 23 - July 31, 2017. New back cover is anticipated to be in print August 4. The cost is $100/year for each single-space Memorial or Ad. The proceeds are used to defray bulletin printing expenses.

Next Weekend’s Lay Ministry Schedule

Monday, April 30, 2018 7:00 p.m. Parish Evening Prayer Group

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 1:30 p.m. Parish Afternoon Prayer Group

Saturday, May 5, 2018 3-3:30 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession)

St. Joseph Calendar of EventsSt. Joseph Calendar of EventsSt. Joseph Calendar of EventsSt. Joseph Calendar of Events

Sunday, April 22, 2018 How we came … 347 How we gave …. $ 3,561.00 - First Collection

$ 1,494.00 - Second Collection $ 357.00 - Miscellaneous

Upcoming Collections: May 6 - Mother’s Day May 10 - Ascension Thursday May 13 - Insurance

Thank you for your continued support!

Spring Enrichment begins Wednesday, May 16th

Our Diocese’s Spring Enrichment 2018 will be at the College of Saint Rose in Al-bany from Wednesday, May 16 through Friday, May 18. V i s i t : w w w . r c d a . o r g /springenrichment to register,

or call St. Rose: 518-453-6602.

Classes: Sundays 9:15am-10:15am

Downstairs in the Madden Center

~Patti Schwartz, Director News from Faith Formation: In our Sunday

classes we continue to study “The Creed.” A

Creed is an authoritative summary of Christian-

ity‘s basic beliefs. The word Creed comes from

the Latin word “credo”- literally translated, “I

believe!“ In our daily lives with love in our hearts, we believe and

express our love with our words and deeds. Our students will

review: if we live with integrity, and there is unity of our thoughts,

words, and deeds - then our hearts and hands are voices. We say

what we mean, and we do as we say. We “walk the talk”. Looking

ahead, we will be having our May crowning on Sunday May 6th

during our children’s Liturgy. Please join us as we honor our

Blessed Mother! Have a blessed week!

Faith Formation ProgramFaith Formation ProgramFaith Formation ProgramFaith Formation Program

The 2019 Mass Book will open Monday, June 11, 2018.

To request multiple Mass intentions for loved ones, please bring a printed list with you. Mass stipends are $10. Candle memorials are $5. To sponsor the Host & Wine for one week is $10, & flower bouquets by the statue of Our Lady are $30.

5th Annual Rosary Walk for Life 2018

with Bishop Ed Scharfenberger

sponsored by the K of C

Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 10:30am - 3:00 p.m. The Rosary Walk starts at the Cathedral of the

Immaculate Conception, 125 Eagle St., Albany, and will process around the Capitol.

The Sunday Luncheon in the Madden Center

will be on hold this weekend, Sunday April 29th.

Please join us again on May 6th. Thank you.

I am the vine, you are the branches.

Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing, (Jn. 15:5).

Please prayerfully consider sacrificially giving to the

parish, by increasing your weekly offering by $2 to

adjust to a rise in the cost of living. It would help

April 29, 2018 5th Sunday of Easter

“Children, let us love not in word or speech

but in deed and truth.” - 1 JOHN 3:18

Regarding our Catholic faith, do you “walk the talk?” Do your actions reflect what it means to

be a good disciple? Are you an active participant at Sunday Mass? Are you joyful when participating in parish ministry? Do you give gratefully and generously with your financial sup-port to your parish and other Church needs? If not, it’s not too

late to start. – USCCB Office of Stewardship

If you remain in me {keep my commands} and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you

want and it will be done for you, (Jn. 15:7).

May 6th Crowning of Mary will be at the 10:30 am Mass.

In Loving Memory of John & Ada Brennan andJohn & Ada Brennan andJohn & Ada Brennan andJohn & Ada Brennan and

Daniel & Margaret Lynch Daniel & Margaret Lynch Daniel & Margaret Lynch Daniel & Margaret Lynch

Requested by: John & Peggy Lynch-Brennan

Roy F. Bordeau, Director

In Loving Memory of

Edna & Daniel O’Connell, Sr.,

William O’Connell, &

Mary Alice O’Connell Rapp

Love & Miss You - Your Family

Remembrance of Landrigan &

Glinkowski Families

`tÜ|x _tÇwÜ|ztÇ Uâv~Äxç

In Loving Memory of

Zillgitt & Snay Families

Your Loving Family

In Loving Memory of

Rose Donnelly Quinn

Your Loving Family

In Loving Memory of

James P. Brennan and

Fr. J. Gregory Brennan, OFM

Holy Name Province

Forever Loved

In Memory of

James W. Cramer

Your Loving Family

Dedicated with love to the


In Memory of

Joseph Bessette, Marguerite Bessette-Day & David Bessette

Daughter, Gail, & Larry

In Memory of

James & Florence Sullivan

Requested by daughter

In Loving Memory of

The Kane & Wachtel Families

Your Loving Family

In Loving Memory of

Joseph & Mary Perrotto

Joanne, Virginia, Anthony & Sam

By The Perrotto Family

In Memory of the

Babies Aborted in the Babies Aborted in the Babies Aborted in the Babies Aborted in the U.S. since 22 Jan.1973U.S. since 22 Jan.1973U.S. since 22 Jan.1973U.S. since 22 Jan.1973

The Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe

In Loving Memory of

Donohue and Guinan Families

Your Loving Family

With prayers for our country

In Loving Memory of The Purcell & Conway The Purcell & Conway The Purcell & Conway The Purcell & Conway

Families Families Families Families Shirley Conway

and Thomas Purcell

\Ç _Éä|Çz `xÅÉÜç Éy\Ç _Éä|Çz `xÅÉÜç Éy\Ç _Éä|Çz `xÅÉÜç Éy\Ç _Éä|Çz `xÅÉÜç Éy The Remarchuk

& Galusky Families

The Remarchuk Family

In Memory of

James T. Hynes

J. Kevin Hynes

Your Loving Family

In Loving Memory of

Leo Gillick

By Jack, Tom and Marie

In Loving Memory of

Catherine & Thomas Oathout

Your Loving Family

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TROY, NY 12180


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Von's Airline

Service Station

350 Third Street

Troy, NY 12180

Open: M-F, 8-5

(518) 274-3911


Stephen J. Spillane

Love and Miss You

Your Loving Family

In Loving Memory of

Deceased Members of the

Colucci & Hogan Families

Patricia and John Colucci

Merola's Hair

Styling Center

502 4th St.

Troy, NY 12180

(518) 272-4010

In Loving Memory of The Deceased Members of the Rothenheber and Schrom Families Emmet and Carol Schrom

In Loving Memory of

David CunninghamDavid CunninghamDavid CunninghamDavid Cunningham Your Loving Family

In Loving Memory of Deceased Members of the Leo F. & Patricia O’Brien Boland Family

At the Request of Family

In Loving Memory of

Mr. and Mrs. John P.

Welsh, Sr.

And Eliza M. Welsh

Your Loving Family

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24 Hour Emergency Service

In Loving Memory of

The Feeley and Motta Families Love You Always Your Loving Family

In Loving Memory of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Welsh, Sr.

And Eliza M. Welsh Your Loving Family

Our beloved husband, father & brother Patrick Francis Myers

Love Always Kim, Hannah, Sasha and Marion

Leahy, Bocketti, &

Harasymiak, LLC.