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A Thesis

Presented to Letters and Humanities Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of th

Requirements for The Subtitute of Thesis Assignment



NIM. 1112026000043








Vani Trivianti, The Class Shift of Simple Sentence in English Indonesian

Translation of The Stars Shine Down Novel. A Thesis: English Letters Department,

Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah,

Jakarta 2016.

This research aims to find realization of Catford’s theory of shift especially

class shift and to examine the translation equivalence in simple sentences of

English Indonesian translation in The Stars Shine Down novel by Sidney Sheldon

by using qualitative descriptive method. The writer reads both source language and

translation novel, collects the simple sentences containing class shift. After

collecting data, the writer analyzes by classifying the type of class shift and

describing how the word has been shifted by the translator, and the writer analyzes

the translation equivalence of class shift occurred in the novel by Nida’s theory. As

the result, the type of class shift applied in the novel are noun to verb, verb to noun,

adjective to verb, adverb to verb, pronoun to noun, verb to adjective, and adjective

to noun. The shift that often occurred is from noun to verb. All the simple sentences

that contain class shift achieve the equivalence translation based on Nida’s theory.

Keywords: class shift, equivalence, simple sentence, translation




A ThesisSubmitted to Faculty of Adab and HumanitiesIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

The Strata One (S1) Degree

VANI TRIVIANTINIM. t112026000043

Approved by


@z*2Drs. Saefuddin. M.Pd

NIP.19640710 199303 I 006









I hereby declare that this thesis which entitled The Class of Simple Sentence in

English-Indonesian Translation of The Stars Shine Down Novel is completely my

own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief. It contains no material

previously published or written by another person nor material which to substantial

extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the

university or the other institute of higher learning, except where due

acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, January 2017

Vani Trivianti



In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. There is no

word better that praises to Allah, who has blessed the writer and gives the writer

much of strengthens and guidance in completing this thesis. Peace and salutation

be upon the most honorable Prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his companies,

and his adherents.

Secondly, the writer would like to express her greatest honor to her parents

who take the most important place in the writer’s life. Thanks for their love,

patience, support, advice and fully finance during her study and the process of this

thesis, and also all her families who always support and pray for her success. The

most thanks is also addressed to her advisor and also as the head of English Lattes

Department Drs. Saefuddin, M.Pd who has been fully guiding and supporting the

writer very well in process of this thesis from beginning until finishing.

Furthermore, the writer also would like to express her sincere gratitude and

thankfulness to:

1. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA., as the Rector of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

State Islamic University.

2. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, MA., as the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

3. All the lectures of English Letters Department in Syarif Hidayatullah Jalarta

State Islamic University.

4. Members of KAA, thanks for being her closest friends over the last 3 years

and thanks for every laughter and supporting each other.


5. Special person, Choirudin. Thanks for being the comfortable place for the

writer to narrate everything, who always stands by the writer in her ups and

downs, and also advises and supports the writer to complete this analysis.

6. All people who cannot be mentioned one by one, thanks for the kindness of

helping the writer in completed this thesis.

Finally, the writer realizes this thesis is not perfect, so the writer welcomes to

receive critics and suggestion to make this thesis to be better. The writer hopes this

thesis will be useful for the writer herself and for who interested in this field.

Jakarta, January 2017

The writer



Table 2.1 Sixt Types of Verbs .............................................................................. 16

Table 2.2 Types of Adverb and Example.............................................................. 18

Table 2.3 Example of Intra-system shift .............................................................. 22

Table 3.1 Data Description ................................................................................... 31



Abbreviation Explanation

i.g. example

etc. Et cetera

dsb dan sebagainya



ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i

APPROVEMENT ............................................................................................... ii

LEGALIZATION ............................................................................................... iii

DECLARATION ................................................................................................. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. v

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................ vii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Research ............................................................. 1

B. Focus of Research ............................................................................. 6

C. Research Question ............................................................................ 6

D. Significance of Research................................................................... 6

E. Objective of the Research ................................................................ 7

F. Methodology of Research ................................................................. 7

1. Method of Research .................................................................... 7

2. Instrument of Research ............................................................... 7

3. Analysis Unit .............................................................................. 8

4. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................ 8

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................. 9

A. Previous Research ............................................................................ 9

B. Translation ....................................................................................... 11


C. Translation Shift .............................................................................. 13

D. Equivalence ...................................................................................... 23

1. Definition of Equivalence .......................................................... 23

2. Type of Equivalence .................................................................. 24

E. Simple Sentence ............................................................................... 28

CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDING ............................................................ 31

A. Data Description .............................................................................. 31

B. Data Analysis ................................................................................... 33

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSIONS AND SUGESTIONS ................................... 47

A. Conclusions ......................................................................................... 47

B. Suggestions ......................................................................................... 48

WORK CITED ................................................................................................... 49

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 51




A. Background of Research

In the general, Language is one of tools used by human being to

communicate each other. According to Harimurti Kridalaksana, Language is a

system, it means language is not a number of elements which is collected

uniformly (3). The language is arbitrary and based on the agreement and there

are so many languages around the world. Communication in many languages is

very important, so the method of communication is needed to apply the

communication. Because of there are so many languages in all over the world,

the communication become problem and the solution of the problem in different

language is through translation.

Translation involves two different languages with different cultural

backgrounds. Translation connects between countries in the world with

different language and culture. Translation is an effort to divert messages from

one language to another. Therefore we cannot see translation as merely effort

to replace the text in one language to another (Sayogie 6).

Translation as an activity, not only involves the source language and

the target language but also involves the source culture and the target culture.

At this moment there has been a lot of texts translated to other languages. The

translation text itself is divided into literary text and non-literary text.


Translating literary texts is also different from non-literary texts. Translator of

literary works, especially novel, should really has knowledge of source

language and target language, and has cultural understanding of source

language and cultural understanding of target language. In translating the text,

both literary and non-literary works the translator should pay to equivalence

meaning in source language and target language. The translator should convey

the same message in target language with the author aims in the source


In finding equivalence, the translator often has difficulties which causes

by differences of language system between source language and target

language. Translation procedure will be very important to use in translation

process. Translation procedure is used in the translation process in the levels of

sentences, clauses, phrases and words in a text. The translator can adapt the

changes of grammatical and meaning in the target language. Grammatical

differences found in source language and target language leads to a shift of

clause, phrase, and words order. That shift is called translation shift, that

expressed by Catford.

Translation shift is divided into two: level shift and category shift,

and category shift itself is divided into four, they are: structure shift, class shift,

unit shift, and intra-system shift (Catford 73). Because translation shift is too

large to be discussed, so the writer decides to analyze class shift. This class

shift occurs when there is a shift of word class (kind word) in translation, the


differences of word class from one language to another is also become another

difficulty for the translator to find the equivalences in translation.

The error to distinguish class shift with unit shift, intra-system shift

or the other also makes the writer interested to analyze more focus, so the

writer can distinguish and identify clearly between class shift with another.

Class shift is often found in translation and most of the readers do not aware

of it, and this topic is important to be discussed in order to give information

and explain about class shift that often occurs in translation. To get the

equivalence one of the ways is to do shift which known as the theory of

Catford. Therefore, the writer wants to know how the translator did the class

shift in the sentence to achieve the equivalence.

In this analysis the writer will find out the simple sentences which occur

the class shift in translation text. The writer will also describe whether this shifts

affect the meaning intended by the author of the source language text and the

writer also will examine them by the theory of equivalence by Nida. Nida

argued that there are two different types of equivalence, they are formal

equivalence and dynamic equivalence (Hatim and Munday 42).

The novel used by the writer for analysis is novel by Sidney Sheldon

The Stars Shine Down and its translation novel, entitled Kilau Bintang

Menerangi Bumi. Sidney Sheldon is an American writer and producer, he is

famous because of his works. This novel tells the story of Lara Cameron, a

successful real estate developer who came from a broken family in Nova Scotia.


Lara’s mother and her male twin die in their childbirth and her Scottish father,

who collects rents for boarding houses, doesn't want her. Early in life, she learns

to fend for herself and how to get her own way in a male-dominated world.

After her father's death due to a sudden heart failure, Lara takes up her father's

job along with her own kitchen work in the boarding house. She meets a man

called Charles Cohn who is much impressed by her. He hands her a contract for

building. To acquire a fine piece of land, she makes a deal with the owner of

the boarding house to secure her first building in exchange for her body. Thrilled

at her success, she moves to Chicago to start her real estate empire. Even though

she encounters many problems, she is able to overcome them all and become

one of America's most successful businesswomen, and receives the nickname,

"Iron Butterfly." She falls in love with a talented pianist, Philip Alder, and

marries him. She is on the verge of losing everything she has achieved as well

as the one man she loves, but the Iron Butterfly miraculously recovers from all

her shattered dreams and gains back all her hopes and the only man whom she

ever truly loved.

Practically, class shift occurs in translation world, for example class

shift occurs in the title of novel.

Source Language: the stars shine down

Target Language: kilau bintang menerangi bumi

In those sentences occur the class shift, from the word down to bumi

which classified as adverb to noun shift. The translator uses noun bumi to


translate the word (adverb) ‘down’, the word ‘down’ in the Meriam Webster

means from a higher to a lower place or position and in KBBI bumi means

planet tempat manusia hidup; dunia; jagat. From the meaning of those two

words there is not any relations. The writer gives the explanation that the

position of the stars is in the sky that is above the earth, when the stars shine to

the down automatically they shine down to the earth.

The translator avoids the ambiguity of translation if the sentence

translated literally ‘ke arah bawah’. The translator did the class shift in that

sentence to get acceptable translation result and to get the equivalence between

source language text and target language text, because in translating the novel,

the readability of the translation is more important than preserving the original


Based on Nida’s theory of equivalence this translation of the sentence

above is classified as dynamic equivalence. The translator takes the sentence or

thought from the original text and renders it into a sentence in the target

language that conveys the same meaning, but does not use the exact phrasing.

Based on the principle of dynamic equivalence by Nida, the translation

above has achieve the closest natural equivalence, and the translator did class

shift to avoid the ambiguity of translation.


B. Focus of Research

To avoid misunderstanding and to identify the problems, it is important

to limit the study. The writer focuses in class shift that occurs in the simple

sentences of the novel and how equivalences of them are achieved. The novel

which is used in this analysis is the novel by Sidney Sheldon The Stars Shine

Down and its translation text Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi and the writer

focuses on analyzing book one of the novel which consists of ten chapters.

C. Research Question

1. How is the class shift applied by the translator in the simple sentences

of the Stars Shine Down novel?

2. How is the translation equivalence of class shift in the novel based on

Nida’s theory?

D. Significance of Research

The writer expects the result of this analysis gives the benefits to the

writer herself and the readers who want to know more about translation

especially class shift, and the differences between class shift with another kind

of category shift, and also expected this analysis can give information further

about equivalences in translation. The writer also expects this analysis makes

the other researcher interested to analyze another translation shift that focus in

analyzing other kind of category shift.


E. Objective of the Research

The analysis of this class shift in translation is intended to:

1. To mention how class word has been shifted by the translator in the

simple sentences of The Stars Shine Down novel based on Catford’s


2. To describe the translation equivalences between source text and

translated text that occurring class shift in the novel based on Nida’s


F. Methodology of The Research

1. Method of Research

This kind of research that the writer uses is descriptive qualitative

method. The writer tries to find class shift types and describe the

equivalence of simple sentence which occurs the class shift from source

language to target language of The Stars Shine Down novel.

2. Instrument of Research

In this analysis the writer herself as a main instrument to obtain the

required data by reading, identifying, categorizing, analyzing, and

concluding. The data collected by reading and comparing the two novels

as research object.


3. Analysis Unit

Analysis units in this analysis are the text in the novel The Stars Shine

Down by Sidney Sheldon was published in 1992 and the translation text

which translated into Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi translated by

Budijanto T. Pramono was published in 1993, and the writer focuses on

analyzing book one of the novel that consists of ten chapters.

4. Technique of Data Analysis

The data will be analyzed based on Catford’s theory, that is

translation shift, especially class shift. The writer uses descriptive

qualitative method. Technique of data analysis is conducted in several steps,

they are:

1. Reading the source language text and translation text clearly

2. Collecting the simple sentences containing class shift by giving the

mark, making the list and notes

3. Analyzing and explaining those class shifts in the sentence

4. Making conclusion




A. Previous Research

There are some researches related to this topic which also discuss about

shift in translation studies. Some of them will be reviewed as follow:

The first previous research is an article by Maasoum (2013). This

research put many theories of experts but just two theories are related to the

research. In this research, he discussed four theories, they are: theory about

translation, transposition, translation shift and equivalence. Theory of

translation and translation shift are related to the research and two others are

not. The aim of this study was to find which types of shifts the translator used,

this research analyzed the different kinds of category shifts which Catford

divided into four subgroups. Maasoum’s research had a very simple way in

explaining his selected data, he only mentioned what type of translation shift

and what kind of it, e.g class shift: adjective to noun. (Hosseini n.pag.)

The differences between Maasoum’s research and the writer’s research

are the writer tries to explain the translation shift by Catford that only focuses

on class shift, how the class shift occurred in the novel, and tries to explain the

equivalence between source language and target language that occurring class


The second is a thesis by Retnomurti. The source of the data in

Retnomurti’s research is a novel written by Ahmad Tohari entitled “Ronggeng


Dukuh Paruk”, and its English translation “The Dancer” that was translated by

Rene T. A Lysloff. This research tried to find out the equivalence and shifts in

form and meaning in the English translation of Indonesian noun phrases. The

research of her used all type of translation shift theory, level shift and category

shift (structure shift, unit shift, class shift, and intra-system shift) and used the

type of equivalence theory of Popovic and Nida. The result of her research

showed most of shifts she got are structure shift, unit shift and intra-system

shift (Retnomurti n.pag.).

The differences between hers and the writer’s are the writer uses the

theory of shift by Catford that focuses on class shift, and tries to explain the

equivalence of the sentence that occurred class shift by related theories.

The last previous research is the research conducted by Magfiroh

(2014). In this research, the researcher focused on analyzing class shift that

occurred in Ms Wiz Banned novel and tried to explain why the translator of

the novel did class shift, unfortunately the researcher tried to find out whether

the class shift occurred in translation process affects the meaning or not based

on her perspective herself without based on the theory, so it was too early to

assert the acceptable of the translation (Magfiroh n.pag.)

The difference between Magfiroh’s and the writer’s is the way of

explaining the analysis. In Magfiroh’s analysis classified the class shift and

explained why the translator of the novel did class shift, while the writer’s

analysis tries to explain how the class shift occurred and explain the


equivalence between the source language and target language based on the


B. Translation

Some experts define translation in various kinds. According to Larson,

translation should be able to convey the message of the source language text,

because the message in translation is important, and more important than the

form of the grammar in the sentence (37). Larson’s opinion is supported by the

definition of translation by Peter Newmark that is “translation is rendering the

meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the

text” (5). Thus, the translator’s duty is to deliver the message of the source

language text and give the closest meaning with source language text.

According to Dejean, translation means “understanding exactly what

the writer wants to say and re-express the writer’s intention of the text in target

language” (Shreve, Schuffner, and Dank 21). In another words, the translator

should understand the meaning of the author before translating. Simatupang

defines translation is expressing the meaning which transferred from source

language into target language, the forms of target language which is used to

create it should be as natural as possible according to the orders prevailing in

the target language (2). According to them, the most important thing in

translation is transferring the message, not only focus to the message itself but

also the translator should pay attention to the rule of the grammar in target



Hatim and Mason define the translation as “an act of communication

which attempt to relay, across cultural and linguistic boundaries, another act of

communication (which may have been intended for different purposes and

different readers / hearers)” (Sayogie 7). In this case, the translator is the

recipient of the message in source language and then while translating the

translator also as the deliver the message in the target language.

According to the opinions of the expert above, the writer concludes

that translation is an effort to convey the message in source language text into

another base on the grammar in the target language. Beside that, the result of

translation should be equivalence with the source language text. So, the

translator is the person who connects the author of source language with the

reader of the translation text. The translator should be careful to translate and

the translator should pay attention to the meaning or the message equivalence

in the source language text and target language text. As Catford points out, "the

central problem of translation-practice is that of finding TL equivalents. A

central task of translation theory is that of defining the nature and conditions

of translation equivalence” (Yinhua 169). Every language has the system and

grammatical structure. The difference of grammatical between source

language and target language is the problem which should be finished to get

the acceptable translation result. Both Vinay and Darbelnet as well as Jakobson

conceive the translation task as something which can always be carried out

from one language to another, regardless of the cultural or grammatical

differences between source text and target text (Leonardi 2000).


C. Translation Shift

Translation shift is the change of grammatical structure from source

language to target language. Hatim and Munday said that “the small linguistic

changes that occur between source text and target text are known as translation

shift (Hatim and Munday 26). That change is called “shift” by Catford or

“transposition” by Newmark. According to Catford, shift is “departures from

formal correspondence in process of going from source language to the target

language” (73).

Translation shift divided into 2, they are: level shift and category shift

(Catford 74).

a. Level shift

Language has two levels, they are grammatical and lexical, and level

shift what Catford means is the shift which occurs from grammatical level

to lexical or from lexical to grammatical. The following is given the


SL: She had changed clothes after they had taken off from Reno

TL: Ia telah menukar pakaiannya sejak pesawat itu bertolak dari


The marker of perfective grammatical “had changed” in English is

translated into “telah” in Indonesian, and the word “telah” is lexical. So,

in the example above there the shift from grammatical level to lexical


b. Category Shift


The concept of 'category-shift' is necessary in the discussion of

translation, but it is clearly meaningless to talk about category shift unless

we assume some degree of formal correspondence between SL and TL;

indeed this is the main justification for the recognition of formal

correspondence in our theory. Category-shifts are departures from formal

correspondence in translation (Catford 76).

Category shift is divided into four:

1. Structure Shift

Structure shift occurs because of the shift of grammatical or

words order in the sentence. This shift could occur due to the demand

of grammar that is a must, but can also be arbitrary, because of the

tastes of the translator or because of following a particular writing style.

Here are few examples:

a. SL: mushroom soup

TL: sup jamur

b. SL: stolen jewelry

TL: perhiasan yang dicuri

c. SL: before leaving the room, he turned the lamp

TL: sebelum meninggalkan ruangan, dimatikannya lampu.

The examples above tell that the orders of words in the

translation changed. There are no changes in addition except the shift

of word order (first example), other got extra word (second example),

or the removal of most of the sentence element (third example). In


principle, structure shift only focuses its analysis in the shift of word

order in translation (Aljuhdy 7).

2. Class Shift

Class shift occurs when there is a shift of word class (kind words)

in translation. When a SL item is translated with a TL item which

belongs to a different grammatical class, example a verb may be

translated with a noun (Leonardi 2000). The word class is vary from

one language to another language. As in English there word “adverb”

that usually paired with phrase in Indonesian. See the following


“Carefully” to “dengan hati-hati”

A determiner slightly different use in Indonesian though you can

be looked its pair (example: a/an become sebuah, sebutir, sehelai,

seekor, and so on, and this/ these become ini)

Following Halliday, we define a class as 'that grouping of

members of a given unit which is defined by operation in the structure

of the unit next above'. Class-shift, then, occurs when the translation

equivalent of a SL item is a member of a different class from the

original item (Catford 78). In English we know there are eight classes

of word or often called as part of speech, they are:

1. Noun

Noun is the n of people, animals, places, titles, or things (Chew

and Choy 2)


Example: one day, she runs into a secret room.

2. Pronoun

Pronoun is a word that takes the place of noun (Frank 20). Kinds

of pronoun are: I, you, we, they, he, she, and it. Pronoun can do

all of the things that nouns can do. They can be subjects, direct

objects, indirect objects, object of the preposition, and more.

Let’s look at a few examples:

- Erick is a blind mountain climber. (noun)

- He is a blind mountain climber. (pronoun)

3. Verb

Verb in Meriam Webster dictionary means a word that

characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and

expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being, that in various

languages is inflected for agreement with the subject.

Verbs can be categorized into the following six types according

to their function (Chew and Choy 73).

Table 2.1

Sixt types of verb

Types of verbs Function Examples

Action Verbs Performing an action Change, drink,


Linking Verbs Linking the subject of the

sentence to additional

information about the


Appear, be,

become, seem


Sensing verbs Relating to five senses Hear, see,

smell, taste,


Feeling verbs Conveying emotions and


Detest, dislike,

hate, like, love

Mental verbs Describing a particular

mental state or activity



imagine, know,


Verbs of


Indicating ownership or



contain, have,

include, own

4. Adjective

Adjective is word used in describing or modifying a noun.

Adjective gives more information about a noun that a noun itself

cannot provide (Chew and Choy 54).

Example: do not be persuaded by promotional tactics.

5. Adverb

Adverb is word used to show how, when, where, how often and

to what extent an action is done. While adjective connects with

noun, adverb connects with verbs and adjective (Chew and Choy


Types of adverb and example can be seen in the table below.


Table 2.2

Types of adverb and examples

Types of Adverb Examples

Adverb of Time Now, nowadays, soon, tomorrow,


Adverb of Frequency Always, annually, never, rarely, etc.

Adverb of duration Briefly, eternally, permanently,

indefinitely, temporarily.

Adverb of Place Anywhere, behind, elsewhere, here,

outside, etc.

Adverb of Manner Beautifully, carefully, clearly,

quickly, etc.

Adverb of Degree Absolutely, completely, extremely,

really, etc.

Linking adverb Accordingly, finally, firstly,

furthermore, hence, etc.

Sentence adverb Actually, honestly, hopefully,

naturally, etc.

6. Conjunction

A conjunction joins two words phrases or sentences together

(University of Victoria). Examples: but, so, and, because, and or.

7. Preposition

A preposition usually comes before a noun, pronoun or noun

phrase. It joins the noun to some other part of the sentence

(University of Victoria). Examples: on, in, by, under, though, and



8. Interjection

An interjection is an unusual kind of word, because it often stands

alone. Interjections are words which express emotion or surprise,

and they usually followed by exclamation marks (University of

Victoria). Examples: Ouch!, Hello!, Hurray!, oh no!, etc.

Class shift occurs when there is a shift in those word classes,

which may cause by common expression in target language, or for

idiomatic meaning from source language.

Examples of sentences that occur class shift.

a. SL: deep reverie (adjective)

TL: lamunan yang menghanyutkan (verb)

b. SL: for the pursuit of happiness (noun)

TL: untuk mengejar kebahagiaan (verb)

In the underlined expressions above occur class shift, where the

expression of the source language is translated into different class of

words in target language. In the first example, the word deep

“adjective” in source language shifted into menghanyutkan that is a

“verb”. In the second example, a noun shifted to verb that is the word

the pursuit to mengejar.

Class-shift, then, occurs when the translation equivalent of a

target language item is a member of a different class from the original

item. The classes that most shifted are from noun to verb as what writer

finds in the analysis the novel in the next chapter. This supported by


the theory of Nida, he adjustment in word classes are most often

changes from nouns to verbs (when the nouns express events) and shift

between nouns and pronouns, depending upon the syntactical

requirements of the language in specifying in participants (116).

3. Unit Shift (Rank Change)

Every language has a pattern or grammatical system that

consisted hierarchy of five sets of languages (Qureshi 2), namely: (1)

morpheme, (2) word, (3) phrase (4) clause, and (5) sentence.

Furthermore, on a higher level we can recognize (6) paragraph, and (7)

text. When the translation results the change those sets of language

above in source language to target language, then occurs unit shift or

rank shift. If the shift occurs from lower unit to higher one (1 to 2, 1 to

3, 2 to 4, and so on) is called upward rank shift. And conversely, when

the shift from higher unit to lower one (3 to 2, 4 to 3, 3 to 1, and so on)

is called downward rank shift (Catford 25). Here is the example:

SL: Gravity

TL: Gaya tarik bumi

Text in source language is translated to phrase in text in target

language. Actually, the word “gravity” has its counterpart in

Indonesian to “gravitasi”. Means, here the translator did translation

shift or upward rank shift, it is not because the necessity of grammar,

but the translator wanted his own choice of words.

SL: I don’t know


TL: Entahlah

In term of grammar, both expression above are actually in the

level or rank of sentence, SL is complete sentence, while TL is minor

sentence. But in a structure manner that SL is clause, while TL is word,

so there is downward rank shift in the translation.

4. Intra System Shift

Catford used the term intra-system shift for cases where the shift

is caused by differences of grammar of two languages involved (62).

In this case, in fact both the source language and target language have

comparable system formally with another, but doing the translation

requires the shift because of the prevalence of expression

corresponding becomes unacceptable. That unacceptable is caused by

certain grammar in target language itself (Aljuhdy 9). For instance,

when the SL singular becomes a TL plural. See the example bellow:

A cat is a cute animal

In that phrase does not refer to a specific dog, only reveals a

concept applicable in general. That statement can be translated

formally to “seekor kucing adalah binatang yang imut”, but that

expression is not acceptable in Indonesian, so do shift into “kucing

adalah binatang yang imut” here the determiner or article “a” and “an”

is not realized in translation. Pay attention to the example bellow:

SL: Many houses on the coast were swept away by the flood

TL: Banyak rumah di pinggir pantai tersapu banjir


The word “house” has to be plural in the grammar system,

because of existing plural pointer in front of the word “house”, the

pointer “many” in order to fulfill the rules of language. By contrast, in

Indonesian, when already there the marker indicates the plural in noun

phrase, so the noun that follows it should not be plural (in this case is

repeated word). So “banyak rumah-rumah” may be ambiguous or


Intra-system shift can also occur when translating words are

viewed differently by two communities of users of language. The

examples can be seen in table below.

Table 2.3

Example of intra-system shift

English Language Indonesian

A pair of trousers

A pair of scissors

A pair of glasses

Sebuah celana

Sebuah gunting

Sebuah kacamata

The examples in the table above explain two different

communities of language users viewed the words in different. This

difference is because in one side understands it is as a whole, while

other understand it is as two parts into one.


D. Equivalence of Translation

1. Definition of Equivalence

In explanation above shows that translation is an effort to transfer

the meaning in source language to another language, and the translator also

efforts to produce the equivalence meaning. As what Nida said translating

consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural

equivalent of the source language message, first in term of meaning and

secondly in term of style (12).

Jakobson says that from a grammatical point of view languages

may differ from one another to a greater or lesser degree, but this does not

mean that a translation cannot be possible, in other words the translator

may face the problem of not finding a translation equivalent (Leonardi

2000). Equivalence itself is “an expression from a language which has the

same meaning as, or can be used in a similar context to, one from another

language, and can therefore be used to translate it” (

Vinay and Darbelnet view equivalence-oriented translation as a procedure

which “replicates the same situation as in the original, whilst using

completely different wording” (

The task of the translator is not only replacing words in the source

language to other language, but also delivering the same message and

expressing what the writer of source language means by using other

language, that the same message or the same meaning called equivalence

by the experts above. Because of the different culture and term of


grammatical, the translator may find the problem, the translator hard to

find the equivalence meaning in target language but it does not mean that

the translator cannot do translating.

2. Type of Equivalence

Nida argued that there are two different types of equivalence

(Hatim and Munday 42). They are:

1. Formal equivalence

Formal equivalence tries to remain as close to the original text

as possible without adding the translator’s ideas and thoughts into the

translation (Nida 12). Thus, the more literal the translation is, the less

danger there is of corrupting the original message. This is therefore

much or of a word-for-word view of translation. See the example:

SL: Look, little guy, you all shouldn’t be doing that.

TL: Lihat, anak kecil, kalian semua seharusnya tidak berbuat itu.

The sentences above are the example of literal translation which

consist of formal equivalence.

2. Dynamic equivalence

Dynamic equivalence involves taking each sentence (or

thought) from the original text and rendering it into a sentence in the

target language that conveys the same meaning, but does not

necessarily use the exact phrasing or idioms of the original

(Shakernia 2). The idea is to improve readability by rephrasing

constructions that could be confusing when literally translated, but


retain some faithfulness to the original text rather than creating a

complete paraphrase. Because dynamic equivalence sacrifices some

faithfulness to the original text to achieve a more natural translation,

it is designed to be used when the readability of the translation is

more important than preserving the original wording. The example

bellow will give more understanding.

SL: You’ve done better than your father.

TL: kerjamu lebih baik dari ayahmu.

The translation “kerjamu” gives the spesific meaning to

avoid ambiguity of width sense of the word “done or what have


Nida first put forward the principle of dynamic equivalence

which he defines as "the relationship between receptor and message

should be substantially the same as that which existed between the

original receptors and the message" (Nida 159). Following this

principle, he defines dynamic-equivalence translation as "the

closest natural equivalent of the source-language message" (Nida

12). To discuss the uses of this principle, we must know about the

essential features of this principle and Dynamic-equivalence

translation. As Nida himself points out, the essential features of D-

E translation consists of the following points:

(1) equivalent, which points toward the source-language message.

(2) natural, which points toward the receptor language


(3) closest, which binds the two orientations together on the

basis of the highest degree of approximation (Nida, 167).

All these points aim at arousing "similar response" between

the source text readers and the target text readers (Yinhua 1253).

A. Equivalent

As mentioned above, this aims at reproducing the message

of the original text. This is the basic requirement of D-E translation,

as is with any other kind of translation. To produce a D-E

translation, the translator must aim primarily at conveying the

meaning of the original text.

B. Natural

A Dynamic-equivalence translation is directed primarily

toward the similarity of response. To achieve this purpose, the

translation must be natural, and to get the natural transation it is

important to arouse a similar respone of the target readers and the

source readers.

Nida stresses that naturalness in a D-E translation must

fit these three aspects: (1) the receptor language and culture as

a whole, (2) the context of the particular message, (3) the receptor

– language audience (Yinhua 1253).

C. Closest

"Closest" indicates that equivalence in translation can

never be absolute identity, because "loss occurs in all forms of


communication, whether it involves translation or not" (Bassenet

and Lefvere 35). It can only be an approximation, because there

are not two languages are identical, either in the meanings given

to corresponding symbols or in the ways in which such symbols are

arranged in phrases and sentences. Therefore, the total impact of a

translation may be reasonably close to the original, but there can be

no identity in detail.

On the other hand, since equivalence in translation is just a

kind of approximation, not absolute identity, it naturally results in

the possibility to establish equivalence between the source text

and the target text on various degrees or in different aspects.

However, it is the highest degree that a D-E translation is

expected to strive for. In other words, though loss of meaning is

inevitable, the translator should try his best to reduce it to the


D. Similar Response

This is the principal aim of the D-E translation and all the

above three points are directed to. The term "response" here refers

to the way in which receptors of a text understand the text,

including the effect the text produces on them while "similar

response" involves a comparison of two relations: the relation of the

target text readers to the target text should be substantially the same

to that of the source text readers to the source text (Yinhua 1253).


In conclussion, Nida’s approaches in translation are formal

and dynamic equivalence. Formal equivalence focuses attention on

the message itself, in the both form and content. However, dynamic

equivalence is looking for the closest natural equivalence to the

source language message.

E. Simple Sentence

Simple sentence consists of two main parts, the subject and the verb

(Chew and Choy 149). Simple sentence has only one main and independent

clause. Simple sentence also known as a clausal sentence. It may have a

modifier besides a subject, verb, and object. Though it is simple, it does not

say that a simple sentence is short or easy to understand, a simple sentence can

has many phrases but only has one independent clause. Simple sentence does

not contain a coordinator conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) as

identifying mark as compound sentence or does not contain subordinator

conjunction or relative (because, since, after, although, when, etc) as

identifying mark as complex sentence. Furthermore the use of compound

subject, compound verb, prepositional phrases, and another elements help

lengthen simple sentence.

Examples of simple sentences:

1. Joe waited for the train

Joe= subject, waited= verb, the train = object

2. The train was late

The train = subject, was = verb, late = complement


3. The boy ran quickly

The boy = subject, ran = verb, quickly = adverb

4. Marry and Samantha took the bus

Marry and Samantha= compound subject, took= verb, the bus=


5. I looked for Marry and Samantha at the bus station

I= subject, look= verb, Marry and Samantha= object, at the bus

station= adverb

6. Marry and Samantha arrived at the bus station early but waited

until noon for the bus

Marry and Samantha= compound subject, arrived and waited=

compound verb

Another examples of simple sentence in literature

1. The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler

“I was wearing my powder-blue suit, with dark blue shirt, tie and

display handkerchief, black brogues, black wool socks with dark blue

clocks on them.”

In the sentence above, Chandler has perfectly used a simple

sentence with multiple subjects to describe his blue suit. There are

no dependent clause. A single independent sentence conveys a

complete idea.

2. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer


“Sometimes i can feel my bones straining under the weight of all the

lives i’m not living.”

In the example above, the author used a short and

independent sentence to convey a complete idea of straining bones.




A. Data Description

In data description, the writer focusses on analyzing class shift and its

equivalence in the Stars Shine Down novel and its translation text into Kilau

Bintang Menerangi Bumi. The writer uses the theory of Catford of translation

shift and theory of Nida to examine the translation equivalence. In process of

collecting data, the writer reads carefully both of the novels, the source language

novel and target language novel.

After reading and comparing both source language novel and target

language novel carefully to find class shift that occurs in the novel, the writer

finds 30 of class shift, and the shifts consist 7 of type, they are: noun to verb,

verb to noun, adjective to verb, adverb to verb, pronoun to noun, verb to

adjective, and adjective to noun.

From the total number of class shift in all data findings, the writer finds

that class shift that mostly happen is noun to verb. There are 7 shift of noun to

verb, 7 shifts of verb to noun, 6 shifts of adjective to verb, 3 of shifts adverb to

verb, 3 shifts of pronoun to noun, 1 shifts of verb to adjective, and 1 shift of

adjective to noun. The data description is tabulated as follow:


Table 3.1

Data Description

NO Source Language text Target Language Text Shift

1 In the ballroom a society

orchestra would be on

the bandstand, ready to

tempt the guests to dance

the night away in

celebration of her

fortieth birthday

Di ballroom itu sebuah

orkestra sudah siap di

panggung musik, siap

menggoda para tamu

untuk berdansa

semalaman merayakan

ulang tahunnya yang

keempat puluh.

Noun to verb

2 Every hub painted with a

fluorescent color for

easy identification

Setiap tiang dicat dengan

warna metalik supaya

mudah dilihat

3 She imagine what he did Lara mencoba mengira-

ngira apa profesinya Verb to noun

4 “How much did he


“Berapa tawarannya?”

5 She can be petty and

vengeful and incredibly


Ia bisa nyinyir dan

mendendam dan sangat


Adjective to Verb

6 Lara seldom went out


Lara jarang pergi keluar

untuk bersantai Adverb to verb

7 “... in a hick town like

this,” he advised her

“ ... di kota udik seperti

ini,” begitu nasehatnya

kepada Lara Pronoun to noun

8 They’re a first-rate outfit Gedung-gedung itu

mutunya kelas satu

9 work on the building

began to slow down

Pembangunan gedung itu

mulai lambat Verb to adjective


10 She can be petty and

vengeful and incredibly


Ia bisa nyinyir dan

mendendam dan sangat


Adjective to noun

B. Data Analysis

From the data above, the writer picks 10 datas as presentative and tries

to analyze them by categorizing them into the type of class shift and observing

the equivalence in these class shift using Nida’s theory. The data can be

analyzed as follows:

Noun to verb shift

Data 1

Source language: In the ballroom a society orchestra would be on the

bandstand, ready to tempt the guests to dance the

night away in celebration of her fortieth birthday.

(Page 5)

Target language: Di ballroom itu sebuah orkestra sudah siap di panggung

musik, siap menggoda para tamu untuk berdansa

semalaman merayakan ulang tahunnya yang keempat

puluh. (Page 16)

The sentence above is identified as simple sentence. Based on the theory,

The sentence has only one main clause which explained by long sentence and

the sentence does not contain a coordinator as identifying mark as compound

sentence or does not contain subordinator or relative as identifying mark as

complex sentence. The data above has the elements of subject (a society


orchestra) + compound verb (would be, ready) + adverbial phrase (in

celebration of her fortieth birthday). The translator does the class shift from

celebration in source language to merayakan in target language which classified

as noun to verb.

Celebration is a word formed by combining the word celebrate added

suffix tion, the words end with suffix tion commonly means action or process.

In this word, suffix tion in celebration is action of celebrating and the word

merayakan has the root word raya, added affix me and suffix kan. Me-kan

creates a transitive verb preceding an indirect object. That two words celebration

and merayakan have the meaning ‘to do something special or enjoyable for an

important event, occasion, holiday, etc’. Actually the word celebration has the

same class in the target language that is perayaan, both words are noun.

The translator does the class shift in the data to improve readability by

rephrasing constructions that could be confusing when the data literally

translated. So, the translator does the class shift by change the class of word to

get the equivalence translation. Based on Nida’s theory, dynamic equivalence

sacrifices some faithfulness to the original text to achieve a more natural

translation, it is designed to be used when the readability of the translation is

more important than preserving the original wording.

Data 2

Source language: every hub painted with a fluorescent color for easy

identification. (Page 90)


Target language: setiap tiang dicat dengan warna metalik supaya mudah

dilihat. (Page 102)

The sentence above is identified as simple sentence because the sentence

has one main or independent clause. Based on the theory of simple sentence,

the sentence above does not contain coordinator as identifying mark that makes

the sentence become compound sentence and does not contain subordinator or

relative as identifying mark that makes the sentence become complex sentence.

In the data, the sentence has the elements of subject (every hub) + verb (painted)

+ prepositional phrases (with fluorescent, for easy identification). The

translator does the class shift from the word identification in source language to

dilihat in target language which classified as noun to verb shift.

Identification is a word formed by combining the word identify and suffix

cation. The words end with suffix cation commonly means action or process.

The word identify + suffix cation become identification that is noun has the

meaning in Meriam Webster dictionary as the act of finding out who someone

is or what something is: the act of identifying someone or something. While the

word dilihat from the root lihat added passive mark that is di.

To the context of the data, dilihat can deliver the same meaning to the

word identification. The translator does the class shift in the data to improve

readability by rephrasing constructions that could be confusing when the data

literally translated. So, the translator does the class shift to get the equivalence

translation. Based on Nida’s theory, dynamic equivalence sacrifices some

faithfulness to the original text to achieve a more natural translation, it is


designed to be used when the readability of the translation is more important

than preserving the original wording.

Verb to noun shift

Data 3

Source language: She imagine what he did. (Page 49)

Target language: Lara mencoba mengira-ngira apa profesinya. (Page 78)

The sentence above is identified as simple sentence because the sentence

has one main clause. Based on the theory, the sentence also does not contain

coordinator as identifying mark that makes the sentence become compound

sentence and does not contain subordinator or relative as identifying mark that

makes the sentence become complex sentence. The data has the elements of

subject (she) + verb (imagine) + verb phrase as an object (what he did). The

translator does the class shift from the word did in source language to profesi in

target language which is classified as verb to noun shift.

The word did is past participle verb from the word do which has meaning

in Meriam Webster as ‘perform, execute (do some work/did his duty)’ and the

word profesi means bidang pekerjaan yang dilandasi pendidikan keahlian

(keterampilan, kejujuran, dsb) tertenu in KBBI. Based on the structure, clause

he did is shifted into noun phrase profesinya in the target language text. The

word do has large meaning and the writer assumes that the translator translated

the word do to profesi and did this shift is to give the specific meaning of the

author’s mean. Because the sentence after ‘She imagine what he did’ is ‘he was


certainly not a miner of fisherman, and he did not look like a merchant’. The

words ‘fisherman’ and ‘merchant’ indicate the profession.

To the context of the data, did can deliver the same meaning to the word

profesi. The translator does the class shift in the data to get the specific meaning

of what author means and to improve readability by rephrasing constructions.

Based on Nida’s theory, this shift in the sentence has achieve the equivalence

translation because by doing class shift the translator can produce the natural

and closest equivalence to the source language.

Data 4

Source language: How much did he offer? (Page 100)

Target language: Berapa tawarannya? (Page 150)

The interrogative above is identified as simple sentence. Based on the

theory, the sentence contains one main clause and the sentence does not contain

a coordinator as identifying mark as compound sentence or does not contain

subordinator or relatives as identifying mark as complex sentence. From the

data, the sentence has the elements of question word (how much) + auxiliary

(did) + subject (he) + verb (offer). The translator does the class shift from the

word offer in source language to tawaran in target language which classified as

verb to noun shift.

The word offer has the meaning as menawarkan in target langauge but

the translator translated the verb offer in source language into noun tawaran in

target language. Tawaran has a menaing in KBBI dictionary as harga yang

diminta oleh pembeli (penyewa dsb and offer / menawarkan in target language


means memasang harga (mengemukakan harga yang diminta. Actually, it is

possible the translator to not do the class shift, the sentence translated literally

and become berapa banyak dia menawarkan?, but the translator translated by

doing class shift become berapa banyak tawarannya?.

The writer assumes that by doing class shift to get the natural translation

but still closest equivalence to the source language. Based on Nida’s theory,

dynamic equivalence sacrifices some faithfulness to the original text to achieve

a more natural translation, it is designed to be used when the readability of the

translation is more important than preserving the original wording.

Adjective to verb shift

Data 5

Source Language: She can be petty and vengeful and incredibly

generous. (Page 15)

Target Language: Ia bisa nyinyir dan mendendam dan sangat pemurah.

(Page 29)

The sentence above is identified as simple sentence. Based on the theory,

the sentence contains one main clause and the sentence does not contain a

coordinator as identifying mark as compound sentence or does not contain

subordinator or relatives as identifying mark as complex sentence. In the data,

the sentence has the elements of subject (she) + linking verb (can be) + three

subject complements (petty + vengeful + generous). The translator does the

class shift twice, from the word vengeful to mendendam which classified as

adjective to verb shift and from the word generous to pemurah which classified


as adjective to noun shift. The first shift will be analyzed below and the second

shift will be analyzed in data 10.

In the first case, translator renders adjective vengeful to verb

mendendam. The word vengeful has the meaning in Meriam Webster as feeling

or showing a desire for vengeance and the word mendendam in the target

language is a verb from the root adjective (dendam) added the prefix me, adding

prefix me to a noun or adjective root word often creates a verb that functions to

indicate that the subject of an utterance is the agent or the one responsible for

carrying out the action of the verb. Adjective dendam + prefix me or men become

mendendam has meaning as menaruh dendam kepada in KBBI dictionary.

Actually the word vengeful as known as adjective has the same class in target

language that is dendam.

To the context of the data, mendendam deliver the same meaning to the

word vengeful. The translator does the class shift in the data to improve

readability by rephrasing constructions that could be awkward translation when

the data literally translated. So, the translator does the class shift to get the

natural translation. Based on Nida’s theory, dynamic equivalence sacrifices

some faithfulness to the original text to achieve a more natural translation, it is

designed to be used when the readability of the translation is more important

than preserving the original wording.

Adverb to verb shift

Data 6

Source language: Lara seldom went out socially (page 106)


Target language: Lara jarang pergi keluar untuk bersantai (page 157)

The sentence above is identified as simple sentence because the sentence

has one main independent clause. The sentence contains one main clause and

the sentence does not contain a coordinator as identifying mark as compound

sentence or does not contain subordinator or relatives as identifying mark as

complex sentence as explained in the theory of simple sentence. In the data, the

sentence has the elements of subject (Lara) + determiner (seldom) + verb (went

out) + adverb (adverb). The translator does the class shift from the word

socially in source language to bersantai in target language which classified as

adverb to verb shift.

Socially is a word formed by combining the word social and suffix ly.

The word that have been combined with suffix ly are commonly become adverb

of manner, which means in the way mentioned. For example, the word socially

itself means with respect to society. The translator translated socially to

bersantai in target laguage, bersantai is from the root word santai added prefix

ber. Prefix ber is used to construct a verb that means doing something, being

something, have something, or having a certain attribute. Adjective santai +

prefix ber become verb bersantai has the meaning in KBBI as beristirahat

sambil melakukan acara bebas. The word socially and bersantai have the

different meaning, ‘beristirahat sambil melakukan acara bebas’ cannot deliver

the same meaning as ‘respect to society’ in the real meaning in the dictionary.

But in paragraph of the novel tells that Lara seldom went socially, and when


she did, Lara did she usually went to a club where jazz was played. She liked

Andy’s, a club where the top jazz artists performed.

From the explanation above, the translator did class shift by translating

the word socially to bersantai to get the specific meaning of what author means

and to improve readability by rephrasing constructions. Based on Nida’s theory,

this shift in the sentence has achieve the equivalence translation because by

doing class shift the translator can produce the natural and closest equivalence

to the source language.

Pronoun to noun shift

Data 7

Source Language: “... in a hick town like this,” he advised her. (Page 48)

Target Language: “ ... di kota udik seperti ini,” begitu nasehatnya kepada

Lara. (Page 75)

The sentence above is identified as simple sentence because the sentence

consist of one main clause. The sentence contains one main clause and the

sentence does not contain a coordinator as identifying mark as compound

sentence or does not contain subordinator or relatives as identifying mark as

complex sentence as explained in the theory of simple sentence. In the data, the

sentence has the elements subject (he) + verb (advised) + object (Lara). The

translator does the class shift from the word her in source language to Lara in

target language which is classified as pronoun to noun shift.

In English, a pronoun her is commonly applied to substitute a personal

noun. Pronoun her is translated into noun Lara (name of person). This type of


shift is rarely found in the novel. The word her here is an objective of she which

has definition as used to refer to a certain woman, girl, or female animal as the

object of a verb or a preposition. Translator translated the word her into Lara

in order to avoid misunderstanding to the reader. He opts to use Lara to give

clear reference about description of pronoun her.

From the explanation above, the translator did class shift by translating

the word her to Lara to get the specific meaning of what author means and to

improve readability by giving the clear reference. Based on Nida’s theory, this

shift in the sentence has achieve the equivalence translation because by doing

class shift the translator can produce the natural and closest equivalence to the

source language.

Data 8

Source language: They’re a first-rate outfit. (Page 64)

Target language: Gedung-gedung itu mutunya kelas satu. (Page 99)

The sentence above is identified as simple sentence because the sentence

has one main idea. The sentence contains one main clause and the sentence does

not contain a coordinator as identifying mark as compound sentence or does not

contain subordinator or relatives as identifying mark as complex sentence as

explained in the theory of simple sentence. In the data, the sentence has the

elements of subject (they) + verb (are) + subject complement (a first-rate

outfit). The translator does the class shift from the word they in source language

to gedung-gedung in target language which classified as pronoun to noun shift.


The translator translated the pronoun they in source text into noun

gedung-gedung in target text. In the literal meaning pronoun they has a meaning

in Meriam Webster as those one – used as third person pronoun serving as the

plural of he, she, or it or referring to a group of two or more individuals. From

that definition we know that the translator translated the word they into gedung-

gedung to give the clear reference and improve the readability translation to the

readers. Furthermore in story of novel tells that Charles Cohn had inspected

five buildings by a good company named Nova Scotia Contraction, so when

Charles Cohn said “they’re a first-rate outfit” they here is refer to the buildings.

From the explanation above, the translator did class shift by translating

the word they to gedung-gedung to get the specific meaning of what author

means and to improve readability by giving the clear reference. Based on Nida’s

theory, this shift in the sentence has achieve the equivalence translation because

by doing class shift the translator can produce the natural and closest

equivalence to the source language.

Verb to adjective shift

Data 9

Source Language: work on the building began to slow down (67)

Target Language: Pembangunan gedung itu mulai lambat (103)

The sentence above is identified as simple sentence because the sentence

has one main idea. The sentence contains one main clause and the sentence does

not contain a coordinator as identifying mark as compound sentence or does not

contain subordinator or relatives as identifying mark as complex sentence as


explained in the theory of simple sentence. In the data, the sentence has the

elements of subject (work on building) + verb (began) + verb complement (to

slow down). The translator does the class shift from the word slow down in

source language to lambat in target language which classified as verb to


In Meriam Webster, the verb slow means to begin to move at a lower

speed and in KBBI dictionary lambat means perlahan-lahan (geraknya,

jalannya, dsb), tidak cepat. Actually slow down is an idiom that has meaning in

American Idiom and Phrasal Verb Dictionary as to decrease speed, to go

slower. The word slow down has a class as verb in English and it cannot

translated to the same class in target language, so it is a must for the translator

to do class shift, as in John M Echols slow down (verb) means lambat


The translator does the class shift because the word in the target language

has no same class in source language. Although there is no same class between

source language and target language, the two words slowdown and lambat has

the same meaning. Based on Nida’s theory, equivalence sacrifices some

faithfulness to the original text to achieve a more natural translation, it is

designed to be used when the readability of the translation is more important

than preserving the original wording.


Adjective to noun shift

Data 10

Source language: She can be petty and vengeful and incredibly generous.

(Page 12)

Target language: Ia bisa nyinyir dan mendendam dan sangat pemurah.

(Page 29)

The sentence above is identified as simple sentence because the sentence

has one main clause. The sentence contains one main clause and the sentence

does not contain a coordinator as identifying mark as compound sentence or

does not contain subordinator or relatives as identifying mark as complex

sentence as explained in the theory of simple sentence. In the data, the sentence

has the elements of subject (she) + linking verb (can be) + three subject

complements (petty, vengeful, generous). The translator translated the word

generous in source language to pemurah in target language which classified as

adjective to noun shift.

The word ‘generous’ in Meriam Webster has the meaning as freely giving

or sharing money and other valuable thing, and the word pemurah has the root

word from murah as noun added prefix pe. Prefix pe added to noun in target

language usually forms a noun that indicates a person, agent, or thing, noun

murah + prefix pe become pemurah has the meaning in KBBI as orang yang

suka memberi, orang yang murah hati. Actually the translator still can

translated this word without doing class shift, the word generous can be

translated to murah hati, generous and murah hati are both adjective.


To the context of the data, pemurah deliver the same meaning to the word

generous. Although it is possible to not do the class shift, the word in source

language can be translated to the same class in target language. But it depends

to the style of the translator, based on Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence,

since the translation deliver the same meaning as in the source language

although does not use the exact phrasing of the original, it has achieved the

equivalence translation.




A. Conclusions

After describing an overview about the class shift and analyzing them in

The Stars Shine Down novel by Sidney Sheldon and its translation novel entitled

Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi, some conclusion are drawn as the following:

First, based on the theory of Catford, the writer found 7 of type, they are:

noun to verb, verb to noun, adjective to verb, adverb to verb, pronoun to noun, verb

to adjective, and adjective to noun. From the total number of class shift in all data

findings, there are 7 shift of noun to verb, 7 shifts of verb to noun, 6 shifts of

adjective to verb, 3 of shifts adverb to verb, 3 shifts of pronoun to noun, 1 shifts of

verb to adjective, and 1 shift of adjective to noun.

The second, the reason that the translator did class shift in the novel is to

make the good translation product and become readability for the target language

readers, and the most important is to achieve the equivalence translation. All simple

sentences containing class shifts found in the novel have been achieved closest

natural equivalence and acceptable translation based on Nida’s theory. So, it can be

said that the translator has a good quality in finding the equivalence translation

especially in the sentences that contain class shift.


B. Sugestions

The writer would like to suggest for the general translator to master the

translation shift, especially in class shift. Shift in grammatical categories need to

managed in order to deliver the message of the source text. The writer also suggest

that in achieving the equivalence the translator should pay attention to the principle

of the equivalence itself, the translator should convey the author aims in the term

of meaning and in the term of style or the translator should convey the closest

natural equivalence as in the original text. Furthermore, one of the way to get the

equivalence translation is doing shift.

The writer also suggests for the next researcher to get better understanding

of shift in translation and understanding the equivalence translation. The writer

expects this research can fulfill the reference needed for who wants to conduct that

related to translation shift and equivalences.



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Data Description







1 Every hub

painted with a


color for easy


Setiap tiang dicat

dengan warna

metalik supaya

mudah dilihat

Noun to


2 In the middle of

the hall would

be along buffet

with ice carving

of a swan

Di tengah aula itu

terbujur meja

buffet panjang

berhiaskan angsa

putih yang

dibentuk dari es

3 In the ballroom

a society

orchestra would

be on the band

stand, ready to

tempt the guests

to dance the

night away in

celebration of

her fortieth


Di ballroom itu

sebuah orkestra

sudah siap di

panggung musik,

siap menggoda

para tamu untuk



merayakan ulang

tahunnya yang

keempat puluh

4 “You’re on a

one-week trial.”

Kau akan dicoba



5 “it will be a


“itu akan buang

uang saja”

6 it was a wishper ia berbisik

7 Lara had no

chance to enjoy

any of this


Lara tak pernah

berpeluang untuk

menikmati semua


8 “What finally

happened to the



akhirnya nasib

orang-orang itu?”

Verb to


9 “You’ve done

better than your


“kerjamu lebih

baik dari


10 he advised her nasehatnya

kepada Lara

11 She imagine

what he did

Lara mencoba

mengira-ngira apa


12 “How much did

he offer?”



13 “What does that


Apa artinya itu?”

14 She continued

to collect the

rents for Sean


Ia masih terus

menjadi penagih

uang sewa untuk

Sean MacAllister

15 The dinner was

going to be


Makan malamnya

akan sangat


Adjective to



16 She can be petty

and vengeful

and incredibly


Ia bisa nyinyir

dan mendendam

dan sangat


17 He’s responsible

for my success

Dialah yang

membuat saya


18 She stod here,


Lara berdiri

disitu, tercekam

19 Ouch, it was a

terrible time

Oh, itu zaman

yang sangat


20 This is quite a


Resume ini sangat


21 “I am not

hungry.” Lara

said stubbornly

“Saya tidak

lapar.” kata Lara

mengeraskan hati

Adverb to


22 Lara seldom

went out


Lara jarang pergi

keluar untuk


23 They’ll be here


Mereka akan

datang lagi besok

24 Lara told her Lara



Pronoun to


25 He advised her nasehatnya

kepada Lara

26 “They’re a first-

rate outfit”

“Benar gedung-

gedung itu


mutunya kelas


27 Work on the

building began

to slow down


gedung itu mulai


Verb to


28 She can be petty

and vengeful

and incredibly


Ia bisa nyinyir

dan mendendam

dan sangat


Adjective to
