The Colonies Fight for Their Rights Chapter 4, Section 1.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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The Colonies Fight for Their Rights

Chapter 4, Section 1

What major events fueled colonial

discontentment with British rule?

Mercantilism in Practice

Key Idea: Tensions between Britain and its American colonies grew as British leaders sought greater control over their North American empire.

In the next ten minutes, skim pages 116 – 123 in your text, and write down as many examples of British policies to control trade in the colonies as you can find. Be prepared to share your answers.

Discuss two of the policies you wrote down with the person next to you.

North America in North America in 17501750

North America in North America in 17501750

The French and Indian War

The British and French colonies (allied with Native Americans) warred over the valuable Ohio River Valley.

War ended with the Treaty of Paris

Britain gains New France and Louisiana east of the Mississippi (except for New Orleans) from France

Britain gains Florida from Spain

British borrowed money to fund war

Brit. adopts policies to force colonies to repay war debts through taxation

North America in North America in 17631763

North America in North America in 17631763

The Colonies Grow Discontented

Royal Proclamation of 1763 King George reserved land west of Appalachian mts. to Native Americans to avoid war

Customs Reforms British begin sending smugglers to vice-admirality court in Nova Scotia for not paying customs duties

Sugar Act 1764increased taxes on sugar and molasses from foreign colonies merchants felt this hurt tradetraditional English rights violated

accused smugglers guilty until proven innocentgovt. could seize goods without due process

pamphlets condemned the Sugar Act

James Otis – “No taxation without representation”

The Stamp Act CrisisStamp Act 1765

stamps placed on printed materials (e.g. newspapers, pamphlets, wills, deeds, playing cards)

Quartering Act 1765if colonies didn’t provide barracks for British troops, colonies must pay rent for troops to live elsewhere

Sons of Liberty 1765 formed to protest Stamp Act

Stamp Act Congress 1765 wrote Declaration of Rights and Grievances arguing only colonial representatives had the right to tax them

Non-importation agreement formal agreement to boycott British imports until parliament repealed Stamp Act

The Townshend ActsNew regulations and taxes

Revenue Act of 1767 allowed customs officials to enter any location to look for evidence of smuggling Massachusetts Assembly and Virginia House of Burgesses dissolved after standing up to the British government against Townshend Acts results in further boycotting of British goods Daughters of Liberty formed by women to spin their own cloth in the colonies – sign of patriotism

1770 Boston Massacre 1000 British troops deployed to Boston to maintain ordercolonists taunted troops regularly snow ball thrown and in the chaos British troops fire on colonists killing 5 and wounding 6

What major events fueled colonial discontentment

with British rule?