The Conqueror of the People The Lion of the...

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Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


Title Zumazzite Corruption’s stronghold

Author Mr Lawrence Tshivhase

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Date of publication 14 April 2017

Tshivhase Midiyavhathu The Conqueror of the People

The Lion of the South


To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the

Euphrates-the land of the Kenites; Kenizzites; Kadmonites; Hittizes; Perizzites; Rephaites;

Amorites; Canaanites; Girgashites and Jebusites

(Genesis 15:21)

Am I a dog, that you can to me with sticks

(1 Samuel 17:43)

I am the Alpha and the Omega

(Rev. 1:8)

Sir! We fought for freedom

and against any form of


Hamba mbava (thief)!!!

Outside are

the dogs

(Rev 22:15)

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017



When monumental change is around the corner we will detect people with guts to

say no. Their obstinate hostility against change can compel them to mobilise across

the board. Rebellious people are willing to fight without looking backwards. Their

fights however are not justified because they flagrantly thrust acts of injustices.

When the blessing of The Most High was revealed to the leaders of society it was

the start of propelling defiant manoeuvres. Even the most precious leaders of society

came forward to fight. They came with the clear intention to kill and destroy. They

rallied behind the fallen man. As a result the blessing was capable of collapsing the

strongholds in the land. Those who were overpowered included Mandelite;

Kathradite; Chabanite and Tshivhasite. These principalities were totally downsized

by the blessing.

What we have gathered from two leading politicians such as the Mandelite and

Kathradite was that they did not want the country to be handed over to those who

loot the state for their selfish ends. Despite their opposition of The Most High they

wanted to see the country free from systematic corruption. Until now, we still have a

persevering spirit named Zumazzite. This repellent spirit triggers grand corruption.

Although other strongholds have fallen the spirit of corruption has remained. Today

the whole country is moaning because Zumazzite is not showing any sign of

conceding. Despite the ceaseless call to get rid of Zumazzite we are still sitting with

a very big problem. Zumazzite has endured many political battles. Complainants are

fed up with the lack of political accountability. They have even contemplated the

slogan “Zumazzite must go”.

Problem Statement

The first problem statement is that Zumazzite is a stubborn demon. Even when

people have a legitimate argument they must never anticipate Zumazzite to go down

without a fight. We must remember that Zumazzite also fears persecution for the

many corrupt deals he has approved. This includes 783 changes of corruption,

money laundering and racketeering. Zumazzite will lose considerably if he lays down

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


his arms. His loyal supporters fully understand what we are talking about. People

must never perceive that the most corrupt demon will hand himself over. That would

mean that he would have to go to prison for many years.

The second problem statement is that corrupt people surround Zumazzite. The

endurance of Zumazzite overpoweringly depends on the response of those who are

with him in corruption. Even when Zumazzite exacerbates corrupt deeds they are

likely to tell him he is doing the right thing. As long as they can persistently cheer and

defend him we can forget to straightforwardly get rid of Zumazzite. We can make a

lot of noise day after day but if those who are with him have political influence we will

struggle to make any breakthrough. Because Zumazzite is the master of his unholy

destiny he has managed to gather very corrupt people. He understands that his

fierce opponents will have no chance to shake his dissolute kingdom. The moment

he comes under scathing attack the little Zumazzites are quick to enter into the

picture to shield him. Because Zumazzite is not alone we must never undermine

those who are working with him. They will continue to act as a giant wall to shield

him from any kind of humiliation. The moment we make a solid advancement against

corruption they will be ready to disrupt our meetings.

The third problem statement is that Zumazzite’s opponents have no prudent strategy

to get rid of him. When we go to a must win fight against our defiant opponents we

must have well-orchestrated combating strategies. Without hands-on strategies it

would be doubtful that we topple our enemies. When the blessing went into the

battlefield with the forces of darkness it had multifaceted strategies. The preferred

strategy was eventually deemed unfit to overcome the darkness. Because of the

everchanging environment the blessing randomly abandoned it. Because of its

flexibility it managed to unleash appropriate tactics until it conquered giants in the

land. From the look of things this is still something that is lacking among the

opponents of Zumazzite. They are too predictable. As a result they allow the pro-

Zumazzite forces to organise and speedily counter them. The reason why Zumazzite

is still in the driving seat is because his opponents are clueless. When their

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


strategies fail to materialise they become vulnerable. We are not flabbergasted to

see Zuma bouncing back when he is under threat. Those who have captured him are

able to embarrass people who are fighting for justice.

The fourth problem statement is that the forces outside the ANC capture Zumazzite.

Once the corrupt forces outside the structures of a governing party capture its leader

we must expect a demanding confrontation. Outside forces do not care about the

longevity of the ANC. Their prime mission is to loot as fast as possible before the

ANC is sent to the opposition benches. From what we are seeing right now is that

they pay little respect to their alliance partners. This is conceivable because the

outside forces have full control over Zumazzite. They are unforgivingly manipulating

him like a robot. This kind of manipulation however continues to reverse a lot. We

therefore want people to recognise that they can only defeat Zumazzite when they

are able to plan against those who have captured him. Today the list of ministers’

names is brought forward from somewhere else. The outside forces are in the driving

seat while Zumazzite is merely a passenger in his own car.

The fifth problem statement is that Treasury is now captured. The biggest problem

Zumazzite had was his inability to access Treasury. He felt like a lame duck

president. During Nene’s era Zumazzite was forced to expel Nene by those who

have captured him. He even lied about the reason for removing Nene. Despite Nene

being the most competent person for the job Treasury was seen as the main target

by the corrupt forces. An unknown person, Des Van Rooyen, who was only minister

of finance for less than a week, unpredictably replaced Nene. Because of pressure

Zumazzite was forced to bring forward someone with tested track record to save the

economy from complete collapse. In this regard Gordhan was appointed to once

more serve as the minister of finance. The rise of Gordhan was not well received by

the allies of Zumazzite. From the day that Gordhan was appointed, the forces of

corruption started to mobilise against him. The problem was that Zumazzite was very

weak at the time. This was because Van Rooyen’s appointment resulted in the

economy losing billions of rands. In order to restrategise, his supporters started to

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


accuse Gordhan of acting against radical economic transformation. This mobilised

rhetoric gained momentum if we consider that the outside forces saw Treasury as

the department they struggled to capture. The recall of Gordhan was seen as the

rise of the forces of corruption to control the public purse. We now anticipate corrupt

deals to pass through without any form of opposition. The new minister of finance

has to prove himself as being his own man or else he will burn his fingers. Since he

is still a young person he has to consider his political reputation before he is pushed

to do something that will curse him.

Unsuccessful attempts to get rid of Zumazzite

Zumazzite is the greatest political survivor of all time. His opponents tried everything

in their power to get rid of him. However they failed. Some had even lost their voices

by repeatedly chanting that Zumazzite must fall. Below are the activities that took

place in an effort to bring down Zumazzite.

1. Motions of no confidence

Motions of confidences are ordinarily tabled in parliament when the sitting President

is deemed unfit to run the country. The success rate of these constitutionalised

motions depends on the support behind those who seek change. It is unwise for

people to use these motions if they do not have numbers. For example, the

opponents of Zumazzite relied on the ANC members to vote against the president.

They overlooked that ANC’s MPs have demonstrated that they only serve their

stomachs. They do not care about the impairment to the country. Some would never

betray the president because they continue to enjoy the privileges of being ministers.

Despite differing from Zumazzite they worry too much about the lavish state

resources as well as the top-class security they access (because they hold

ministerial positions). Therefore, motions of no confidence are unlikely to be the

solutions since the ANC still has numbers. Today we can confidently say that seven

motions of no confidence have failed to topple Zumazzite. Another motion is in the

pipeline in response to the reshuffle of cabinet. It is very unlikely that motions of no

confidence will threaten Zumazzite. The writing on the wall still says that Zumazzite

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


will survive unless disgruntled ANC members take a patriotic step. What, then, shall

we say in response to this? Motions of no confidence are unlikely to remove

Zumazzite if the ANC members do not want to break the tradition.

2. The disruption of parliament proceeds

The president of the country has to account to parliament on a continuous basis. He

is required by the constitution to defend his political decisions and put forward his

master plan. The presidency of Zumazzite has become something humorous.

Parliament has been turned into a playground because opposition parties want the

corrupt Zumazzite to go. During the state of the nation addresses it always takes

almost an hour before the Zumazzite can speak. Once he stands on the podium his

courageous opponents always start to disrupt his speech. Defiant people are often

removed by riot police force in order to allow Zumazzite to speak. Therefore, the

legacy of corruption has turned the parliament into a paradise of physical

confrontation. Because Zumazzite has become rotten to the core he does not care

what his foes are saying. To him it is all about survival of the fittest. His aim is to

circumvent the impending corruption cases against him. From this, we have seen

how Zuma has survived. Even when people want to overcome him through battles of

ideas he still has the capacity to make fun of their logical opinions. What, then, shall

we say I response to this? Disruptions will not be able to get rid of Zumazzite.

3. They frequently used funerals to attack Zumazzite

The division in the ANC is brought into the public domain during funerals of the fallen

cadres. Because of unhappiness around Zumazzite, furious people are unable to

keep their views. When Mr Makhenkesi Stofile was about to perish he stringently

instructed his friends and family from his bedside that Zumazzite should never set a

foot at his funeral. During his funeral Zumazzite was attacked from left to right by

those who spoke. They whimpered about widespread political corruption. Recently,

Zumazzite was also lamented at the funeral of Kathradite (Ahmed Kathrada). It is

alleged that Kathrada’s family did not want Zuma to speak at his funeral. When

Zumazzite heard the news he decided not to attend the funeral of the stalwart who

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


had spent twenty-six years in prison. What, then, shall we say in response to this?

Funerals are not the appropriate platform to fight your enemies.

4. Kathradite’s letter to Zumazzite

Due to the widespread corruption in the Zumazzite’s administration many elders in

the ANC are speaking out. To demonstrate his unhappiness Kathradite wrote a letter

to Zuma to ask him to step down. Instead of responding to the letter Zumazzite

disregarded him. This shows that Zumazzite did not care about the icon of the

struggle. Even if the letter came from Mandela Zumazzite was going to keep quiet.

This also reveals that when a person is captured by outside forces he or she will no

longer listen to those who should advise him. The snubbing of Kathradite was

something worth reproving. Mbeki also wrote letter to Zumazzite but it appeared that

there was no response. However, we do not have the full contest of what Mbeki

wanted to advise Zumazzite on. Nonetheless, below is a shortened piece of the letter

that Kathradite wrote to Zumazzite:

"I have always maintained a position of not speaking out publicly about any differences I may harbour

against my leaders and my organisation‚ the ANC. Today I have decided to break with that tradition.

The position of president is one that must at all times unite this country behind a vision and

programme that seeks to make tomorrow a better day than today for all South Africans. It is a position

that requires the respect of all South Africans, which of course must be earned at all times."

"And bluntly‚ if not arrogantly‚ in the face of such persistently widespread criticism‚ condemnation and

demand‚ is it asking too much to express the hope that you will choose the correct way that is gaining

momentum‚ to consider stepping down?"

5. Alliance partners are going astray

The removal of Pravin Gordhan has captured attention of alliance partners namely

SACP and COSATU. For the first time these partners declared that Zumazzite

should step down. Their outcry is huge. Anyone who undermines their voice is a fool.

Without these partners the ANC can forget about retaining power. The ANC’s

previous overwhelming support was due to the support from these partners. If both

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


the SACP and COSATU are serious about corruption they can gain public trust in

this hour. Their opposition to corruption is a good investment as they verge forward.

By the time Zumazzite advances his corrupt deeds we will have more voices.

Although we appreciate the voices of both the SACP and COSATU we want them to

recognise that their condemnation must not be due to the upcoming elective

conference. We say so because Zumazzite has been causing mutilation to the

country for some time while they did not come out against him. We want people to

be consistent.

6. The Zumazzite must fall campaign

The dawn of Zumazzite adversely touched people from all walks of life. We also

noticed the establishment of SAVE South Africa. This movement was launched with

the intention to get rid of corrupt forces in government. It is comprised of disgruntled

ANC members; religious leaders; political parties; business people and so on. SAVE

South Africa has to date organised many marches but they have gained little. Within

SAVE South Africa there are those who still believe the ANC is still the right

instrument to take the country forward. On the other hand, some do not believe this.

There is a fundamental contradiction among those who instituted SAVE South Africa.

As long as they differ in their strategies and tactics to get rid of corrupt forces they

will never make it. They can have hundreds of marches in big cities but they will only

be wasting their time. Instead of saving South Africa there are people who want to

save the vanishing organisation. With us, when we say SA comes first, we mean it.

7. The ANC leadership

For the first time the top leadership of the ANC was willing to speak out against the

president. The removal of the finance minister was used as a reason behind their

disagreement with the president. We have seen Ramaphosa loudly condemning the

lack of consultation. He stated that Zuma came with a list of cabinet reshuffle without

consulting them. The trio consisting of Ramaphosa, Zweli and Mantashe revealed

their shock in terms of the manner they were undermined. Again, we see a person

who cannot no longer consult because he wants to impose things. He thinks he can

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


simply do as he likes because he is president. Because of being captured Zumazzite

was defiant despite his comrades’ unhappiness. We however want to reiterate that

the motives of the trio might be selfish. We know that the trio wants to get elected in

the upcoming ANC elective conference. Their motivation might be to be seen as

incorruptible in order to get cheap political points. Therefore, although we salute their

standpoint we cannot rule out an act of double-dealing. We say so because

Zumazzite has been looting while they have failed to say anything. Why now?

What Zumazzite did to enforce systematic corruption?

The abuse of the prerogative of being the president: The constitution of South Africa

gives power to the sitting president to fire and hire ministers including premiers. This

reality has profoundly empowered corrupt forces to go for a kill. Those who have

captured Zumazzite were prudent to utilise this part of the constitution. Because of

the politics of slate, those who defy the president are most likely to be purged.

Firstly, Nene was fired for no legitimate motive. Secondly, Gordhan was shown the

door through a biased report. Although we agree with the constitution regarding the

prerogative of the president this can also open the door for corrupt forces. Once you

challenge the decision of the president they will remind you of the constitution.

Therefore corrupt forces will always win the argument since they rely on the

prerogative as a weapon to silence their foes. In the end the gradual spread of

systematic corruption is felt across all spheres of government. This is due to the fact

that the president mainly hires the corrupt.

The majority of people are corrupt: To serve under the leadership of a corrupt leader

is difficult. If you do not bow down to his or her orders you can lose favour. Those

surrounding Zumazzite are aware of this. In order to remain an asset to the wishes of

the corrupt forces they have to obey. If they are not trusted it is improbable that they

will gain more senior cabinet positions. When the name of Brian Molefe was

mentioned as a possible replacement for Gordhan it was alleged that Zumazzite was

successful opposed. His opponents seemed to have used the fact that Brian Molefe

was widely implicated by the public protector’s report. Putting him forward was never

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


a wise move. Once Zumazzite was defeated he looked out for and found a more

vulnerable person in the name of Malusi Gigaba. When a leader trusts that you will

do corrupt deeds where you lead, he or she will promote you. To be specific, many

ministers in the Zumazzite’s cabinet are dirty. A looting spree is happening in their

departments. Because of this they would rather perish with him.

He got rid of Mr Hanekom: It was reported that Hanekom was one of the people who

demanded that Zumazzite resigned from the ANC NEC meeting. This call was

almost successful but when the web of Zumazzite cronies heard of that possibility

they came back from their destinations within hours. They nullified a proposed

motion of no confidence. Because of his stance Hanekom was targeted. It was also

predicted that the reshuffle would include his removal. In the case of Hanekom we

saw how Zumazzite responded unforgivingly. He wanted to send this strong

message across the board: “If you challenge me of being corrupt I will remove you.”

Therefore, the voice inside the ANC to permanently deal with corruption was

skewed. Ministers feared losing their lavish lifestyles if they resisted the president.

Having said this we have a long way in abolishing acts of corruption because ANC

members are spineless. The moment they speak against acts of corruption they can

actually smell their coffins.

Zumazzite shielded the underperformers

The ministers who remain loyal to the president were fraudulently saved. Despite

them absolutely underperforming in their assigned portfolios Zumazzite protected

them. This revealed that the reshuffle was based on factional battles. People in the

database of captured people were safeguarded. Firstly, the chief Justice marked

Mathabile Dlamini as being absolutely incompetent in her mishandling of the Sassa

saga. Despite the damaging allegations against her she was saved. We can further

interrogate in this regard. Dlamini is the president of ANCWL. She is vocal voice

behind Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma becoming the president of the ANC. Because

Zumazzite knew this he was prepared to overlook the damage she had perpetrated

in her department. Therefore, when you are considered as having power within the

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


structures of the ANC a corrupt leader will never touch you. Since Zumazzite is a

survivor he knows how to play his cards under a cloudy environment. Secondly,

Faith Muthambi was seen as someone who was supposed to be sacked. The mess

she instigated at the SABC cannot go unobserved. Because of her pro-Zuma stance

she was moved to another department. Lastly, we cannot overlook the manner in

which Musebenzi Zwane has been handling himself. What, then, shall we say in

response to this? This is absolute incompetence.

Power play within the structures of the ANC

Corrupt forces have captured the members of the NEC: The soul of the ANC died

the moment when some NEC members were captured by outside forces. Instead of

defending the policies of the party they were willing to defend those who captured

them. The Zumazzite did not even appoint many ministers under his administration.

Those who have captured him were the ones who dictated him to appoint certain

individuals. Therefore, the NEC of the ANC is rotten to the core. There is nothing left

to praise it. When we see them attending meetings the only thing we can say is that

there are sell-outs. Their loyalty is solely based on the exchange of money stored

inside brown bags.

Corrupt forces have captured the leadership of the youth league: The agenda of

pursuing young people has vanished. Young people in the ANC are doing

embarrassing things. Some are being abused. Instead of defending the young

people of this country they are defending those who have captured the president.

This is an unprecedented development. The long-term ramification will be huge. By

the time Zumazzite falls the young league will be gone. Therefore, we are facing a

national crisis where youth leaders have rebelled the founding values of the league.

Instead of being militant in gunning for radical issues that face the youth they are

accepting bribes in secret from those who have captured Zumazzite. When the ANC

is degenerating in their presence they continue to insult.

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


Corrupt forces have captured the leadership of the women’s league: Women play a

critical role in a modern society. The dawn of democracy in South Africa has

advanced women across the board. The voice of women is never denied in our new

democratic dispensation. Today we find women occupying top positions than before.

Despite the rise of women in different areas we are sad to state that the ANC

women’s league has been captured. The outside forces targeting state coffers have

managed to capture its leadership. In order to sustain their looting spree they even

came forward with the name of another Zumazzite to take the presidency of the ANC

in December 2017. Therefore, we must not think the end of Zuma will be end of

mass looting because another Zuma is rising. The defiant voice from captured

women in the ANCWL would make that possible. The conduct of Bathabile is

something to be worried about. When we say systematic corruption would be

defeated outside the ANC we mean every word.

Corrupt forces have captured the leadership of MKMVA: The member of MKMVA

was the one who was rejected to lead the treasury. He became the minister of

finance for less than a week. His name was Mr Des Van Rooyen. Those who have

captured the state wanted to use him as their puppet. Today Mr Van Rooyen is the

dedicated defender of Zumazzite. During Gordhan’s tenure as a minister of finance

Van Rooyen attacked Gordhan without any remorse. Therefore, the voice from

MKMVA has been disheartening. Even its leader continues to protect those who are

after the state coffers. Because of the ability of the forces of corruption to seize key

ANC structures Zumazzite is still unstoppable. The moment he is under attack

leaders of the ANCYL; ANCWL and MKMVA are quick to show their support. They

do so because they are bought. Therefore, it is high time to know the rot from within.

Anyone who wants to defeat Zumazzite at the elective conference will have to sweat.

Why? Zumazzite will not go down without a fight.

Corrupt forces failed to capture the stalwarts and veterans of the movements: We

can pronounce that the only group of men and women who cannot agree to

corruption is the formation that represents the stalwarts and veterans. These

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


individuals identify the true values of patriotism from their hearts. It is sad to see

them crying while no one listens to them. Zumazzite does not recognise them

because they are too old to revolt against him. We must admit that the stalwarts and

veterans are predominantly tired people who have concluded their assignments. But

when seeing their organisation dying in their presence they are tempted to stand up

despite having little strength to sway those who are corrupt. The Kathrada letter was

a good example of what he felt about the menace of corruption. To be spot-on, it is

encouraging to see that veterans show that they never fought for corruption. Their

stance can help us to get rid of rotten apples.

Their TV channel distributes propaganda

One of the strategies to defend Zumazzite was to establish ANN7 as a weapon of

propaganda. Those who have captured the president operate this channel. In order

to defend his decision they managed to secure binder of false analysts to be partial.

Analysts deployed to the channel are straightforwardly not objective. They are fed

with what they must send forth. ANN7 is a typical example of what can go wrong

when we allow corruption to influence the analysts to sabotage their nation. Why this

is happening? Because the Guptas think South Africans are stupid. That is why it is

easy for them to capture our selfish leaders. Because they managed to corrupt

Zumazzite they think they can corrupt the whole nation. The only person who turned

down their bag full of dirty cash was the former deputy minister of finance Mr Mcebisi

Jonas. Wherever he is, he has made us proud. He has proved that cheap money

from foreign demons will never persuade him. He has also displayed that he is not a

dog. Real dogs (dzimmbwa) are those who feed themselves through kickbacks.

They are vending our country to foreigners. When they are tendered with bags of

stolen money they do not refuse. What, then, shall we say in response to this? The

Guptas must leave our country.

Radical Economic Transformation (RET)

The struggle for freedom was also about radical socio economic transformation. This

was seen as a solid argument to push forward the demands of previous

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


disadvantaged individuals. We want to emphasise this because RET was

unremittingly used by the forces of corruption to get rid of Gordhan. They said that

he was blocking economic transformation whereas he was in fact blocking looting.

Although we understand that there has been little progress, we differ in the manner

in which they understood RET. RET should be carried out free from ills. It does not

compel us to enforce corruption at the highest office. It also does not compel us to

fire competent people. It is a false narrative that RET can allow the state to be

captured so that people can enrich themselves. While that happens the deprived

people will continue to suffer because gangsters have arrived. Some gangsters have

left their countries to come here and to exploit the gains of revolution. What, then,

shall we say in response to this? Our grandfathers did not perish for foreigners from

another country.

Zumazzite is a liar

We will continue to fight racism with all we have. Racism is a cancer that must be

buried ten feet beneath the soil. When certain events unfold desperate people can

idiotically use racism as an instrument to weaken their opponents. We must evade

using racism as a scapegoat to diverge being accountable. When Zumazzite realised

that people of all races gathered together in the fight against corruption he was quick

to accuse them of being racists. We totally reject his fallacious opinion of the

unfolding events. According to our knowledge the demonstrators show earnest

interests. They are the ones who continue to suffer due to the incompetent and

corrupt administration. We therefore want Zumazzite to realise that we are far from

being fools. Even if he can fool the ANC supporters he will find it tough to fool South

Africans. We have been in this world for long enough to see how desperate he is to

remain at the helm of the presidency. Corruption and racism are therefore two totally

different things. People must not be alienated on the basis that a thief wants to use

racism to cause more damage to the country. We cannot commend that a fabricator

is allowed to undermine our mental capacity. What, then, shall we say in response to

this? The devil is a liar.

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


The battle will be won outside the ANC

We have managed to unleash the complexity of getting rid of Zumazzite within the

ANC structures. By the look of things Zumazzite has full control of his unhallowed

destiny. He has sufficient numbers to sustain himself. His defenders are scattered all

over the provinces as they are busy looting. We were not surprised to hear that

David Mabuza came strongly against Mantashe. Therefore, the ANC in its current

form has no teeth to bite Zumazzite. People must start to plan for a long-haul

strategy to reverse the gains of corruption. Their stance must never be via the ANC.

Even if Zumazzite goes, there will be little skeletons with similar DNA. They will carry

on working with the outside forces to undermine good governance. In summary, the

ANC is not the proper vehicle to eradicate corruption. Although those who want to

get rid of Zumazzite remain, they seem to have insignificant numbers to entomb him

at the upcoming electing conference.

Let’s see what you can do

The Most High has managed to gain spiritual victories over Mandelite, Kathradite;

Chabanite and Tshivhasite. These divine victories were achieved outside the

influence of people. They were the work of the Lord over the enemy. The spirit of

Zumazzite requires South Africans from all walks of life to mobilise. Zumazzite

cannot be defeated by one person unless if you want the blessing to unleash

unworldly weapons.

In order to be fair the masses will be given an opportunity to show what they have at

their disposal in their struggle to eliminate Zumazzite. If you seriously want to

remove him do not ever fear those who are shielding him. We also want to see how

you intend to implement your strategies and tactics. We will be watching you with

great interest to see whether you are more than conquerors or just noisy cowards. If

you fail completely to remove him all will not be lost. Destroyers will still intervene.

Therefore, Zuma must know that we have rejected his acts of corruption. We will

never sway things in his favour in this day and time. It is only a matter of time before

his kingdom will perish.

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


A national crisis

When the soul of the country is under substantial threat from corrupt forces the

citizens must do the right thing. We cannot sit back as if we are not directly affected

by what is happening around us. The emerging culture that is gaining momentum in

the country at the moment is saddening. This gloomy culture wants to put corruption

ahead of national interest. If it is sustained we will continue to lose out while

criminals are gaining. Both public and private institutions are key participants in

gratifying acts of corruption. Therefore, the rot is rife. It requires selfless people who

have no room to defend corruption. Unfortunately Zumazzite is not that type of a

person. When the image of the country is under threat we have to stand to defeat the

decay among our political leaders. We need to put aside our diversified differences

for the sake of the country while we embolden good governance. This will go a long

way in cleansing the spirit of Zumazzite. But if corruption rules we will struggle to

eradicate the triple challenges of unemployment; poverty and inequality. As for

Zumazzite and his webs of corruption we want to say we are coming soon. Those

who defend him must know that we are not at all intimidated by sell-outs.

What if Nkosazana triumphs?

We must be alert that the endorsement of Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is the extension

of those who wish to preserve the status quo. Do not be fooled that she will crack

down the problem because those who are pushing for her represent the mafia of

corruption. Firstly, she is supported so that she can protect Zumazzite from

persecution. Secondly, she is supported so that looters continue to loot. Thirdly, she

is supported so that the Zumazzite family can enrich itself. Fourthly, she is supported

so that she can push corrupt deals like controversial nuclear power. Fifthly, she is

supported so that she can retain corrupt ministers in Zuma’s cabinet. Sixthly, she is

supported because of the widespread culture of tribalism. Lastly, she is supported

because she was once married to Jacob Zuma. We were not surprised why she

hurried to return from AU instead of finishing her second term. The capturers of the

state want to use her as their puppet. Taking this into account, it is clear that we

won’t allow her to destroy our country. Even if she succeeds in the ANC we have

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


already rejected her to lead our country. Her success in the ANC will not be a done

deal. She will still have to climb giant mountains. The haters of corruption must think

beyond the upcoming ANC elective conference.


Zumazzite has fraudulently mistreated a lot of people for his own selfish needs,

(including the alliance partners). When he falsely accused Mbeki’s regime of

targeting him, he managed to seize the support from SACP and COSATU. Today

both the SACP and COSATU feel the man they fully supported betrayed them. They

actually want him to step down. Many who supported him at the 2007 Polokwane

meeting are no longer at peace with him. They realised that they have endorsed a

crook. Although they wanted to give him a chance to prove his critics wrong he

ironically proved his critics right. Mbeki was right when he removed Zumazzite as his

deputy. We now know that he saw the rot. Zumazzite widely revealed his

commitment to widespread corruption once he ascended to the highest office. Since

he took over he has fought many battles to remain at the helm of the presidency. He

defied all odds (including those who asked him to step down). What we have at the

moment is a man who is declining to resign regardless of the number of prominent

people who censure him. As we speak seventy percent of South Africans want him

to go. His deaf ears will continue to wane the credibility of his party. The ANC must

expect a significant drop in the 2019 election. There is also a possibility of losing

power. The overwhelming support they used to have will no longer be practical.

The time has come where men and women of sound values should put the country

ahead of their own differences. Getting rid of Zumazzite is a very simple matter. It

requires patriotic people to organise themselves. They have to look at the bigger

picture in order to reclaim their country back from criminals. We also know that many

who voted the ANC are willing to break the tradition as long as Zumazzite and his

corrupt demons control our country. It is no longer about the ANC anymore but about

saving the soul of the country. Ordinary people can determine their destination

without being intimidated by people who have lost their moral compass. Dear friends,

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


do not be fooled by anyone when in fact the real power lies with you. If you see

transgressions by elected leaders you have the ultimate power to sack them. Failure

to realise your power will prove that you do not understand what a democracy is all


We must be aware of the fact that the corrupt forces will not go down without a fight.

Violent people can be sent to disrupt your campaigns as a way to demoralise you.

Because there is a lot at stake they have no power over the forces of light.

Understanding this divine principle will help us overcome. When people want to

defend corruption we must have the moral courage to say enough is enough. Once

we say so we must be willing to break ranks. In the end the ANC will be out in the

cold because they have failed to lead. When people cried out that Zumazzite was

destroying our country they took us for granted. We again want the ANC to know that

we are not children. Our struggle will end in victory. No matter how deep they cover

for each other time will eventually get them. We won’t even listen to them even if

they back us like a thief asking for forgiveness. They will bow down but we will not

listen to them because they will be out of touch.

We want to salute people like Mcebisi Jonas who rejected a bag full of hard cash. He

did not want to be one of the puppets. He has shown that he was not for sale. His

actions have spoken louder than words. Because of him rejecting the stolen money

Zumazzite removed him as deputy minister of finance. The whole incident shows

that this is not the South Africa that many people have fought for. Competent black

politicians are now being removed because they refuse to be corrupted. The same

can be said about Gordhan and Nene. We are thus at the crossroads where people

have to make prudent choices. If they want Zumazzite to still harass our people while

he also bankrupts the government let them do so. But those who oppose corruption

must be willing to draw the battle lines. We do not have to carry guns in order to win

this battle. The ballot paper will be our weapon. In summary, we want people to

think deeply about where they stand. Zumazzite and his little demons do not scare

Devil Destroyer, Volume 284, 3127- 3145, 14 April 2017


us. What, then, shall we say in response to this? Corruption is the greatest enemy of

the people.


In terms of holy declaration

“Tshivhase Midiyavhathu”

Basically means

“The greatest victory over people including witches”

Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from

the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and

love (2 John 1:3)