The Critical Thinker Academy: Testimonials

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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feEdback from other people

on the video tutorials that are available

at the critical thinker


I have young kids (6 and under) and I'm starting down this path to get to a point to where I can effectively teach and talk to my kids about it as they grow up. It's sad to see the lack of critical thinking being taught, so I applaud what you're doing. Keep up the great work. 

- Jeff Pierce

Thank you for taking the time to put these videos together. I am working on my first ever argumentative essay. It has been a roller coaster. Your videos made it a lot easier to tackle. 

- Rebekah Davis

I'm studying a philosophy/psychology double major and have found your lessons super helpful and incredibly interesting. This kind of knowledge is particularly important in a world where misinformation often pervades social discourse on important issues, especially in the political sphere.Without the appropriate tools how can anyone separate fact from fiction, good information from bad information?

- David Nauendorf

I wanted to thank you for your podcasts and videos. They are very well done and very informative. You have opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. I find myself, with much enjoyment, constantly seeing fallacies (formal & informal) in different things, especially documentaries that have an agenda other than pure education. Being years out of college and never being introduced to critical thinking, I truly love it now! Thanks again & please keep up the great work!!

- Drew

I discovered your website a few days ago. Not to blow sunshine up your skirt, but your material is far superior to anything I've found, and I've searched in many places.  Congratulations on your very comprehensive and accessible lectures and materials. 

- Norvell

I ran into your videos in the area of critical thinking while research the impact of confirmatory bias in my own industry.  Your lessons have been very informative, and are helping me to develop a very different lens through which to present, and potentially resolve, challenges of security in our increasingly interconnected world.

I send this note to simply thank you for your dedication to your topic, and to let you know that your impact extends beyond what you may have expected as your likely audience.

- Jack

I have been amazed by the clarity with which you have presented the concepts related to critical thinking. In my 5 years of teaching internal medicine residents, I have struggled to identify elements of critical thinking, so that they can be taught to budding physicians. A lot of mistakes in medicine relate to biases. I do annual morbidity and mortality conferences and it has become evident to me that lack of critical thinking is at the heart of many adverse outcomes for patients.

- Anshu

A YouTube video shouldn't teach me more than 4 years of high school, but it did.

- enuuts

Hey, just wanted to say I enjoy your courses a lot! And I also wanted to let you know that it proves as excellent supplemental knowledge for the LSAT. I intend to pass the news along to those who are also studying for this deplorable test (although because it's on a bell curve, such promotion can wait until after February).

- Justin

I went to a good liberal arts college where, as I can recognize now and as I intuited back then, elements of critical thinking were taught and practiced, but it was all hit or miss, never a package deal.  ... Yours is the first resource that gave me what I needed, partly because it came in reasonable bites and was presented in a short time frame with basic concepts that, again, were clear.

- Robert

After studying your "how to write a good essay" videos my organization of thoughts improved to a point that I went from receiving a "F" on my essays to earning an "A". Thank you.

- opusx300

As a mechanical engineer I had a bad picture of philosophy as a waste of time. Why sit around and talk about stuff when you could build stuff? After stumbling on your channel and watching your videos I have to say sorry. If everyone knew how to think critically the world would be a better place.

- smeggie2

A quick message to say thanks for these videos. As I embark on preparing for a new career (law school), I realized my weaknesses: English Writing and Critical Thinking. Two essential skills to succeed in law school. Your videos have been sunshine on rainy days.

P.S. I am strongly considering a second undergraduate degree in philosophy prior to applying to law school. That subject is simply fascinating.

- Ann

I've viewed many, many critical thinking discussions. Kevin's Critical Thinker Academy is the best -- one that I come back to often to review and sharpen my understanding of critical thinking principles.

- Terry Grapentine

I have followed Kevin's work since a previous blog on the same topic. I am a "mature" student and I learned so much at the time. This new and enriched version of the course is absolutely phenomenal and I would suggest students of any age and experience to sign up and take the time to go through the course. There are a lot of lessons to be learned and actually put in practice immediately.

- Georgio Bendoni

This is top notch university instruction available on your laptop. The course content is easily the equivalent of that in the college-level critical thinking course that Prof. deLaplante has been teaching for over fifteen years. It's a great supplement to regular classroom instruction -- or, if you put the work in to apply the concepts to real world examples, a great substitute for all learners.

Dr. Jean Goodwin

Engaging and accessible

As a complete beginner with no previous study experience in any aspect of philosophy, I found this course and Kevin's teaching style very engaging and accessible. I would thoroughly recommend this course.

- Sophie Payne

Best course ever on Critical Thinking.

I am a college student and bought this course to complement my courseware for critical thinking and I have to give credit to this course.This course helped me understand them thoroughly and helped me score a 98%. I felt like Kevin was right in front of me explaining the concepts. His coaching methods are very effective. I recommend this course to anyone who wishes to not only learn about critical thinking but be ahead of the pack.

- Shelley Bhalla

Although I've been fortunate enough to have been exposed to the subject of critical thinking in high school, I'm enjoying this more thorough course immensely! Thanks so much for an easy to digest approach, and for making every effort to keep focused. It's a real pleasure to learn from such a disciplined and deliberate mind.

- Nizaar Lilla

I am amazed how good is this course - Recommend to everyone

The chapters ahead will help me on my thesis thinking process and I hope you keep adding more things to this course because it is awesome.

Thanks for taking the time to do it. I definitely recommend to everybody. There would be no single person that in one way or another would not benefit from this course.

- Renata Baldissara-Kunnela

Amazing Course - Every Student Should Take It

These courses are full of useful knowledge. I graduated from a very good law school and from a top-tier liberal arts college. This course is a succinct, easy-to-understand presentation of what every person should know. Most of my classmates (me included at one point) did not understand these principles and ideas. Every student from elementary school to graduate school should take this course. If only this existed when I first went to college ...

- Nicholas Hahn

Very useful

I truly enjoyed the course. I have taken notions of logic and probability in school and at college, but they were not put in the context of critical thinking skills. I enjoyed all the varied sections, in particular introduction to fallacies and how to write argumentative essays. I learned much more than what I already know.

- David Matta

The broad perspective in this course is very helpful. I feel my mind, my perspective, has been opened up further if only slightly. The list of cognitive biases - WOW! Since I will not remember all of them, I am looking for general principles to use by which I can overcome my own biases and see when biases are at play in others. I am presently studying logic for mathematical proof. But this course has shown me, clearly, good reasons for believing there is far more to the human situation than just logic.

- Robert J Anderson