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(IITD T~lTAIspends it so rcckjessly, buying' everything N Q* oNt C~alled For.

UR W NA AL ARM EN that takes his fancy, so long as the loso cash ARVATIO IFFICULT seemsrange that it is necessary to holds out. The shopkeeper in quest ion, how-. diseases by offering a premium to the NEIY~ ~~ ~~ ARAEN a~iuDFFs riad meemssrng that itu can ecuesr toi A ] are'O p ru iy ever, gives the right honorable


VESSEL TO BE BUTLT IMMEDIATELY AT noteof hispurchases and tie onen is alwa A FEAT NOT 80 EASIN ACOOMPLISHED an w f> treeive benef. A y Dr. Sage undoubtedly cured thousands of THE BROOKLYN N1VY YARD. punctuolly sent next day.- IN NEW YORK CITY. cases of obstiu te catarrh with his "Ca

___________ tarrh Remedy,",who would never have ap- th SUGGESTIONS ON HEALTH. pled to him, if it had not been for his of- And the Peo) 1e of Jacksonville Seize it

The First Naval Vessel to be Built by the SUGESTIONS ON EALTH. What the Man Who Looks After the fer of the above samn for an incurable case. United States on the New Plans-Some- Healthful House-Heating-Eyeglasses a Vity's Paupers Says on the Subject-As- Who is the next bidder for cure or cash

thing About the Discussions These Cure for Headache-About Blistering. sociation for Improving the Condition Plans Have Brought Out. Compiled for the NEws-HERALD. ofthe Poor-Necessary RedTaDe. JTaoen. e till Lead the Trade in LOW PRICES .

Pneumonia has increased nearly threefold JaButw M 1He S la t r d ito I ce s Compiled for the NEws-HERALD. in proportion to population in New York in Compiled for the N3ws-HERALD. But we are now Offering Additional Inducements.

Reduced copies of the drawings and t the last fifty years, and bronchitis even more You can makeyour selections from our main specifications of the armored war ship rapidly. So states a writer in Popular How can a Peson starve to death in Ne HOUS OF ARRIVALS You ca make-your selections from our

which the secretary of the navy has just or- Science, who finds the cause of this in the York city?" wasaskedby a reporterofSuper AND DEPARTURES FROM POSTOFFIC Enorm ous : Stock : of : Furniture, dered to be built at the Brooklyn navy yard fact that fifty years ago there were few fur intendent Blake, who looks after the city's - --

are here presented. Our readers may be sure naces or close stoves for warming, and no paupers. Mr. Blakedidn't stop to thinkbefora ARRIVAL OF MAILS. of bearing u great deal about it before the win- steam pipes. He explains the difference thus: he said: "You can't;" and then he added: WESTERN-Cincinnati, ter is over, as thisis the first naval vessel to Io Radiant heat from the sun or an open fire "That is, you chn't unless you want to real Chicago, Savannah, Char-T built by the United States on the new plans, passes through the air (so far as it is pure air) bad. Of course, if you lock yourself up leston, Atlanta San Franabout which there has been so much discus without warming it; that is to say, without somewhere where no one can get at you, and isco and a e 8 0 am 12 80 m

son, and over whi there i almost rtain being obstructed or retained by it (just as don't eat anything or make any noe to ORTHERN- Charlesto be u political fight, As the drawings light does), and only warms the pavement, attract attention, you may succeed in dying ton, Savannah, Washing- No.26 & 28 Laura Street I C EE AD are sectional only, the reader must imagine floors, walls or other opaque body on which of starvation; bult that's about the only way New oek, il......... .12 30 pm JACKSONVILLE bbvt the, omple ted itorajlad will look upon it falls. The air that touches the iron bars ofsavto;bta' saothenl way NewOrlansMoVeLGa-E, - FLA C~'LEA1PVLL L D &X SONI'.

hw t cmpletl i dad will look on itfalys. The air that touches the iron bars ou could do it in New York. If you would veston etc ... .. 0p....... 30p the water, but Im can easily make out the or surface of the fire in an open grate goes to starve, take my advice and don't try it in Orlando, Bartow, Tampa, REAL ESTATE. two important poits-that the engines and feed the fire and is then drawn up the chim- New Yor,; you are sure to be caught at it. Palata, Orange City, E..n- 7 00 am steering apparatus are thoroughly protec:ted ney. Only pure radiant heat is thrown into cThere isnored tape about the reliefof trprise, Sanford t...... 1 50 pm T and that the two revolving turrets are in the room, not hot air; and it does not heat destitutepeopleinthis city. In the first place, *Palatka-A Special ............... eceon-ha sfread f, ndifretpouch from at........... 70 echelon-that is, fore and aft, on different the air at all directly, but warms our bodies, the city doesn't do it a all. The city gave up u and In..700pm sides of the vessel, so that both can fire to walls, furniture, etc., and the air is heated giving outdoor relief several years ago. All River ............ 1 50 pm rear or front as well as to either side, instead from them. When ttove, furnace, steam or the city does for poor people is to send them Pablo...................... ...... 2 00 pm of being amnidships and centraL One of the hot water pipes are used, the air is heated to the workhouse. But, naturally, inform la lle, Lees-a 1 80 pm 00 pm

points discussed with much heat among naval directly and in turn warms the objects with tion of people who are in needof immediate burg, 'avares, etc ..- 3 00 pm 7 00 pm

experts is as to whether this arrangement which it comes in contact, the process being assistance usually comes to me. Generally Cedar Key, Waldo, -en gainsas much in one direction asit loses in otb- exactly the reverse of the other, the neighbors are the ones who find out the Bronson, etc................... 3 00 pm A. & . C. C. & Okeechobee Land Co. A lsrie fte Brdainfo pnfrstoiiteBrooksville, Fort Mason, 0 o . oo: ers. The reader will alsoget acloser ideaof the By radiation from open fires the air is the case, and they either come here or inform the Altoona etc o.............. 700pm *C *uee discussions by bearing in mind that this de- coolest thing in the room; by the air heating police. In either case the action isimmediate. Tallahassee, Lake City Kisimmee Land sign is but slightly changed from that of the method it is the hottest. By open fires the I always send a messenger directly around to Pensacola, etc... ............ 0 pmo., celebrated Brazilian warships Riachuelo lungs get less heat than any other part of us, the office of the New York Association fo Fernandina..... 9 00 am 7 00 pm

and Aquidbeni, but that the naval authori- and so are braced and strengthened; by the Improving the Condition of the Poor, and ii etc., to Orangedale on east ties claim that they have secured more hot air process they get more heat than anyside river 1100 am 2, 00,000 AC B.EGB- ChEoICfEh L .N D B they process they get ~any ten minutes after I hear of the case a visitor May rt,...........1 00 amo~ e 00 40 amO CE L~s strength without losing anything in activity, other part, because the hottest air rises up- of that society is on her way with provisions Ft George, etc......... 40 a

a claim disputed, of course, by the opposi- permost about the head, and so is inhaled, and medicine for the relief of the sufferers, DEPARTURE OF MAILS. ti. The length of the new cruiser will be making the lungs tender and sensitive to cold wlile if it is reported as likely to be a hospi- WESTERi .............. 6 80 am 6 00 pm 310 feet, breadth, 57 feet; draught, 21 1-2 on going out. tal case, I also send one of our ambulances at NORTHERN.. 6 30 am *1 20 pm 60 0 pm feet; .displacement (with 400 tons of coal We want to warm our bodies, not the air. once. New Orlean s ....... ............ 7 15 am In East and South Florida adapted to the cultivation aboardL), 6,648 tons: horse power, 8,500; speed. Cool air is denser, contains more oxygen and NECESSARY RED TAP e sdo, uBartowt , . 100 m Of Oranges and all kinds of Tropical Fruit Sugar

knots hour; f belt armor, warms the blood more than hot air, besides NECESSARY eD TAPE. aie West, Cuba Oran. ges all of0 mv

1 inche.s,and thickness of turret, 11 inches. refreshing and strengthening the lungs and "After athe imm ediate necessities of the fam t , s ....... 7 0 aan Rice, Etc. tc. The main battery will consist of four 10-inch bracing them against injury on going out. ily en comes the e ouch at ..... 0pmCane, Rice, Etc., Etc., and six 6-ic bech loading guns, the for- We want air with the normal amount of tape. The society's visitor looks up the mat pt ..u 00m PRICE $125 PER ACRE AND P W ARDS te ndrpot t e sprir. o tec t sih and "i'a'rANPW R S

s -r being in the turrets, , two in each. For ozone. We get it all destroyed by the hot rei and reports to her superiors. For the city river and 1na 00 . PRICE, $1.25 P R a A each gun in the turrets two loading positions iron surfaces an investigation is made, and it is ascertained Pablo ...... .......... ... 9 30 am are provided. The u ch guns are placed, The only remedy is to entirely abandon whether the persons are legally a charge upon St. Augustine....7 80 am 12 30 pm 3 80 pm Full information and circulars forwarded on application. Address

aepoid.Te-icgusaepae, the no ly dis to hetirtel abno thsmniiaiy rblngsmwerle Ocala, Le&sburg, Tavares, twoforward and two aft, on the main dock, theplanof applying th heat to the air. If this municipaiity or belong somewhere else. etc7 0 am 11 00 am 8 00 pm No. 305 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA

and two on the central superstructure deck; one grate is not enough, put another on the Generally they are recently arrived emi- Cedar Key, Waldo, Bron- PINE AND FORSYTH STREETS. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. all are on central pivot mounts withsegmen- other side of the room. Coal is cheaper tha grants, for whom the Castle Garden author. sn ......... ............. 00800 000 A CR ES

tat steel sh odher idenofeshenroom.kCalssThheaperinsnties must look out. But in any event the Live Oak, Madison Montal steel shields two inches inthickness. Tire Collins. saea adsnMn secondary battery consists of twenty-five An almost perfect arrangement for warm- sufferers get good food a:.d careful attention ticello and Pensacola, McSntl iny and EllavND machine guns, including fourGatlings, all ing a room would be an open fire, and the Until responsibility for their permanent care ea ch for each at.. ...... 230pm OI D arranged to secure a heavy bow and sternly entire surface of the walls and ceilings is fixed. spcapuhfrec~t......... 23 r

Actuallsee paup ris isco p raielnaren

fire. The veasel is also fitted with seven tor- formed of a reflecting material, The least Actual paupeis is comparatively rare in o all points on line. . 7 80 am

pedotubes fur the discharge of fish torpe- possible heat would warm us, because the this city, much as we hear about poverty. vilu le .. ..... ...... 7 a uwanneeaAlachamLafay TepoetprsothciyaBrooksville and Ft. Ma- Situatedin the Counties of Nassau, Duval," Columbia, Suwannee, Alachua, La fay.;,,

does, and carries two 60-foot steam torpedo heat would be kept alive, active, radiant, be- The poorest parts of the city are inhabited by son..................... 7 30 amin ette, Marion, Hernando, Sumter, Orange, Volusia, Brevard,iPolk. boats, with a speed of 18 knots. ing reflected constantly from side to side and people that live like pigs in a pen, not because Fernandina.. ..... .... 7 30 a m 4 00 p m Hilboro, Manatee and Monroe.

Some other points may be gleaned from up to the ceiling and back as quick as light- hey have to, bu cuse hey wan o dale ...... ........... ........ 2 00 pm t~m ooey thewrhosei kept ful,bsa ,ics oveanOrg

the history of the department. It is a well ning flashes, and so, impinging on the body money. The workhouse is kept full, but it i Mayport, Ft. George, etc ....... 8 20 p m known fact that the late civil war completely on all sides, would give it a lively, glowing chiefly with men and women who go there The 1:20 p. min. mail takes locked pouches fo

revolutionized naval warfare, but it is not so warmth, while the air might be at almost rather than work. Of course many honest Savannah and Charleston, and generalma In the towns of Kissimmee, Winter Haven, Gordonville, Bartow, Auburndale, L '

well known that a much greater revolution any lowertmperature. It would be like ad respectable persons come here to ask for all land,.Sefn a o, Orient, Eagle Lake Haskell, athleen, Dade City, was effected in the ensuing fifteen years, having a fire on every side of the room relief. In every such case I endeavor to send ABOUT FLORIDA- o Owenboro ad Pemberton. duigwihteUie ttsddpa -them away encouraged to try for work again. AB U L R D wishing Owenbor inemetn. ) during which the United States did prac- I tell them for heaven's sake to keep out of .to learn A map and descriptive notes showing the location of these tically nothing, and that the constructions of Headache fromDects of the ~yes the workhouse-to work a anything at which all about this wonderful State, its settle

thtera are now so far out of date that the iet oois lmt n ruiisa~ia ' thateraare now so far ou o date that the Dr. T. H. Bickerton, of Liverpool, attrib- they can pick up a penny rather than degrade h send One Dollar for the lands will be furnished on WEEKt~ to nation must begin utsm n eae of rpbua ghs n sn 0 arore toL

new the onstru- ute smanycases of habitual headache to a themselves by becoming public charges. For editionEW of the DALY frNEs-hERALD, the H.LLIOTT, General Land A et, .. ione of anavy. - disordered condition of the eyes. He fnds it certainly does degrade them. Nine times great Florida newspaper. I

theon of anavy. In that errors of the refractive media of the out of ten it ruins them, and they go back T. STOCKTONLand Department South Florida Railroad Co., Sanford Fla. these fifteen years, 11 ~~~~~~~~~~T. T. STOCKTON, LadD g.L en Sot Flr aRiod .Snf d l, hese i en years, eye often cause headache more or less severe, again and again, and finally become of the Business Man r

however, 't'he re e ftBusiness Manager, A .ELS however, thee intermittent or constant, and in some cases sort that is sent up twice a year for six months P.O. Drawer. "D." Jacksonville, Fla. ARTHUR T. WILLIAMS. A.G. ELI have been many * associated with indigestion, biliousness and each time. 0sT - xTILIAI1b &+ BELB experiments with and much study of vomiting, in some with giddiness and*faint-. "It would probably surprise people to know NOTICE.

and muche ar- ness, andin others with languor, sleeplessness that there are men who, because they cannot O Dealers in Timber Lands & Real Estate Brokers fat , and general debility, find work at their trade, will come here for (tAJNESvLLF, FLA., Novem, er 9,1887.

imored battle ships, The doctor has seen not only the hea4- aid before they will try to get work at any- IDY a letter from the Honorable Commiscoas defense ve- ache, but all its varied concomitants, vanish thing else. To such I absolutely refuse to d aloner of the Generl Land Office, under Are now offering choice Yellow Pine in tracts 5,000 to 200 000 acres choice Hardwood Ham

am d date of September 2, 1887, this office has beeu mock 1,000 to 20,000 acres, choice large press t mber, 1,00b to 20,000 acres. ss tha te by means of accurately fitted eyeglasses r give commitment, and direct them where to instructed to restore to the public domain and crafts, so that the spectcls, and therefore concludes tha a go to ge laborig or other work i they fail open to settlement and enir under the Gen- Choice selections of best Pine and Hammock lands in small tracts in every county in the Statel

United States now large number of headaches and their asso- at their trade. In most cases they take my sral Land Laws of the UTnited States, all lands including some special selections in the Lake Worth and Biscayne Bay country, which is h heretofore withdrawn for indemnity purposes - really Tropical Florida. The bestpossible investment properties in Jacksonville b. ads s experienced ciated disorders are due to errors of refrac- orders. Sometimes they appeal to a magis- for the benefit of the Pensacola and Atlantic and suburbs at from 50 per lot to $00 per front foot.Jaksonvie

an weskllful med tion in the eyes. Hence examination of the trate and get acommitment anyhow. Women Railroad, under the grant of Msa, 17, 1856, ex- Call us for anything wanted n Florida, and we cannot giveyou i worse.e Prcial1 oa a atsc ansa a ecvr yap'vd W- Call on us for anything wanted In Florda., and If we cannot give -you a genuine bargain shipyards and equipped eyes becomes important in such cases. are still worse. Practically a woman can cept such lands as may be covered bytapproved we will not occupy your time. e i alas e alvigi seiswlln t selections of said company provided the restosh yards and always get a living if she is willing to do ishall not affect rights acquired within WILIAMS &ELLIS,

home foundries, How Eruptive Disease Comes on., domestic work for her board and clothes, the primary or granted limits of any other Room 10, Hubbard's Building. and the secretary There's io excuse for their going to the work- Congressional grant.

is cofidan thatAn apparently healthy child who vomits- taking the best soon after waking in theimorning is tolerably house, and I tell them so every chance I-get." hereby declare said lands restored to the pub- Tlc Land IDpa =t_*t C o£ tiar,-_ her eb d rEIa si do ae a d lan od t pub- C Dep art me nt o-E the model vessel made certain to be ill with some eruptive disease THE WORK OF RELIEF, lie domain and open to settlenat and entry abroad, American before night, says a correspondent of Good Jr n Bowne, whose aspect mingles the States andtheublic Land Laws of the Uatoniandafter

Stts n the public notified that on and after skill will make a Housekeeping. It should be wrapped in a venerable with the benevolent, is the general January 18, P-88, applications to file upon or 1 better one. But small blanket and placed in a warm bath as agent of the New York Association for Im- enter unapproved selections of this company

experts differ so soon as the sickness ceases, then carefully proving the Condition of the Poor, on which wilC. TiTKER, Register. radically as to covered with another blanket and wiped dry Superintendent Blake depends to relieve JOHN T. G. CRAWFORD, Receiver. Hasbeen removed from Palatka to Jacksonville, and the offices are now located in the

what is the best under it, the night dress warmed and cases of extreme destitution. It has been in that only time and replaced with a flaimel jacket over it and the existence well toward half a century. It ex- a. as o a ard Bu , Fine and Forsyth Streets, trial can determine little invalid put to bed again. The throat pends about $25,000 a year in its work of reit. And it is also should be examined, if possible, and a care- lief, of which 60 per cent. goes directly to the B K ER Ywhere all communications will in the future be directed.

ful watch kept for every trace of rash on the people aided and 40 per cent. is consumed is A K tf rain American de- face or body. If there are other children expense. Mr. Bowne said: signers have devot- in the family, it should be isolated until the "There is never any delay in relieving cases 'Oesa r s :: ed s uh D nature of the disturbance is determined, of destitution coming to our knowledge Vo cial study to ar- through the charities department of the city BL. 0. GARRETT, Commissionerof Land and Immigration mred ships that or in other ways. Our visitors on their regu- Bay Street. JACKSONvILLB, F L. 0. GARRETT, - Commissioner of Land and Immigration.FLA moredOFFINS MADE OF PAPER. lar r ounds wheneOurvisitor s on they hea r of a csregu- J. W.FWEEKS, - - Assistant Commissioner of Land and Immigration. they laid before COINS MADE OF PAPER. larrondswenevertheyearofacs give aid immediately and report it afterward,. ie l E H R L

the secretary orig- Novel and Ingenious Methods by Which r a ind mp hi W S I Ef L lRC I , T final designs better PECK PLAN. ape Inoein Ued c A visitor sent out on information brought to . GROCERIES, ETC. than any moddesigns better DECK PLANect. PaerThe acting WBein utilized the office always takes food and medicine N W - AA L ofthancoany model authorizinguld elet.The going Compiled for the Nws-HERALD. with her. I do not think it is possible for a FLORIDA'S double bottomed, armored vessels of at "Here is a veryneat style of coffin," re. person who really wants to live to starve to FLORIDA'S GREAT DAILY V least 6,000 tons displacement, was passed marked amanufacturerof such articles to a death in New York. If in a house, the I PLTC Aug. 8, 1886. It required that they should reporter. "It is the latest thing out, and is neighbors are always at hand to give aid. DEMOCRATIC IN POIIC(S. bave a speed of at least sixteen knots, really quite popular." and the police are sure to discover a case ou Published at Jacksonville, Fla., - R with engines having all appliances for The coffin did not seem to be different from of doors. Iti most of the cases reported in Every DayintheYear. working under a forced draught, and costing, the ordinary kind of casket. It was plain in the papers as of starvation, alcoholism hasEvr Da teY r including engines and excluding armament, style and finished in rosewood, beautifully more to do with it than lack of food. Ou"

not more than $2,500,000. Secretary Whiteny marked. The handles were of solid silver, money is collected chiefly through a can- HAyVDe THE ExcLTvs ANcmsE O TEE FULL

invited naval constructors throughout the and the inside was handsomely covered with vasser, who is employed regularly. Most of ' world tomivbmit designs, and hed himsdHel cushioned trimming of white silk, neatly it comes froni individuals. Comparatively INTDPl EPTH S, BRADLEY FERTILIZER free to have the work done wherever it quilted. It was evidently a coffin that any little is contributed by the churches, because NCLUDN A SPCIALo

should seem to him besd All the plans and modest man of simple tastes could offer no weurge that each church shouldClooksafteits CABL NE W SBRvIOm c. l0) e50 T Stre t proposals were submitted to the naval ad- objection to being buried in. own pool-, and they are gettiiig to do so ver-y F.MFRI..A.. ~--~'"-- ~ ~ -

visory] beard, with request that they select "What do you think of it?" generally. F_____OM______FOREI__________N_____LANDS._________ the besto After ong and careful considera- "It's a very neat sort of a coffin, but Idon't "The saddest cases we have are not those in O DA SAT

lonthe barddecided hatnone was exactly anything remarkable aboutit." which abject poverty is the feature, but FLORIDA STATE NEWS sutbefr h rpse esl btrci- "Lsft one end of it." those whese misfortunes have reduced per- F 10 m Y

med tne construction of an armored bat- The reporter arched his back, grasped the sons of cultivation and good position to des- BY WIRE AND MAILi A SPECIALTY. tie ship, quite aside from the two first in- handles firmly and put his strength into a titution. Such are often restrained by pride T NECssIT of having in Florida a clean, tended, after plans submitted by the Barrow great sift. The casket iose as though it were from asking aid until the Inst possible sue- Th xsn'ofavgInlriaaceIste P fcin ofF eFoi, Shipbuilding company. Sece b teyte made of pahted air, so light was it and the meat, but they rarely cary it to fras as to honest, straightforward metropolitan daily news- s the Perfecton of Fine Flo r, acted on that recommendation, and the bat. experimenter nar-owly escaped falling on his starve to death rather than seek hell.D" paper, devoted to + l hpi ob ul tteNroknavy' back. - DEMOCRATIC UNITY AND) SUCCESS THE LEADING RETAIL GROCERS ALL SELL IT!I :: tie ship is to he built at the Norfolk naIy fel* stog tweemd fppr My Fend an AI yard. At the same time he went on with the "It feels as though it were made of paper. ien an . and the proper representation of the State's business And say they can find nothing to take its place. original plan, and with the aid df the chiefs How do you make them so light?" Ay friend and I, two souls agreed- interests, caused a large number of wealthy citizens . of the bureaus of construction and repair, of '"It is made of paper," answered the manu- His way I take as he doth lead, to form a joint-stock company to that end, and by Their next grade, PILGRIM gives universal satisfaction.

equipment and of steam engineering and ord- facturer; "compressed paper. It is cheaper Or in some path he may not know uniting the two dailies, the MOBNIsG NEws and the nance determined to construct the vessel of than wood, can be pressed intoshape, is more He follows me, and thus we go, Esu.D, providing an abundant capital, new ma. -HANUFACTURED BY

which we present drawings. It is, as aforesaid, durable and can be made much more quickly Andmutual honor we concede.terial and a competent staff of professional jour- O I N 11i of the general plan of the

1Brazilian Ria- and easily. The veneering is of another My friend bath moods; ah, strong, indeed, nallsts, they have afforded the people of Florida a C O. .. 3 . 1 i n..1 I O ,

chuelo. but will have, as claimed, greater piece of paper, very thin, which is painted As if an autocrat d creed otthuntativ Daily*NTwLOIpeM O ... power, both offensive and defensive. The to resemble wood by machinery.' When His purpose; but we part not, though, RersnaiT0al esppr '' LO Uc~IS 1 ilxJcO. the coffin is put together it is varnished and My friend and I. that is a benefit ad an ornament to the State to trimmed, and then it is ready for occu- Myself as strong my rule to heed, whichitisdevoted JACOB D BUCKY pancy." As catvsto each other freed

"How did you happen to invent it?" We dare to each the answer "No," TH E DAILY NEWS-HE RALD J D BIC Y "I didn't invent it, but almost any one Nor friendship ever break, and so Has the Acknowledged

SECTIONAL vnEw, ought to have done so. Paper has been nsed We give to each love's highest ineed, OARGET ClRCU L TIONO th le lr stem is of cast steel, heavily stresigthened for fos car wheels for years past. Doers are now My fend andL AI. ICU A IN t ih Goods lais uau T Etc ramming; the hull is entirely of steel with a made of the same substance. Two thick pa- -Dwight Williams in Home Journal. In Florida. e F Shin 9 r Valises double bottom; there are water tight frames per boards, stamped and molded into panels Prolonged Blistering may Injure. =


S i be o a th and glazed together wih glue and potash, A rench physician calls attention to the SUBSCRIPTION PRI S: 5 West Bay Street, - - - - Jacksonville, Fla parts are protected by a steel armor belt and then rolled through heavy rollers, are danger of a prolonged use of blisters. When One Year.............:............ $8.00 LOOK FOR THE ELEGANT BRASS SHOW CASE. from three feet above to four feet below the coming into use. They are better than wood, 5 years old, he was treated during troubles Six Months..........a............... 4.00 water line The coal capacity is 22 tns, in that they will not shrink, swell, crack or following scarletina by the application of Three lonths....................... 2.00 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. and the coal is so stored as to afford addi- warp. They aie made water proof with a large blisters to the arms, and these were One Month............................ .75 ==- _ tional protection to the engines There are mixture. not allowed to heal for eighteen months. SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN BY ALL RESPONSIBLE NEWSIEALERS. THE GREAT REPRESENTATIVE MUSIC HOUSE OF FLORIDA. provisions for living, ventilating, protecting "Boats are also madefpaper"continued The result was the wasting away of the B CP BF the pilot house and all other eital needs tthe manufacturer, "andfor certain kinds of musclesof botharms. Though he is no of THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. tedious to detail. Such are the maln features racing they aie better even than, the ordiinary fair physical development otherwise, the '1H EO L '"PP R K -1 .U A I Ir@L of the first armored ship of the new navy; kinds of wood, and far cheaper." muscles of the arms between elbow and Many people residing at a distance from daily rail

and before congress gets done disputing over "You will soon make your whole coffin out shoulder are small and weak compared with way communication do not care to take a daily . FLQ1;Ii.. it, it will be afloat and able to testify for of paper?" suggested the reporter others. newspaper. For these and others is published

"We are not far away from that now" reis I_11 _tn___p __r plied the maket. "They are sfkingrwndow An investigation sScTntly nLade by the led-'n r. ast1none' Po et M o u glass fiom linen or cotton, mtdified Ey chem- German heme office into the cemoiutierd of the S

ofaw Manc:herste8 n reveningtlpapericChat:ing the N WtrliawlHeal , Pndif o.stiiosay il a rt.tbohwy.S n a $Org a mn s .,naPln hsr is he lates Poet ao v u-ftGione ui ical acionn. When the glass mde it is German woikingmen riogs out the startling An whi is fthe Lndo or-esone dipped in a pieparatien of cami er amfd alco- fact that the custom of working seven days

monywh ith ienby Mr.e 1 ndcoe otn T.ihol. It can then be mTed aOd cut into inOtheNweek, iNisteadnof six, is becoming veTy OUT EVERY THURSDAY, other night with the keepehu of a secosid band transparent sheets rat are remarkably prevalent. TIme workers in Gesmasny oe Containing the cream of the matter published in book stall in one of the streets lending out of tough and can stand double the st-ais of the bei obbed ef thei-r Sunday. the aly d g te pr ng seven as. BEST MAKES l - LARGEST STOCK! - LOWEST PRICE th olwn ~ee~n ites orodinaryg glass. Yes, sir. it will inst be long Every vehicle in Scotland, especially in the One DIo liar a YSear.IntuestobasrpsnedIwllhiaPasorOgntonyoetmno wixa Holborn, th.floigitrsii itesoybefore not emly coflins for the dead, but tl~e Highlads.i provide wit" a br.. .o... I willrugivesyou moresforpryouremoney than anyp othernhouse in theanUnhtedsStates.mI goaatee

-;:a - ,came-obut: iii-. Gladstone is afreqacnt per- -. . ..... . .! . ."•""""( trial, and if not satisfactory, Iwill pay feivis both ways. $2 cashand ]$10 a h n am, /:+ / ++;' < f~m~rat this bdo tall, but he never has i{ husos or the facingg, can be maile from the pony chaise em- vilage cart ;is ',without one, Aldifs-s,. i " and $.10 cash and $5 a :month pa an Organ, t~li pald for-.nmucbmore thap'ordlnary r + ..+.....++. .. +++ o ,+++++ + ,; ..... +.- + ++, -... v eryltb .er a l. t + , s a ye tyn..n.. ..df-f + lb + ..i .tf,-ad a -u + + ouatoi o ro etmeyuf r.~ n ... th sip ++ +s -d +vitywith- -these..... g ac+,n+ewmu an .or Caaou o