The day a nation was liberated

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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After the First Democratic Pakistan Elections in 1970, Sheikh Mujibur of the Awami League linguistically and culturally of Bangla background ,had won with a clear majority, the Pakistan establishment was not willing to hand over power.Pakistan Army startsOperation Searchlight inDhakaand rest of the East Pakisthan, attacking general civilians, political activists and Bengali members of armed forces and police.During the early hours of 26th March1971 the independence ofBangladeshwas declared.It is the day when Pakistan lost nearly half its country in the name of Bangladesh(East Pakistan).

CAUSES AND EVENTS OF LIBERATION WARThe biggest mistake was occurred in 1947 when British left a single country in two pieces East Pakistan and West Pakistan separated by hundreds of kilometers.Ethnic and linguistic discrimination was a key factor in the rise of Bengali nationalist sentiment. Although East Pakistan had a larger population, West Pakistan dominated the divided country politically and received more money from the common budget.East Pakistanis were criticized in all the ways possible by West Pakistan which ultimately lead for a separate nation.In March 1971 Pakistan authorities called curfews, paved way for huge influx of military hardware and personnel from western Pakistan by sea and air. By November 1971 genocide of multiple massacre's were carried which caused an overall three million causalities.


1373 kilometers

Commanders and leadersSheikh Mujibur RahmanA.A.K. Niazi(POW)M. A. G. OsmaniTikka KhanK. M.ShafiullahAbdul Hamid KhanJ.S. AuroraMohammad Shariff(POW)Sam ManekshawKhadim Hossein Raja

Bangladesh , IndiaPakistan

Bangladesh Forces:175,000Pakistan Armed Forces:365,000 (90,000 in East PakistanIndia: 500,000[2]Paramilitary forces: ~25000.


UNITED NATIONS AND THE WORLDUnited Nations condemned the human rights violations during and following Operation Searchlight, it failed to defuse the situation politically before the start of the war.The United States supported Pakistanboth politically and materially. US PresidentRichard Nixondenied getting involved in the situation, saying that it was an internal matter of Pakistan.When Pakistan's defeat seemed certain, Nixon sent the aircraft carrierUSSEnterpriseto theBay of Bengal.The Soviet Union supported Bangladesh and Indian armies, as well as theMukti Bahiniduring the war.China knowing the situation of Bangladesh supported Pakistan which is an ally of it.United Kingdom and France as a part of NATO supported United Nations.

INDIAN INVOLVEMENTPrime Minister Indira Gandhi toured a large number of countries in a bid to create awareness of the Pakistani atrocities against Bengalis.An estimated 10 million Bengalis, sought refuge in the Indian states of Assam and West Bengal. The resulting flood of impoverished East Pakistani refugees placed an intolerable strain on India.The Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi quickly decided that it was more effective to end thegenocide by taking armed action against Pakistan than to simply give refuge to those who made it across to refugee camps.West Pakistani politicians marched in Lahore and across West Pakistan, calling for Pakistan toCrush India.The Indian military waited until December, when the drier ground would make for easier operations andHimalayanpasses would be closed by snow, preventing any Chinese intervention.

DECLERATION OF WAR AGAINST INDIA.On the evening of 3 December Sunday, at about 5:40pm,the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) launched a pre-emptive strike on eleven airfields in north-western India, includingAgra, which was 300 miles (480km) from the border. At the time of this attack theTaj Mahalwas camouflaged with a forest of twigs and leaves and draped with burlap because its marble glowed like a white beacon in the moonlight.This marked the official start of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.The Indian PM, Indira Gandhi, brought the country in the state of emergency and ordered Indian army to reflect the aggression. Fierce military operations developed on the ground, in the air and in the sea.There was no Indian intention of conducting any major offensive into West Pakistan but to Liberate Bangladesh from west Pakistan.

AIR AND GROUND OPERATIONSIndia flew 1,978 sorties in the East and about 4,000 in the West, while the PAF flew about 30 and 2,840. Total of 65 IAF aircraft were lost (54 losses were admitted).Pakistan borrowed F-104s from Jordan, Mirages from an unidentified Middle Eastern ally (remains unknown) and by F-86s, F-5s from Saudi Arabia.Of the Pakistani losses, at least 24 fell in air combat (although only 10 air combat losses were admitted, not including any F-6s, Mirage IIIs, or the six Jordanian F-104s which failed to return to their donors).TheBattle of Longewala(47 December 1971) was one of the first majorengagementsin the Western Sector during theIndo-Pakistani War of 1971.The Indian Army quickly responded to the Pakistan Army's movements in the west and made some initial gains, including capturing around 5,795 square milesof Pakistan territory.Land gained by India in Pakistani Kashmir,Pakistani PunjabandSindhsectors was later ceded in theSimla Agreement of 1972, as a gesture of goodwill.

NAVAL OPERATIONSIn the western theatre of the war, theIndian Navy, under the command ofVice Admiral S.N. Kohli, successfully attackedKarachi's port inOperation Trident.The damage inflicted on the Pakistani Navy stood at 7gunboats, 1minesweeper, 1submarine, 2destroyers, 3 patrol crafts belonging to thecoast guard, 18 cargo, supply and communication vessels, and large scale damage inflicted on the naval base and docks in the coastal town of Karachi. Three merchant navy shipsand ten smaller vessels were captured.Operation Trident was followed byOperation Pythonon the night of 89 December, in which Indian missile boats attacked the Karachi port, resulting in further destruction of reserve fuel tanks and the sinking of three Pakistani merchant ships.In the eastern theatre of the war, the Indian Navy isolated East Pakistan by anaval blockadein theBay of Bengal by the aircraft carrierINS Vikrant.According to one Pakistan scholar the Pakistan Navy lost a third of its force in the war.


On December 10 Indian intelligence intercepted an American message indicating that US Seventh Fleet led by the 75,000 ton nuclear powered aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise was steaming into the war zone.The worlds largest warship, with more than 70 fighters and bombers. The Seventh Fleet also included the guided missile cruiser USS King, guided missile destroyers USS Decatur, Parsons and Tartar Sam, and a large amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli.Soviet intelligence reported that a British naval group led by the aircraft carrier Eagle had moved closer to Indias territorial waters. American president instructed Chinese to move some troops toward the Indian frontier. Threaten to move forces or move them, which they never did.This was perhaps one of the most ironic events in modern history where the Western worlds two leading democracies were threatening the worlds largest democracy in order to protect the perpetrators of the largest genocide since the Holocaust in Nazi Germany.

U.S.S.R A NEW FRIENDIndira Gandhi had failed to gain American support and sympathy for the Bengalis, she finally took a hard move and on August 9, signed a treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation with Soviet Union.Soviet Union sent Soviet fleet to the Bay of Bengal, Soviet cruisers, destroyers and nuclear submarines, equipped with anti ship missiles, were sent from Vladivostok.US ambassador to the United Nations George H W Bush introduced a resolution in the UN Security Council, calling for a cease-fire and the withdrawal of armed forces by India and Pakistan. Believing India can win the war and Indira Gandhi being determined to protect the interest of Bengalis, Soviet Union vetoed out the resolution, thus letting India fight for the cause.

INDIAN FORESIGHT Standing between the Indian cities and the American ships was the Indian Navys Eastern Fleet led by the 20,000-ton aircraft carrier, Vikrant, with barely 20 light fighter aircraft.When asked if Indias Eastern Fleet would take on the Seventh Fleet, the Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Vice Admiral N. Krishnan, said: Just give us the orders.The British and the Americans had planned a coordinated pincer to intimidate India: while the British ships in the Arabian Sea would target Indias western coast, the Americans would make a dash into the Bay of Bengal in the east where 100,000 Pakistani troops were caught between the advancing Indian troops and the sea.

SUPERPOWERS FACE OFF(USA,USSR)After Korea , Vietnam and few more conflicts it is the first time the super powers faced each other in sub continent.Soviets encircled them and aimed the missiles at the Enterprise. They had blocked their way and didnt allow them to head anywhere, neither to Karachi, nor to Chittagong or Dhaka.The Soviet ships had small range rockets (only upto 300 KM). Therefore, to hold the opponent under the range, commanders ran risks of going as near to the enemy as possible.Soviets lift the submarines and bring them to the surface so that it can be pictured by the American spy satellites or can be seen by the American Navy! It was done to demonstrate, that we had all the needed things in Indian Ocean, including the nuclear submarines.

SOVIETS WON A CONFLICT WITHOUT A BULLETSoviets intercepted the American communication. The commander of the Carrier Battle Group was then the counter-admiral Dimon Gordon. He sent the report to the 7th American Fleet Commander: Sir, we are too late. There are Russian nuclear submarines here, and a big collection of battleships.Americans returned and couldnt do anything. Soviet Union had also threatened China that, if they ever opened a front against India on its border, they will receive a tough response from North.From then to till now Russia had been our ally and a true friend.

A GLOURIOUS VICTORY'India won a glorious victory against Pakistan in the 1971 war. It was the first decisive victory in a major war in centuries. And it was won singlehandedly, in the face of opposition and threats from a majority of the UN member-States, including a superpower. Every Indian patriot felt proud of this glittering chapter in the nation's history."Dacca is now the free capital of a free country. We hail the people of Bangladesh in their hour of triumph. All nations who value the human spirit will recognize it as a significant milestone in man's quest for liberty.---Indira Ghandhi.(P.M. of India)The provisional government of Bangladesh arrives in Dhaka from exile.Mujibur Rahmanwas released from a West Pakistani prison, returning to Dhaka on 10 January 1972 and becoming the first President of Bangladesh and later its Prime Minister.

HUMILIATION OF PAKISTANFor Pakistan it was a complete and humiliating defeat , lost half its population and a significant portion of its economy.Also, the Pakistani military suffered further humiliation by having their 90,000prisoners of war(POWs) released by India only after the negotiation and signing of theSimla Agreementon 2 July 1972.Pakistan lost half its navy, a quarter of its air force and a third of its army.Moreover, the army had failed to fulfill its promises of fighting to the last man. The eastern command had laid down arms after losing only 1,300 men in battle. In West Pakistan 1,200 military deaths had accompanied lackluster military performance.

Why is it important to remember 1971?It was the first time that the Indian leadership decided to take a decisive action on moral grounds.It was the first time that India violated the UN charter.It was the first time that India handled pressure from US, China and Europe.It was the first time that India decided that an error made by the British in division needed to be corrected by force.The only war that the independent Indian Army planned, executed and carried out with precision and captured 93,000 prisoners.

Today 1971 War is all but forgotten by the nationCONCLUSION