The day spa experience part 2

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Like most people, you undoubtedly have some days when there's nothing you crave more than just to be transported to a tropical island and abandoned there. Life just gets too much for you, and there seems to be no escape. Well, a tropical island may not be possible, but maybe there's something even better close at hand -- a day of total pampering at a day spa.


  • 1. The Day Spa Experience Part 2

2. Another group of people who really need this pampering, but hardly ever get it, are those who spend their time looking after other people, and who often get brainwashed into thinking that their own needs don't count. More info on: 3. This often means busy mothers, and particularly mothers in the "sandwich" generation, responsible for both kids and elderly parents, but can include careers of all descriptions. Somebody needs to assure them that far from being selfish, having their own needs met just for a day will make them even better careers, not worse. More info on: 4. For people like this, who could feel desperately guilty about taking a few days off, a day spa is ideal -- it's not too difficult to get cover just for one day. This is a perfect opportunity for "me" time, where you can just sit back and have everything focused on you for a change. More info on: 5. A therapeutic massage, a luxury facial, and relaxing hydrotherapy treatments will do wonders not just for your health and morale, but for your self-esteem and self-worth as well. More info on: 6. In fact, a day spa visit can benefit people who suffer from a wide range of health problems, and who often feel there is no alternative to just carrying on day after day, even though they are functioning far below their full potential. For instance, if you suffer regularly from crippling migraines, or frequent severe headaches, a steam bath or a hydrotherapy session can have a powerful effect, as it will dilate the blood vessels in your head. More info on: 7. Treatments like massage, hydrotherapy and body therapies can improve blood circulation and help manage high blood pressure. And of course a relaxing spa day is great for anyone suffering from insomnia -- it can really help you sleep better, and make a big difference to your life. More info on: 8. However, it's not just individuals who can benefit from a day spa. Amid the hectic stresses of trying to juggle work, home and family life, many couples find it almost impossible to make time for each other, and their relationship suffers as a result. There can hardly be a better way to heal your relationship than to have a day of luxury and self-indulgence which you can just enjoy together, in total privacy, with no interruptions, and having time and attention only for each other. More info on: 9. Not only can you get to know each other again, but the beautiful surroundings can put the romance back into your relationship. The pampering you both receive will invigorate your senses, and make you appreciate each other as you haven't done for a long time. More info on: 10. It's something you owe to yourself, and also to those close to you. Of course, a holiday on a tropical island would be nice, but organizing this takes time and effort, and probably more stress -- not to mention money. A visit to a day spa is easily arranged and very affordable -- and you still feel as if you've had the holiday. But just make sure you leave your mobile phone at home. More info on: