The Day View Over the Night View-English-Gustav Theodor Fechner.

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  • 7/27/2019 The Day View Over the Night View-English-Gustav Theodor Fechner.


    The day view over the night


    Gustav Theodor Fechner

    Third Edition

    Leipzig,printed and published by Breitkopf & Hrtel

    in 1919

    First part. Broad.

    I. entrance.

    II Historical point of view.

    III. Basic points of the two views against each other.IV development principles of the day view.

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    V. Positive development moments of the day view to night view of the negations.

    1 God.2 The sensual world of appearances.3 The soul star question and plants.4 The Earth in particular.

    5 The Hereafter.6 The evil in the world.

    VI. Religious views and prospects.


    Second part. Versions.

    VIII The Old and the New Day.

    IX. The three creeds of the day view.

    X. The theology of the day view.

    1 Factual.2 Linguistic.3 The immutability of the divine essence.

    XI. Question to the soul.

    XII. The doctrine of the afterlife.

    XIII. Through the mediation of higher education and intellectual life with nature.

    XIV to teleology.

    XV. The world questions of pleasure and pain. Optimism and pessimism.

    XVI. The question of freedom.

    1 General aspects.2 Representation of indeterminism.3 Representation of determinism.4 The prayer.

    XVII. The causal law. The concept of power and the conclusions experience.

    XVIII.Prinzip the tendency to stability as a financial principle of theworld. Psychophysical Hypothesis of pleasure and pain.

    XIX. What caused and authorized us to accept an external world and how far aknowledge of their nature is possible.

    XX. Mediation the day view of the scientific conception of nature.

    XXI. Basic relationship between physical and intellectual principle. Dualism and

    monism.XXII. Position of the Day for monadology. Synechologische view of monadic over.

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    XXIII. Spiritualist.

    1 Position of the Day for spiritualism.2 Position of spiritualism to religion.3 Personal remarks.

    XXIV Additional comments in support of the day view.XXV. Conclusion.

    Part OneBroad

    I. entrance.

    One morning I was sitting on a bench in Leipzig Rosental near the Swiss cottageand looked through a gap, which left the bushes, before spreading to the beautifullarge lawn to relieve my sick eyes on the same green. The sun shone bright andwarm, and the flowers looked colorful and fun out of the meadow green, butterfliesfluttering about and between them back and forth, birds twittering in the branches

    above me, and a morning concert invaded the sounds in my ear. Thus the senses wereengaged and satisfied. But for those accustomed to the satisfaction of thinking notlong enough, and then spun out of the employment of the senses gradually a mindgame out, I will here only spun a little more and play more organized.

    Strange delusion, I told myself. Basically, everything is in front of me and aroundme night and silence, the sun seems so shiny that I blush to her turn to my eye, intruth, only a sullen, seeking his way in the dark, ball flowers, Butterflies lie theircolors, violins, flutes their tone. In this general darkness, desolation and silencesurrounds which heaven and earth, hovering only single, internally bright, colorfuland sounding creature, probably even only points emerge from the night, sinking intoit again without some of their light and sound of leave to see each other without

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    anything between them lights up, talk to each other without anything between themdrowned. So today and it was from the beginning and it will be forever. What I say:Rather billions of years it was not cold enough, and how long it will take, it will betoo cold for the existence of such beings. Then everything will be back very dark andsilent as before.

    But I was in such 'absurd thoughts come? I also did not matter, I was just waitingthat you came out and found it strange that one has come so generally it. Are thereyet the thoughts of the whole thinking world around me. How much and what shelikes to bicker, it is philosophers and physicists, materialists and idealists, Darwiniansand Antidarwinianer, Orthodox and rationalists shake hands. It is not a block, but acornerstone of today's world view, that it is so, as I said, that it is; happy that she stilldoes in some. What we are telling the world about us, listen to my, it's all just ourinner light, an illusion that you can praise it, as I've read it recently, but remains anillusion. Light and sound in the outer, controlled by mechanical laws and forces, not

    yet permeated the consciousness of the world about the organic creatures also are justblind dumb wave trains that cross the more or less shattered material points from theether and the air, and only when they probably do only when they encounter the sameto a certain point, be converted to the protein balls of our brain through the magic ofthis spiritualist medium in bright sounding vibrations. About reason being, moredetailed provisions of this spell is arguing; than the fact it is united, and from all thethinking and theories of cognition, in which philosophy will be exhausted just nowand empty when she wanted to give birth to a philosophy that does not lead to tosmash a doubt the accuracy of this fact, unless to explain the doubts for insoluble, or

    speck of dust in the world, only yourself, but do not illuminate the world. While the natural man resists this wisdom. He believes that he sees the objectsaround, because to him it is really bright, the sun begins to shine not only behind hiseye that the flowers, butterflies are as colorful as they appear to him, the flutes,fiddles her tone give him, not vice versa received from him, in short, that there is alights and sounds with the world beyond it and into it from outside. But he letshimself be taught by science, and now believes to be so intelligent that he has less anillusion. The illusion remains though, and mocks his knowledge as this defies hisillusion. What has finally right of both? It is certain that the illusion is never soft, is

    the knowledge that it is an illusion, probably just as firmly, and it is not themselves aillusion? You need but the saying that Honest is the best policy, only then to reversethat what lasts longest, is honest, to believe it.Naturam furca expellas, usque tamenredibitthat will not apply to the natural view of things ?

    Yes would not frighten those nocturnal view of himself, when the mirror is held upto her, all she said was right, she was there even what she sees in them, and have yetto identify with it any of their trains at some reflection. But they will be able to existwith such features from the world, when they in turn begins to recollect? Rather, theworld would have shown the whole Unerbaulichkeit this view, all the improbability

    of the same, the whole grounds of their weakness has always been as clear as me inthat hour, they could never have become the world view. Now clarity is the last inthese things, but the last one will be the clarity.

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    In fact, my belief that, as sure as the night the day, on that night view of the worldsome day a day view will follow that, rather than stand in contradiction with thenatural view of things, but propping it and in the is reason to find a newdevelopment. Because fades that illusion, which runs the day into night, thennaturally everything upside that goes with it, and it's much, must disappear with, and

    the world appear in a new connexion, in a new light, with new positive aspects. So that the light seen beyond ourselves in the world, the sound will be heard, theremust be a seeing and listening to nature. And you do not have otherwise heard of aGod who is omnipresent and omniscient reigns in the world, for the night view,however, is its clarity, if it is at all for them yet, on top of things: therefore the worldso dark, silent under him and desolate. For the day view, the world is illuminated byhis vision, by sounds of his hearing, and what we ourselves see the world and hearonly the last branch of his sight and hearing, and and everything he sees more thanwe do of the world hear, even higher builds up in him as in us. - After the night view

    of God needs no light to see, no sound to hear, conversely, the blind light, the deafsound no God, and so it comes easily with the one and the other lost and growingmaterialism the ground; however, after the day view both what needs to alsooverwhelmed and one holds the other, so that materialism is below the ground. - Thusthe whole position of God changes from day view to night view of the world, andhow it changes the ratio of the most common and therefore the highest spiritualworld, also the ratio of all individual minds to God and the world changes.

    One wonders wonder: are you bold enough to want to overthrow the current worldview? Is not that saying that the world but is united in that view with their other cons

    disputes in the first, last and highest things that are popular you to call the night view,proof enough that she's gone it necessarily about the natural view of things ?

    It would be if they just do not know would disagree on everything connected withthis view. So I'm looking rather the reason that it is, is that it is united in thatview. Destroy the nodes converge in the threads and stick together, it remains all thegap between all common, but all fall apart, and when all the world was consistentwith a fundamental miscalculation in the proposition that two and two make five, thevarious futile and would be made for changing hand explanatory attempts to bring theworld financial statements in accordance with it. In such experiments we are still


    Enters the halls of philosophers, where the Mystery itself abqult with his ownsolution. What do you see? As things fight itself, I and non-ego, power and fuel,simple essence, absolute, term, will, unconscious to the name of what stillness of thenight and the illusion of a glowing world resounding, yes of space and time itself, to

    produce in us, and the wisest offer cash for the reason of existence of everythingcertificate, submit all bills, yet only those names with provisions that are themselvesabstracted from the world of illusion, and run around with it against each other, andthe religious scholars but rage against them, and are themselves only a few in what iscontrary to the most.

    At that hades same world, they have a yet-powerful, all-wise, all-good God, with

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    absolute freedom could create a world, as he wanted, and he created this world ofdarkness, full of creatures that devour one another, full of disease, crop failure, water- and Feuersnot, evils of all kinds, and they teach us that such a God to such a worldand such a world to such a God would not fit, is only partly a result of our sin, and

    partly our fault finding low. For although ubiquitous and allwirksam so that without

    him not one hair of our head falls, he is much too high for us, but that we can knowsomething of him, the stronger but we have to believe in him, and all thecontradictions, so appear to us to tell us through his incomprehensibility.

    The naturalist but to laugh, knowing that they are alone, know that somethinghappy and safe way of getting to know more. In the nerve they have the sure sign andmeans of sensation in the brain and the instrument of the mind, beyond which theworld has none, none is. If indeed there is vibrations in air and ether on the nervousaddition, they know that vibrations mean just in phosphorous protein sensation, andtend to regard psychology as a branch of chemistry of carbon, phosphorus and

    oxygen in the protoplasm is the Spirit. - With the protoplasm as a common primarysubstance of nervous and polyp, a second creation, the spiritual things begin;coincided with the knowledge of the protoplasm of the first full beam in the scienceof these things, and after the disciples of nature have forgotten God as to worship theCreator of these things, they worship the golden calf of protoplasm to that. - The eyeseems made for the purpose of seeing the natural scientists know that it will onlyneeded to be made without any purpose. - When philosophers and Theotogenfreedom and necessity drive as two intertwined circular butterflies tireless interplaywith each other and the natural scientist to know that, like all obey in the world, also

    life and sensation, the staunch legal necessity and the world about people and animalsout but dead, numb is because they obey the same necessity. - The Spiritual myhorses that pull the chariot of the matter, the scientist know that they are rather

    pushed away from the car of matter.

    Is not that literally the deepest and highest and most accurate in spiritual things ofwisdom today, each and every been in dispute with the other. And everything thatfalls in those with large gap or hangs so that you can follow it, that together.

    Proud of this foolishness we see compassion wisdom fully reduced to the simplehumble folly of negroes and Turks, and think past centuries to be far ahead because

    they had some of these follies even less. But we could be more proud of ourZndhlzchen that are still continue to shine us if all those wisps of night view aregone and lost.

    Ever the world view has changed by and large, they will not be able to change itagain? Although I mean vorblickend, they will not the fact that they earlier negating

    picks on new level, but that in the most sublime aspect of today's world viewoffsetting the this award given wealth of the former, but this will be one that they pickup that night view.

    Thoughts of this kind, in the volatile context, more and more expanding andincreasing, came over me as I looked at that morning from the bank into the green, ofcourse, not first time, but with new driving force came about were.

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    The next day, Looking ahead of the same bank, I remembered to all previous or thefollowing:

    My eye tolerates every relapse of his illness is not a close reading Scripture, notsunshine of the street, not sun-spots in the room. But to decipher the writing of thedistant large companies, it feels as a salutary exercise, in ever more remote it sets the

    look, the more it will be revived, most, so it always turns of the view in the pure skyfrom time to time there."What I compare 'mean?" asks' I; Sensual everything can begrasped but as a symbol of something spiritual. And I said, at the same time most

    beautiful and truest interpretation of the image lies in the fact that when the people'searthly presence and proximity harassed, he needs to direct his gaze into the distanceand height only to find solace, so secure, in each greater width and height judgehim. In Day view, but I found it more than thinking also open our eyes to this view,however, the night view of the people merely refers to them, it only applies to onlylook for the Open Day.

    And one idea which was born not only of the desk, and his opportunity I willremember the introduction to this document. It was in Sassnitz on the sea, that Iwanted to go to the beautiful beech forest, which leads from Sassnitz on the ForestHall to Stubbenkammer. You have gone a long life with me was, tired of the corridorsof the past days and years back, and said: "I will not like to go alone thee you couldget lost, oh, and how it will be when I you, maybe not in a long time, must let go allalone. " "Who knows," said I, "whether you or I thee: but let not remember us." But Ithought, as I walked alone in the woods; thought of endless love and loyalty that hasguided me through so many years. The book aimed skyward, the blue sky arched

    over, the sun threw its sparkling notes in, and went forth from the sea, a noise in thewoods. It was like a big chord of heaven, earth and sea, would resonate with the endin mind and the day view inside. But the thoughts of the heart refused to base, Ithought, may your day view with all its high, wide, clear views of and even your ownheart satisfy at this moment, and then what their views and prospects if they can not,for no one can, there can never be. Feel one with another heart, which is thesatisfaction of the heart;, that requires absolutely no world view, and this may be inspite of every world view, as everywhere accommodate two huts together, it may looklike in the world around as it wants. - But soon rose above the voice another

    voice. Allowed for the heart in man want his satisfaction alone, he is not merely fromhis heart and has the Days view with her gaze into the distance, high and not too lightto give the heart a satisfaction? Not even such that over the next, that it requires forthe moment and missed out last. About the gratification is one to know with another

    person's heart has our sufferings and joys to his, floats, not disputing it, butprotective, protectively, the satisfaction is one do with a being that the sufferings andjoys of all his creatures, so also the two mutually faithful hearts, has to his, and that isnot the God of the Day. Two hearts but who are one now, it would always be, and areyou afraid that death is the ties that now make one to the other break, so it is the fear

    of the night view; death in Day view bursts rather the ties that now both still separatefrom each other.

    And we are not even around the world is more and more to the heart of our hearts

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    when the sun its shine, the sky be blue, the sea with its noise faithfully trusts us, thebeech, the ax before it falls to us to Warm, aiming upwards only to have them toenjoy light and warmth, as if everything is just lying to us from the world, like thenight view is lying. For truth, the spirit, the heart requires beauty, but there may be amore beautiful world than beauty itself which is the truth. And they will. Well after

    the day view only very God of God, who sees and hears everything, but, to be part ofit so has anyone who sees and hears in his sense

    With this in mind, the heart was satisfied, and every heart can be satisfied, whichmakes the thought of days to view his.

    What follows in this document, only the execution of the previous thoughts, ashorter according to the main features in this first, another after a few main points inthe second part of Scripture.

    II Historical point of view.

    Now, however, the night view is even, and you can have it to themselves and othersby disgust, that they clearly understood only in the eye, but only as it applies tosummarize their reasons as well, in order to discard. But the same reasons, at leastrealize the reasons, but there must be, there are also, therefore, no justification. Whatcan they be?

    Although, for the present world there is no need that I have yet to ask for the sakeof night view, it is because it has existed for so long. We are like nowadays those

    beetle species that lived from time immemorial in the dark caves, whose ancestors

    have lived in it, they have no more eyes to the light, it may be added penetrate, theysee nothing of them, and saw them a ticket, he only led astray. The in the darkcaverns of the night view adult world today is the day view such a light, vain all thereasons that it seems, but if you will listen to reason, that it does not appear, you willonly those listening that follow from the night view only . This in itself is easyweggefegte chaff, but if you sweep away this chaff, so that one sweeps the floor, whohas worn it and helps again, not going away. I sense the deeper reason for that coulddetermine the world to opt for such a view, and conclusions with the same to confusesame reasons.

    As it is, the deeper reason is the general and the night view. In order to save Godfrom the pagan fragmentation in the World details and to rise above their lowliness, ithas theology in opposition namely distilled with spells of their own sources, and everanew itself contradictory, of the world, the gods in ministering angels transformed,and this brought about the stars.And now, not only godless, but of God laid a transferof mechanical forces so sinful fallen from him world than caput mortuum formeasurements and experiments of physicists for Lukubrationen of philosophers, andthe invectives of theologians retarded. Thus the divine consciousness has its contentsfrom below, the sensuous appearance lost its cohesion from above, that is volatilized

    to the incomprehensible, this dwindled down to a few residues. Such a view of things, however, which splits the existence in its midst, the contentof the world pours out his vessels and thus spilled, may not be the last, as it was not

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    the first, but rather it is after the first half, the second half, in we have come, and theworld is but once all want full, which is not so much in external addition of one bythe other, as in fulfillment of one by the other, a culmination of the other, and as suchoffers the Day dar.

    In fact, from the outset the pagan view Physical and Intellectual so little to separate

    out the people than the people and to distinguish was white, the most natural view ofthings. No king so powerful, splendid and beneficent as the sun, a tree, not less, justdifferent living, growing, dying as a human being. Where now only, as our sages say,soulless a fireball turns, then drew his golden chariot Helios in silent majesty, a Dryasliving in every tree, and what will never feel the sense of night view felt. If not thesame everywhere developed and embellished mythical, this is the world view, whichwe see all the people on their undeveloped state, we can take a look today begin. Butthat's only the one, say the lower half of the full view. The natural man does by nature

    but always at once only fragments, and summarizes the self-translucent also

    independently in the eye, the agreement of all the space and the clarity of herrelationship to all miss him, and that's what the day view as full and has all the paganview beyond form and has to accommodate. She takes with non lorenen pieces alsothe relationship of the pieces in the eye, and permeates according to dualistic ormonistic version and fulfilled for them the world with a single divine essence or liftsoff completely, and straight into a common unit so on.

    The Christian and Islamic doctrine has led beyond the heathen conception, butinstead they continue to uniform top and finish it, they simply discarded. To enrichone had to pass under all those gods. She has pulled out all lower under a top level

    that they held and raised high in the air and thus sunk into the night, the nightview. The day view but it raises again the day that they built under the top level andthen measure the height to the height of the divine whole staircase. And I wanted tosay that it would be a future world view, what I think the day view fated to pick upthe wealth of an earlier world view in the loftiest point of today. It certainly mythsand dogmas will have a fall the other, bringing each to complete the whole, has beentrying to fully satisfy, but without thereby to replace the loss of the other.

    A pendulum swings first to one side, weak to lift it, the vibration is graduallystronger, sweeps everything away with it in its orbit, the momentum in, finally

    increased, and the pendulum thinks a movement finally increase, can not be the righthave direction, so it reverses, raises again weak, the movement becomes strongeragain, sweeps everything away with them in their car, paralyzed and finally increasedagain, and so the pendulum finally comes to his senses, that both directions haveequal rights; and to which of the two it swing from now, it knows at every moment,the vibration is only with the performance of both full. Thus the world view hassuccessively swung in two directions, and the second is close to a halt again, and thusalso the time of the finite reflection approaching.

    There will always remain a hypothesis, of which the day view starts here, althoughit might take a different output also, that the sensuous appearance extends beyond theindividual creatures out through the world, however, it is not less remains a

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    hypothesis, where the night view rooted that the world is full of darkness and silencebetween the individual creatures.But the first hypothesis is more edifying than theother per se, did better with the natural view of things, provides more indication andvulnerabilities to a wide and high development in positive terms, leaving such themain features just in one way, however, it brought the other only partly to negative,

    some more or less contradictory rules and competing views. That's what I try to show in the following, and that is what will one day provide thedevelopment of the Day victory over the night view, instead of bringing it to a furtherdevelopment, just more and more in themselves inevitable to maturity worn by work.

    Of course, the task is large. When St. Christoph a child that the world wasdetermined to wear once, for the time being should carry over to the next bank of theriver, it's not complicated the task that the waves anliefen against his foot andthreatened to hinder him, but that the child the longer the path, the harder it wasfor. So it is not to durchwatende flood light into the sea of oblivion verrinnenderobjections which the more difficult the task of the Day, Egg still want a child bring tothe shore of the future, but that they on their way to through their growingdevelopment his strength threatens to grow, but they will also strengthen its forces,however, do so.

    III. Basic points of the two views against each other.

    All negations and contradictions in the night view together and run out of it, muchof the positions in and day view. If both are true, that the sensuous appearance

    beyond us not mere illusion, but objectively spread through the world, and that itcloses together in a unified consciousness and culminates, it is also true thatandres. The human mind has yet to sensual appearance and the same concentration ina single consciousness is not enough; spiritual life rather benching which pushes anintervening; much less can it have the divine spirit enough, after including the humanself in its width and height; because that is the previous two main truths the third. Byour whole sense of life is overlapped by the general, it is not fallen out of itsconnection, and so does our awareness of the general is only exceeded, but not fallenout of it, so decided our whole conscious life in general with. Any attempt to put itdifferently, punctured, broken or entteert to the spirit of the world, but is also the

    world of the spirit, in a uniform summary, and rends the thread of naturalobservation. As the human body is part of the essence of all externally appearingmaterial world, the belonging to this body itself internally published, Spirit of thePeople of the essence of not less himself appearing spiritual being, which is part ofthe universe, and the unity of the human mind only a minor fraction value of the unityof the divine Spirit.

    Also fulfills basically only the beautiful word that those who so use it gladly, butgive no result for momentous truth: that we live in God, and move, and have, and hein us, and that he at all our thoughts white as ourselves. Can also probably a ghost the

    other externally given above?

    Even thought it to be with the one God over paganism out, but allowed to the

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    human spirits exist as small idols beside God, unconcerned that besides an infinitespirit is no more room for finite minds. Apostate spirits inhabit under God hell,finally one has even reversed, and instead of the human spirit in the ratio of A andsubordination to think of the divine, you deified human, by making the divine to anillusion in the human.

    Well there was a famous philosopher and theologian who put the essence ofreligion in the sense of dependence on God, but God also made us as a being of theman can not know anything truly, when it agreed infinite, is eternal. But how can anintimate, warm, sincere, effective feeling of dependence on a being come aboutwhich we know nothing except that it has properties that we do not have, and doesnot the bridge of understanding. But how different are designed the feeling ofdependence on God when we recognize ourselves as knowing and acting, but alwayshis higher knowledge and work of subordinate lasting moments in God and feel. Butso that we know we are in him something, we know something of him, and this

    knowledge is else knows how to make. As essential to changing hand demanding, conditional and enjoying themselves oras basic points of the Day, which all develop the same has to be based, and which

    between them have to talk, I consider hereafter the spread of sensory appearance bythe world of the creatures addition, the context and the same conclusion in a mostconscious unity and mediating between the point that our own consciousness thewhole, that is, divine consciousness and is also a subject.

    Against this I consider to be basically just as binding coherent moments of thenight view - only that it is this relationship not easily clear conscious: the night ofsensual appearance on people and animals out, the sufficiency of God, if it is still

    believed in God, sensual about the appearing and creaturely world, and the externaljuxtaposition of man against God or even arrogance of the people of God as a merelyhuman idea. With the night of sensual appearance on people and animals out thenhangs together the conceptual transmission, which is to bore into the night, so sheseeks to pierce in order to get at the essence of things, it is a search for the reason ofthe mirror image behind the mirror.

    The day view is not one of the other views, but is offset by its positive starting

    point, content and conclusion as a all who meet on the night view as the common rootof negations and contradictions. Nor is the night view is one among other views, it isactually neither a uniform nor a positive view, it can only be called by a name, as if itwere a thing, as we speak of a spirit that denies to God, however, it as a unanimousends and only God gives the positive. Also meet the above basic points of the nightview, although coherent in nature, nothing less than everywhere together, becausetheir consequences unerbaulichen raise only by inconsistencies, such as debt withoutassets can only pay by debt, growth, instead of decreasing.Without any aspects of theday view, it is only about the most blatant materialists and Social Democrats.

    IV development principles of the day view.

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    The three fixed base points of the Day, as they themselves are related amongthemselves, both recognition and evidence in a coherent and unanimous in todevelopment. The core and seed, as it were thepunctum saliens , this developmentoffers one between the top and bottom mediating standpoint that our counterpart toGod is not an external, like the part against the part of the stage to the stage, but an

    internal, such as the the part to the whole, the level against the stairs. Becausehereafter is God's nature to us not quite incomprehensible, we ourselves are a breath,a small fraction, a small stage and sample it. Not only of the today, CY but also bythe internal affairs of the divine essence, we so in our own inner conditionssomething immediately accessible, and from here are expanding and enhancingaspects might not, indeed, to exhaust the existence of God, but in the penetrate furtherknowledge of its mode of existence and its relationship with us and all creatures andascend higher, aspects of generalization, analogy, the relationship, the disassemblysequence and gradation. With the conclusions of the divine mode of existence but

    those are related to our way of being worldly, if our present existence itself is only apart, a lower level of our whole existence in God, and has decided to seek itscontinuation in it. And after the whole world has gone beyond us to the divine souled,widens the circle and increases the benching individually ensouled beings beyond usand up.

    Of course, as long as the night view of still superimposed on the world, all applysuch considerations and conclusions, the brand new, wide and high light-drenchedworld, thereby opening up in place of earlier fantasies, mythological figures andmysticism, even for those, because the at the bottom Night view offers nothing of it,

    with its abstruse passage ways does nothing about it. I have experienced it yet, and is'still out there. But patience, they will find their time, it's just not yet day.

    Those ways, close by us from beyond ourselves, are just the same basically withwhich we everywhere from here to there, from today morning again close and thus allempirical science from the given closes again Not Shared. Who may indeed deny thattaken individually to be uncertain, and the farther out as they move up from the givenresult from the Not Shared. So the night view them in accordance with the first stepsfall to only to challenge and are based on nothing, while the daily view, what theindividual lacks in safety, by combining mood all and complete the consent practical

    aspects examined to hereby as, where no strict knowledge is possible, the same but asclose as possible to come. As determined in accordance with the day view but thathas to be considered, which is related contradiction with the basic points, includingthe points of view of all sides agree, but that is just the most general and important.

    Hereafter, the Day will still vary in their expansion and development, but notzerfahrer can indefinitely if it determines retains its three basic points as fixed

    breakpoints just like a while flexible but retained at both ends and in the middleline. It will be at the bottom of the daily view new questions arise that would notoffer at the bottom of the Night View, and new puzzles, still awaiting the solution, but

    only those which may arise from the view, not those which they undermined. Thereare then new sects and divisions can form, but not down to the ground and reachingup to the top Zerspaltungen. The philosophy will come with the outlook in the day

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    view to a new ground and new conversions start, but sink their differences on the oldground of the night with this view itself. The science is their previous secure wayleave in investigation of the material world, but also the rising belief in spiritualthings rather than propping put it. The theology will finally find their faith and

    principles of belief in the Day view.

    Everything most general, highest, last, most distant, finest, deepest ever is its natureand our faith thing. That gravity ranges through the whole world and has served fromtime immemorial, is a matter of faith, that any laws, pursuing through the finite,ranging into infinity of space and time, matter of faith is, that there are atoms andundulations of light, is a matter of faith, and the beginning and the goal of history is amatter of faith, even for the geometry there are matters of faith in the number ofdimensions and the rates for the parallels.Yes, strictly speaking, everything is a matterof faith, which is not directly experienced, and what it is not logical. Each of theknowledge of what is, continues in faith and must continue into it and finally finish it,

    so that there is a connection, progress and completion of knowledge itself. But can abelief be even better supported and better than the other. The best belief finally theone with all the knowledge and all our practical interests is on widerspruchslosestenin itself, and as such it is also the future for himself by the contradictions between thevarious faiths that have since passed, and all around there reconciled rather thandivides.

    So all conclusions experience do not suffice to justify the day view in its highestand last sentences ending with the safety of the Pythagorean theorem. What is lackingin the last security is a matter of faith. Enough but, if that's what still remains a matter

    of faith, in that way, the best, what can be know, on the one hand in conclusion, onthe other hand, retains his post.

    What little there is absolutely what is really proved or proved even by the mostimportant, what we have to talk. What is proved by the wholereligion? Nothing. What even the fact that your brother, your neighbor, your dog hasa soul? Nothing. Or that what you see from a tree, a tree corresponds outside that thesun will rise tomorrow as it is today that Alexander lived? None of this is proven inthe strict sense, nor provable, but we must at all 'and the like believe, we live, we livein a world all speak of faith, can the next and the previous steps do not completely do

    without faith. So principles of faith would be even more important than knowledge, ifnot one of the principles of the faith itself, to draw on the knowledge, if it is sufficientonly not to rely solely on it, but is that of the religious principles of Day One. Now,however, the knowledge goes nowhere so far that we thus sufficient, and so is asecond principle of faith the day view, to believe what we need, what, the third or the

    historical principle of faith occurs 1) . On these principles, one has to measure theteaching of the Day, because it is just a doctrine. But, of course, how can youmeasure it then, if you recognize any place principles of faith, as a theologian in thefaith just a gift from above, as a philosopher sees only a principle of uncertainty.

    l) This, only briefly touched, three principles are expressed in certain sectionIX, performed and conclusions developed in the "three motives and reasons of

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    Not the philosopher despises in fact basically the belief will replace it with theknowledge that strives for absolute knowledge. Now all the mountains absolute

    knowledge have raised side by side with their peaks far apart, all realized in violentthroes, is just no viable mouse come forth from it. And as a mouse says, however: amouse can do absolutely nothing but of himself, knowing that you know nothing butthis is the only certain knowledge. But for now it's just stuck with the mouse.

    In fact, however, the day philosopher to know that the people a direct knowledgeonly of oneself is possible to make the starting points all acquired knowledge, and

    based thereon faith, seeks the night philosophy of knowledge leakage in the faithpartly because to avoid that they all give up this starting point to develop theknowledge only of absolute points of view that conscience only lead from to itself toconscience, have been yet performed merely to fight over, partly that it is in this pointquite imprisons himself to only in which to deepen the thing in itself nothing

    budding, forms the spirit of man, while the man himself is but a part of the thing initself. In this respect they are practically the faith needs, it leaves him only out of

    practical considerations in addition to knowledge or as a corrective of its desolationand emptiness, not as a continuation and completion of knowledge, apply. Such afigure incapable to come together right in philosophy, belief and knowledge intheology and science have completely divorced with the result that the one nature ofGod, the other God has completely eliminated from nature. The final success of all

    'but this is that none of the three, with the other, and the philosophy in itself is theleast satisfied.

    I should hereafter contemporary philosophy erect a statue, I would draw it asPenelope, in two respects. Once in that it always resolves itself woven fabric itselfagain, and then, because she has many suitors, of which no man has ever broughthome. They carouse together, driving each other fighting games without making eachother dead, and wait for the day, which killed all together.

    And you think you are because of your daily view of a world over for the only wise

    God? But how should the day have the strength to overcome the night when he wastoo modest to?

    But I'll give it award any criticism that here all the wisdom of today's mostcommon, highest and last things is poured together in a pot the night view to it pouraway into one. Was not previously herauszulesen much good? But how could behandled through the work of the reading out of the pot as a whole. And what does itmatter, the good is not therefore in that it is thrown away with, but is found by itselfagain in the new pot with a.

    One more thing. Everywhere the Day met with the question of the relationship

    between material and spiritual realm, body and soul, but is, instead of any, even stillin question, solution to the question of cause and nature of this relationship, but ofunquestionable facts of observation and out of ourselves and generalized, expanding,

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    enhancing also in accordance with the field of view when generalized, extended,increased, in order to find the little facts are related in greater beyond us. Only this isto do it, then the larger one may interpret beyond us as the smaller inourselves. Whereas the many-headed monster of the night philosophy emanatingfrom the many thoughts of their heads over the question of reason and essence of that

    relationship, and is therefore also not gone about it. There are two kinds of electricity or just one? If you wanted to get in on thisquestion, and its decision in the theory of electricity, you would not get far, or rathercome to nothing. In contrast, the theory of electricity has not without question, butnot because of the question nor their decision - rather, the issue is still not decidedtoday - developed, and is therefore of little pieces of amber, which chaff Papersattracted to the electrostatic machine, galvanic column, the lightning rod and thetelegraph network, which spans the earth passes. Thus, the Day view of thequestion, whether , let spirit and matter, soul and body are only a being or beings

    basically two initially undecided, and yet pursue facts that are independent of thisquestion, by experience and experience conclusion. And so is also this whole book isthe question of whether dualism or monism, then to enter it only in one of the lastsections in some considerations that you may find important or not, neither the basic

    points still Implications of the Day will be affected materially.

    V. Positive development moments of the day view over the negations.

    (God, the sensual world of appearances, the soul question, the earth, the


    the evil in the world.)

    1 God.

    Belief in one God, the human consciousness as presented in width than in heightexceeds dominated in from above the whole day view and is supported by the twoother main points of the same below. The sensuous appearance on people andanimals, it can not hover in the void, it requires a subject of an overarchingconsciousness for yes. According to the width of the intellectual substructure of thespiritual height grows, and so rises above the small mountains or pyramids of human

    consciousness, they enclosing the highest peak on all individual costumes of thecreatures a supreme costumes on, and falls to the expansion of day view from abovedown with the expansion of the doctrine of God together. The system of the Day ishereby entirely theocratic.

    The night view is indeed so to speak, but the unity and majesty of God's sakeemerged, and the belief is offered in memory of it, nor hold it. In their knowledgeconsequences but it leads, as a fallen angel, only, on, and by these consequences havefinally overgrown faith, we have come to where we are today, not knowing how tokeep the faith even as he still to help. In itself, it is the night view of course, instead

    of seeing the divine, but in the human, the highest consciousness of consciousness,what there is. For since it knows no means, a, to include human over-reaching atlength consciousness where you should get the means to a higher close it out, but one

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    thing is dependent binding with the other together.

    And so the philosophy of the unconscious seeks the band of spirits instead of anoverarching general consciousness in an engaging under general unconsciousness,which she ascribes mystical properties that resemble those of consciousness, just donot want to be consciousness. The philosophy of the term refers to a spirit of

    humanity, history as a gang and was without evidence in reality to not talk about it,but look for the linking consciousness only in the individual meshes, the philosophyof monads even only in the atoms of the tape , and for the materialistic emptiness isthe bond of souls in the material between the souls. The day view but argues withthese philosophical trends of the night view too much in all to more particularly toargue about it.

    Let the linking consciousness of our own mind aside so you can of course also apsychology of beliefs, memories, fantasies, concepts, aspirations, pleasure and pain,and a dark mother Stock, which puts forth all this without to know anything about it,assemble, and thus will have a psychology of people equal to the current national

    psychology, the idea of which one to, everything verknpfendes individualconsciousness, consciousness is far away, but also have in today's social psychologymore than anything in such a psychology of people. It is Uhland dead horse with alltendons, veins, nerves of the most beautiful horse, but bleibts a dead horse, and sovery much appreciate an anatomy of the same, but one has the anatomierte not to beconfused with the living.

    Between individuals, there are more general and higher relationships in the samechurch, state, science, art, etc.. Mediated by vision, hearing, speech, writing, etc.According to the daily view is now not only the man has a knowledge of theserelationships, but a more general and the higher mind about him, as he grasped thewhole web of mediations of these relationships directly and in context. But bykeeping the night philosopher only an illusion in himself, that it is ever a seeing andhearing in the world beyond it - light and sound between people are to him so merelydead vibrations of material points, and he himself, it is only sees and hears - apply itlightly all by mediated relationships as illusions in himself, he looks inside only inthe world, the adoption of a god but for the most of all by the human consciousnessfrom total connexion of things, he only has to look outside itself and beyond itself.

    One says: but church, state, science, art, etc., in short all the fittings for the expresshigher spiritual relationships in the world, but caused only by the people, and so manas the creator reserves and the center of all the highest importance over all. - And ofcourse, could all those facilities without the people, but caused neither solely by the

    people, and a true community between people thereby produce, it requires theindividual also still a being that summarizes the relationships between themuniform. If people do not by the ground beneath their feet, the sea of their ships, theair through which the words and the light by which the eyes back and go backtogether hung, not apart from their mutual relations common effects of nature to bereceived and the stars above him, so neither church nor state, nor science, etc. havecreated, would be able to still exist today. The sky, the sun, the moon, the lightning,

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    the thunder, which instilled the people were the first religion, rather than the peoplethere to be a language before and could form by the people, things and relations ofthings had to be there the same calling on the name. The truth is: a before existenceof all human beings with divine spirit filled world created the people, without therebyremoving him from their associations, had continued making these their offspring and

    part into it, and he reacts to it, it is a coherent self-interacting gear from the top down,from the bottom up and from all sides, thus affecting the world under the influence ofa general spirit of everything captured in context and receives.

    Now, you may constituting at least among all parts of, but not the whole earthlyworld, where ever settle a distinctive consciousness, people attach the highestimportance, but not greater than the whole, the part being they both for spiritual andmaterial side are, as you can see the highest part of the building in the tips of a

    building, but only if they are lifted by the altitude of the substructure in the air andremain deep in the meaning of the whole building. But of course, after the

    Copernican system does not let us believe that the sun revolves around the earth, itstill thinks that the earth revolves around the sun along with the people.

    Also the nodes in the networks my well, they are the main thing in the nets, but theentire network is to say, more than any of its nodes. Unfold the nodes, as they arethemselves small networks, and the whole network in the world is just a folded-outnodes.

    When the night philosopher of deep heartfelt ground that can know nothing of God,but finds that he needs it, so do not want to drop it, he declares it to be a practicalpostulate of the but theoretically everything is deducted again, which in practicalinterest is to testify of it. One can speak so well of love, kindness, wisdom of God toever speak of him and to be comfortable so that the common understanding, but onemust always remain aware of the philosophical inadequacy of it: for love, kindness,wisdom, etc. are indeed human characteristics, and God is exalted above all humanqualities, or at least all human knowledge of its properties.

    After the day view it is of course also, but not because and insofar as he is over it,but because he does both and has the highest and best human and creaturelyproperties, and terminating in an unreachable for us height. The Bible characterizes

    the people one: love God above all and your neighbor as yourself, the day view butalso the reversal of which leads him to heart: the love of God above all else and heloves them all as himself, because he are just part of being his loves being init. Closer to him but they can not be, and can not be closer to God and our fellow manwe can not be, as if we all share part of himself to us, he and all of us adds to thewhole. To know and feel is godliness; every thought and feeling, however, thatremoves it somewhat depends of godlessness.

    2 The sensual world of appearances.

    Resist aim it to you to think of God in terms of sunk Day in the world? But

    summarize only the day view themselves only unlike the owl's eyes the nightview. Rather, you have to think then the world lifted up in God by thinking God liftedin the whole sensuous appearance of the world, and ask for nothing more behind it,

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    because probably gives also a Behind? It is God's foot, what do you think for afootstool under his feet, yes even including wegziehst yet because he does not needhim. You even speak today of a ubiquitous in the world, all-knowing and all-effectiveGod and then again from a completely transcendent God, and even do not stop tocontradict thyself, and mayest finally the contradiction so that from that God is in

    some sense one and the other. The same also writes the daily view, except that theysaid it in a clearer way. So that God besides light and sound in the world is notomnipresent and omniscient, but the light it is, to see everything in the world that isvisible to listen to all that is heard, God is not in the sensuality of lost world, but riseshigh above all the divine thought on. Imagine a man who had only eyes to see or earsto hear only, as poor, low would be the thoughts of the way deaf or blind. But God'sthoughts are based not only on the seeing and hearing of all the people, but also thesight and hearing of all that is beyond. Relationships on relationships between pile upin him higher and higher in order to complete the highest level, and as a king's

    minister, and these have their officers, and these their servants to execute hiscommands, not all of course they run right out, such attacks in the opposite directionof God's will by means of the supreme will and shoots his higher and lower creaturesof the world gear, however, he always keeps up the reins in his hand, it's justeverything internally in him which externally there.

    To dampen the momentum of contemplation, the physiologist occurs - and has notthe physiologist the right to have a voice on seeing and hearing - the question near,: ifthere should be about people and animals beyond still a sight and hearing and overeven a thought what you imagine a seeing, hearing, thinking God, where are about

    people and animals, the eyes and ears and brain to do so. If it were not like that andwhat would be the sense organs and brains of creatures and the creatures themselvesthere? Why all the effort of art in their facility? It does not just go without. But if it isnot it is not, it will not be without.

    Well, the sea is big and simple, countless multiform cup and bucket scoop directlyand indirectly therefrom, but the water does not make it, but it just scoop it up to let itflow back into it again for manifold use. So the sense organs of the creatures and thecreatures themselves are not there to make seeing and hearing only, but to acquirefrom the general source of seeing, hearing in a special way and use it in a particular

    way and to exploit. But what a comparison. Rather than dismiss the physiologist so, we follow him onhis field, and just be careful not to confuse the world with barriers barriers. Extend tothe actual completion of faith is indeed the principle of the day view. So what the

    physiologist is itself a fact in vision?

    From every point outside a cone of rays falls into your eye and closes through thepower of your eye back to a point on your retina together with its neighboring pointsto give a picture of the outside things. Were it not so, as you saw instead a clear

    picture only interlocking slurred notes. But not bleibts at the bright points on theretina, each sends a beam from there into your brain and continued through the brain,so as to continue to meet with the rays of the other pages and senses ago, and so the

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    sensation and reminder to let itself enter into your intuition and your thinking. Is itnot so, or you know dirs to think differently? But always bleibts the appearance of a

    point, even for the latest memory, if only the starting point of the radiation on theretina as well as the point out of uniform, he reflects, was.

    Now why should God, one eye like you and yours need to obtain uniform beam

    spots beyond you, because he has the shining points of the outside world tohimself. Instead of your retina, or rather behind her retinas and all the creatures at all,he has a retina, the surface of the things themselves, which is the most common andmost basic, there is. And after the rays have crossed from there before your eyes andyour brain with radiation from all other sides and are therefore entered into thegeneral relations, the all-seeing nature only provide your eyes with your brainadditional equipment with new starting points and then new implications for thedevelopment of special relationships dar.

    Now, of course, can not agree with everything in God seeing our seeing, for it isquite certain that, so it would be just only a human seeing, but what's wrong with it,seeing the divine is also seeing before our advance, and about the same.

    Each point of our retina sends only a simple beam in our brain, and each of thesebeams is then by a special nerve tubes, so as not to mix with the rays of theneighboring points of view, not to flow away with it. Afterwards how much he likesscatter and divide in the brain, we do not know. However radiates every possible

    point of the outside world on all sides, because he has not only to one eye and thebrain, but by thousands and thousands and beyond to radiate all over the world tothousands and thousands of so and so broken images of themselves in creatures togive and to let the world exist for beings beyond the unbroken appearance ofhimself. It remains each of these rays, although it goes without cover, so simplemixes and reflows as little forth with the rays of the neighboring points, as if he wentthrough a special side tube intersects with the other, and brings to countless crossings,thus undisturbed, ungeirrt, all eyes the image of the same point. That is because hehas not penetrate outdoors and indoors by nerve protein, where each dot to inhibithim and threatens to dissipate, but moves faster than lightning through air and etherhis way. Bad only would it be for the creatures, if he even so through I perform it,without having the time and opportunity to develop the relationships to which it is to

    be done in them, and to leave after-effects for future relationships, as it tangled in theprotein occurs because the brain. Also, it is different that the beam out not as in oureyes only in electricity, chemical process, or God knows what - the physiologist doesnot know himself, but thinks just this and that - has put to by the nervous Protein hisway to find, but he can therefore less light in air and ether, that he is not here makingsuch a transaction needs to get through, and are therefore less light electrical andchemical light that they have their special lighters.

    According to this, but also the achievements of the divine vision of creaturely otherthan vision. God sees all things at the same time as they appear to themselves in thespace of three dimensions, viewed from all sides at the same time, in their correctsize, correct position, their proper brightness and color, and no delicacy of visibility

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    escapes him. His vision is just the direct seeing of things, as he sees things, theyreally look, and this looks the same to God is one of the conditions of theirexistence. We, however, see the elaborately decorated camera obscura of our eye, ofall things, only those who are in front of us, without being obscured by others, theysee only surface projections of the side or that, in this or that reductions and shifts

    against each other , each according to its position and other equipment differently, butthat makes the world colorful, and it is just developed a wealth of relationships thatcould not develop without it.

    Now the man, even though he the divine vision may fail to meet his eye, by assets,by changing its position, through understanding with other people, through consciousand unconscious conclusions, the conditions of the outside world up to certain limits,in the sense to submit to the divine view and manage all subjective views as tointerpret on the basis of there. As students view the night but he still thinks it was all

    just be more subjective note, for things in themselves, there would be no seeing

    behind his eye, and so is the whole world for him except his dark eye. Hereafter, nor could the other senses in the same sense as talking about seeing, butI will be no World physiology here, it was only to contradict the physiologist who

    puts the short scale of human physiology at the doctrine of the general life, as thoughhe rich to cover them. Equally difficult is the fallacy of course, that he is rich fornothing.

    3 The soul question, stars and plants.

    Well, there are some who when the night view is capable of satisfying a more lively

    desire, not only grasp the idea of the world as a whole unifying and animating, byacting spiritual being, God, but represent themselves with vivacity and vigor. Whatthey lack even the full day view? Nothing so far, but what the lack of, from the darkchamber through an opening in the daylight looking, it looks light, but blinded cannot see what is in the light, it looks like the one who lives in the light. Taken by thegrandeur of its general idea, but also content with them is any implication thatviolates too hard against a view with their mother's milk they sucked, they are

    brought up in the dark, too. By stars and plants the idea just like a wind blowing, theidea is always up to God, the matter forms and moves under its influence, but only

    humans and animals have it a little more than fine words. Poor stars, once gods andangels, to which the eye still devoutly looks up, in the main, remains her dead lump,which a man tramples; poor flowers at which pleases the eye, which seem to laugh atourselves, we can you at least live, but it would mean the night view at their safestreagent reduced to sensation and the night itself shorten too much if your nervesloose life should also mean feeling; poor books that speak of a soul of the stars and

    plants of the materialists, on the one hand, ruffled by the idealists on the other end,eliminated by naturalists, shaking his head, never to return, commercially sold off fora song, makuliert, you have now finally been suffered. After all, what is self-evidentin the sense of Day, Night view appears in the sense of absurd, because so muchseems self-evident absurdity in it.

    But of course is for the day view that, if the animation is enough to her about

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    based, a more rigorous individual separation than the people themselves from eachother on the earth represents allows us to infer the Unsichtliche. However, all thestars to follow in eintrchtigem change the course of a general power which, beyondall creaturely arbitrary order in the whole household of Heaven receives, but thissilent exchange, the it interference is room, each holding with of

    other severity together yourself, you can see each in its own way an inexhaustiblewealth of inner unfold from that of the other distinct, life, every run with eignem yearand day exchange an other path of development. No man is so different from theothers, even from the surrounding element, as the stars from each other and from thesurrounding element, in each constellation seems to be all glued together, not as thestars together, they only speak nor by light and gravity together.

    In fact, while we ourselves are grown with our neighboring creatures speak in soil,water, air, splits, the earth with the other heavenly creatures in the purer, finer, clearerelement of ether, floats, a great eye built comparable in light element and breathes the

    same one constantly. Should there be any creatures for this item? For the night viewthere is none. You probably fables of angels in heaven, but holds even for such fables.

    Here Against the sky appears in the light of day view again inhabited by celestialbeings; mention they are gods or angels, they have been formerly called so andso. The distance between us and God is great, they are an intermediate step betweenus and God, but on a scale in which the steps rather than one exclusive.

    But while they are on their higher level with each other as well as the earthlycreatures to their lower in the outer conditions of neighboring creatures, it may alsocomparatively, like humans, animals, plants, embryos, children, adults, old people,from various external rank in the earthly areas are adjacent to each other, giveappropriate rank and development stages in the heavenly realms together.

    Should I speak to the view into the lofty realm of spirits over us from the smallplant soul besides us?

    A blooming hyacinth in front of me on the table. As jewelry, the flower clustersfrom the leaf growth is uplifting, as each flower is delicately curved and fitted it intofiner, what a pure color she has woven out of light, how rich it has unfolded sinceyesterday. You look at me - the flower speaks - when I was a beautiful girl and I'm a

    beautiful girl in my art report it to the people. - I've already told them, but they didnot want to believe.

    Never the belief has developed the animation of our fellow man and the animalsthat they have nerves; never a shred of evidence has been given that such unlike justonly for human and animal animation are necessary, it is a stale superstition, that theyare necessary for this at all. You do not want it so well at last the world, the stars, the

    plants adopt that they have nerves like humans and animals, to keep them inspired forwhen more important reasons for the animation speak. You do not want to just be

    people and animals, and need to another soul also another carrier and expression in

    the realm of matter. But it seems you have not done enough with the previousconsiderations, so you can further development of such as offered the day view in

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    terms of the soul question, found in one large and two small fonts 1) .

    l) Zendavesta, Nanna, and the soul question

    4 The Earth in particular. Based on the previous, we have the earth. Than us both to material and spiritualside parent, hereby to express in a higher sense than we uniformly bound beings as anode einknpft ourselves with our neighbor creatures together in the divine band

    Just think, in order to grasp that, not merely to the thin crust on which you walkwith your neighbor creatures in the roots, the plants, herewith a dry soil, so evenwhen you think people not only to his bones. The inner Glutmeer, the solidframework about the ocean, the air circuit, the whole human, animal and plant life,yourself, held together with included everything concentrically by a joint force to thesame center, common periods of lying in purpose and effect relationships growtogether, charged into each other, only one is in the earth, and hereby the punishmentupon you. The same earth that keeps us and all her creatures by the same force to betied up, has also all born from himself, all resumes in back, feeds and dresses it all,conveying the traffic between all, and maintains all these changes one by theexchange itself continues sustaining and evolving inventory.

    The foot of man is no less the ground, the claw of the bird adapted to the branches,as the foot of humans and claw of a bird whose eignem body, but with the advantages

    to ignore also move on their surface and the changes and irregularities them to adaptbut of the whole earth, the whole man and bird can still move around even less toseparate, as any member of the body of man or bird. Much fixed it does what youseem to loose much, in expanded purpose relationship together. And so the earth

    proves in all general conditions both the uniform operation of all of its parts and theratio of the superorder about it, myself included us. But as it clearly does in materialrelations, they will do it unsichtlich in spiritual relationships.

    From the outset to allow plenty of equation points all over the world are with thepeople, so day and night waking and sleeping, the circulation of the waters with the

    circular course of the blood, the tides of the sea with the pulse beat of the heart, thegreen vegetation of the earth with Find the sentient human skin and so similar, onlythe similarity extends anywhere beyond a certain limit, is rather widely exceeded andtopped by the dissimilarity of the greater height, width, superiority of the earth to the

    people. And there are probably people in itself a part of the whole human Possible,how shall the earth a part of their very same. In a sense, although it has almosteverything that their people by inbegreift same even advantageous now but does notneed to have again what they have and how they have it, keeping it up to them, just asthey have to have, but everywhere has something uniform, unanimous end to a pointof higher usefulness Together Timm end it, and nowhere reaches the analogy furtherthan the teleology in this sense is enough. So the earth does not repeat the circulationof the blood in a larger blood baptism, the breath of the creatures in a larger lungs,

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    but all the blood circulations of the creatures are only branches of the largecirculation of water in it, by draw all of it and are related by; instead of a lung madefrom small bubbles have once again, it is completely enveloped by the atmosphere,drawing from all the lungs of the creatures, and by which animals and plants, oxygenand carbon dioxide exchange with each other, and instead of having a brain closely

    folded again in a cranium with nerves that carry him on long walks sensory stimuliand dissipate motion cues from there, she has her whole organic world with its roads,cultural exchanges and cultural products unfolded and attached externally to an allcohesive strength capsule freely the light of heaven and the vibrations of the airrepresents from which all the nerves and brains of their creatures immediately drawtheir inspiration and causing them to communicate their mutual inspiration. Thenwhy to use a particular brain with special nerves for mental tasks. Of such vainrepetitions, the earth does not know, and it is useless, those to be found in her foolishto require such to grant her an organic life as a spiritual support. But you missed

    those and remains open or hidden to the conclusion that because a man dies, loses hismind, when you take away his brain, the earth is dead from the start, mindless,because it has no brain from the outset.

    And so one of their crimes worthy of death, they not irregular in heaven walkingaround like a human running. But again, why should they do it again outside of what

    people are already doing enough in it. And what they would have to run? For food,clothes? Rather, it best meets their higher purpose in that it goes to a fixed rule. Asman leads an inner and an outer life, but to the inner part of the outer circulation ofthe people themselves, and after this there are already more than enough of the

    irregularities is good that they did not even completely outside it rises, rather in theircommon parent swing direction, control, measure obtained in space and time for theirpeople, and with the knowledge of, any irregularities raised clear order of heavenlythings at the same time brings the idea of a unsichtlichen.

    But while there is no shortage of the earth but to change in the outer life she leadsin its dealings with other stars. And how the inner life of every human beinginfluenced by its external traffic and is itself controlled from general considerations,it is with the earth, but the man himself is from general considerations which havedominated. In what an eventful manifold the stars light up depending on the day and

    night, of summer and winter, and after the pile height the earth, sun and moon up anddown rise above each other horizons at the same time of other height, the sun playswith the clouds and winds of the earth, characterized veil pulls itself now here, nowthere before, reflected in the waters of the earth, it lifts here in the air, to let them fallthere again, makes the plants grow, green, bloom, boil fragrance and sweetness inthem, at any time, in any place else. Tags tend to her flowers at all, however, all eyesturn to the higher creatures of her to not go blind by their splendor, and her close atnight in order to rest quietly for themselves. The tidal wave of the sea circles,following the passage of the moon to the earth, the amount depending on the

    changing compliance or conflict with the train of the sun, and how the earth approachthe other planets or remove from her, she just does not like the change the brightnessbut also the train feel more than merely external.

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    Meanwhile reaches no sound, no smell, no touching of the earth to another, or fromanother heavenly body to Earth, no speck of dust to another place of her way, nocreature is capable of it a creature of the other heavenly bodies to see or order tooperate, and everything that has the sun in it, the earth handled differently in itself,and together than the other planets, and the lively traffic of the Earth as aspects

    remain with other heavenly bodies but their individual separation of the rights. That the earth bears to all 'and the consciousness in it, no one needs to be proven,

    because everyone in the consciousness of what he carries himself in itself, can beimmediately rejected part of it, and more than that he can not rejected them require tonot require the whole consciousness of the earth itself. But he already believes yes tomore by also believes in the consciousness of other people without having it myselfand without that can show him something of it. To believe in a consciousness of allthis band but he has reason to remember the last number of the world therebyestablished position of the earth in the kingdom of the soul levels as a heavenly

    creature. The band of consciousness at all ranges through the whole world, and theearth just only cuts from the general consciousness of their special circle circles overother celestial bodies out how the man in her back towards other people. Not thatthey would back riddled established the world, but so that it will apply to the fillingitself contributes by filling their particular circle with a specific content. Thishowever does not consist merely of the sum of the individual souls he closes in itself,

    but includes both gates between all one, which engage the individual, full, and butvery only in the fall all across and so consistently linking higher consciousness. Tofind them, you only have to give the Clear translate into Unsichtliche.

    Do you ask, how can one of everything human, yes Terrestrial unifyingconsciousness of the question, but if we look at religions, peoples, conceivedindividual on earth in fierce dispute. But how much it denies itself in the individual,

    between what he seeks peace, without being able to see him often. Instead of theunity of his consciousness prevents the inner conflict that makes them only that hefeels it and is looking to settle. But of course, that in the larger and higher risingawareness circles the world of the armed powerful and the ultimate peace harder isreached, as in the small of the individual - in a glass, it may not even storm as in thesea -; however, a larger , more powerful, just more slowly to targets leading to

    aspiration is. How great but this is already the progress of those days where no state,no morality, no law, no religion, no reaching across the seas trade and commercejoined the people.And not only the earth, by all the stars and all stars betweenaccesses by the same divine aspiration to direct the progressive development offruitful paths.

    All 'which is now of course nowadays grouped differently according to the nightview. After that, people, animals, plants, rather than parts of the earth, somethingoutward, and on earth, a large dead mother gave birth to living children, apart fromhimself and then remained as dead as before. Only the astronomer it does not occur

    when other heavenly bodies considered the world over, be subtracted from the massof the Earth, the mass of creatures, otherwise you're doing it, and, pulling with it thespirit of the creatures of the earth from, how then of course be able to think about a

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    spirit of the earth, after having deducted such of them in pieces. The nightphilosopher sanctioned this view completely in his speculations about the contrast oforganic and inorganic, living and dead as Empire Earth and the Darwinist plaguingtoday with a kind of alchemy to bring out organic from inorganic slag gold.

    And of course, the contrast between the organic and inorganic kingdoms of the

    earth is greater than between bone on the one hand, flesh and nerves on the otherhand in our body, only it is of course in the nature of a parent organism, that it holdsgreater opposites than its parts, as our shareholders organism as a whole over its parts

    proves. With the old opposition to the organic kingdom but the inorganic even thelink of the organic into an organic whole, in a higher sense. Rip it out of the whole,and all life not only tumbles apart, but falls in himself. And therefore can only giveaway the inorganic nothing more organic, because no one ever has ever given awaythe other, but both have emerged as moments of development of the higher organic

    whole through its differentiation 2) .

    2) remarks here about see in Scripture "Some ideas, etc.".

    We geography, geology, paleontology, meteorology, botany, zoology, anthropology,ethnology, history of nations and whatnot yet. Teachings of the earth for special Quitewell, but it's all just lessons which teach us to know the same piecemeal or by this orthat side. Where is the doctrine which gave us the vision of the Earth as a single,ourselves in body and soul with einbegreifenden, whole. For the night is not even the

    point of view of such a doctrine, and since I myself am dealing with it, I'm a dreamerin these things.

    A bird escaped from the cage to take a closer look at the world from above. But abird that wants to be free must also put up with it to be outlawed, they do not careabout him or shoot him down. In the cage under the cages down he would have beensafe and would run no other danger than to be bersungen or yelled at by the birds inneighboring cages as they do with each other, and he was then but to society

    5 The Hereafter.

    The belief in the Hereafter is prescribed for us by the Word, and the desire of thepeople, one day fortzuleben, and what can be here not have to have there, comes to

    his aid. An actual bridge but this belief does not exist, nor can there be, as long as thenight view stands guard at the gap. For as the consciousness ring breaks off after herat all, it breaks off naturally after each, one depends traced together with theother. And it will still be a future life, it will be demolished for the same reason fromthis world, in a mythical, mystical realm, which is the other side of the night viewout. Even this world it's a Sheol, which only possible by black dots run like tinder,and the sky itself, in which we look up, this fall with Sheol.So are for the night viewof paradise and hell over all the heavens and all depths. Will it have a future life moreclosely, it looks it up in the sun or leaves the mind wander through the stars. Who canresist it. Either is not to believe after the night view of an afterlife, and the consequentnight philosopher's doing either, but draws materialistic the demise of the soul withthe body or idealistic the absorption by the general spirit before, or everyone can

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    believe what he wants, and does it also to fill the void, which leaves the faithprovision.

    For the day view but the Hereafter is only the extension and improvement of thisside already out in God, life, the bridge to the hereafter is in the relationships betweenthe human and divine existence, and the belief in the transcendent existence is the

    belief in the divine firmly adherent. The intermediate step between us and God but dous this is not of God, but only in the same done to us.

    Is meant for the whole conscious life of a man in a can, same with bodiesresponsible for such more general conscious life appear and disappear withoutleaving a consequence of its kind is like a bubble. So it is not within the consciouslife of man himself, so how would the way around it, it will also not be so, only theremust be a more general conscious life beyond wohinein the worldly man his orderand extension may extend.

    The materialist certainly will not tire of reminding the soul and mind to threaten sothat it is the necessary condition of existence and operation have at their corporeality,how could they continue to exist if this condition of their existence ceases. Contrary,you will not get tired of proving the materialists, but the soul or the mind - becausewe cut like this the whole agree, at least to save the most expensive piece of it - isessential regardless of the body. Nothing, what facts help evidence against thematerialists. Rather than to prove to him that his weapons are bad, it is to hit him withhis weapons; others to beat him, there is not, but this is it.

    As the soul should not continue if the condition of their existence, as necessary as it

    is for the here and now, with equal necessity puts forth the condition of the futurestand off.Letting it be true that the life of the soul is bound on this side of the stock ofany material processes, the essential, inviolable, so much the better, but can asmaterial processes, whatever they may be, ever pass without entering in a rowoperations, or transferred to the consciousness make an exception to this? Rather,where their consequences may be found even after our death, and if you know how tofind them, so must those be there, and we are them, but precisely because there areconsequences consciousness supporting operations can trust the same capacity,without the a better than even knowing of the other, which gives them this capacity,

    because we know that in fact this part of the causal as little as we can know it by itcontinuing into the afterlife. Causes contact at all by their nature unchanged in itsconsequences continue as far none of them work with them in else or else feeds intothe consequences, but so far it is the case, their nature is not thereby destroyed, but

    only newly influenced, and determined the andre new with 3) . So this will also applyfrom the consequences of our consciousness-bearing operations. But in order to moveinto the sequence operations that have to go out causal, ie die.

    3) A more detailed explanation of this here only briefly and superficiallypronounced sentence in physical senses, which leads back to the above

    conclusions, see at the end of the 12th Portion.

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    And if all causal processes which carried our this-worldly consciousness areextinguished with destruction of all worldly physicality, where should finally see theentire follow-up activities of this life, than the one of unsrem death is not affectedthereby, further, higher and more general awareness supporting the whole - the dayview, not the caller says the night view - to which we already belong to this side of

    body and soul, to include him with otherworldly our continued only in a new form ofexistence, and to contribute in new ways to further determination of his life. Wecertainly know the material consequences of our life in this world not to pursue

    particularly about the same thing, because they are too radiate into space, they are asit were too far unpacked, however, those which carry our this-worldly consciousness,are too closely packed to provide them with a to capture light and glimpses and track;insbesondre and easily escapes us the context of the consequences of our life in thisworld. Thus, it is impossible to break the temporal relationship between cause andeffect, so impossible between the spatial consequences of breaking the spatial self-

    related processes, as are the processes in our body. So will expand with the expansionof our consciousness, our life circle only circle, and he remains held together at allbut in the earthly extension and finally the world.

    How to do from the outset, the most general point of view for material page withthe consideration for mental side hand in hand and leads to the same goals. The spiritof man extends its consequences in the general spirit, and the body of the people inthe general world of physical things that carries this spirit into it, and how thespiritual and physical causes of related cis to each other, the otherworldly spiritualand physical consequences . But this did not apply to detach the mind from matter,

    but to continue the way the mind goes on this side with her in the afterlife, The string and the sound fades soars into the air, that's simplest terms, therelationship between this world and the hereafter. The natural man has conceived it asopened and even otherwise the window to the soul can also entschwebende. Butwhen the air might not sound as well as the string is fading away, there would be nosound for the Hereafter, in the matter of the remaining string is nothing. Elapses orabout the tone by soars into the air in their community? On the contrary, it onlyspreads out, and intertwines with continued maintenance of its full peculiarity withother compounds to higher tones. Thus, the spread otherworldly spheres of life

    among people. Certainly can not hit anything it applies here to meet the image in itssimplicity. And in particular it makes it not, that man is not a simple sounding string,

    but a whole range strung, fulfilled with oscillating and pulsating life instrument iswhat his own life game feels, and the world to give p