The Detroit Riot of 1967

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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The events that ensued on the 23 rd – 28 th July 1967. The Detroit Riot of 1967. Boiling Tensions From:. Police Abuse Lack of Affordable Housing Urban Renewal Projects Economic Inequality Rapid Demographic Change Black Militancy. How it Started. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


THE DETROIT RIOT OF 1967The events that ensued on the 23rd – 28th July 1967

Boiling Tensions From:

Police Abuse Lack of Affordable Housing Urban Renewal Projects Economic Inequality Rapid Demographic Change Black Militancy

How it Started

Police raided an all black Blind Pig at 12thSt. And Clairmount Avenue where about 83 people were celebrating the return of two Vietnam Veterans.

Police then tried to round up all 83 patrons. A frustrated crowd gathered outside and

began rioting once the last Police Car left.

The National Guard and 82nd Airborne Within two

days the National Guard was mobilized.On the Fourth

Day of rioting the 82nd Airborne was called in by President Johnson to diffuse the situation

Map of Rioting

Fatalities and Percent Black

Most fatalities resulted from Police and National Guard Fire


7,000 Arrests 1,189 Injuries 43 Deaths Over 5,000,000 dollars in damage

A peek into the Detroit Counter CultureDuring the late 60’s Detroit had a counter culture similar to that of San Francisco but on a smaller scale. The Motor City Five (MC5) became the house band of Detroit during this era. They were part of the White Panther Party protesting Police Abuse and Inequality between Blacks and Whites.

Interactive Timeline and Riot VideoInteractive Timeline 1967 Riot Video

The End

Created by Phil Dugliss

Bibliography Bibliography Bergesen, Albert. 1980. "Official Violence during the Watts, Newark, and Detroit Race

Riots of the 1960s". Pp. 138-174 in Lauderdale, Pat ed. A Political Analysis of Deviance. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Detroit Free Press. 1968. "Return to 12th Street: A Follow-Up Survey of Attitudes of Detroit Negroes". Detroit Free Press October 7

Farley, Reynolds, Sheldon Danziger, and Harry J. Holzer. 2000. Detroit Divided . New York: Russell Sage Foundation

Fine, Sidney. Violence in the Model City. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1989 Governor's Select Commission on Civil Disorders. Report for Action: An Investigation Into the Causes

and Events of the 1967 Newark Race Riots. New York. Lemma Publishing Corp, 1968, 1972 Herman, Max A. 1999. Fighting in the Streets: Ethnic Succession and Urban Unrest in 20th Century

America. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Arizona. Available from University Microfilms Locke. Hubert G. The Detroit Riot of 1967. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969 National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil

Disorders New York: Bantam Books, 1968 Sauter, Van Gordon and Burleigh Hines. 1968. Nightmare in Detroit; A Rebellion and its

Victims.Chicago: Regnery Publishers Sugrue, Thomas. 1996. The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Post-War Detroit.

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press Thomas, June Manning. 1997. Redevelopment and Race: Planning a Finer City in Postwar Detroit.

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press Audio : MC5 “ Motor City is Burning” Elektra records 1969