The Developer-Designer Relationship

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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AboutWeb 2005 !Web, Mobile, and Branding 2010 !Mobile and Branding 2013

Ron Conway“It used to be that the algorithm was your most valuable IP (like Google). Now, it’s users, user design, and user interface IP.” !- Startup School 2013

Vision of DesignersUI has become important to team managers !Mobile brought upon a more obvious need !Developer/Designer ratio is balancing out

User Experience Designers Visual Designers User Interface Designers Product Designers Front-End Developers


Small TeamDeveloper(s) Designer(s) !Business somewhere in between

Mid-Size TeamProduct Manager Designer(s) Developer(s) Sales/Business Development Production Teams

Large TeamComposed of multiple mid-sized teams !Managed by agile project manager !Centralized or dedicated design teams