The Dragonfly Master Predator August 2011 Roseate Skimmer (M)

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The DragonflyThe DragonflyMaster PredatorMaster Predator

August 2011 Roseate Skimmer (M)

Dragonfly Photos by Dan Irizarry Freshwater Wetlands

Photo Marina Scarr

Melissa Nell – Randy Moore – Sam Starrett

Cover Photo Bobby Pastorek

Dragonfly Basics

• Scientific order – Odonata (toothed ones)

• Suborder – Anisoptera (different wings)

• Difference with Damselflies

• Dragonfly parts

• Amazing wings

• Mating

• Life cycle

• Aquatic larva

• Emergence

• Fearsome predators

Green Darner

Morphology – Refers to the form and structure of an organism.

Dragonfly Eye Close-up

The Emergence

Prince Baskettail Species

Manatee County Dragonflies

15 Species

Photos by Dan Irizarry

Blue Dasher

Regal Darner

Carolina Saddlebags

Tramea carolina

large, bright red to russet brown dragonfly with noticeable large spots on the base of the hind wing; forehead is metallic violet; size is 45-54 mm; will perch on the tops of tall vegetation in order to get a clear view of their territory.


Blue Dasher (M) Pachydiplax longipennis white face, black tip

to abdomen; black and yellow-striped thorax; abdomen can be brilliant blue in males or black with a pair of pale yellow stripes in females; informal name is blue pirate; a swift-flying long-winged skimmer; size is 28-45 mm; on hot days it raises its abdomen to reduce heat absorption; consumes 10 plus percent of body weight in prey daily.


Blue Dasher (F)

face pale green; thorax is green and abdomen is

mostly blue; males have green on one segment

while females have greenish-brown or reddish-

brown abdomens; size is 68-84 mm; males and

females have a mark on their face that looks like a

target; one of the few dragonflies that migrates;

Common Green Darner

Pachydiplax longipennisCommon Green Darner

Pachydiplax longipennis


Common Green Darner (F)

a voracious predator that will attack wasps, butterflies, mosquitoes – even hummingbirds and other dragonflies; individuals change color depending upon temperature (darkening when colder).

Eastern Amberwing

(F) Perithemis tenera

Eastern Amberwing

(F) Perithemis tenera

a tiny dragonfly with brilliant amber colored wings; thorax is brown and almost looks shortened; size is 19-25 mm;


Eastern Amberwing


males exhibit an elaborate courtship

behavior, selecting a territory and then

escorting females to the area to show it off;

will mimic wasps by perching on vegetation

and pumping their abdomen up and down.

Eastern Pondhawk

(F) Erythemis simplicicollis)

popular names include pond hawk and green jacket; females and juveniles are green with square black spots on the abdomen; adult males are blue with a green face; size is 36-48 mm; often found on floating mats of aquatic vegetation;


Eastern Pondhawk


Eastern Pondhawk

(M)may also often be seen resting on bare earth; males chase other males continuously.

may also often be seen resting on bare earth; males chase other males continuously.


Pennant (F) Brachymesia gravida

face is black and white; body is a slate blue or dark bluish black

leading to a brown abdomen; size is 47-55 mm;



Pennant (M)


Pennant (M)

each wing has a dark patch in the middle and a small bright white mark along the upper edge of the wing tip.

adults have brilliant green eyes; entire body is dark brown to black with yellow stripes all the way down the abdomen (other river cruisers not as thoroughly striped); this is a subspecies of the illinois river cruiser.

Georgia Georgia River CruiserRiver Cruiser

Macromia illinoiensis Macromia illinoiensis georginageorgina




(F) Libellula auripennis

wings are orange to gold; body can be brown to reddish

orange to gold; two stripes run laterally (from head to tip of

abdomen); size is 45-58 mm;



Skimmer (M)

males perch at tips of plants but females perch in middle; males are described as “nervous” and “wary”.

Halloween Pennant

(F) Celithemis eponina

head and body are amber and darken with age; wings are yellow and are banded and spotted with brown; wing marking pattern usually includes two bands and then a band of spots; size is 30-42 mm;


Halloween Pennant


species can be identified when

perched since it sits in an odd

fashion, holding its forewings

vertically and its hindwings

horizontally; adults flutter like


Halloween Pennant (mating)

for most dragonflies, the time needed for fertilization ranges from 15 seconds to one hour; most mating occurs in the high trees for safety, but some dragonflies mate while flying.

Prince Baskettail

Epitheca princeps

thorax and abdomen brown with pale spots on the abdomen; wings have three distinct spots; mature males have brilliant green eyes; size is 58-68 mm; often flies as high as the tree line; can be seen feeding in swarms with other species.


Red Saddlebags

Tramea onusta

size is 41-48 mm; body is brown and unmarked; face is pale but turns red upon maturity; abdomen is yellow-brown in females but turns red in males; hind wings have large brown “saddlebag” marking;

often seen feeding over large fields, meadows, and roadways; males patrol large territories flying at great heights.


Regal DarnerCoryphaeschna ingens

clear wings (females develop patterning as

they age); brilliant green body and dark brown abdomen with bright

green markings; size is 85-90 mm; males don’t

defend or patrol their territories like other

species; males fly in feeding swarms and they

rarely perch.


Roseate Skimmer

(F) Orthemis ferruginea

females brown; males have

lavendar-blue thorax and pink to

purple abdomen; wings clear with orange colored

veins; size is 46-55 mm;


widespread species; females lay eggs by

flicking them in water droplets

towards the shore; males will protect

the females.

Roseate Skimmer (M)

Seaside Dragonlet

(F) Erythrodiplax berenice

Seaside Dragonlet

(F) Erythrodiplax berenice

a smaller dragonfly; male is nearly black in color while there are 3 different female color variations; 1) golden yellow with black stripes on thorax and abdomen, 2) unspotted form is same but doesn’t have spots on wing, and 3) dark with no wing markings and golden abdomen that darkens; each female eventually becomes darker;


size is 28-35 mm; habitat includes salt marshes, estuaries, mangrove swamps,

and saline lakes; the closest that

dragonflies come to being able to tolerate

marine environments; can breed in waters

with high salt content.

Seaside Dragonlet (M)

Slaty Skimmer

(F) Libellula incesta

all black to dark blue in color with dark eyes; females tan to brown

with dark stripes running from head to

abdomen and will turn the blue or black color

upon reaching maturity; size is 45-56 mm;


females seldom seen around water except to mate; very

common in areas with quiet waters; immature females

have the tan/brown striped coloration but this species

can still mate while immature.

Slaty Skimmer


Symbolism – Mythology – Superstitions

…its scurrying flight across water represents an act of going beyond what’s

on the surface and looking into the deeper implications and aspects of life.

…the dragonfly is an agent of change and presumably symbolic

of a sense of self realization.

Today I saw the dragonflyCome from the wells where he did lie.

An inner impulse rent the veilOf his old husk: from head to tail

Came out clear plates of sapphire mail.He dried his wings: like gauze they grew;

Thro’ crofts and pastures wet with dewA living flash of light he flew.

The DragonflyThe Dragonfly

Photo Dotty MottaLord Tennyson (1833)

the end. thank you.

Photo Marina Scarr