The Economics of Dairying -...

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The Economics of DairyingInsights into the Global Market

November 7 – 9, 2017Matthew Lange, Dairy Business Consultant

Compeer Financial Dairy Consulting Team

Activity in U.S.• Volatility increasing over last 15

years.• Story behind the story

• Gains from increases in prices are limited by greater decreases in prices.

• Heightened risk of unrecoverable losses.

• Hyper-consolidation.-40.00%

















U.S. Dairy Cattle PerformancePerformance 2013 2014 2015 2016 1H 2017Milk Shipped/Lact. Cow/Day 37.06 37.06 37.45 37.19 37.28Milk Shipped/Lact. Cow/Day ECM 38.06 38.15 38.46 38.28 38.36

Base price for milk P/Litre £30.91 £38.35 £27.15 £25.53 £27.66

Marketing gain/loss -£0.14 -£2.03 £0.41 £0.33 -£0.07

Government Payments £0.12 £0.00 -£0.05 -£0.02 £0.00

Component Payments £4.45 £4.86 £3.38 £3.11 £2.83

Total Milk Price £35.34 £41.18 £30.89 £28.95 £30.50

U.S. Cost of ProductionCOP/UK 2013 2014 2015 2016Top 25% 1H 2017Feed Cost P/Litre £21.18 £21.22 £18.25 £16.15 £16.18 £15.26

Labor Cost P/Litre £5.36 £5.93 £5.89 £5.70 £5.12 £5.76

Net Herd Replacement Cost P/Litre £2.23 £1.62 £1.77 £2.35 £2.15 £2.25

Capital Cost P/Litre £3.85 £4.09 £4.09 £4.48 £4.09 £4.43

Other Production Cost P/Litre £3.88 £4.14 £4.07 £3.90 £3.85 £3.50

Overhead Cost P/Litre £11.61 £12.83 £11.96 £11.25 £10.53 £6.22

Less Other Inc. P/Litre -£15.33 -£15.58 -£14.93 -£13.57 -£13.83 -£7.37

Whole Business P/Litre £32.80 £34.24 £31.10 £30.27 £28.11 £30.03

U.S. Financial Performance RatiosRatios 2013 2014 2015 20161H 2017Net Profit / Litre £2.58 £6.68 -£0.19 -£1.27 -£0.45Net Profit / Cow £313.26 £832.18 -£24.53 -£157.98 -£50.07Return on Equity 7.00% 18.80% -0.70% -4.30% -----Owners Equity 52% 57 56 52 -----Working Capital / Cow £637.50 £965.25 £617.25 £303.00 -----Capital Debt Repayment Capacity 151% 253% 91% 61% -----Debt Revenue Ratio 0.62 0.55 0.66 0.81 -----

“In times of turbulence the biggest danger is to act with yesterday’s logic.”

- Peter Drucker

Six Degrees of Separation1. Somatic Cell Counts

• Top third most profitable herds had 196,000 cells/mL while lowest third of profitable herds at SCC of 239,000 cells.

2. Energy-Corrected Milk• Spread between 91lb/cow/day of energy corrected milk versus 72lb/cow/day

for high and low herds, this equates to nearly $1.14/cwt. in more profit.

3. Death Losses• Top 1/3 of herds with lowest death loss were $.86/cwt. more profitable than

lowest 1/3. Target is 4%-5% death loss or better.

Six Degrees of Separation4. Net-Herd Replacement Cost

• NHRC = (# of cows removed from herd * replacement value) – cull value.• Lower culling decreases NHRC loss and increase milk production.

5. Preg. Rates• Great profit with greater preg rates in the neighborhood of $50


6. Heifer Survival

Lifetime Value Depends on LongevityProfitability is driven by healthy and genetically capable cows living into the prime of their life, generally 3rd through 5th lactation.

Source: Zoetis

Raising the Right ReplacementsOn average, heifers should have greater genetic merit than cows in traits under selection, but not all heifers are better than the cows already in the herd











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Heifers with NM$ GPTA below the adult herd average

“You need cash. Cash is like oxygen. When you don’t need it, you don’t notice it. When you do need it, it’s the only thing you think about.”

- Warren Buffet

Create Cash Management Dashboard

1. Checkbook Balance2. Operating Loan/Line

• Current Balance & Availability

3. Payables and Receivables• Total amounts and days past due.

4. Burn Rate• Projected Annual Losses / Working Capital

5. Seasonal Cash Expenses

“The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well.

- John D. Rockefeller Jr.

3M (Margins Matter Most) - IOFC

Case A Case B

£13.40 Feed Cost P/Litre £14.78

£4.80 Feed Cost / Cow £5.74

35.80 Milk Production 38.85

£25.36 Milk Income P/Litre £27.52

£14.36 IOFC £14.38

3M (Margins Matter Most) - IOFC

• Forage Quality • Manage for target quality • Bunker management • Minimize shrink

• Feed Refusal • How much do you

manage for? • Production grouping strategy • Percentage of herd not in the tank

Feed Ratios 2016Feed Cost/Cow/Day £4.88

Forage Cost/Cow/Day £2.28

Non-Forage Cost/Cow/Day £3.35

Milk Inc./Cow/Day £10.76

IOFC / Cow/Day £5.88

Litres Milk / Kilos DM 1.472

Cost P/ Kilo Dry Matter £16.73

3M (Margins Matter Most) - NHRC

• Net herd replacement cost/cwt is the difference between the cost of a replacement heifer and the value of the replaced cull cow represented on a cwt milk basis.

Replacement cost $2.50/cwt. - Cull revenue of $1.10/cwt. Net herd replacement cost is $1.40/cwt.

• Increasing milk production,• Obtaining higher cull revenue, • Reducing death loss, and• Limit < 60 DIM Involuntary Culls

Tactical Measures to Improve Margins

• Usable, Quality Financials.• Negotiate with vendors.• Maximize cash discounts.• Review ration formulations with nutritionist & consultant.• Manage labor, seek retention.

Tactical Measures to Improve Margins

• Movement of dry cows to increase cow numbers.• Reduce excess heifer inventory beyond targets.• Look at leases vs. ownership/repair.• Discuss debt structure with lender/consultant.• Risk management, even if you have never done it or even if you been

there done that.• Maximize existing investments.

“Capital Isn’t scarce, Vision is.”

- Sam Walton


540 Baldwin Plaza Dr.Baldwin, WI 54002United States


Matthew G. LangeCompeer Financial

Dairy Consulting Team

Questions ….

Lunch ….