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(A Quasi-Experimental research at the tenth Grade of SMK Nusantara 2

(Kesehatan) Ciputat in Academic Year 2018/2019)


Wanmuniroh Waeslaemae













Wanmuniroh Waeslaemae (11150140000122). “The effect of Genre-Based

Activities toward students’ writing of recount text (A Quasi-Experimental

research at the tenth Grade of SMK Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat in

Academic Year 2018/2019).” A Research of Department of English Education,

Faculty of Educational Sciences of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University,

Jakarta, 2019.

Advisor I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Keywords : Genre-based Activities, Writing, Recount Text

The objective of this study was to obtain the empirical evidence of the effect of

Genre-based Activities toward students’ writing of recount text. This research used

a quantitative research method using a quasi-experimental design. It used purposive

sampling with the research sample totally 40 students. The sample of the research

was divided into experimental and controlled classes with 20 students in each class.

The experimental class was taught by implementing Genre-based Activities while

the controlled class was taught without using Genre-based Activities. The data was

obtained through pre-test and post-test. After 4 meetings of treatments, the post-test

results were calculated and analyzed using the t-test formula. The results of the

statistical analysis showed that on df = 38 and in 5%, degree of significance, the

ttable is 1.686. By comparing the value of tobserve and ttable, tobserve is higher than ttable

that is 3.797>1.686. Then, the significant (2-tailed) showed the value 0.001 which

was lower than 5% degree of significance or p<0.05 = 0.001<0.050. Therefore, it

can be concluded that the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the Alternative

Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Furthermore, on Cohen’s d analysis, the value showed

1.23 which included a strong effect. Thus, Genre-based Activities gave a strong

effect to the students’ writing recount text. Therefore, it can be concluded that

Genre-Based Activities is effective to teaching students’ writing of recount text

because it showed significant effect on students’ writing of recount text at the tenth

grade of SMK Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) ciputat.



Wanmuniroh Waeslaemae (11150140000122). Pengaruh Pendekatan

Kegiatan Berbasis Genre terhadap penulisan siswa dalam teks recount

(Penelitian Quasi-Eksperimental di kelas sepuluh SMK Nusantara 2

(Kesehatan) Ciputat pada Tahun Akademik 2018/2019). Skripsi Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri

Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2019.

Dosen Pembimbing I: Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Dosen Pembimbing II: Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Kata Kunci: Genre-based Activities, Writing, Recount Text

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti yang empiris pada efek

pendekatan Kegiatan Berbasis Genre dalam penulisan teks recount siswa.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain kuasi-

eksperimen. Penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dengan sampel

penelitian berjumlah 40 siswa. Sampel penelitian tersebut dibagi dalam kelas

ekperimen dan kelas control dengan 20 siswa pada tiap kelas. Kelas ekperimen

diajarkan menggunakan Kegiatan Berbasis Genre sedangkan kelas kontrol

diajarkan tanpa menggunakan Kegiatan Berbasis Genre. Data didapatkan melalui

pre-tes dan pos-tes. Setelah 4 treatmen pertemuan, hasil pos-tes dihitung dan

dianalisa menggunakan rumus t-test. Hasil dari analisis statistik menunjukkan

bahwa pada df = 38 dan dalam derajat signifikansi 5%, ttabel adalah 1.686. Dengan

membandingkan nilai tobservasi dan ttabel, tobservasi lebih tinggi dari ttabel dengan

3.797 > 1.686. Kemudian, signifikan (2-tailed) menunjukkan nilai 0.001 yang lebih

rendah dari 5% derajat signifikansi atau p<0.05 = 0.001<0.05. Maka, berdasarkan

hasil, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Null Hypothesis (Ho) ditolak dan Hipotesis

Alternatif (Ha) diterima. Selanjutnya, dalam analisis Cohen’s d, nilainya

menunjukkan 1.23 yang termasuk dalam efek yang tinggi. Dengan demikian,

Kegiatan Berbasis Genre memberikan efek yang tinggi terhadap Aktivitas Berbasis

Genre memberikan efek yang tinggi terhadap penulisan siswa dalam teks recount.

Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kegiatan Berbasis Genre efektif dalam

pengajaran menulis teks recount karena data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat

perubahan nilai yang signifikan dalam menulis teks recount siswa kelas sepuluh di

SMK Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.

All praise be to Allah, The Almighty, The Lord of the worlds, Who has given

The researcher mercies, blessings, strength, knowledge, and guidance to finish this

research entitled “The effect of Genre-Based Activities toward students’ writing of

recount text (A Quasi-Experimental research at the tenth Grade of SMK Nusantara

2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat in Academic Year 2018/2019).” to the Faculty of Educational

Sciences. Then, the researcher accomplished and submitted this research to the

Department of English Education as one of the requirements for the degree of S. Pd


The researcher would like to express her deepest honor and gratitude to her

beloved parents, Wansamsudin and Rakiyah for the prayers, patience, and support.

And, thank also to her sisters, Wanmunutsah and Wan-ibtisam, who motivate her

to finish this research.

The researcher realizes that she would never finish this research without the

help of some people around her. Therefore, the writer would also like to express

special appreciation and sincere gratitude to her research advisors she would like to

express her gratitude to her research advisors, Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. and Mr.

Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. for all their valuable guidance, help, advice, correction,

motivation, trust, and a lot of patience during the whole process in accomplishing

"the research"

Furthermore, the researcher would like to express her gratitude appreciation to:

1. Dr.Suririn, M.Ag. as the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences,

2. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D. as the Head of the Department of English


3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. as the Secretary of the Department of English Education,

and as the Advisor of Class C in the academic year 2015/2018,

4. All lecturers in the Department of English Education who have taught and given

much knowledge during the learning process in Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,


5. Bahrozih, SE, MM., as a headmaster of SMK Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat,

and Mrs. Suryati, S.Pd, as an English teacher in SMK Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan)

Ciputat for allowing the writer to conducted and observed the research at the


6. All students of Tenth-grade of nursing class 1 and Tenth-grade of nursing class

2 for the hospitality and willingness to participate in this research.

7. Her big family who give her support and pray in finishing this research.

8. Her Thai best friend in Indonesia, Wilasinee Ma, Suraida Dahoh, Ilham Hajilaeh,

and Sumaiyah Bueto for all of the powerful supports during this research.

9. Her best friend for four years in Indonesia, Catur Susilowati, Andin Zuraidah,

Anneesa Desha Fitri Azmi, and Nadira Sekar Lintan for laughter, motivation and

never-ending remind the writer to finish her research and helping her in every

aspect while studying at this university.

10. All beloved friends of the Department of English Education 2013, especially

for class C, for the motivation and support.

11. Everyone who has helped and given contribution in finishing this research and

whose names cannot be mentioned one by one. The writer also apologizes in

advance if she missed anybody.

Last but not least, the words are never enough to express her gratitude for all

their help in finishing this 'research'. The writer realized that this research is far for

being perfect. Therefore, it is a pleasure for her to get critiques and suggestions to

make this research better and useful for further research.

Jakarta, 25th December 2019

Wanmuniroh Waeslaemae.




APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ i

ENDROEMENT SHEET ..................................................................................... ii

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................. iii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. v

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ x

LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................... xi

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 2

A. Background of the Study .............................................................................. 2

B. Identification of the Problem ....................................................................... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................................................ 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ......................................................................... 5

E. The Objective of the Study .......................................................................... 5

F. Significance of the Study ............................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................... 6

A. Writing ......................................................................................................... 6

1. The Definition of Writing ............................................................................... 6

2. The Process of Writing .................................................................................... 7

3. Types of Classroom Writing Performance.................................................... 8

4. Characteristics of Written Language ........................................................ 9

B. Recount Text ............................................................................................... 10

1. Definition and Purpose of Recount Texts ................................................... 10

2. The Kinds of Recount Text ........................................................................... 11

3. Generic Structures of Recount Texts ........................................................... 11

4. Language Features of Recount Texts........................................................... 12

5. The Example of Recount Texts .................................................................... 13

C. Genre-Based Activities ................................................................................ 13


1. General Concept of Genre-Based Activities ............................................. 13

2. Teaching Writing Through Genre-Based Activities .................................. 15

3. The Advantages of Genre-based Activities ................................................ 17

D. Relevant Previous Studies .......................................................................... 19

E. Thinking Framework .................................................................................. 21

F. Research Hypothesis .................................................................................. 22

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 23

A. Place and Time of Study ............................................................................ 23

B. Research Method and Design .................................................................... 23

C. Population and sample ............................................................................... 24

1. Population............................................................................................................ 24

2. Sample ................................................................................................................. 24

D. Research Instrument ................................................................................... 24

E. Technique of Collection the Data .............................................................. 26

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data .............................................................. 27

1. Normality Test .................................................................................................. 27

2. Homogeneity Test ............................................................................................ 28

3. Statistical Hypothesis ...................................................................................... 29


A. Research Finding ........................................................................................ 31

1. Data Description ............................................................................................. 31

2. Data Analysis ................................................................................................. 38

B. Discussion .................................................................................................. 42

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................... 46

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 46

B. Suggestions ................................................................................................ 47

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 49

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 52



Table 3.1 : The research design…........................................................................23

Table 3.2 : Scoring criteria of writing…….…...……………………………..…..25

Table 4.1 : The Scores of Pre-test........................................................................31

Table 4.2 : The Frequency Distribution of Pre-test……………………..….…...33

Table 4.3 : The Scores of Post-test.......................................................................34

Table 4.4 : The Frequency Distribution of Post-test……………………….…...35

Table 4.5 : The Students' Gained Scores..............................................................37

Table 4.6 : Normality Test on Pre-test.................................................................38

Table 4.7 : Normality Test on Post-test...............................................................38

Table 4.8 : Homogeneity Test on Pre-test............................................................39

Table 4.9 : Homogeneity Test on Post-test..........................................................39

Table 4.10 : Independent T-test of Post-test Scores.…………......……………...40

Table 4.11 : Group Statistics of Post-test.…….…..……………………………..42



Figure 2.1: Example of Recount text…………………………………………....13

Figure 2.2: The teaching leaning cycle………………………………………….15

Figure 4.1: Diagram of frequency Distribution of Pre-test……………………...33

Figure 4.2: Diagram of frequency Distribution of Post-test…………………….36



Appendix 1: English Syllabus............................................................................ 52

Appendix 2: Lesson Plan Experimental Class.................................................... 61

Appendix 3: Lesson Plan Controlled Class Class...............................................72

Appendix 4: Pre-test Design ..............................................................................82

Appendix 5: Post-test Design............................................................................. 83

Appendix 6: Sample of Students’ Pre-test Work............................................... 84

Appendix 7: Sample of Students’ Post-test Work .............................................86

Appendix 8: Students’ Pre-test Scores ..............................................................88

Appendix 9: Students’ Post-test Scores .............................................................89

Appendix 10: Students’ Gained Scores .............................................................90

Appendix 11: Steps on Normality, Homogeneity, and Independent T-test .......91

Appendix 12: Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian................................................93

Appendix 13: Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Sekolah................................... 94

Appendix 14: Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi .............................................95

Appendix 15: Surat Bimbingan Skripsi Dosen Pembimbing I ..........................96

Appendix 16: Surat Bimbingan Skripsi Dosen Pembimbing II.….……….……97




A. Background of the Study

Mastering writing as one of the language skills in English as a foreign language

is an important subject to be learned by the students. This skill is a complex

language and process because writing requires the knowledge of the idea of filtering

the content to write. The ability to write is based on a learned learning process and

requires constant practice to be proficient in writing.

Based on Brown, there are four important skills–reading, listening, speaking,

and writing, that defined in English language teaching through research and

practice.1 For the skill of writing, the students start learning to communicate through

the written form as they begin to interact with others at the school level. The writing

skill is more complicated than that of other language skills. Even sometimes a native

speaker of the English language may experience complications in a tricky situation.

Jozsef states that one of the most complex human activities involved in developing

concepts in design, the capture of mental representations of knowledge, and

experience in various subjects is writing.2 Writing is an act of expressing a concept

or feeling through writing by selecting the proper words to make the message

clearer. It is concluded that writing is one of the basic skill in English that showing

the idea, knowledge, or feeling through writing by using an appropriate word.

Therefore, the student should practice and be attentive to learn well to be good at


Furthermore, Widodo argues that writing is a difficult skill for foreign language

or second language learners.3 Students often avoid writing even before they try,

because they think writing is difficult to learn. This idea is in

1H. Doughlas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy 2nd Edition, (California: Longman, 2000), p. 232. 2József, Horváth, Advanced writing in English as a foreign language: A corpus-based study

of processes and products. (Pécs: Lingua Franca, 2001), p.5. 3H. P. Widodo, “Designing a genre-based lesson plan for an academic writing course”

English Teach. Pract. Crit., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 173–199, 2006.


line with Kodoatie's statement, in the Indonesian context, the main cause of the

problem is because the English writing system is different from Indonesian. English

has a different grammar system than Indonesian. For example, when students want

to share their past experiences in English, they must pay attention to using the past

tense. While some Indonesian students do not need to reconsider because there are

no tenses in Indonesia.4 In the classroom, students encounter problems writing. First

of all, students often make mistakes because they do not understand the structure of

sentences. Second, students have difficulty choosing the right words because of a

lack of vocabulary and spelling. Thirdly, students seem confused in their opinions

when writing something, because they lack the practice of writing both inside and

outside the classroom. And fourth, students are not interested in learning English

because their teaching approach is not relevant and interesting enough as it should


It has many kinds of texts in English writing such as narrative, recount,

descriptive, and other. The writer chooses recount text because, in curriculum 2013,

it was recommended by the government since writing recount text is a part of the

recent target in teaching English for Senior High School students. It is taught by the

teacher in order to make students write to tell factual stories, experience, or events

that happened in the past in order. The purpose of recount text is to give the readers

or audiences a description of what and when it occurred. It means that the students

are required to be able to write well.

However, Based on the researcher’s preliminary study in Nusantara 2

(Kesehatan) a vocational school, students have a problems in writing. First, the

studenthas no idea what to write because they did not know well about the method

or technique. Second, students cannot arrange the story or structure to write. Third,

students have a limited vocabulary. Finally, students cannot use the correct

4Kodoatie, Lesna Henny Mia. Improving Students’ skills Of Writing Recount Texts By Using

Picture Series For The Eighth Grade Students Of SMPN 1 Seyegan In The Academic Year Of

2012/2013. Diss. Thesis. English Education Department, Faculty of Language and Arts: Yogyakarta

State University. Retrieved from http://eprints. uny. ac. id/22577, 2013, p.2.


grammatical structure. The problems arise after the post-instructional work. Which

corresponds to the research of Kodoatie discussed above that the student has

problems with English writing.

To deal with the problems, many methods or appropriate approach that are very

influential to help students in learning writing. One of the methods involved in

improving their writing skills is a genre-based approach. Derewianka state that in

the field of English language teaching, genre-based approach is becoming

increasingly important.5 Genre-based approaches are teaching and learning focused

on understanding and producing the type of writing, so there are greatly enhanced

in English language teaching. Firkins, Forey, and Sengupta state that the genre-

based approach is involved in the teaching-learning cycle through three certain

stages including Modelling a text, Joint construction of a text, and Independent

Construction of the text. The teaching can start at any of these stages in the

classroom, and whatever stage is first implemented, the teacher should provide the

students with full assistance.6

According to Lassche (2002, cited in Suttipong), An approaches that useful for

students with low proficiency in order to improve their language skills in everyday

life, including it also helps them to detect the differences in describing, informing,

instructing, and explaining is Genre-based.7 It mean that, the activity of genre-based

is can improve the ability of student to analyze the type of text because they

understand about the purpose, the structure and also the language used in the text.

Moreover, on teaching writing through a genre-based approach in an EFL context,

Phirunkhana commented that the benefits of teaching by using genre activities can

improve the trust of learners in their engagement in the classroom, and the intrinsic

motivation of the student can also be presumed to enable them to increase their

5Derewianka, B., Trends and issues in genre-based approaches. RELC journal, 34(2), 133-

154, 2003. 6Fikrins, Arthur Sengupta, Sima, dan Forey, Gail (2007). Teaching Writing to Low

Proficiency EFL Students dalam ELT Journal. Vol. 61/4. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007,

pp. 343-344. 7Suttipong B., Nawamin P., & Chukiat J., Effects of Genre-based Approach to Improve

Grade 11 Students’ Writing Ability and Retention. Journal of Burirum Rajabhat University, 8(1),

97-108, 2016.


writing ability.8 It can be concluded that the ability of students' writing by using the

genre-based is considered one of the effective ways to practice their English


Based on the background above, the writer would like to conduct a research

under the title “The effect of Genre-Based Activities toward students’ writing of

recount text” (A Quasi-Experimental research at the tenth Grade of SMK

Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat in Academic Year 2018/2019).

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the research background described previously, the problem can be

identified as follows:

1. The student has no idea about how to start to write writing recount text because

they did not know well about the method or technique.

2. The students usually make a mistake in writing the recount text because they

do not know well about arranging the story or the structure of the writing

recount text.

3. The students have difficulties to choose the word in writing because they are

lack of vocabularies.

4. The students have difficulties to write in sentences because the teacher does

not demonstrate the writing process.

5. The students make some grammatical errors in writing because they lack to

understand in grammatical structure.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In order to limit this study, the writer focused her discussion on Applying

Genre-based Activities to develop students' writing of recount text, a quasi-

experimental study at the tenth grade students of SMK Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan)

Ciputat. The writer used these activities to increase students’ approach in learning

recount text writing. The use of Genre-Based Activities is intended to make the

learning of writing process are easier.

8Phichiensathien, P., Teaching Writing Through A Genre-based Approach in an EFL

Context. In ASEAN/Asian Academic Society International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 413-

426, 2018.


D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the writer formulated the

research problem of this study as follows: Does Genre-based Activities develop

students' writing recount text?

E. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to obtain empirical evidence the experiment

research about the effect of students’ writing on recount text by applying Genre-

Based Activities at the tenth Grade of SMK Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat.

F. Significance of the Study

The results of this study are expected to be beneficial to:

1. For Students: to assist the student to increase and develop their knowledge

about writing recount text by applying Genre-Based Activities as one effective

of way.

2. For English teachers or other language practitioners: to get an alternative

solution in teaching writing recount text by applying Genre-Based Activities.

3. For the writer: to get new knowledge and experience in teaching writing

recount text by applying Genre-Based Activities.

4. For further researcher: to get the basic information from this research to do

further research, and also for the writer who wants to make Genre-Based

Activities as one variable.




This chapter reviews the theories related to the study. Then, to support the

study, the researcher discusses some previous studies relevant to the study, the

thinking framework of the study, and the hypothesis of the study. By studied

research information from documents, textbooks, research articles related to being

the basis for research as will be proposed in this order.

A. Writing

1. The Definition of Writing

Writing is a kind of human communication that requires effort and practice.

Writing is the expression of knowledge, ideas, feelings, or needs through a write.

According to Widodo, writing is not only an instrument of communicating but also

a way to learn, analyze and organize information or ideas.1 In other words, an

activity that uses an idea or feeling to use as one of the communication tools through

a written is writing.

Writing is a skill in conveying ideas and requires practice to be developed the

ability to use. Caswell and Mahler states that a vehicle for communication is

writing, this skill required in all aspects of life.2 Writing is one of the important

skills that has to be developed by students because it is very important to make a

relationship with others in the world. In daily life, people get an announcement,

information, letter, and warning in the form of writing. In the context of study the

students are the subjects who deal with writing. They need to develop this skill in

order to support their learning process.

According to Masitoh & Suprijadi state that writing is a thought process in

which ideas are discovered and written on paper. 3 People who write were clarified

their thoughts and spreads the process of thinking through writing. Therefore,

1Widodo, Handoyo Puji. "Process-based academic essay writing instruction in an EFL

context." IKIP Negeri Malang: Jurnal Bahasa dan Seni Tahun 36 (2008). 2Caswell, Roger, and Brenda Mahler. Strategies for teaching writing. ASCD, 2004. 3Masitoh, S & Suprijadi, D., Improving Students Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Using

Genre Based Approach (GBA) at Eighth Grade Students of SMP Islam Terpadu Fitrah Insan.

ELTIN Journal. 3 (1): 38-52, 2015.


writing has to rewrite and rethinking not only what thinking but the understanding

well of organizing the structure in English writing.

From the definition of writing that mentioned in previous, it can be concluded

that writing is a tool used as a medium for communication between the authors and

the readers to share information or knowledge of the authors through the text,

through the thought process and written on the paper in the end.

2. The Process of Writing

Writing is an activity that requires steps to be taken to get writing good and

accurate. Essentially the writing process involves creating a text which is

understood and anticipated by the reader, and the reading process involves relying

on assumptions of what the writer is attempting to do.4 Writing take time and

engages activities. The activities are pre-writing, drafting, reviewing and receiving,

and rewriting.5 According to Harmer states that there are four steps in the writing

process; planning, drafting, editing, and final draft. Each step is described as


Step 1: Planning

At this stage, students plan some ideas to write. Students begin to gather

information and ideas on writing, by taking notes or following all the plans in mind.

When planning, they have to consider three main points in writing; The objective

of writing, target group of writing, and the content of structure to sort out the facts,

ideas, or arguments they have decided to include.

Step 2: Drafting

The first attempt of a student to write a thought on paper is draft. At this stage,

they write an introductory concept related to the topic to be written without focusing

on errors.

Step 3: Editing (reflecting and revising)

After the students did the draft, they reread their draft to see where is wrong.

Perhaps the statement of information is unclear or the sentence is vague. Editing

4 Ken Hyland, Teahing and Researching Writing. (UK: Routledge, 2009), p.31. 5Zemach D. E. & Rumisek L. A., Academic writing from paragraph to essay. (Oxford:

Macmillan, 2003), p.3.


process may be taken from oral or written. Thus, comments from friends or teachers

will help students to correct their writing. Revising is looking back on what has

been written. It is one of an important way to check their writing is clear. The key

aspect of editing is to seek and respond to the suggestions of others.

Step 4: Final version

After the editing process, students make changes to their work. Generally, the

final product may differ from the first draft after following certain steps.6

Therefore, all of the writing processes above cannot be separated because those

are elements in composing a well-written text.

3. Types of Classroom Writing Performance

Brown offers five types of classroom writing performance:

1. Imitative, or writing down

This type of writing is usually for beginners of the student's learning to write

the letters, words and potential sentences must simply be written in English, in

order to learn the terminology of the spelling code. The category includes several

types of dictation since dictations can serve to also teach and check high-order


2. Intensive, or controlled

This intense writing generally appears in regulated, written grammar exercises.

Thus students were instructed to create a language to demonstrate grammar,

vocabulary, or sentence building skills.

3. Self-writing

Self-writing is only written in the mind as an audience. Usually happened

during class while the teacher is teaching. Writing a diary or writing a journal and

taking-notes can be divided into types of writing in a format they note for the

purpose of later recall.

4. Display writing

6Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing. (London: Pearson Education Limited, 2004), p. 3.


This type of writing focuses on job-based responses where students respond to

instructions or assignments, such as short answer questions, taking exams,

including writing reports.

5. Real writing

The purpose of this writing is to exchange useful information. While almost

every writing task in the classroom has an element of display writing, whether in

academic, vocational or personal. The two real writing and display writing types

are a continuum that is to support the exchange of information.7

Because different writing may have different purposes, the teacher should

provide a clear understanding of the student's writing style so that students can

distinguish and classify the writing.

4. Characteristics of Written Language

Every skill has a specific character as a micro-skills. Brown (2001:343)

describes the micro-skills for writing production as follows:8

1. Producing English graphs and spelling patterns.

2. produce writing for the purpose at an effective rate of speed.

3. Create an appropriate core of terms and to use suitable word order patterns.

4. Using appropriate grammatical structures, patterns and rules, e.g., stresses

agreement and pluralization.

5. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

6. Using coherent tools in written discourse.

7. Use written argument rhetorical structures and conventions.

8. Suitable functions of communication of written texts according to form and


9. To communicate and relate the links between events, such as the main idea, idea

support, new information, information given, generalization and exemplification.

10. Distinguish, in language, between literal words and implied.

11. Provide cultural references correctly in relation to the written text.

7H. Doughlas Brown, Teaching by principles. An interactive approach to language

pedagogy. (New York: AW Longman, 2001), pp.343-346. 8Op.Cit, p.343.


12. Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as accurately assessing the

audience’s interpretation, using prewriting devices, writing with fluency in the first

drafts, using paraphrases and synonyms, soliciting peer and instructor feedback,

and using feedback for revising and editing.

B. Recount Text

A story that someone wants to tell other people about something that has

happened in his or her life in writing form, or a text that records past events or

experiences is called recount text. The recount text has specific characteristics to be

discussed in this section as follows.

1. Definition and Purpose of Recount Texts

A text that retells the stories of events or past experiences is a recount. One of

the easiest types of narrative text that tells about a series of events in the order is

recount text. Hyland states that the purpose of a recount is to recreate past

experiences in the original series by retelling events.9 Similarly, Barwick, J. state

that the purpose of recounts is to recreate a past event in the time order that


According to Derewianka, the purpose of recount text is to inform however an

occasion happened.11 Furthermore, Hyland states that the purpose of recount text is

to recreate past understanding by retelling occasions in the first succession. He

likewise includes that the generic structure of recount text relating orientation

(provides data about the circumstance); recording of the event (describing

arrangement of event in chronological order); and reorientation (optional closure of

events which states writer’s personal impression).

Thus can be concluded that recount text is a text of event that explains past

experiences or events with the purpose of retelling in written chronological order.

9Ken Hyland, Second Language Writing. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003),

p.20. 10Barwick J., Targeting Text: Upper Level. (NSW: Blake Education, 2008) 11Derewianka, B. (2003). Trends and issues in genre-based approaches. RELC

journal, 34(2), pp.133-154.


2. The Kinds of Recount Text

Recount text is classified into three; they are personal recount, factual recount,

and imaginative recount.12

a. Personal Recount

Personal recount means that the author is directly involved in the personal

event. This indicates the writer is actively engaged in the event. A personal recount

is intended to inform and to entertain the reader.

b. Factual Report

A list of records of a certain event is a factual account. It can be used to replicate

the occurrence or event, including an accident report, an eyewitness, research,

historic events, and the journal report. The purpose is only to let the reader know

what had happened in the past.

c. Imaginative Recount

An imaginative story tells a fictional story through a fictional character's eyes.

This means that the occurrence in the text does not take place in reality. It is usually

meant to entertain, and can generally be found in the textbook.

From those three kinds of recount text, it can be seen that there is one typical

characteristic that is the text retells the event in the past chronologically.

3. Generic Structures of Recount Texts

In general, recount text has a generic structure and language features that

distinguish from another text. Barwick, J. described the structure of recount in

Targeting Text: Upper Level focuses on a sequence of events and follows three


1. Orientation

The orientation provides the background information needed to understand the

retelling completely. It sets the time, location, and who or what is involved. The

reader has to know when the event happened, who was involved, what occurred,

where the incident or activity took place, and sometimes what the reason for the

12University of Canberra, UC High School Kaleen Writing Handbook, (Canberra:

University of Canberra, 2011), p. 26. 13Op.Cit, Barwick, J. (2008), p.5.


event was. For example, an orientation for a recount of a climb of Mount Everest

should include reasons for the climb and an explanation of the climatic conditions.

If a recount is written critically and discussing fishing off the coast of Australia, it

may include how overfishing of an area may lead to serious consequences for

Australia’s fishing industry.

2. Sequence of events or series of events

To assist in the structure of their writing, appropriate guidance and scaffolding

must be provided to students in this part of the recount. Students should focus on

the details of who, what, where and when. Students should list all events during

drafting or planning and arrange in chronological order and add personal comments

or evaluation remarks such as "We are afraid" 'I'm so excited'. Students should

experiment with changing the order of events at this stage, possibly using


It is expected that when creating images and moods that describe events and

people, students will approach their writing critically, selecting and using words

effectively. Students' model for selecting significant events instead of including as

many events as possible in the recount. This stage of writing is often characterized

by technical and abstract language and passive voice. The focus should be on

refining the skills of paragraphing. Adding additional information or clarifying

some aspects with visual messages will increase understanding, so students need to

evaluate carefully.

3. Re-orientation

This often completes the series of events. The reorientation can be used as an

introductory paragraph at this point as students are experimenting with different

recount systems. It usually refers to some of the details in the orientation section.

4. Language Features of Recount Texts

There are several language features that characterized in recount text as


a. Specific nouns are personal pronouns such as me, my cat.

b. Write in the past tense e.g. had, visited.


c. Time connection and conjunction in event sorting such after, before, soon, etc.

d. An action verb or verb that is used to perform displays of events or activities

such as live, climbing, etc.

e. Adverbs and adverb phrases to show places, times, and characteristics, such as

yesterday, last week at home, etc.

5. The Example of Recount Texts

There are some types of recount texts such as factual recount, imaginative

recount, and personal recount. In Senior High School, students mostly learn to write

about personal recount. So here is an example of a personal recount text:

Figure 2.1: Knapp and Watkins14

Consequently, recount text is one of the common text types of writing. Recount

text is a sequential text consisting of a range of events. It can be concluded that

writing recount text is an activity to write a recode of events in the past. With several

sequences and conjunction marks, the events are reported chronologically based on

the time and place setting.

C. Genre-Based Activities

1. General Concept of Genre-Based Activities

Genre is the type or nature of the body text that reflects the goals or intentions

of the messenger. Which is different in order of detail, details of the text structure,

the characteristics of the language used, and the grammatical order. Knap, P. and

Watkins, M. states that genre is a conceptual term referring to the language

14Peter Knapp and Meghan Watkins, Genre Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and

Assessing Writing, (Australia: Lionheart Press Ltd, 2007).p.148.


processes involved in doing things with language. Therefore, in terms of processes

like describing and arguing, we think about genres and we find that when we

participate in different genres, we use different structural and grammatical tools.15

Genre will have a clear goal in itself. To convey to the listener (If it is spoken) and

the reader (if is it the writer) can understand the text or have clearly read how the

speaker or the writer intended to convey the text, such as the speaker or writer is

about to talk about something in general or specifically as a personal feeling, or

general opinion, etc. While Martin in Hyland (2003: 19) determines the genre as a

goal-oriented and social process. Genre is a goal-oriented because genre has

developed to accomplish things. This means that there are certain rules that the

author should follow in order to achieve the objectives. Genre is a social process

because members of the culture interact to achieve goals. While genre is staged that

implications are made in steps and it steps normally comprising more than one steps

to achieve the objective or goal.16

Genre-Based Activities is one of the methodologies in English Language

Teaching (ELT) that using the genre process as a teaching activity. In writing,

Genre develops writing proficiency by teaching linguistic features and appropriate

rhetorical patterns that accepted in the target community. So the teaching of

linguistic features allows students to precise what they require to mention. The

genre approach also presents students with the social and cultural context of various

kinds of writing and helps them understand how to write correctly for other

contexts. Through this process writing of genre-based, students can understand how

to write specific types in society. Therefore, students can write for specific purposes

and ultimately they can write a text beyond the sentence level and use their abilities

to writing in new situations. Lee states that genre-based teaching involves writing

through specific types of text. 17

15Op.Cit, p.11. 16Op.Cit, Hyland, K. (2003), p.19. 17Lee, Minkyong. Teaching Genre-Based Writing to Korean High School Students at a Basic

Level. (Published Master’s Paper), University of Wisconsin-River Falls. Retrieved from, 2012,



Therefore, genre-based taught to learn how to write in an acceptable manner in

the mainstream community, students will receive explanations of linguistic and

rhetorical features first. With a clear understanding of linguistic components and

rhetorical patterns, students can learn how texts are structured and how grammar

and vocabulary are combined to create meaning. Genre realizes that different texts

have different organizations and, thus, different purposes. This genre-based activity

is a powerful process through which students learn social rules to follow when they

write. After they acquire this basic knowledge, students can apply what they have

learned, and they can deliver what they want to say in an appropriate social form of


2. Teaching Writing Through Genre-Based Activities

Writing strategy moves from dependent into an independent composition.

Hyland (2003:21) presents the cycle model of Genre-based teaching process

instructing process that returns from Modeling, Joint Construction, and Independent

Construction of text. The method is as follows:

Figure 2.2: The teaching leaning cycle (Hyland, 2003, p. 21)

1. Modeling of the text

In this stage, coordinate guidance from the educator is essential. Hyland

contends that the teacher has a highly interventionist role for ensuring that the

students understand and are able to reproduce their typical rhetorical patterns.18

18Op.Cit, Hyland, K. (2003), p.21.


Kim and Kim states that the students acquire the knowledge and ability to write

confidently in their own texts when implementing the scaffolding method in

teaching writing.19 In this stage, the educator introduces an express comprehension

of the content structure and their uses in the general public and additionally the

language highlights of the content. The teacher most of the role by setting

vocabulary or using an illustration of the character, location, or time. A model text

was selected and an overall plan for the activities was developed. The students

engaged in the activity of deconstructing and modeling the text to appreciate how

the text achieved its functions. In the classroom, the writer situated each activity by

getting students to recognize how the text functions in real life, i.e. the social

purposes of the text were related to the context. For example, in the recount text,

sessions one and two concentrated on the text about the topic of “My holiday” that

prepared for student i.e. the student following the text by analyzing the purpose,

structure, linguistic elements and important information contained in the text

carefully. After that, the writer gives some sample texts in the form of recount text

and other genre texts, then asks students to distinguish recount text from other genre

texts. Thus, the students were able to understand how the recount text functions in


2. Joint Construction of the Text

Activities in the process are working together between the teacher and the

students. Either requiring or instructed the students to work in groups by bringing

the knowledge about the genre of written work that has been studied in step 1 to

produce writing that has the same style. At this stage, the teacher may use the

concept of process-oriented writing that consists of writing planning, writing a

draft, editing, and writing a new original, etc. Hyland in Lee (2012:32) states that

the teacher attracts the students' regard for the fittingness and precision of the words

and influences the student to coordinate every one of them into another text.20 The

students jointly constructed a procedural text and revised vocabulary and language

19 Kim, Y., & Kim, J., Teaching Korean University writing class. Asian EFL, 7(2), 1-15,

2005, p.9. 20Op.Cit, Lee, M. (2012), p.32.


patterns. The teacher-led discussions of how the function and generic structure of

text and remodeled the written recount genre, by asking students to formulate ideas

for writing recount texts and make a brief outlines for the preparation of their

recount text. Students to recall and discuss each step. This activity will develop the

students with a function of language to describe the generic structure, familiarity

with intertextuality and lexicogrammatical features of the genre. Modeling and

joint construction were repeated prior to independent construction.

3. Independent Construction of the Text

Activities at this stage are each student who has produced writing that has the

same style as the writing script that has been independently studied. According to

Hyland states that the scaffolding is removed during the independent building phase

to allow students to construct the texts on their own.21 The text being produced at

this stage is a combination of context, content, language, and genre. Consequently,

the independent construction of the text is often considered to be the center of

writing instruction (Hyland cited in Lee, 2012: 33).22 On completion of several

activities, the writer as a teacher asked students to independently construct a recount

written text attempting to ensure that the three elements “orientation”, “events” and

“re-orientation” are understood. The students wrote their own text individually

based on the topic that was instructed.

3. The Advantages of Genre-based Activities

Implementing the Genre-based in teaching writing improves the achievement

in writing for students. Hyland states that writing achievement by students increases

due to explicit, systematic, need-based, empowering, critical, and consciousness-


According to Hyland, the Genre-based Approach is explicit, systematic, and

need-based. Explicit means the Genre-based Approach demonstrates what is to be

learned in order to improve written skills. The genre-based approach allows

students to clearly understand the text and its use in society and the language

characteristics of the target text, which is the first step that helps students to further

21Op.Cit, Hyland, K. (2003), p.139. 22Op.Cit, Lee, M., p.33.


develop writing. Systematic means that a coherent framework is provided to focus

on language as well as contexts. The text structure, language features, and text

context are systematically presented in the genre-based class so as to make it easier

for students to understand the target language. Based on Need-based, the teacher

ensures in the genre class that course goals and content derive from student

requirements. The most effective way of learning is if the teacher shows exactly

what the students need. The teacher plays an important role in choosing the best

writing materials that suit the student's needs.

Furthermore, because of genre-based strategies that supportive, empowering,

critical, and consciousness-rising, students ' writing achievements are increased.

Supportive means the Genre-based Approach gives teachers a central role in

scaffolding students' learning and creativity. The teacher may explicitly apply

information or assist the students in correcting mistakes in writing. The teacher

intervenes according to the needs of the students in their writing processes.

Empowering means it offers access for valued texts to patterns and the options for

variation. Genre-based Approach gives students the ability to develop concepts that

are understood in English speaking cultures. A target genre study helps students to

handle the appropriate linguistic and rhetorical patter of the target genre. Critical

means Genre-based Approach provides the resources for students to understand and

challenge valued discourses. Consciousness-raising means the genre-based

approach increases the understanding of text by teachers in order to educate students

on writing with confidence. Through categorizing and evaluating the text that

teachers are asking their students to write, they understand how meanings are

created and how they are more sensitive to their students ' specific communication


In addition to increasing the writing achievement of students, the effect of the

Genre-based Approach to students ' writing achievement is that students feel

assisted in writing. The students are assisted because the teacher intervenes in the

23Ken Hyland, "Genre pedagogy: Language, Literacy and L2 writing instruction". Journal of

Second Language Writing. 16, pp. 148-164. (London, 2007)


student process of writing. And the degree of teacher engagement in the writing

process of students is based on the needs of students.

Moreover, Ajmal recommended that the technique would help students

understand the writing process, the writing purpose, and the writing context more

effectively. 24 In fact, the input of the instructor also serves to express clear ideas

about the writing process and the form of language. And in truth, peer support has

proved to be helpful for the learning of students as students feel less fear. Moreover,

This Genre-based allows students to learned and use circle-back writing methods

in order to study the relationship between intent and type of text. Such a step also

allows students to become conscious of the composting process and the different

types of text (Yan, 2005:20).25

As suggested by Bhatia (1993, as cited in Kim & Kim, 2005), it is useful for

teachers to relate the formal and functional properties of a language so that students

can understand how and why language conventions are used for different rhetorical

impacts.26 As students examine the rhetorical structure of the material in a genre,

some specific trends can be found in the individual genres. Clearly, in the next

learning situation, these patterns will form a sort of background knowledge and to

help the student in further study.

D. Relevant Previous Studies

The researcher added some relevant previous studies which support and give

proves to the use of genre-based activities as a process teaching toward students'

writing. First, Kanittha, Pilanut, Somkiet conducted research about Process Genre

Based Activity in Improving Students‘Writing ability: Exemplification. By finding

the research were first to improve students’ writing ability based on Genre-based

Approach learning Activities in Exemplification Writing and second to study the

satisfaction of students toward the learning activities based on Genre-based

24Abrar Ajmal, Process-Genre Approach to Teaching Writing University Foundation

Course Students in Pakistan, The European Conference on Language Learning: Official

Conference Proceedings, 2015, p. 5. 25Gou Yan, A Process Genre Model for Teaching Writing, In English Teaching Forum,

Vol. 43 (3), 2005, p. 20. 26Op.Cit, Kim, Y., & Kim, J. p.6.


Approach. The sample was selected by purposive sampling of English Gifted

Programme students in grade 12 of Mahasarakham University Demonstration

School (secondary) in the first semester of the 2014 academic year. The instrument

used in this research 3 were (1). Genre-based Approach learning Activities Lesson

plan (2). English Prewriting- post writing test (3). English Writing Ability

Assessment form (4). Teacher’s note (5). Students’ diary (6). Satisfaction

questionnaire and (7). Semi structured interview. Data analysis is comparing the

results with a prescribed criterion of 70% passing score. The research design is a

case study. Data were analyzed by mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The

results showed that (1) learning activities were efficient more than the prescribe

criterion (2) The mean score of the posttest was 85.95% and (3) the students were

satisfied with the genre-based approach learning activity at the highest level. It can

be concluded that the Process Genre Based Activity can Improve Students’ Writing

ability and the students were satisfied with the activities. Therefore, these activities

should be taught in any classroom to improve the students’ writing ability.27

The second previous study was conducted by Tri Istianah from Semarang State

University in 2011. The title of the study is "The Use of Genre-Based Approach in

Teaching Writing Procedural Texts to Improve Students' Writing Skill.” The study

aimed to investigate the use of Genre-Based approach could improve students'

writing skills or not. The subject of the study was twenty-nine students of the

eleventh grades of SMK N 1 Slawi. To obtain the data, the writer carried out three

steps: pre-test, formative test, and post-test. Besides that, the observation using field

notes and the questionnaires were also given to support the data. The result of this

research revealed that genre-based approach can improve students' writing of

procedure text. It showed that the result of post-test in cycle 2 is 76.41 which is the

pre-test before the treatment is 62, 75. So, it can be stated that the students' writing

skill increased 14, 18.28

27Kanittha P., Pilanut P., & Somkiet P., Process Genre Based Activity in Improving

Students‘Writing ability: Exemplification. Journal of Education, Mahasarakham University, Vol. 9,

Special Edition, 2015, pp.2-3. 28Tri Istianah, The Use of Genre-based Approach in Teaching Writing Procedural Texts to

Improve Students’ Writing Skill to the Eleventh Graders of SMK N 1 SLAWI in the Academic Year

2010/2011, A Skripsi at Semarang State University, 2011, pp. 78-79.


And third, Belmekki & Sekkal conducted research about the effect of process

genre approach on students’ achievement in writing request letters. The research

was a classroom action research and the participants were 28 university students.

The data were gained from the results of post-tests which administered after the

treatments. The data were analyzed using independent t-test at 0.05 level of

significance. The result showed that there was a significant effect of process-genre

approach on the students’ writing achievement, attributed to four writing

components: organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics.29

Considering the previous study, there are similarities and differences that can

be found. The three previous studies used qualitative as a method of the study.

Moreover, the implementation of the treatment of the previous study was related to

teaching the different materials in writing such as the first previous study was taught

as Exemplification Writing. But in the second and third of previous studies were

taught in procedural text and writing request letters. Besides that, another similarity

is the level of the subject in which the researcher used senior high school students

as the sample. While previous studies have one experiment at the university level.

However, the difference of this study is the researcher uses quantitative as a method.

By doing an examination of writing by using Genre-Based Activities and the

teaching material of the text that will be examined is recount text. The results of the

research will lead to the conclusion of whether the Genre-Based Activities is

effective to develop students’ writing of recount text at the tenth-grade students of

SMK Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan), Ciputat.

E. Thinking Framework

Writing is seen as concerning an intricate dialect ability that needs enormous

exertions on practice. It needs to focus on some essential components, for example,

gathering and sorting out thoughts, recognizing the social setting of the content,

language, vocabularies, spelling, accentuation, and so forth. On the side, instructing

writing has a few provokes identified with understudies' writing issues which are

29Belmekki Amine and Sekkal Faiza, The Effect of Process-Genre Approach on ESP

Students’ Achivement in Writing Business Letters, European Journal of Research and Reflection in

Educational Science, Vol. 6(2), 2018, p. 10.


the absence of executing writing process, insufficiently understanding the genre and

linguistic features of the text, making grammar errors, and limited vocabulary.

By actualizing genre-based activities, it is expected to overcome the problems.

The activity as an approach encourages understudies to execute writing process,

comprehend the components of the particular type content, rectifying their writing

that will lessen the grammar mistakes, and help them to have more vocabularies as

they figure out how to write with some major stages, for example, modeling, joint

construction, and independent construction of text.

F. Research Hypothesis

Based on the problem statements that presented by the writer, the researcher

proposes that there is a significant effect of applying Genre-based activities to

develop students' writing of recount text of the tenth grade of SMK Nusantara 2

(Kesehatan) Ciputat.




In this chapter, the researcher is going to explain some points related to the

research methodology. It consists of place and time of the study, research method

and design, operational definition of variables, population and sample, technique of

analyzing the data, and statistical hypothesis.

A. Place and Time of Study

This research was conducted at the tenth-grade student of SMK Nusantara 2

(Kesehatan) which is located on Jalan. Tarumanegara Dalam No.1, Pisangan,

Ciputat Tim., Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15419. The writer was implement it

from October 29th 2019 until November 30th 2019.

B. Research Method and Design

The research employed a quantitative method by using a quasi-experimental

design. In this research, the students in the experimental class were taught or

treatment by using genre-based activities and in controlled class without using

genre-based activities for teaching writing in recount text. In the first meeting, it

was the pre-test for the experimental and control class. The following meetings

were the treatment for experimental class by using genre-based activities while the

control class did not use the treatment but the class use scientific approach in

teaching recount. Then, in the last meeting, the post-test was given to both classes.

Table 3.1

The research design

Sample Measurement Treatment Measurement



Pre-test Experimental treatment

(using GB activities)


Control group Pre-test no treatment

(using cientific Approach)



C. Population and sample

1. Population

The population of the research was all students nursing class of tenth grade in

SMK Nusantara 2(Kesehatan) Ciputat which were totally 40 students. They were

divided into two classes; nursing class I and nursing class II.

2. Sample

The researcher intended to use a purposive sampling technique for this

research. The sample was chosen based on the teachers’ recommendation because

the teacher knew which classes have equal ability in learning based on the scores

and performances in the class. Then, the researcher considered the experimental

and controlled classes by analyzing based on characteristics of a population that the

writer believed and judgment in selecting class that suitable to treatment in


D. Research Instrument

The researcher used the writing test as a research instrument that the students

should write the recount text about the topic given. This test was distributed as a

pretest and post-test. The pretest was given to the students before the treatment and

the post-test given after the treatment. The topic was used in the pretest and post-

test are different. In the pretest, the writer asked students to make recount text then

the writer gave the treatment for 4 meetings. Lastly, the writer held the post-test by

asking them to make a recount text in a new topic and finally it gave the result about

their improvement.

Moreover, the researcher used analytical writing criteria for the scoring guide

in this research. The rubric was adapted from Jacobs et al., 1981 (as cited in

Ghanbari, B., Barati, H., & Moinzadeh, A., 2012) which focused on five writing

components such as content, organization, vocabulary, language used, and


1Ghanbari, B., Barati, H., & Moinzadeh, A., Rating scales revisited: EFL writing assessment

context of Iran under scrutiny. Language Testing in Asia, 2(1), 83, 2012.


Table 3.2

Scoring criteria of writing (adapted from Jacobs et al., 1981)


30 – 27 Excellent to very good: knowledgeable substantive, development of

thesis/topic, relevant to assign topic

26 – 22 Good to average: some knowledge of subject, adequate range, limited

development thesis, mostly relevant to topic but lack detail

21 – 17 Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject, little substances,

inadequate development, of topic.

16 – 13 Very poor: doesn’t show knowledge, not pertinent, or not enough to



20 – 18

Excellent to very good: fluent expression, ideas clearly

stated/supported, succinct, well organized, logical sequencing,


17 – 14 Good to average: somewhat choppy, loosely organized, but main idea

stand out, limited support, logical but incomplete sequencing.

13 - 10 Fair to poor: not fluent, ideas confused or disconnect, lacks logical

sequencing and development

9 – 7 Very poor: doesn’t communicate, no organization, or not enough to



20 – 18 Excellent to very good: sophisticated range, effective word or idiom

choice and usage, word form mastery, appropriate register.

17 – 14 Good to average: adequate range, occasional errors of word or idiom,

choice, usage, meaning confused or obscured.

13 – 10 Fair to poor: limited range, frequent errors of word or idioms, choice,

usage, meaning confused or obscured.

9 – 7 Very poor: essentially translation, little knowledge of vocabulary,

idioms, word form, or not enough to evaluate.


Language used

25 – 22

Excellent to very good: effective complex construction, few errors of

agreement, tense number, word order /function, articles, pronoun,


21 – 18

Good to average: effective but simple construction, minor problems

in simple construction, several errors of agreement , tense, word

order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions, but meaning seldom


17 – 11

Fair to poor: major problem in complex/simple construction, frequent

errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/function,

articles, pronouns, prepositions, and/or fragments, run-ons,

deletions, meaning confused, or obscured.

10 – 5

Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules,

dominated by errors, does not communicate, or not enough to



5 Excellent to very good: demonstrated mastery of conventions, few

errors spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing.

4 Good to average: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing, but meaning not obscured.

3 Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing, poor hand writing, meaning confused or obscured.


Very poor: no mastery of conventions, dominated by errors of

spelling, punctuations, capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting

illegible, or not enough to evaluate.

E. Technique of Collection the Data

In collecting the data, the writer was used both pre-test and post-test as the

instruments. There are two tests given to students named pre-test and post-test. The

pre-test refers to a measure or test given to the subject prior to the experimental


treatment. This test was given to know the basic competence of those students to

know their prior ability before they get the treatment. Then, the post-test will be use

to measuring students’ skills after the treatment in order to know their progress after

they got treatment. Before having a post-test, the students got treatment. Treatment

here means that the writer applied genre-based activities as an approach to teaching

writing recount text. The test is also about writing recount text but different topic.

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

After the scores from the pre-test and post-test of both classes were obtained,

the writer conducted preliminary data analysis such as normality and homogeneity

tests to prepare it for further actual analysis. The normality and homogeneity of

these data were tested by using Microsoft Excel 2013 and SPSS version 23.

Preliminary analysis was used to see whether the data were normally distributed

and homogeneous. Then, the researcher used t-test to analyze the effect of the


1. Normality Test

Normality test was conducted to analyze whether the data were normally

distributed on the pretest and post-test. The data was categorized as normal data.

The test of normality was conducted in order to know whether the distribution from

the two classes was normal or not. The test of normality was using Kolmogorov-

Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk table. Sig. And scores in the significance of the

experiment and control classes should be higher than the significance degree or the

alpha ( = 0.05). In this research, the researcher used Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and

the steps are described below:

1) Formulating normality hypothesis of the data;

H0: sample data was normally distributed,

H1: sample data was not normally distributed.

2) Testing the normality of the data using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test;

a. Select Analyze => Descriptive Statistics => Explore.

b. When a window pops up, fill the variable in the Dependent List box and fill the

other variable in the Factor List.


c. Click Plots on the right side. When a new window pops out, click “none” for

boxplot, click “normality plots with test”, then unclick everything for descriptive.

d. The result pops out in the “output” window.

e. We can now interpret the result.

3) With the degree of significance 5% (α = 0.05), the criteria in taking the decision

is; If the probability value (p) ≥ α, H0 was accepted. On the contrary, H0 was rejected

if the probability value (p) < α.

2. Homogeneity Test

Test of homogeneity was conducted to know whether the data from the two

classes had the same or different variants. The test of homogeneity was using

Levene’s table. Sig. in SPSS version 23 to analyze the homogeneity test with the

significant degree of 0.05 (α = 0.05) in order to have homogeny distribution data.

These two kinds of tests were conducted in the pre-test score and post-test score.

The steps of the homogeneity test on pretest are explained as follows:

1) Creating homogeneity hypothesis of the data;

H0: sample data came from population which had homogenous variance

H1: sample data came from population that did not have homogenous variance.

2) Calculating the homogeneity test using Levene test:

b. Click Analyze => Compare Means => One-Way ANOVA on menu until One-

way ANOVA dialogue box appears

c. Fill variable on Dependent List and fill another variable on Factor box

d. Click Option and choose Descriptive and Homogeneity of variance test

e. Click Continue until it comes back to One-Way ANOVA dialogue box

f. Click OK

3) Forming significance level/probability value (p) using significance degree 5% (α

= 0.05), the criteria in taking the decision is; If the probability value (p) ≥ (α = 0.05),

H0 is accepted. Conversely, H0 is rejected if the probability value (p) < (α = 0.05).

After being a preliminary data analysis, the researcher used t-test on SPSS

version 23 to analyze the data. Specifically, in the hypothesis analysis, the

researcher used independent t-test to examine the mean score of the post-test in the


experimental and controlled class. Then, the result can be interpreted with the

hypotheses which have been formulated.

Furthermore, the researcher used the Cohens’d analysis test to determine the

effect size of genre-based activities for students' writing on recount text. The effect

size is a simple way that the difference between the two groups can be measured.

This is easy to quantify and easy to understand, and can also be used in education

or social science for any calculated outcome. It is especially valuable of a

comparison to quantify the efficacy of a specific intervention.2 The formulae of the

Cohens’d analysis test was showed below.3

d = (Mean score of group A – Mean score of group B)

Pooled Standard Deviation


d: the effect size

Mean score of group A: the mean score of the experimental group

Mean score of group B: the mean score of the controlled group

Pooled standard deviation: (Stand. Deviation group A+ Stand. Deviation group B)


3. Statistical Hypothesis

This study was aimed to discover the effect of genre-based activities on

students’ writing ability of recount text at the tenth grade students of SMK

Nusanatara2 (Kesehatan). The statistical hypothesis of the research are identified

as follow:

1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): there is a significant effect of genre-based

activities to develop students' writing of recount text.

2. Null Hypothesis (H0): there is no significance effect of genre-based activities

to develop students' writing of recount text.

2Robert Coe, It’s the Effect Size, Stupid (What effect size is and why it is important),

Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association,

University of Exeter, England, 12-14 September 2002. 3Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS, (London:

SAGE Publications, 2004), p.136.


The criteria for the hypothesis described bellows:

1. If t0 < ttable or the significance was >0.05, Ho was accepted and Ha was rejected.

It means that the genre-based activities has no effect to develop students' writing of

recount text.

2. If t0 > ttable or the significance was <0.05, Ho was rejected Ha was accepted. It

means that the genre-based activities gave effect to develop students' writing of

recount text.




This chapter demonstrated the data about pre-test and post-test which have

been provided in the experimental and control class. Then, the data was analyzed

in the data analysis section and the discussions in the next section.

A. Research Finding

1. Data Description

The pre-test was administered both experimental and control classes that

starting in the first period of the research and the post-test was administered at the

end of the research. Then, those the results of the tests would be present in the


a. The Score of Pre-test

The data below was presented for the description of the pre-test scores which

was conducted into two classes both experimental and controlled class. The

complete data is presented in Table 4.1 below.

Table 4.1

The Scores of Pre-test

No. Participants Experimental Class Score Controlled Class Score

1 Student 1 60 60

2 Student 2 79 45

3 Student 3 63 41

4 Student 4 52 59

5 Student 5 60 44

6 Student 6 40 64

7 Student 7 69 54


8 Student 8 46 42

9 Student 9 61 57

10 Student 10 52 35

11 Student 11 68 37

12 Student 12 70 52

13 Student 13 83 38

14 Student 14 37 39

15 Student 15 58 60

16 Student 16 39 66

17 Student 17 52 36

18 Student 18 82 42

19 Student 19 45 84

20 Student 20 60 58

Min. 37 35

Max. 83 84

Mean 58.80 50.65

Based on table 4.1, the minimum score in the experimental class was 37 while

in the controlled class it was 35. Then, the maximum score was 83 in the

experimental class and 84 in the controlled class. Then, the mean score of the pre-

test was 58.80 for the experimental class and 50.65 for the controlled class. In

addition, the standard of minimum score of the English mastery completeness was

65 at the school.

Furthermore, the researcher classified the scores into six ranged scores from

the low score until the high score. The spread of scores was presented in the

frequency distribution in Table 4.2 below.


Table 4.2

The Frequency Distribution of Pre-test

Score Interval Experimental Class Controlled Class

Freq. F (%) Freq. F (%)

30-40 3 9.8 5 18.2

41-50 2 7.7 5 21.1

51-60 7 33.5 7 39.4

61-70 5 28.1 2 12.8

71-80 1 6.7 - 0

81-90 2 14 1 8.2

Figure 4.1

Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test

The diagram of the frequency distribution of the pre-test in the experimental

class, there were 3 students who got the score around 30-40 with 9.8% whereas

there were 5 students who got the scores in the controlled class with 18.2%. Then,

there were 2 students who achieved the score on 41-50 in the experimental class

(7.7%) and there were 5 students (21.1%) in the controlled class who got the score

among 41-50. 7 students achieved a score between 51-60 (33.5%) in the





















30-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90

Experimental class Controlled Class


experimental class and 7 students (39.4%) in the controlled class. Also, 5 students

who received scores between 61-70 (28.1%) in the experimental class and 2

students (12.8%) in the controlled class. Other than, the students who received

scores between71-80 (6.7%) are 1 student in the experimental class. However, there

were no students in the controlled class who got the score around 71-80. Moreover,

there were 2 students who achieved the score between 81-90 (14%) in the

experimental class and 1 students (8.2%) in the controlled class.

From the description on table 4.1, 4.2 and diagram 4.1above can be concluded

that the mean scores in both classes were lower than the minimum standard of

English mastery 50.65<58.80<65. It means that most students' score is still below

the standard minimum score.

b. The Score of Post-test

The data of this part were collected from students' post-test scores, the

researcher gave treatments in the experimental class with different themes of

recount text. However, the controlled class was not given the treatments. The

researcher gave scientific approach in the controlled class with the same themes as

the experimental class was taught. The followed data was shown for the result of

the post-test scores both in those two classes in Table 4.3 below.

Table 4.3

The Scores of Post-test

No. Participants Experimental Class


Controlled Class


1 Student 1 68 52

2 Student 2 74 80

3 Student 3 82 56

4 Student 4 59 78

5 Student 5 73 50

6 Student 6 67 64

7 Student 7 76 53

8 Student 8 69 59


9 Student 9 76 57

10 Student 10 62 45

11 Student 11 78 41

12 Student 12 62 65

13 Student 13 83 45

14 Student 14 72 45

15 Student 15 77 64

16 Student 16 76 70

17 Student 17 56 46

18 Student 18 82 48

19 Student 19 62 88

20 Student 20 70 59

Min. 56 41

Max. 83 88

Mean 71.20 58.25

Based on table 4.3, the minimum score in the experimental class was 56 while

in the controlled class it was 41. Then, the maximum score was 83 in the

experimental class and 88 in the controlled class. Then, the mean score of the pre-

test was 71.20 for the experimental class and 58.25 for the controlled class.

Furthermore, the standard minimum of the English mastery was 65.

Other than, the researcher classified the scores into six ranged scores from the

low score until the high score. The spread of scores was presented in the frequency

distribution in Table 4.4 below:

Table 4.4

The Frequency Distribution of Post-test

Score Interval Experimental Class Controlled Class

Freq. F (%) Freq. F (%)

30-40 - 0 - 0

41-50 - 0 7 27.4


51-60 2 8 6 28.8

61-70 7 32.3 4 22.5

71-80 8 42.2 1 6.6

81-90 3 17.3 2 14.4

Figure 4.2

Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Post-Test

Based on data in Table 4.4 and the diagram of the frequency distribution of the

post-test in both of the experimental class and controlled class, there were no

students who got the score around 30-40. Then, there also no students who achieved

the score on 41-50 in the experimental class but there were 7 students (27.4%) in

the controlled class who got the score among 41-50. And 2 students achieved a

score between 51-60 (8%) in the experimental class and 6 students (28.8%) in the

controlled class. Also, 7 students who received scores between 61-70 (32.3%) in

the experimental class and 4 students (22.5%) in the controlled class. Other than,

the students who received scores between71-80 (42.2%) were 8 student in the

experimental class and there were 1 students in the controlled class who got the

score around 71-80 (6.6%). Moreover, there were 3 students who achieved the

score between 81-90 (17.3%) in the experimental class and 2 students (14.4%) in

the controlled class.

0 0




















30-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90

Experimental class Controlled Class


In concluding, the data showed that there were 15 students from 20 in the

experimental class got higher scores than the minimum standard of English mastery

>65. On the other hand, there were 5 students in a controlled class who got higher

scores than the minimum standard of English mastery. Moreover, the mean score

in the experimental class was higher than the controlled class with 71.20 whereas

the controlled class got 58.25. It meant that Genre-based Activities can improve

students’ writing on recount text.

c. The Students’ Gained Scores

After presenting the pre-test and post-test scores, the researcher presented the

students’ gained scores which were retrieved from the different numbers between

pre-test and post-test. The gained scores were calculated from the post-test scores

minus the pre-test scores. The completed data presented in Table 4.5 below.

Table 4.5

The Students’ Gained Scores

Gained Scores Experimental Class Controlled Class

Freq. F (%) Freq. F (%)

-10-0 4 -5.24 4 -5.92

1-10 7 22.58 11 40.78

11-20 5 16.73 4 42.10

21-30 2 20.16 - 0

31-40 2 29.03 1 23.02

Mean 12.40 7.30

Based on data in Table 4.5 above, the mean score in the experimental class was

12.40 which was higher than the mean score in the controlled class, 7.30. Most

students in the experimental class got the gained scores between 1-10 and 11-20

whereas half of the students in the controlled class got the gained scores among 1-

10 (40.78%). It can be interpreted that the treatments which were given in the

experimental class improved the students’ writing on recount text.


2. Data Analysis

In this part, the calculation of data was used to analyze the hypothesis in order

to get empirical evidence about the effect of applying genre-based activities on

students' writing of recount text.

a. Normality of the Data

The normality test is conducted before calculating the t-test. It purposed to

know whether the data from the two classes has been normally distributed or not.

The data was categorized as normal data when the significance of the experimental

and controlled classes was higher than the significance degree or the alpha (= 0.05).

The writer used Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk to do the normality test.

SPSS was used to analyze the data. The result can be seen as follow:

Table 4.6

Normality Test on Pre-test

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Experimental .090 20 .200* .959 20 .520

Controlled .170 20 .133 .912 20 .069

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on the data in Table 4.6, the test showed the significance of the

experimental class was 0.200 and the control class was 0.133. If the data is higher

in a significance α = 0.05 the data was normally distributed. It can be concluded

that the data is normally distributed because both classes’ significances are above

0.05. Then, the result of the normality test on the post-test as follows below.

Table 4.7

Normality Test on Post-test

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Experimental .127 20 .200* .954 20 .433

Control .127 20 .200* .929 20 .146

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.


a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

From the data above, the significance in the experimental class was 0.200 and

the significance in the controlled class was 0.200. Those values were more than the

significance level of 0.05 (0.200>0.05 and 0.200>0.05). Thus, it meant that the data

was normally distributed.

b. Homogeneity Test

After doing the normality test, the writer did the homogeneity test in order to

test the similarity of the sample in both classes. The researcher used Levene Statistic

in SPSS version 23 to analyze the homogeneity test with the significance level of

0.05 (= 0.05). The results are presented as follows:

Table 4.8

Homogeneity Test on Pretest


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.001 1 38 .976

The result of the data in Table 4.8 showed that the data showed that the

significance of the test was 0.976. The value was higher than the significant value

or the alpha (0.976>0.05). Therefore, the data on the pretest was homogeneous.

Then, the result of the homogeneity test on the post-test can be seen as followed.

Table 4.9

Homogeneity Test on Post-test


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

3.594 1 38 .066

In the homogeneity test on the post-test, the data showed that the significance

was 0.066. The value was higher than the alpha or 0.066>0.05. Thus, it can be

concluded that the data of the post-test was came from population that have

homogenous variance.


c. Hypotheses Analysis

After conducting the prerequisite test using normality and homogeneity tests

that can be seen in the previous chapter, the hypotheses analysis was conducted to

answer the research question and to examine the hypotheses of the research. The

research hypotheses are:

a. Null Hypothesis (H0): there was no significant effect of applying Genre-based

activities to develop students' writing of recount text of the tenth grade of SMK

Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat.

b. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): there was a significant effect of applying Genre-

based activities to develop students' writing of recount text of the tenth grade of

SMK Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat.

To gain the empirical evidence of the hypotheses analysis, the researcher used

the independent t-test. Independent t-test compared data of two groups of samples

statistically. It compared the post-test mean scores from the experimental and

controlled groups in purposed to determine whether the difference is significant or

not. Furthermore, the researcher used an independent t-test on SPSS version 23 to

examine the data. The result can be seen as followed.

Table 4.10

Independent Samples t-test of Post-test Scores


Test for

Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df






Std. Error


95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper






3.594 .066 3.797 38 .001 12.95000 3.41088 6.04504 19.85496





3.797 31.445 .001 12.95000 3.41088



Based on the data above, the degree of freedom (df) was 38. The critical value

(ttable) from df = 38 on the significance of 5% or 0.05 was 1.686 and tobserve from the


table above was 3.797. It meant that the post-test scores in the experimental class

was higher than the controlled class with tobserve >ttable = 3.797>1.686. Also, the

significance (2-tailed) was 0.001 which was lower than the significance of 5% or

p<0.05 = 0.001<0.050.

Therefore, the criteria for the hypotheses stated in two possibilities. The first,

if tobserve is lower than ttable (t0<ttable) or the significance is higher than the

significance level of 0.05 or p>0.05, H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected. It means that

Genre-based activities has no effect to develop students' writing of recount text. In

contrast, If tobserve is higher than ttable (to>ttable) or the significance is lower than 0.05

or p<0.05, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. It means that Genre-based

activities gives a significant effect to develop students' writing of recount text.

As from the data, tobserve was higher than ttable with values 3.797>1.686 and also

the significance (2-tailed) was 0.001 which was lower than the significance of 5%

or p<0.05 = 0.001<0.050. Thus, it meant that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted.

In concluding, the result showed that Genre-based activities gave a significant

effect to develop students' writing of recount text of the tenth grade of SMK

Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat.

d. Effect Size Analysis

The analysis of the effect size was employed to assess the influence of the

approach on the students' writing on recount text. Cohen's d analysis was used by

the researcher to measure the effect. The criteria for measuring the Cohen's d effect

size are:1

0 – 0.20 = weak effect

0.21 – 0.50 = modest effect

0.51 – 1.00 = moderate effect

>1.00 = strong effect

To consider the effect size, the researcher needed the posttest group statistics

that can be seen in the SPSS calculation. The group statistics showed the mean

scores and the standard deviations (std. deviation) of each class needed for

1Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS, (London: SAGE

Publications, 2004), p.139.


measuring effect size using Cohen’s d analysis. The table below displays the group

statistics for the posttest.

Table 4.11

Group Statistics of Post-test

Classes N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Post-test Experimental 20 71.2000 7.95117 1.77793

Control 20 58.2500 13.01770 2.91085

From the data on Table 4.11 above, the mean score of the posttest in the

experimental class was 71.20 and the mean score of the posttest in the controlled

class was 58.25. Then, the standard deviation in the experimental class was 7.951

and the standard deviation in the control class was 13.017. After that, the researcher

counted the effect size analysis using Cohen’s d analysis with the formula below.

d = (Mean score of group A – Mean score of group B)

Pooled Standard Deviation

Pooled standard deviation: (Stand. Deviation group A+ Stand. Deviation group B)


Stand. Deviation group A = 7.951

Stand. Deviation group B = 13.017

Mean score of group A (Experimental class) = 71.20

Mean score of group B (Control class) = 58.25

Pooled standard deviation = (7.951 + 13.017) = 20.968 = 10.484

2 2

d = (71.20 – 58.25) = 12.95 = 1.23

10.484 10.484

The result of the calculation above showed that the effect size was 1.23. The

result of the calculation included in the strong effect which meant that Genre-based

Activities gave a strong effect on students’ writing of recount text.

B. Discussion

In the description of the data which was taken from 20 students of the

experimental class, Table 4.1 showed the description of the experimental class


which has the mean of pre-test 58.80 before the implementation of Genre-based

activities. While the control class got the mean score of pretest 50.65. Furthermore,

after the students in the experimental class were given the implementation of Genre-

based activities, the mean score of the post-test is 71.20 and the mean score of the

post-test in the controlled class was 58.25. Besides that, the gained score of the

experimental class is 12.40 and 7.30 in the controlled class. Other than that, the

minimum score of the experimental class in the pre-test is 37 while in the controlled

class is 35. Moreover, the maximum score is 83 in the experimental class and 84 in

a controlled class. The minimum score in the post-test is 56 in experimental and 41

in controlled class. However, the maximum score of the post-test in experimental

is 83 and 84 in the controlled class. In summary, the minimum and the maximum

scores in the post-test both of class were higher than the pre-test.

Based on the result of statistic calculation, it is obtained the value of t0 is 3.797

and the degree of freedom (df) 38 in the table t-score at significance level of 5% is

1.686. In the table of significance, it can be seen that on the df 38, and on the degree

of significance 5%, the value of the degree of significance is 1.686. By comparing

the value of t0 = 3.797 and ttable = 1.686, it is clear that t0 is higher than ttable.

Because t0 is higher than ttable, so the Null Hypothesis (H0) is rejected. It means

that the student's writing scores taught by using Genre-based activities is a better

effect. It showed that there is a significant difference in students' writing scores and

after implementing the Genre-based activities. Thus, the result of the present study

supports the idea that there is a significant effect of applying Genre-based activities

on students' writing of recount text.

This research revealed that the Genre-based Activities had a significant effect

on students' writing of recount text in the tenth grade of SMK Nusantara 2

(Kesehatan). The results of the research were also supported by previous research


carried out by Kanittha, Pilanut, and Somkiet2, Tri Istianah3, Belmekki & Sekkal4

that Genre-based Activities gave a significant effect on students’ writing.

On the basis of the research results, it can be seen that the mean score in the

experimental class was higher than the controlled class in the post-test. After several

treatments, the student scores were significantly increased from the pre-test to the

post-test, particularly in the experimental class. The results are consistent with

Kanittha, Pilanut, and Somkiet who investigated Process Genre Based Activity in

Improving Students‘Writing ability: Exemplification. In their research, they found

that learning activities were more effective than the criteria, with the average score

of post-test was 85.95%. As in this research, 15 students from the 20 in

experimental class received a score higher than the standard of English mastery

average score. Further, Tri Istianah found that the result of the post-test score in

cycle 2 was higher than the pre-test score before the treatment is 76.41> 62, 75.

As a result, Genre-based activities promote the learning process which

facilitates students to practice their writing confidently. Genre-based activities

make students take part in the class learning process. The activities process provides

3 practical steps: Modeling, Joint Construction, and Independent Construction of

text. The steps gave students opportunities to think about their writing and discuss

it with their peers and teacher. Besides that, the strength of the Genre-based

activities is it can develop their ideas in creating recount text and their ideas will be

useful for them in English writing class. Furthermore, Genre-based activities helped

students to develop their writing. The activities process proved the students were

aware of the purpose of the text. Then, it improves the students were able to identify

the content, organization, vocabulary, and grammar. This supports Belmekki &

2Kanittha P., Pilanut P., & Somkiet P., Process Genre Based Activity in Improving

Students‘Writing ability: Exemplification. Journal of Education, Mahasarakham University, Vol. 9,

Special Edition, 2015, pp. 2-3. 3Tri Istianah, The Use of Genre-based Approach in Teaching Writing Procedural Texts to

Improve Students’ Writing Skill to the Eleventh Graders of SMK N 1 SLAWI in the Academic Year

2010/2011, A Skripsi at Semarang State University, 2011, pp. 78-79. 4Belmekki Amine and Sekkal Faiza, The Effect of Process-Genre Approach on ESP

Students’ Achivement in Writing Business Letters, European Journal of Research and Reflection in

Educational Science, Vol. 6(2), 2018.


Sekkal's research results that showed there was a significant effect of the process-

genre approach on the students’ writing achievement, attributed to four writing

components: organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics. Also, the teacher

was able to provide students to identify the purpose, model, and process of the

writing. Furthermore, the learning atmosphere was more fun that triggered students

to participate in the learning process. In addition, this study supported the previous

studies that Genre-based activities are found very helpful and effective to teach


Based on the implementation above, it can be concluded that applying Genre-

based activities is effective to improve students' writing recount text, especially for

tenth-grade students at Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat.




A. Conclusion

This research was conducted using a quasi-experimental design which was

intended to find empirical evidence of the effectiveness of Applying Genre-based

Activities to develop students' writing of recount text at the tenth-grade of SMK

Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan) Ciputat in Academic Year 2018/2019. The research used

pre-test and post-test as the instruments of the research with treatments by applying

Genre-based Activities in the experimental class whereas the controlled class was

taught with scientific approach teaching in the classroom.

The result showed that 15 from 20 students in the experimental class achieved

the scores above the minimum standard of English lesson that is 65. Moreover, the

mean score of the post-test in the experimental class is higher than the controlled

class with the score 71.20 whereas the controlled class got the mean score of the

post-test with 58.25. Then, from the data analysis that has been discussed in chapter

IV, It can be seen from the data with the statistical hypothesis of significance level

5% showed that the mean score of experimental class after implementing the

treatment by using applying Genre-based activities is 71.20 and it was higher than

the mean score before treatments, it is 58.80. Moreover, the data analysis showed

that the value of t0 is 3.797 and ttable is 1.686. It is clear that t0 is higher than ttable at

significance level. Because t0 is higher than ttable, so the result that H0 is rejected and

Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in students'

writing scores before and after implementing genre-based activities. In other words,

the result showed that Genre-based Activities gave a strong effect on students’

writing of recount text at tenth-grade students of SMK Nusantara 2 (Kesehatan)



B. Suggestions

Regarding the teaching writing by applying Genre-based activities, the

researcher gives some suggestions for the teacher, the students, and further research

as follow:

1. For the teachers

The teacher should be more creative in creating a good atmosphere in the

classroom. It is very important in learning recount text by using genre-based

activities. The class should be more fun and relax. Besides that, before starting the

lesson, the teacher should explore students' knowledge or experience in recount text

or in other text types as preparation and tune the students' focus on the lesson being

taught. Furthermore, teachers should be aware that there are learners with different

abilities in the classroom. Therefore, teachers need to use appropriate teaching

styles and pay attention to students of all ability levels. Moreover, the teacher

should pay attention to students’ development in writing skills through the learning

process, be more creative in developing the materials.

2. For the students

The students should be able to take part in the teamwork to help them in

developing ideas and enrich vocabulary. Students should maximize their time on

learning, be active, and focus on the learning activities. So, it is highly

recommended to implement Genre-based Activities to teach writing as it allows

teacher to facilitate students through a step by step. In addition, students should

know and search for knowledge to gain more experience, finding knowledge by

oneself will improve the brain's memory system than it is fed into. Students should

act rather than as learners who only receive input from teachers.

3. Further researchers

The result of this study can be used as basic information or reference about the

implementation of Genre-based activities in writing recount text for other research

in conducting a similar study. Furthermore, the researchers suggested that in

coordinating with various departments, needs to be considered carefully, see

directions, and see suitability. Search forward-looking and must find a way to

prevent if problems are encountered, including ways to solve problems in advance.


Moreover, the researcher should get to know as many samples as possible in a

limited time. The researcher must collect as much information about the student as

possible for the benefit of behavioral studies. In addition, the researcher hopes that

this research is able to give information and be useful for academic research in




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Istianah, Tri. The Use of Genre-based Approach in Teaching Writing Procedural

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József, Horváth, Advanced writing in English as a foreign language: A corpus-

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Kanittha P., Pilanut P., & Somkiet P., Process Genre Based Activity in Improving

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Mahasarakham University, Vol. 9, Special Edition, 2015.

Kim, Y., & Kim, J., Teaching Korean University writing class. Asian EFL Journal

Quarterly, 7(2), 1-15, 2005.

Knap, P. and Watkins, M., Genre, text, grammar: Teaching the genres and

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Lionheart Press, 2007.

Kodoatie, L. H. M. Improving Students’skills Of Writing Recount Texts By Using

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Lee, Minkyong. Teaching Genre-Based Writing to Korean High School Students at

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Masitoh, S & Suprijadi, D., Improving Students Ability in Writing Descriptive Text

Using Genre Based Approach (GBA) at Eighth Grade Students of SMP Islam

Terpadu Fitrah Insan. ELTIN Journal. Vol. 3 (1): 38-52, 2015.

Phichiensathien, P., Teaching Writing Through A Genre-based Approach in an EFL

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Robert Coe, It’s the Effect Size, Stupid (What effect size is and why it is important),

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Widodo, Handoyo Puji, Process-based Academic Essay Writing Instruction in An

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Widodo, Handoyo Puji, Designing a genre-based lesson plan for an academic

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Zemach, D. E., & Rumisek, L. A., Academic writing from paragraph to essay,

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English Teaching Syllabus

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan teks


transaksional lisan

dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait jati diri dan

hubungan keluarga,

sesuai dengan



(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan pronoun:

subjective, objective,


4.1 Menyusun teks


transaksional lisan

dan tulis pendek dan

sederhana yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait jati diri,



fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang

benar dan sesuai


Fungsi Sosial


menjalin hubungan

interpersonal dengan

teman dan guru

Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi

(diharapkan/di luar


Unsur Kebahasaan

- Sebutan anggota

keluarga inti dan

yang lebih luas dan

orang-orang dekat

lainnya; hobi,


- Verba: be, have, go,

work, live (dalam

simple present


- Subjek Pronoun: I,

You, We, They, He,

She, It

- Kata ganti

possessive my,

your, his, dsb.

- Kata tanya Who?

Which? How? Dst.

- Nomina singular

dan plural dengan

atau tanpa a, the,

this, those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan

- Menyimak dan


contoh interaksi terkait

jati diri dan hubungan

keluarga, dengan

ucapan dan tekanan

kata yang benar

- Mengidentifikasi


penting dan perbedaan

antara beberapa cara

yang ada

- Menanyakan hal-hal

yang tidak diketahui

atau yang berbeda.

- Mempelajari contoh

teks interaksi terkait

jati diri dan hubungan

keluarganya yang

dipaparkan figur-figur


- Saling menyimak dan

bertanya jawab tentang

jati diri masing-masing

dengan teman-


- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajarnya


Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran


Deskripsi diri sendiri

sebagai bagian dari

keluarga dan

masyarakat yang

dapat menumbuhkan

perilaku yang termuat

di KI

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan teks


interpersonal lisan

dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberikan ucapan

selamat dan memuji

bersayap (extended),

serta menanggapinya,

sesuai dengan



4.2 Menyusun teks


interpersonal lisan

dan tulis sederhana

yang melibatkan


memberikan ucapan

selamat dan memuji

bersayap (extended),

dan menanggapinya



fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang

benar dan sesuai


Fungsi Sosial

Menjaga hubungan

interpersonal dengan

guru, teman dan

orang lain.

Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi

(diharapkan/di luar


Unsur Kebahasaan

- Ungkapan

memberikan ucapan

selamat dan memuji


(extended), dan


- Nomina singular

dan plural dengan

atau tanpa a, the,

this, those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan


Interaksi antara guru

dan peserta didik di

dalam dan di luar

kelas yang

melibatkan ucapan

selamat dan pujian

- Menyimak dan

menirukan beberapa

contoh percakapan

mengucapkan selamat

dan memuji bersayap

(extended) yang


guru/rekaman, dengan

ucapan dan tekanan

kata yang benar

- Bertanya jawab untuk

mengidentifikasi dan


ungkapan pemberian

selamat dan pujian

serta tambahannya, n


persamaan dan


- Menentukan ungkapan

yang tepat secara

lisan/tulis dari

berbagai situasi lain

yang serupa

- Membiasakan

menerapkan yang

sedang dipelajari.

dalam interaksi dengan

guru dan teman secara

alami di dalam dan di

luar kelas.

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar


Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

yang dapat


perilaku yang termuat

di KI

3.3 Menerapkan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan teks


transaksional lisan

dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait niat

melakukan suatu


sesuai dengan



(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan be going

to, would like to)

4.3 Menyusun teks


transaksional lisan

dan tulis pendek dan

sederhana yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait niat

melakukan suatu




fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang

benar dan sesuai


Fungsi Sosial

Menyatakan rencana,

menyarankan, dsb.

Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi

(diharapkan atau di

luar dugaan)

Unsur Kebahasaan

- Ungkapan

pernyataan niat

yang sesuai, dengan

modalbe going to,

would like to

- Nomina singular

dan plural dengan

atau tanpa a, the,

this, those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan


Interaksi antara guru

dan peserta didik di

dalam dan di luar

kelas yang


pernyataan niatyang

dapat menumbuhkan

perilaku yang termuat

di KI

- Mencermati beberapa

contoh interaksi terkait

niat melakukan suatu


dalam/dengan tampilan

visual(gambar, video)

- Mengidentifikasidenga

n menyebutkan

persamaan dan

perbedaan dan dari

contoh-contoh yang

ada dalam video

tersebut, dilihat dari isi

dan cara


- Bertanya jawab

tentang pernyataan

beberapa tokoh tentang

rencana melakukan


- Bermain game terkait

dengan niat mengatasi


- Membiasakan

menerapkan yang

sedang dipelajari.

dalam interaksi dengan

guru dan teman secara

alami di dalam dan di

luar kelas.

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar.


Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.4 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa

teks deskriptif lisan

dan tulis dengan

memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait tempat wisata

dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal,

pendek dan

sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks


4.4 Teks deskriptif

4.4.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks deskriptif, lisan

dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana terkait

tempat wisata dan

bangunan bersejarah


4.4.2 Menyusun teks

deskriptif lisan dan

tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, terkait

tempat wisata dan

bangunan bersejarah

terkenal, dengan


fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara

benar dan sesuai


Fungsi Sosial





mengkritik, dsb.

Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup

- Identifikasi (nama

keseluruhan dan


- Sifat (ukuran,

warna, jumlah,

bentuk, dsb.)

- Fungsi, manfaat,

tindakan, kebiasaan

Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan

istilah terkait

dengan tempat

wisata dan


bersejarah terkenal

- Adverbia terkait

sifat seperti quite,

very, extremely, dst.

- Kalimat dekalraif

dan interogatif

dalam tense yang


- Nomina singular

dan plural secara

tepat, dengan atau

tanpa a, the, this,

those, my, their,


- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan


- Menyimak dan

menirukan guru

membacakan teks

deskriptif sederhana

tentang tempat wisata

dan/atau bangunan



intonasi, ucapan, dan

tekanan kata yang


- Mencermati

danbertanya jawab

tentang contoh


dengan alat seperti

tabel, mind map, dan


menerapkannya untuk

menganalisis beberapa

deskripsi tempat

wisata dan bangunan


- Mencermati cara


hasil analisis secara

lisan, mempraktekkan

di dalam kelompok

masing-masing, dan


mempresentasikan di

kelompok lain

- Mengunjungi tempat

wisata atau bangunan

bersejarah untuk

menghasilkan teks

deskriptif tentang

tempat wisata atau



- Menempelkan teks di

dinding kelas dan

bertanya jawab dengan

pembaca (siswa lain,


Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Deskripsi tempat

wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah yang dapat


perilaku yang termuat

di KI

guru) yang datang


- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar.

3.5 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa

teks khusus dalam




dengan memberi dan

meminta informasi

terkait kegiatan

sekolah, sesuai

dengan konteks


4.5 Teks pemberitahuan


4.5 1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks khusus dalam




4.5.2 Menyusun teks

khusus dalam bentuk



lisan dan tulis,

pendek dan

sederhana, dengan


fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara

Fungsi Sosial

Menjalin hubungan

interpersonal dan

akademik antar

peserta didik, guru,

dan sekolah

Struktur Teks

- Istilah khusus

terkait dengan jenis


- Informasi khas yang


- Gambar, hiasan,

komposisi warna

Unsur Kebahasaan

- Ungkapan dan kosa

kata yang lazim

digunakan dalam



- Nomina singular

dan plural secara

tepat, dengan atau

tanpa a, the, this,

those, my, their,


- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan



kegiatan, kejadian

yang dapat


- Menyimak dan

menirukan guru

membacakan beberapa

teks pemberitahuan


dengan intonasi,

ucapan, dan tekanan

kata yang benar.

- Bertanya dan


tentang persamaan dan

perbedaan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks

dan unsur


- Mencermati

danbertanya jawab

tentang contoh


dengan alat seperti

tabel dan kemudian

menerapkannya untuk

menganalisis beberapa

teks pemberitahuan


- Membuat teks


(announcement) untuk

kelas atau teman

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar.


Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

benar dan sesuai


perilaku yang termuat

di KI


Layout dan dekorasi

yang membuat

tampilan teks

pemberitahuan lebih


3.6 Menerapkan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan teks


transaksional lisan

dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi





dilakukan/terjadi di

waktu lampau yang

merujuk waktu

terjadinya dan

kesudahannya, sesuai

dengan konteks


(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan simple

past tense vs present

perfect tense)

4.6 Menyusun teks


transaksional, lisan

dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, yang

melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan

meminta informasi



Fungsi Sosial




menanyakan, dsb.

Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi

(diharapkan/di luar


Unsur Kebahasaan

- Kalimat deklaratif

dan interogative

dalam simple past

tense, present

perfect tense.

- Adverbial dengan

since, ago, now;

klause dan

adveribial penunjuk


- Nomina singular

dan plural secara

tepat, dengan atau

tanpa a, the, this,

those, my, their,


- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan


- Menyimak dan

menirukan beberapa

contoh percakapan

terkait dengan intonasi,

ucapan dan tekanan

kata yang tepat

- Guru mendiktekan

percakapan tersebut

dan peserta didik

menuliskannya dalam

buku catatannya untuk


jawab terkait

perbedaan dan

persamaan makna

kalimat-kalimat yang

menggunakan kedua

tense tersebut

- Membaca beberapa

teks pendek yang

menggunakan kedua

tense tersebut, dan


beberapa kalimat-

kalimat di dalamnya

untuk melengkapi teks

rumpang pada

beberapa teks terkait.

- Mencermati beberapa

kalimat rumpang untuk

menentukan tense

yang tepat untuk kata

kerja yang diberikan

dalam kurung


Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran



dilakukan/terjadi di

waktu lampau yang

merujuk waktu

terjadinya dan




fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang

benar dan sesuai


Kegiatan, tindakan,

kejadian, peristiwa

yang dapat


u yang termuat di KI

- Diberikan suatu kasus,

peserta didik membuat

satu teks pendek

dengan menerapkan

kedua tense tersebut

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar

3.7 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa

teks recount lisan dan

tulis dengan memberi

dan meminta

informasi terkait

peristiwa bersejarah

sesuai dengan



4.7 Teks recount –

peristiwa bersejarah

4.7.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks recount lisan dan

tulis terkait peristiwa


4.7.2 Menyusun teks

recount lisan dan

tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, terkait

peristiwa bersejarah,



Fungsi Sosial


menceritakan, berbagi


mengambil teladan,


Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:

- orientasi

- urutan


- orientasi ulang

Unsur Kebahasaan

- Kalimat deklaratif

dan interogatif

dalam simple past,

past continuous,

present perfect, dan

lainnya yang


- Adverbia

penghubung waktu:

first, then, after

that, before, when,

at last, finally, dsb.

- Adverbia dan frasa


penujuk waktu

- Menyimak guru

membacakan peristiwa

bersejarah, menirukan

bagian demi bagian

dengan ucapan dan

temakan kata yang

benar, dan bertanya

jawab tentang isi teks

- Menyalin teks tsb

dalam buku teks


mengikuti seorang

siswa yang menuliskan

di papan tulis, sambil

bertanya jawab terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam teks

- Mencermati analisis

terhadap fungsi sosial,

rangkaian tindakan dan

kejadian dengan

menggunakan alat

seperti tabel, bagan,

dan kemudian

mengerjakan hal sama

dengan teks tentang

peristiwa bersejarah



Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara

benar dan sesuai


- Nomina singular

dan plural dengan

atau tanpa a, the,

this, those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan


Peristiwa bersejarah

yang dapat


perilaku yang termuat

di KI

- Mengumpulkan

informasi untuk

menguraikan peristiwa

bersejarah di Indonesia

- Menempelkan

karyanya di dinding

kelas dan bertanya

jawab dengan pembaca

(siswa lain, guru) yang

datang membacanya

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar.

3.8 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa

teks naratif lisan dan

tulis dengan memberi

dan meminta

informasi terkait

legenda rakyat,

sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks


4.8 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks naratif, lisan dan

tulis sederhana

terkait legenda rakyat

Fungsi Sosial

Mendapat hiburan,


mengajarkan nilai-

nilai luhur,

mengambil teladan

Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:

- Orientasi

- Komplikasi

- Resolusi

- Orientasi ulang

Unsur Kebahasaan

- Kalimat-kalimat

dalamsimple past

tense, past

continuous, dan

lainnya yang


- Kosa kata: terkait

karakter, watak, dan

setting dalam


- Adverbia

penghubung dan

penujuk waktu

- Menyimak guru

membacakan legenda,

sambil dilibatkan

dalam tanya jawab

tentang isinya

- Didiktekan guru

menuliskan legenda

tersebut dalam buku

catatan masing-

masing, sambil

bertanya jawab terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang ada

- Dalam kelompok


berlatih membacakan

legenda tsb dengan

intonasi, ucapan dan

tekanan kata yang

benar, dengan saling


- Membaca satu legenda

lain, bertanya jawab

tentang isinya, dan



kalimat-kalimat yang


Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan


Cerita legenda yang

dapat menumbuhkan

perilaku yang termuat

di KI

memuat bagian-bagian

legenda yang


- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar.

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi

sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan lirik lagu

terkait kehidupan




4.9 Menangkap makna

terkait fungsi sosial

dan unsur

kebahasaan secara

kontekstual lirik lagu

terkait kehidupan




Fungsi sosial


nilai-nilai kehidupan

dan karakter yang


Unsur kebahasaan

- Kosa kata dan tata

bahasa dalam lirik


- Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi,

ejaan, tanda baca,

dan tulisan tangan


Hal-hal yang dapat


keteladanan dan


perilaku yang termuat

di KI

- Membaca, menyimak,

dan menirukan lirik

lagu secara lisan

- Menanyakan hal-hal

yang tidak diketahui

atau berbeda

- Mengambil teladan

dari pesan-pesan

dalam lagu

- Menyebutkan pesan

yang terkait dengan

bagian-bagian tertentu

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajarnya




(Experimental Class)

Sekolah : SMK Nusantara 02 (Kesehatan) Ciputat

Kelas/Semester : X2 (Perawatan)/1

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Tema : Recount Text

Pertemuan ke- : 1-4

Alokasi Waktu : 4 pertemuan (8x45 menit)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-

aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi dasar dan indicator pencapaian kompetensi:

NO Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian


1 3.7 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks recount

lisan dan tulis dengan memberi

3.7.1 Menganalisa tujuan,

struktur, dan unsur

kebahasaan text recount


dan meminta informasi terkait

peristiwa bersejarah sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya

3.7.2 Menggunakan simple past

tense secara tepat sesuai

struktur kalimatnya

3.7.3 Menentukan adverb of

time dan adjectives yang

tepat dalam recount text

3.7.4 Menjelaskan informasi

penting yang terkandung

dalam teks recount sesuai

dengan tujuan dan

runtutan kegiatannya

3.7.5 Mengidentifikasi

kesalahan dalam penulisan

recount text

2 4.7 Teks recount – peristiwa


4.7.1 Membuat kerangka

penulisan recount text

dengan berbagai ide yang

sesuai dengan konteksnya

4.7.2 Menulis recount text

dengan memperhatikan

tujuan, struktur, dan unsur


4.7.3 Memperbaiki recount text

sesuai dengan tujuan,

struktur, dan unsur


C. Materi Pembelajaran:

Teks recount sederhana lisan dan tulis

Fungsi sosial

To tell/ to retell past events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:

Generic Structure Example Text


(Pengenalan: Who,

When, Where, dll)

Last holiday my family and I went to Jakarta. We visited

my uncle’s house. It had a big garden and a lot of colorful

flowers and tennis court.



(Urutan Peristiwa)

On Friday my nephew and I went to National Museum and

went up to the top of monument which had the golden

symbol of the spirit of our nation. From the top we could

see the beauty of the metropolitan city. On Saturday we

went to Ancol beach to see Fantasy World and Dolphin



(Penutup cerita,

rangkuman rentetan


On Sunday we went to Ragunan Zoo and then we went

home. We really enjoyed our holiday.

Unsur Kebahasaan

- Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam simple past tense.

- Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, when, at last, finally,


- Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu

- Kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris: happy, sad, excited, speechless, horrible,

impossible, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

Topik Peristiwa bersejarah yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di


D. Metode Pembelajaran:

1. Pendekatan: Genre-based Approach

2. Model: Discovery Learning

3. Metode: Diskusi kelas, analisis teks, kerja kelompok

E. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran:

1. Media : Suara Guru, PPT, white board

2. Alat : marker, projector, kertas

3. Sumber Belajar : - buku: Bahasa Inggris / Kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan. Edisi Revisi Jakarta: Kementerian

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.



F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Pertemuan ke-1, 1st treatment, subtema My Holiday


Tahapan Langkah



Rincian Activitas Waktu

Pendahuluan - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa

Guru menyiapkan siswa untuk


Guru menunjukkan gambar

beberapa lokasi wisata untuk

mengaktifkan skemata siswa.

Guru menghubungkan gambar

tersebut dengan pengalaman siswa

dan mengaitkannya dengan materi


Guru menjelaskan tujuan

pembelajaran recount text





Modeling Guru memberikan contoh recount

text dan meminta siswa untuk

membaca dan menganalisa tujuan,

struktur, & unsur kebahasaan pada

teks tersebut secara berpasang-


Guru bertanya mengenai tujuan,

struktur, & unsur kebahasaan dalam

recount text.

Guru mengklarifikasi dan

menjelaskan tujuan, struktur, &

unsur kebahasaan recount text.

Guru memberi contoh recount text

lain dan meminta siswa

menganalisa tujuan, struktur, unsur

kebahasaan dan informasi penting

yang terkandung dalam teksnya

secara seksama.

Siswa berlatih menggunakan simple

past tense, adverbs of time, dan


Guru memberi beberapa contoh teks

berupa teks recount dan teks genre



lain, kemudian meminta siswa

membedakan teks recount dengan

teks genre lain.



Guru memberikan suatu topik dan

meminta siswa merumuskan ide

untuk penulisan teks recount.

Siswa membuat brief outlines untuk

penyusunan teks recount mereka.

Guru dan siswa membuat teks

recount secara bersama-sama

dengan tema yang sama.




Siswa membuat teks recount secara


Siswa memeriksa hasil tulisan


Guru dan siswa berdiskusi tentang

hasil kerja siswa, terutama tentang

kesalahan yang dalam penulisan

teks recount.

Siswa memperbaiki tulisan mereka

dan menyerahkan ke guru.


Penutup Guru memberi kesimpulan tentang

pembelajaran hari ini.

Guru memberitahukan materi yang

akan dibahas di pertemuan


Guru memberi salam penutup


Pertemuan ke-2, 2nd treatment, subtema A Happy Day

Tahapan Langkah



Rincian Activitas Waktu

Pendahuluan - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa

Guru menyiapkan siswa untuk




Guru bertanya tentang hari-hari

dimana siswa merasa bahagia.

Guru menghubungkan

pengalaman siswa dan

mengaitkannya dengan materi


Guru menyampaikan tujuan





Modeling Guru memberikan contoh recount

text dan meminta siswa untuk

membaca dan menganalisa tujuan,

struktur, & unsur kebahasaan pada

teks tersebut secare bersama-sama.


Guru bertanya mengenai tujuan,

struktur, serta unsur kebahasaan

yang mereka temukan dalam teks


Guru mengklarifikasi hasil temuan


Guru memberi beberapa

paragraphs dan meminta siswa

menyusunnya serta menentukan

tujuan, struktur, unsur kebahasaan

dan informasi penting yang

terkandung dalam teks secara





Siswa melakukan brainstorming

untuk topik penulisan recount text


Siswa membuat brief outlines

untuk penyusunan teks recount


Guru dan siswa membuat teks

recount tentang A happy Day

secara bersamasama.





Siswa membuat teks recount

secara individu.

Siswa memeriksa hasil tulisan


Guru dan siswa berdiskusi tentang

hasil kerja siswa, terutama tentang

kesalahan yang dalam penulisan

teks recount.

Siswa memperbaiki tulisan

mereka dan menyerahkan ke guru.


Penutup Guru memberi kesimpulan tentang

pembelajaran hari ini.

Guru memberitahukan materi

yang akan dibahas di pertemuan


Guru memberi salam penutup


Pertemuan ke-3, 3rd treatment, subtema Such a bad experience

Tahapan Langkah



Rincian Activitas Waktu

Pendahuluan - Guru memberi salam kepada siswa

Guru menyiapkan siswa untuk


Guru bertanya tentang pengalaman

yang menyesalkan/memalukan

yang pernah siswa alami.

Siswa membagi pengalamannya

secara singkat.

Guru menyampaikan tujuan

pembelajaran berkaitan dengan

topik terebut.





Modeling Guru dan siswa berdiskusi tentang

teks recount tentang Bad

experience yang ada dalam lembar

kerja yang telah dibagikan guru.



Siswa melakukan brainstorming

untuk topik such a bad


Siswa membuat brief outlines

untuk penyusunan teks recount




Guru dan siswa menyusun

beberapa paragraf menjadi teks

recount yang tepat secara





Siswa membuat teks recount

secara individu.

Siswa memeriksa hasil tulisan


Guru dan siswa berdiskusi tentang

hasil kerja siswa, terutama tentang

kesalahan yang dalam penulisan

teks recount.

Siswa memperbaiki tulisan mereka

dan menyerahkan ke guru.


Penutup Guru memberi kesimpulan tentang

pembelajaran hari ini.

Guru memberitahukan materi yang

akan dibahas di pertemuan


Guru memberi salam penutup


Pertemuan ke-4, 4th treatment, subtema My Daily Activities

Tahapan Langkah



Rincian Activitas Waktu

Pendahuluan - Guru memberi salam kepada


Guru menyiapkan siswa untuk




Guru bertanya tentang kegiatan

sehari-hari siswa.

Siswa membagi cerita secara


Guru menyampaikan tujuan

pembelajaran berkaitan dengan

topik terebut.




Modeling Guru dan siswa berdiskusi tentang

teks recount tentang My daily

activities yang ada dalam lembar

kerja yang telah dibagikan guru.

Siswa melakukan brainstorming

untuk topik My daily activities.

Siswa membuat brief outlines

untuk penyusunan teks recount





Guru dan siswa menyusun

beberapa paragraf menjadi teks

recount yang tepat secara





Siswa membuat teks recount

secara individu.

Siswa memeriksa hasil tulisan


Guru dan siswa berdiskusi tentang

hasil kerja siswa, terutama tentang

kesalahan yang dalam penulisan

teks recount.

Siswa memperbaiki tulisan

mereka dan menyerahkan ke guru.


Penutup Guru memberi kesimpulan tentang

pembelajaran hari ini.

Guru memberitahukan materi

yang akan dibahas di pertemuan




Guru memberi salam penutup

G. Evaluasi

Teknik Penilaian

Kriteria penilaian Kinerja dan Tugas

· Pencapaian fungsi sosial

· Kelengkapan dan keruntutan struktur teks recount sederhana

· Ketepatan unsur kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa kata, ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan, dan tulisan tangan

· Kesesuaian format penulisan/ penyampaian

Rubrik Penilaian Menulis Teks Recount


30 – 27 Excellent to very good: knowledgeable substantive, development of

thesis/topic, relevant to assign topic

26 – 22 Good to average: some knowledge of subject, adequate range, limited

development thesis, mostly relevant to topic but lack detail

21 – 17 Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject, little substances,

inadequate development, of topic.

16 – 13 Very poor: doesn’t show knowledge, not pertinent, or not enough to



20 – 18

Excellent to very good: fluent expression, ideas clearly

stated/supported, succinct, well organized, logical sequencing,


17 – 14 Good to average: somewhat choppy, loosely organized, but main idea

stand out, limited support, logical but incomplete sequencing.

13 - 10 Fair to poor: not fluent, ideas confused or disconnect, lacks logical

sequencing and development

9 – 7 Very poor: doesn’t communicate, no organization, or not enough to



20 – 18 Excellent to very good: sophisticated range, effective word or idiom

choice and usage, word form mastery, appropriate register.

17 – 14 Good to average: adequate range, occasional errors of word or idiom,

choice, usage, meaning confused or obscured.

13 – 10 Fair to poor: limited range, frequent errors of word or idioms, choice,

usage, meaning confused or obscured.


9 – 7 Very poor: essentially translation, little knowledge of vocabulary,

idioms, word form, or not enough to evaluate.

Language used

25 – 22

Excellent to very good: effective complex construction, few errors of

agreement, tense number, word order /function, articles, pronoun,


21 – 18

Good to average: effective but simple construction, minor problems in

simple construction, several errors of agreement , tense, word

order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions, but meaning seldom


17 – 11

Fair to poor: major problem in complex/simple construction, frequent

errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/function,

articles, pronouns, prepositions, and/or fragments, run-ons, deletions,

meaning confused, or obscured.

10 – 5 Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules,

dominated by errors, does not communicate, or not enough to evaluate.


5 Excellent to very good: demonstrated mastery of conventions, few

errors spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing.

4 Good to average: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing, but meaning not obscured.

3 Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing, poor hand writing, meaning confused or obscured.


Very poor: no mastery of conventions, dominated by errors of spelling,

punctuations, capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting illegible, or

not enough to evaluate.




(Controlled Class)

Sekolah : SMK Nusantara 02 (Kesehatan) Ciputat

Kelas/Semester : X1 (Perawatan)/1

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Tema : Recount Text

Pertemuan ke- : 1-4

Alokasi Waktu : 4 pertemuan (8x45 menit)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-

aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi dasar dan indicator pencapaian kompetensi:

NO Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1 3.7 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

recount lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait

3.7.1 Mengidentifikasi gambaran

umum informasi tertentu dan

rinci dari teks recount

sederhana tentang


dengan penuh percaya diri


peristiwa bersejarah sesuai

dengan konteks


3.7.2 Menganalisis fungsi

sosial,struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan dari teks recount


2 4.7 Menyusun teks recount

lisan dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, terkait


dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan sesuai


4.7.1 Menyunting teks recount

sederhana lisan dan tulis tentang


dengan memperhatikan fungsi

sosial,struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar sesuai


4.7.2 Menulis teks recount sederhana

tentang peristiwa/pengalaman

dengan memperhatikan fungsi

sosial,sturuktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar sesuai


C. Materi Pembelajaran:

Teks recount sederhana lisan dan tulis

Fungsi social

To tell/ to retell past events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup:

Generic Structure Example Text


(Pengenalan: Who,

When, Where, dll)

Last holiday my family and I went to Jakarta. We

visited my uncle’s house. It had a big garden and a lot

of colorful flowers and tennis court.


(Urutan Peristiwa)

On Friday my nephew and I went to National Museum

and went up to the top of monument which had the

golden symbol of the spirit of our nation. From the top

we could see the beauty of the metropolitan city. On

Saturday we went to Ancol beach to see Fantasy World

and Dolphin show.


(Penutup cerita,

rangkuman rentetan


On Sunday we went to Ragunan Zoo and then we went

home. We really enjoyed our holiday.


Unsur Kebahasaan

- Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam simple past tense.

- Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, when, at last, finally,


- Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu

- Kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris: happy, sad, excited, speechless, horrible,

impossible, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

Topik Peristiwa bersejarah yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di


D. Metode Pembelajaran:

1. Pendekatan: Saintifik

2. Model: Problem Based Learning

3. Metode: Penugasan, mendiskusikan, presentasi.

E. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran:

1. Media : Suara Guru, PPT, white board

2. Alat : marker, projector, kertas

3. Sumber Belajar : - buku: Bahasa Inggris / Kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan. Edisi Revisi Jakarta: Kementerian

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.



F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Pertemuan ke-1, subtema My Holiday

Tahapan Rincian Activitas Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberi salam kepada siswa

Guru menyiapkan siswa untuk berdoa

Guru menunjukkan gambar beberapa lokasi wisata

untuk mengaktifkan skemata siswa.

Guru menghubungkan gambar tersebut dengan

pengalaman siswa dan mengaitkannya dengan

materi pelajaran.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran recount text




Mengidentifikasi masalah (Mengamati)

1. Siswa mendengarkan tentang teks recount yang



dibacakan guru

2. Siswa memahami isi teks dan menirukan

contoh pengucapan kalimat-kalimat dalam

iklan kegiatan/kejadian/peristiwa tersebut

dengan bimbingan guru.

3. Siswa berupaya menemukan informasi terkait

contoh tersebut.


1. Siswa membuat pertanyaan terkait teks yang

dibacakan oleh guru

2. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa

mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar

berbagai teks recount sederhana yang ada

dalam bahasa Inggris terutama tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.

3. Siswa bertanya apa saja informasi yang

terkandung dalam teks.

Mengumpulkan Informasi

1. Guru membacakan recount teks

2. Siswa berlatih mencari informasi yang

terkandung dalam teks recount

3. Siswa secara kelompok mndengarkan teks

recount sederhana berupa sebuah brosur

kegiatan/kejadian/peristiwa yang sudah dibawa

dengan pengucapan, tekanan kata dan intonasi

yang tepat

4. Siswa mendiskusikan untuk menemukan

informasi yang terkandung dalam teks recount


1. Guru membantudan memberikan penjelasan

secara singkat tentang teks recount

2. Guru memandu siswa memahami teks recount

berdasarkan fungsi sosial,struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan


1. Siswa menyampaikan hasil analisis mengenai isi


2. Siswa memperbaiki hasil tugas dan membuat



Penutup Guru memberi kesimpulan tentang pembelajaran

hari ini.

Guru memberitahukan materi yang akan dibahas di

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru memberi salam penutup


Pertemuan ke-2, subtema A Happy Day

Tahapan Rincian Activitas Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberi salam kepada siswa

Guru menyiapkan siswa untuk berdoa

Guru menunjukkan gambar beberapa lokasi wisata

untuk mengaktifkan skemata siswa.

Guru menghubungkan gambar tersebut dengan

pengalaman siswa dan mengaitkannya dengan

materi pelajaran.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran recount text




Mengidentifikasi masalah (Mengamati)

Siswa mengamati penjelasan guru tentang materi

yang telah disampaikan

Guru mengecek pemahaman siswa terkait dengan

materi yang telah disampaikan


Siswa bertanya langkah menyusun teks recount

Siswa bertanya bagaimana cara membuat kalimat-

kalimat dalam teks recount

Mengeksplorasi (mengumpulkan informasi)

Siswa berlatih untuk mencari informasi terkait cara

menyusun serta cara membuat kalimat dalam teks

recount dari berbagai sumber

Guru memberikan arahan kepada siswa tentang cara

menyusun dan membuat kalimat dalam teks recount

Mengasosiasi (menalar)

Siswa berlatih mendengarkan beberapa teks recount

Siswa berlatih mendengarkan teks recount secara




Guru memberikan penguatan tentang cara menulis

teks recount sesuai dengan struktur teks dan unsur



Siswa menyampaikan hasil teks kepada siswa lain

Siswa lain memerhatikan dan menanggapi terkait

teks tersebut

Guru memberikan motivasi dan apresiasi kepada siswa

Penutup Guru memberi kesimpulan tentang pembelajaran

hari ini.

Guru memberitahukan materi yang akan dibahas di

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru memberi salam penutup


Pertemuan ke-3, subtema Such a bad experience

Tahapan Rincian Activitas Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberi salam kepada siswa

Guru menyiapkan siswa untuk berdoa

Guru menunjukkan gambar beberapa lokasi wisata

untuk mengaktifkan skemata siswa.

Guru menghubungkan gambar tersebut dengan

pengalaman siswa dan mengaitkannya dengan

materi pelajaran.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran recount text




Mengidentifikasi masalah (Mengamati)

Siswa mengamati penjelasan guru tentang materi

yang telah disampaikan

Guru mengecek pemahaman siswa terkait dengan

materi yang telah disampaikan


Siswa bertanya langkah menyusun teks recount

Siswa bertanya bagaimana cara membuat kalimat-

kalimat dalam teks recount

Mengeksplorasi (mengumpulkan informasi)



Siswa berlatih untuk mencari informasi terkait cara

menyusun serta cara membuat kalimat dalam teks

recount dari berbagai sumber

Guru memberikan arahan kepada siswa tentang cara

menyusun dan membuat kalimat dalam teks recount

Mengasosiasi (menalar)

Siswa berlatih mendengarkan beberapa teks recount

Siswa berlatih mendengarkan teks recount secara


Guru memberikan penguatan tentang cara menulis

teks recount sesuai dengan struktur teks dan unsur



Siswa menyampaikan hasil teks kepada siswa lain

Siswa lain memerhatikan dan menanggapi terkait

teks tersebut

Guru memberikan motivasi dan apresiasi kepada siswa

Penutup Guru memberi kesimpulan tentang pembelajaran

hari ini.

Guru memberitahukan materi yang akan dibahas di

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru memberi salam penutup


Pertemuan ke-4, subtema My Daily Activities

Tahapan Rincian Activitas Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberi salam kepada siswa

Guru menyiapkan siswa untuk berdoa

Guru menunjukkan gambar beberapa lokasi wisata

untuk mengaktifkan skemata siswa.

Guru menghubungkan gambar tersebut dengan

pengalaman siswa dan mengaitkannya dengan

materi pelajaran.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran recount text




Mengidentifikasi masalah (Mengamati)

Guru membagikan contoh teks recount dalam bentuk

pengalaman pribadi seseorang



Siswa secara individu membaca teks recount yang

diberikan oleh guru dan mengidentifikasi bagian

struktur teks yang mencirikan text recount.


Peserta didik menanyakan beberapa hal mengenai

fungsi sosail,struktur teks dan unsur

Kebahasaan yang belum dipahami atau yang ingin

diketahui dari contoh teks yang diamati.

Mengeksplorasi (mengumpulkan informasi)

Guru membagikan siswa secara random untuk

duduk secara berpasangan.

Siswa menganalisa 2 teks recount yang berbeda

dengan memperhatikan struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan yang terdapat di dalam teks secara


Siswa mengidentifikasi struktur

teks yang terdapat dalam 2 teks

Recount yang diberikan.

Mengasosiasi (menalar)

Siswa secara berpasangan membuat catatan penting

mengenai fungsi sosial yang diperoleh dari teks yang

telah dianalisa.


Siswa mempresentasikan teks yang telah mereka

analisis secara berpasangan di depan kelas.

Penutup Guru memberi kesimpulan tentang pembelajaran

hari ini.

Guru memberitahukan materi yang akan dibahas di

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru memberi salam penutup


G. Evaluasi

Teknik Penilaian

Kriteria penilaian Kinerja dan Tugas

Pencapaian fungsi sosial

Kelengkapan dan keruntutan struktur teks recount sederhana


Ketepatan unsur kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa kata, ucapan, tekanan kata,

intonasi, ejaan, dan tulisan tangan

Kesesuaian format penulisan/ penyampaian

Rubrik Penilaian Menulis Teks Recount


30 – 27 Excellent to very good: knowledgeable substantive, development of

thesis/topic, relevant to assign topic

26 – 22 Good to average: some knowledge of subject, adequate range, limited

development thesis, mostly relevant to topic but lack detail

21 – 17 Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject, little substances,

inadequate development, of topic.

16 – 13 Very poor: doesn’t show knowledge, not pertinent, or not enough to



20 – 18

Excellent to very good: fluent expression, ideas clearly

stated/supported, succinct, well organized, logical sequencing,


17 – 14 Good to average: somewhat choppy, loosely organized, but main idea

stand out, limited support, logical but incomplete sequencing.

13 - 10 Fair to poor: not fluent, ideas confused or disconnect, lacks logical

sequencing and development

9 – 7 Very poor: doesn’t communicate, no organization, or not enough to



20 – 18 Excellent to very good: sophisticated range, effective word or idiom

choice and usage, word form mastery, appropriate register.

17 – 14 Good to average: adequate range, occasional errors of word or idiom,

choice, usage, meaning confused or obscured.

13 – 10 Fair to poor: limited range, frequent errors of word or idioms, choice,

usage, meaning confused or obscured.

9 – 7 Very poor: essentially translation, little knowledge of vocabulary,

idioms, word form, or not enough to evaluate.

Language used

25 – 22

Excellent to very good: effective complex construction, few errors of

agreement, tense number, word order /function, articles, pronoun,



21 – 18

Good to average: effective but simple construction, minor problems

in simple construction, several errors of agreement , tense, word

order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions, but meaning seldom


17 – 11

Fair to poor: major problem in complex/simple construction, frequent

errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/function,

articles, pronouns, prepositions, and/or fragments, run-ons,

deletions, meaning confused, or obscured.

10 – 5

Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules,

dominated by errors, does not communicate, or not enough to



5 Excellent to very good: demonstrated mastery of conventions, few

errors spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing.

4 Good to average: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing, but meaning not obscured.

3 Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing, poor hand writing, meaning confused or obscured.


Very poor: no mastery of conventions, dominated by errors of

spelling, punctuations, capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting

illegible, or not enough to evaluate.




Name: …………………………………………

Class: ………………………………………….


Following the topic to write an essay of recount text

Pay attention to the purpose, structure, and language features of the text

Write at least three paragraphs

Topic: A wonderful day at school




Name: …………………………………………

Class: ………………………………………….


Following the topic to write an essay of recount text

Pay attention to the purpose, structure, and language features of the text

Write at least three paragraphs

Topic: The most special day in my life



Sample of Students’ Pre-test Work


Sample of Students’ Pre-test Work



Sample of Students’ Post-test Work


Sample of Students’ Post-test Work



Students’ Pre-test Scores

The control class

Student Score

Student 1 60

Student 2 45

Student 3 41

Student 4 59

Student 5 44

Student 6 64

Student 7 54

Student 8 42

Student 9 57

Student 10 35

Student 11 37

Student 12 52

Student 13 38

Student 14 39

Student 15 60

Student 16 66

Student 17 36

Student 18 42

Student 19 84

Student 20 58

Mean 50.65

The experiment class

Student Score

Student 1 60

Student 2 79

Student 3 63

Student 4 52

Student 5 60

Student 6 40

Student 7 69

Student 8 46

Student 9 61

Student 10 52

Student 11 68

Student 12 70

Student 13 83

Student 14 37

Student 15 58

Student 16 39

Student 17 52

Student 18 82

Student 19 45

Student 20 60

Mean 58.80



Students’ Post-test Scores

The control class

Student Score

Student 1 52

Student 2 80

Student 3 56

Student 4 78

Student 5 50

Student 6 64

Student 7 53

Student 8 59

Student 9 57

Student 10 45

Student 11 41

Student 12 65

Student 13 45

Student 14 45

Student 15 64

Student 16 70

Student 17 46

Student 18 48

Student 19 88

Student 20 59

Mean 58.25

The experiment class

Student Score

Student 1 68

Student 2 74

Student 3 82

Student 4 59

Student 5 73

Student 6 67

Student 7 76

Student 8 69

Student 9 76

Student 10 62

Student 11 78

Student 12 62

Student 13 83

Student 14 72

Student 15 77

Student 16 76

Student 17 56

Student 18 82

Student 19 62

Student 20 70

Mean 71.20



Students’ Gained Scores

The control class

Student Score

Student 1 -8

Student 2 35

Student 3 15

Student 4 19

Student 5 6

Student 6 0

Student 7 -1

Student 8 17

Student 9 0

Student 10 10

Student 11 4

Student 12 13

Student 13 7

Student 14 6

Student 15 4

Student 16 4

Student 17 10

Student 18 6

Student 19 4

Student 20 1

Mean 7.30

The experiment class

Student Score

Student 1 8

Student 2 -5

Student 3 19

Student 4 7

Student 5 13

Student 6 27

Student 7 7

Student 8 23

Student 9 15

Student 10 10

Student 11 10

Student 12 -8

Student 13 0

Student 14 35

Student 15 19

Student 16 37

Student 17 4

Student 18 0

Student 19 17

Student 20 10

Mean 12.40



Steps on Normality, Homogeneity, and Independent T-test

1. Preliminary Analysis

a. Normality Test

1) Formulating normality hypothesis of the data;

H0: sample data was normally distributed,

H1: sample data was not normally distributed.

2) Testing the normality of the data using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test;

a. Select Analyze => Descriptive Statistics => Explore.

b. When a window pops up, fill the variable in the Dependent List box and fill

the other variable in the Factor List.

c. Click Plots on the right side. When a new window pops out, click “none” for

boxplot, click “normality plots with test”, then unclick everything for


d. The result pops out in the “output” window.

e. We can now interpret the result.

3) With the degree of significance 5% (α = 0.05), the criteria in taking the decision

is; If the probability value (p) ≥ α, H0 was accepted. On the contrary, H0 was

rejected if the probability value (p) < α.

b. Homogeneity Test

1) Creating homogeneity hypothesis of the data;

H0: sample data came from population which had homogenous variance

H1: sample data came from population which did not have homogenous


2) Calculating the homogeneity test using Levene test:

a. Click Analyze => Compare Means => One-Way ANOVA on menu until One-

Way ANOVA dialogue box appears

b. Fill variable on Dependent List and fill another variable on Factor box


c. Click Option and choose Descriptive and Homogeneity of variance test

d. Click Continue until it comes back to One-Way ANOVA dialogue box

e. Click OK

3) Forming significance level/probability value (p) using significance degree 5% (α

= 0.05), the criteria in taking the decision is; If the probability value (p) ≥ (α =

0.05), H0 is accepted. Conversely, H0 is rejected if the probability value (p) <

(α = 0.05).

2. Independent T-test

a. Click Analyze - Compare Means – Independent Sample T Test…

b. “Independent – sample T Test” pops out, then insert the variables to grouping

variables box.

c. Click Define Grouping, move variables to each box and continue.

d. Click options, then fill on confidence interval percentage with 95% then click


e. Click OK and the result will come.