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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements to Obtain Undergraduate

(SI) Degree at English Education Program Faculty of Education and Teacher













Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin. The researcher express her highest

gratitude to the almighty Allah swt, who has given her blessing, mercy, health,

and inspiration to complete this thesis. Salam and Shalawat are due to the highly

chosen Prophet Muhammad saw., her families and followers until the end of the


The researcher also considers that in writing this thesis, many people have

also contributed their valuable guidance, assistance, and advices for her

completion of this thesis. They are:

My beloved Parents, my beloved Father Drs.M. Taufik and my beloved

mother Samiah who always give me everlasting love, guidance,

motivation, always praying for me and supporting me to finish this thesis

and to be successful in the future.

My beloved Brothers, Muhammad Ikram is my old brother, the second

brother Nursal and my young brother Dhia Ul Islami who always give me

motivation, always supporting me to finish this thesis.

My first advisor Mahyuzar Rahman, S.Ag, M.Ag and My second Advisor

Netty Zurneli S.Pd, M.Pd who guided me, advised me and supported me to

finish this thesis.

My Close friends Cici Fitriana, Devita Putri, Almi Khotimah, Fitiani, and

Rizka Amanda Special thanks for you all who always guidance, always

besides me when happiness, sadness and all condition.

All of my beloved classmate PBI A, I thank them for the spirit, motivation

and togetherness thanks for your sharing and participant.

All of my lecturer who teach me since i don‟t know anything till i



All of the people around the researcher‟s life whom could not mention one

by one by researcher who has given a big inspiration, motivation, spirit,

do‟a for her.

The researcher realizes that the writing of this thesis is far from

perfect. Remaining errors are the researcher‟s own; therefore, constructive

criticisms and suggestions will be highly appreciated. May all the efforts

are blessed by Allah SWT., Aameen.



إلا ٱلله وٱلزسخون فى ٱلعلم يقولون ءامنا وما يعلم تأويلهۥ

بهۦ كل من عند ربنا وما يذكز إلا أولوا ٱلألبب

“And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah. But, those firm in

knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be

reminded except those of understanding”(Q.S Ali Amran : 7)



Alhamdulillah, firstly, the researcher expresses to Allah SWT the

greatest gratefulness for all the blessing and chances given so that I could finally

finish this thesis as one of the requirements to get undergraduate degree (S.1).

secondly, sholawat and salam always be given to my prophet Muhammad SAW.

The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been completed

without the help, advice and guidance frommany people. Therefore, in this

opportunity the researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude the

following paties and their contribution:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA., as the Rector of the State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Armida, M. Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd. as The Vice of Academic Affair Dean Faculty

of Education and Teacher Training, Dr. ZawaqiAfdhal Jamil, M. Pd.Ias The

Vice of General Administration Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training, and Dr. H. Kemas Imron Rosadi, M. Pd.,as The Vice of Students

Affair Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

4. Amalia Nurhasanah, M. Hum as the Chairwoman of English Education


5. Mahyuzar Rahman M.Pd my first advisor, thank you for your guidance

6. Netty Zurneli S.Pd, M.Pd my second advisor, thank you for your guidance.

7. All lecturer of the English Department for teaching precious knowledge,

sharing philosophy of live and giving wonderful experience.

8. The headmaster and all of teacher in MAN 1 Kota Jambi, thank you for your


It is expected that this thesis will give contribution to the Students of

English Education Program especially in learning process. Then, the

researcher realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect.




Nama : Akramah

Program Studi : Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Pengaruh Teknik Penyelesaian Cerita pada Keterampilan

Berbicara Siswa di Kelas X MAN 1 Kota Jambi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan teknik

penyelesaian cerita dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa pada siswa

kelas dua MAN 1 Kota Jambi. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah Teknik

Penyelesaian Cerita dan variabel terikatnya adalah keterampilan berbicara siswa.

Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif, dengan desain quasi


Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas I MAN 1 Kota Jambi yang

terdiri dari 117 siswa. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 42 siswa diambil dengan

menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, 21 siswa dari X IPA2 sebagai kelas

eksperimen dan 21 siswa dari X IPA 1 sebagai kelas kontrol.

Peneliti telah mengumpulkan data dengan tes. Tes digunakan dalam

pretest dan post-test. Untuk menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan analisis

statistic. Itu berfungsi untuk menghitung skor, hasil tes. Data menunjukkan

bahwa, ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pre-test dan post-test siswa di kelas

eksperimen dan pretest dan post-test di kelas kontrol. Nilai rata-rata pre-tes siswa

dari kelompok eksperimen adalah (3,03) dengan standar deviasi (0,55) dan skor

rata-rata pada post-tes adalah (3,61) dengan standar deviasi adalah (0,57) di kelas

eksperimen lebih tinggi dari skor rata-rata pre-test (2,93) dengan standar deviasi

adalah (0,54) dan skor rata-rata post-test adalah (3,16) dengan standar deviasi

adalah (0,30). Dari uji-t, peneliti menemukan bahwa, nilai uji (4,64) lebih tinggi

dari t-tabel (2,093) pada tingkat signifikan 0,05 dengan derajat kebebasan (df) =


Berdasarkan hasil uji-t juga menunjukkan bahwa, adanya significant

dalam penggunaan penyelesaian cerita sebagai teknik dalam pengajaran

kemampuan berbicara pada siswa karena uji-t, 4.64 , lebih tinggi dari t-tabel,


2,093 (4,64>2,093) . Berdasarkan temuan dan diskusi penelitian, dapat

disimpulkan bahwa, penggunaan penyelesaian cerita efektif untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan berbicara siswa pada siswa tahun kedua di MAN 1 Kota Jambi.

Kata Kunci : Teknik Penyelesaian Cerita, Keterampilan Berbicara



Name : Akramah

Study Program : English Education Program

Title :The Effect of Story Completion Technique on Students Speaking

Skill at the Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kota Jambi

This research aimed to determine the use of story completion technique in

improving students‟ speaking skill at the second grade students of MAN 1 Kota

Jambi. The independent variable of this research was Story Completion Technique

and the dependent variable was students‟ speaking skill. This research use

quantitative research, with the quasi experimental design.

The population of this research was the tenth grade students of MAN 1 Kota

Jambi which consist of 117 students. The sample of the research consisted of 42

students which were taken by using purposive sampling technique, 21 students

from X IPA 2 as experimental class and 21 students from X IPA 1 as control


The researcher was collect the data by test, the test by used in pre-test and

post-test. To analyze the data, the researcher used statistical analysis. It works to

count scoring, the result of the test. The data indicated that, there was a

significant difference between the students‟ pre-test and post-test in the

experimental class and pretest and post-test in the control class. The mean score of

the students‟ pre-test of experimental group was (3,03) with standard deviation

was (0,55) and the mean score on the post-test was (3,61) with standard deviation

was (0,57) in the experimental class was higher than mean score of pre-test (2,93)

with standard deviation was (0,54) and the mean score of the post-test was (3,16)

with standard deviation was (0,30). From the t-test, the researcher found that, the

value of the t-test (4.64) was higher than the t-table (2.093) at the level of

significant 0.05 with degree of freedom (df) = 19.

Based on the result of the t-test also shown that, there was a significant of the

use Story Completion as technique in teaching speaking skill on students because


the t-test, 4.64 was higher than t-table, 2.093 (4.64> 2.093). Based on the finding

and discussion of the research, it can be concluded that, the use of story

completion is effective to improve the students‟ speaking skill in the second year

students at MAN 1 Kota Jambi.

Keywords : Story Completion Technique, Speaking Skill



TITLE COVER ........................................................................................... i

PAGE TITLE .............................................................................................. ii

OFFICIAL NOTE ....................................................................................... iii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ........................................................ iv

DEDICATION ............................................................................................. v

MOTTO ....................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... viii

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................... x

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. xii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ xiv

LIST OF TABLE......................................................................................... xvii

LIST OF APPENDICES............................................................................. xviii


A. Background of the Study .............................................................................. 1

B. Identification of the Problem ....................................................................... 3

C. Limitation of the Study 3

D. Formulation of the Study ............................................................................ 4

E. Objectives of the Research ................................................................... ...... 4

F. The Significance of the Research ......................................................... ...... 4


A. The Concept of Speaking ............................................................................ 6

1. Definition of Speaking .......................................................................... 6

2. The purpose of Speaking ....................................................................... 8

3. Kinds of Speaking ................................................................................. 8

4. The Element of Speaking ...................................................................... 9

5. Principle of Teaching Speaking .......................................................... 11

6. The Characteristic Successful of Speaking ......................................... 12


B. The concept of Story Completion Technique ........................................... 12

1. Definition of Story Completion .......................................................... 12

2. Benefits of Story Completion.............................................................. 13

3. Procedures of Story Completion Technique ....................................... 14

4. Steps of Story Completion Technique ................................................ 15

C. Descriptive text ......................................................................................... 15

1. Definition Descriptive text .................................................................. 15

2. Generic of structure descriptive text ................................................... 16

D. Some Previous Related Research Findings ............................................... 18

E. Hypothesis ................................................................................................. 19


A. Setting of the Research.............................................................................. 20

B. Research Variables .................................................................................... 20

C. Research Design ........................................................................................ 20

D. Population and Sample of the Study ......................................................... 21

E. Research Instrument .................................................................................. 22

F. The Validity and Reliability test ............................................................... 22

G. The Data Collecting Technique ................................................................ 24

H. Technique of Data Analysis ...................................................................... 25


A. Findings ..................................................................................................... 31

B. Discussion ................................................................................................ 38


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 40

B. Suggestions ................................................................................................ 40

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 42








Table 1.1 The Research Design .......................................................................... 21

Table 1.2 The number of population of research ................................................ 21

Table 2.1 Specification of Speaking test ............................................................. 26

Table 2.2 Rating scale of students‟ score ............................................................ 27

Table 3.1 Number of Students in Experimental and control class ...................... 31

Table 4.1 The distribution of frequency and percentage score of Experiment class

in pre-test ............................................................................................................. 32

Table 4.2 The distribution of frequency and percentage score of Experiment class

in post-test ........................................................................................................... 32

Table 5.1 The distribution of frequency and percentage score of Control class in

pre-test ................................................................................................................. 33

Table 5.2 The distribution frequency and percentage score of Control class in

post-test ...............................................................................................................34

Table 6.1 Normality Pre-test Experimental and Control Class ...........................34

Table 6.2 Normality Post-test Experimental and Control Class .........................35

Table 7.1 The mean score and standard deviation Experimental and Control class

in pre-test and Post-test ......................................................................................36

Table 7.2 Distribution the value t-test and t-table ...............................................37



Appendix 1 : Students‟ Score from rater 1 and 2 ........................................... 45

Appendix 2 : Frequency distribution table and normality test ....................... 49

Appendix 3 : Homogenity test ....................................................................... 57

Appendix 4 : The calculating mean score and standard deviation ................ 54

Appendix 5 : Hypothesis T-test...................................................................... 62

Appendix 6 : Lsson Plan in Experimental Class ............................................ 64

Appendix 7 : Lesson Plan in Control Class ................................................... 79

Appendix 8 : Syllabus Curriculum 2013 ........................................................ 92

Appendix 9 : Speaking Test ........................................................................ 112

Appendix 10 : Research Instrument ............................................................... 116

Appendix 11 : Documentation ....................................................................... 117




A. Background of the Research

Speaking is one of the important skill in language because speaking is an

activity used by the people to communicate with other. According to Irawati

(2015, p.45) there are life skills that can be improved through education or

teaching and learning process. One of them is speaking skill, this communication

skill makes human succeed to compete in their social life. Speaking is seen as

the central skill. The desire to communicate with others, often face to face and

real time, drives us to attempt to speak fluently and correctly. In the learning

process speaking is one of the skill that student have to do. Therefore

communication or speaking is the goal of English language teaching is to

develop student ability in using English.

According to Fauziati (2010, p.15) speaking is the single most important

aspect of learning a second or foreign language and success is measure in term of

ability to carry out a conversation in the language” It has been observed that

Learners do not get any chance either in the class room or outside to speak

English.. There is also lack of exposure to authentic English language

environments that allow them to use English for communication and expression.

Learning to speak also demands a lot of practice and attention. They often

stammer when speaking English. Furthermore, learners are not exposed to the

cultures of the native English speakers. As a result second language learners at

higher secondary level are poor in speaking skill

There are two factors that increase students‟ speaking skill, those are internal

and external factors. Internal factors comes from the students‟, such as

motivation, confident as well as background knowledge. In external factors

comes from the teacher, such as method and environment. Up to now, most of

the students still have difficulties in learning speaking. They always think

speaking English is hard work and not enjoyable. So that, when the teachers ask

them for practicing speaking in the class, they did not brave enough to speak up,


the class, they did not brave enough to speak up especially in front of the class.

Sometimes, they also feel anxious and less confident about their speaking,

pronunciation, or grammar.

Among those skills, speaking is an important skill that should be mastered by

the students in learning a language. Speaking is different from other language

skills, because it requires more power when it is performed publicly. Through

speaking, people can express and deliver feelings and ideas directly. They make

speaking more natural than other forms of communication. However, to speak

fluently is not easy because someone who wants to speak should be able to make

people understand to what he/she talks about.

The research focuses on speaking because it is very crucial for the students.

They must practice hard to be able to speak communicatively. The teacher

should create a good atmosphere in class to motivate the students.

Based on the researchers‟ preliminary observation to the English teacher of

MAN 1 Kota Jambi, she found that there were some difficulties in teaching

speaking. First, the students were still facing the difficulties to speak fluently

and they were afraid of speaking English in front of class. They also worried to

make mistakes in grammar, and they suddenly stopped speaking due to lack of

vocabulary. Second, the teachers used limited number of techniques to teach

students speaking especially in teaching narrative text.

To cope with the problem, the researcher recommends a technique to teach

speaking that is story completion. Story completion technique is an interesting

technique that is introduced firstly by Hayriye Kayi (2006). In this technique, the

students in a group are asked to continue the story which is told by the previous

speaker based on their own creativity and imagination. The teacher begins the

story that must be continued. This tehnique also can make the students do not

feel bored, but they can enjoy the process of teaching and learning.

Story Completion is free-speaking activity for which students sit in a circle

for this activity, a teacher starts to tell story, but after a few sentences he or she

stops narrating. Then, each student starts to narrate from the point where the

previous one stopped. Each student is supposed to add from four to ten


sentences. Students can add new characters, events, description and so on.

student in the groups has a different idea about the story. They become creative

to produce their own story. The technique can make them able to speak one by


Each technique has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of using

story completion technique in teaching speaking is the students can make their

own story. From all advantages, there are also disadvantages found in story

completion technique. One of the disadvantages is that students need many

vocabularies to tell story. Another disadvantage is for the teacher. Teacher

should prepare stories which agree with the students‟ age, ability, and


Based on the explanation above, the researcher would like to make a research

that is entitled “The Effect of Story Completion Technique on Students’

Speaking Skill at the Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kota Jambi”

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher identifies

the problem as follows:

1. The students‟ speaking skill in English is still low.

2. The students are shy and afraid of making mistakes in speaking.

3. Students had low motivation to improve their speaking skill because of

the lack of stimulation.

4. The students were bored to study English because the teacher did not

use an interesting technique and monotonous.

C. Limitation of the Study

In this research, the researcher focuses on the study on story completion

technique in speaking skill at the Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kota Jambi by

using story completion technique.


D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the explanation above, this research is aimed to answer the

following problems:

1. Is there significant effect of the use of story completion technique on

students‟ speaking skill for the Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kota Jambi?

2. Is there any significant difference the student‟s speaking performance

between experimental group and control group?

E. The Purpose of the Research

Generally, the purpose of this research is to increase the students‟

achievement in speaking skill. The purposes of this research are to get

information about:

1. Identifiying the improvement of students‟ speaking skill for the Tenth

Grade of Islamic Senior High School Jambi.

2. To find whether there is the result of story completion technique on

students‟ speaking skill and those who are not.

F. The Significance of the Research

This research is hoped that will be useful for the teachers, students, and

researchers. It is conducted in order to give theoretical and practical benefits.

1. Theoretically

a. The research‟s finding can be used to enrich the technique in teaching

speaking by using story completion technique.

b. To give information and knowledge in teaching speaking skill by

using story completion technique.

2. Practically

a. For the students

1) The students are motivated to learn English.

2) The students will be able to share their ideas and thought through

story completion technique.


b. For the teacher

1) The result can become an input to determine the steps and

technique in teaching speaking by using story completion


2) To give an important technique by using story completion to add

the quality of teaching speaking in the classroom.

c. For the writer

1) The writer can study and get more information to identify the

problem in students‟ speaking ability.

2) The writer will get new experience and knowledge for the future

in his life because of his research.




A. The concept of Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is known as oral skill that plays necessary role in human interaction

and communication. Learning to speaking is considered more difficult by students

than learning to understand the spoken language. Speaking ability is important

process of language leaning. When the people communicate their ideas, minds and

feeling to the other to deal so far with the concept of oral skills.

Speaking is one of the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and

speaking). It is the means through which learners can communicate with others to

achieve certain goals or to express their opinions, intentions, hopes and

viewpoints. In addition, people who know a language are referred to as „speakers‟

of that language. Furthermore, in almost any setting, speaking is the most

frequently used language skill. According to Henry Guntur Tarigan (2008, p.3),

speaking is a language skill that develops in a child‟s life which is only preceded

by listening skills, and at that time is the ability to speak be learned. Speaking has

usually been compared to writing, both being considered "productive skills", as

opposed to the "receptive skills" of reading and listening. Speaking also is closely

related to listening as two interrelated ways of accomplishing communication.

(Haryadi and Zamzani, 2000: 72) stated that generally speaking can be interpreted

as conveying one‟s intentions (ideas, thoughts, contents) to others by using spoken

language so that those intentions can be understood by others. Speaking can also

serve one of two main functions: transactional (transfer of information) and

interactional (maintenance of social relationships).


There are some definitions given by linguists and in the following :

1) Widdowson (1978:58) “speaking is active or productive and makes use of the

aural medium. If people think of speaking in term of use, however, the situation

was rather different. To begin with an act of communication through speaking

was commonly performed in face to face interaction and occurs as part of

dialogue or other form of verbal exchange”.

2) Byrne in Muhtar (1988:8) says that, oral communication is a process between

speakers and listeners, involving the productive skill of speaking and the

receptive skill of understanding. Both the speakers and the listeners have

positive function to perform. The speakers has encode the message to be

conveyed and appropriate language while the listeners (no less actively has to

decode or interpret) the massage.

3) Brown (2001:267) speaking is an interactive process of constructing that

involves producing and receiving information, its forms and meaning are

dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the participants

themselves, their collective experiences, the physical environment , and the

purposes for speaking, it is often spontaneous, open-ended an involving.

4) Bahar (2013:3) speaking is the act of saying something orally in which the act is

built by a language system containing grammar, vocabulary, pronunciations as

well as cultural awareness in a spoken discourse.

5) Fulcher (2003:23) Speaking is the verbal of language to communicate with

others. Its function is to convey message which lies in structure and meaning of

all languages, whether it is written or spoken.

6) Another definition is from Harmer (1991) who states that, when two people

talked to each other, it means that, speaker makes a define decision to address

someone. Speaking forced on him in some way probably but still can that they

want or intend to speak or he will keep silent. He has some communicative

purposes namely speaker say things because they want something to happen of

what they say. He select from his language store. The teacher has an alternative


capacity to create new sentence if he is a native speaker. Therefore, in formal

environment between teachers and students have to always interact to make

communication. Because in the fact, most of our daily communication remain

interactional. It can interest in language was essential.

Therefore, language instruction should provide learners with opportunities

for meaningful communicative behavior about relevant topic by using

interaction as the key to teach language for communication because

communication derives essentially from interaction.

2. The Purpose of Speaking

According to Tarigan (2008:16), the main purpose of speaking is to

communicate, Tarigan (2008:8) asserts that humans as social groups are the

first and most important action is social action, an act of exchanging

experiences right. Expressing each other and exchanging experiences,

expressing one another and accepting thoughts, expressing feelings to each

other or expressing each other, and degree on a position or belief.

Communication brings individuals into groups by classifying general concepts.

3. Kinds of Speaking

Speaking is commonly divided into two kinds. Manser in Juniati (2014) points

out kinds of speaking. They are speaking performance and speaking competency.

a. Speaking performance

Performance is the person‟s process or manner of play. Therefore, people

may concluded that, speaking performance is the doing of speaking. It

involves the way where someone communicates the formations,ideas and

opinions to other one.

Brown (2001:271) proposes six types of classroom speaking

performance: imitative, intensive, responsive, transactional dialogue,

interpersonal dialogue, and extensive or monologue. In imitative, instead of

carrying out meaningful conversations, students are drilled to focus on some


particular elements of language forms in a controlled activity. For example,

they practice intonation patterns, pronounce words correctly, or try to point

out a certain vowel sound accurately. Intensive speaking is more complex

than imitative. It includes any speaking performances that are designated to

practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language. Responsive

speaking deals with short replies to teacher‟s or students‟ questions and

comments. These replies are usually sufficient and do not extend into

dialogues. The extended responsive speaking is dialogues which are classified

into transactional and interpersonal dialogues. In transactional dialogue,

students convey or exchange specific information. Unlike transactional

dialogues, interpersonal dialogues are carried out to maintain social

relationship among the participants. Meanwhile, monologues usually are in

the form of oral reports, summaries, or short speeches. The registers used in

monologues are more formal and deliberative.

b. Speaking competency

Competency is having the ability, skill, and knowledge to do something.

Then through this basic definition, people may concluded that, speaking

competency is in which someone has capable, adroit and knowledge to speak


4. The Element of Speaking

In speaking, speakers are not only expected that they can speak and

communicate with others but also they must understand the elements involved

in English speaking particularly. There are some elements of speaking:

a. Pronunciation

Many students study English speaking decided that, English is difficult to

learn. Especially pronunciation, most of the student are lazy to learn it. So,

commonly when the students speak, the teacher is difficult to understand


what they are saying. It means that student have low understanding about


Pronunciation is ant or result of producing the sound speech including

articulation, vowel formation accent and style. The concept of

“pronunciation or the sound of the language” may be said to include :

1). Pitch

Pitch is a way to show the speakers mood. Most of the people

have a pitch range that normally sign of tension or emotion, for

example, the pitch of the speakers voices may change dramatically.

We often speak at a higher pitch that usual we are frightened or exited.

But, sometimes when we are tired, bored, or down our pitch may be

lower than normal.

2). Intonation

Intonation is really important in communicating in order to know

what the speakers means. Intonation tells the listeners what someone

means and how they fell about it. Indeed, to recognize the difference

between making a statement and asking a question.

3). Sound and spelling

Sound and spelling is two cases which are really needed in

speaking skill. Both of them use to help a listener accept the message

from the speaker easily.

4). Stress

Stress is the term use to describe the point in a word or phrase.

Stress is vitally important in conveying meaning of words, phrase and


b. Vocabulary

Edge (1993:27) said that vocabulary is one of important element in

speaking. Without vocabulary, learners cannot say something. The learners


can make a sentence or communicate effectively what they want to say.

Knowing a lot of words in a foreign English is very important.

c. Grammar

Harmer (2001:12) said that grammar of a language is the description

of the ways in which words can change their forms and combine into

sentence in that language.

d. Comprehensibility

According to Brown (2007,p.226), In learning English, comprehension

is an ability to perceive and process stretches of discourse, to formulate

representations the meaning sentences

e. Fluency

According to Nunan (2003,p.55), Fluency is used to measure capable

or incapable someone in using the language. Fluency is the extent to which

speakers use the language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations, or

natural pauses , false start, word search, etc.

5. Principle of Teaching Speaking

This is the important key to speak English for students. They can express

their ideas freely. In this way, the students will not easy bored and interested

in class. Bailey (2005:7) explained five principles for teaching speaking skill:

a. Recognizing the difference between learning a second language and

language learning of the international context.

b. Focusing on both fluency and accuracy.

c. Support students to have opportunity of using group work or pair work.

d. Task speaking planning by negotiation for meaning

e. Guidance and practice have designed to classroom activities that involved

in both transactional and interaction are speaking.


Principle of teaching speaking have to notice by teacher in order to make

students comfortable and motivate in learning. Teacher also have to give

students‟ opportunity to imitate and practice more talk.

The important point of speaking was something as message that one

received information from someone and message sent be verbal and non-

verbal language. However, generally people used verbal language to

communicate whether face or not.

6. The Characteristic Successful of Speaking.

Based on Ur (1996:121) said that the speaking activity is the important part

of language course, and there four characteristics for a successful speaking

activity :

a. Learner talks a lot. As much as possible, the period of the time allotted to

the activity is in fact accepted by leaner talk. This way seems obvious

about often must time is taken up by teachers‟ talk.

b. Participant is even. Classroom discussion is not dominated by minority of

talkative participants, they all get a chance to speak, and contribution is

fairly and evenly distributed.

c. Motivation is high. Learners are able to speak, because they are interested

in the topic and have something new to say about it, or because they want

to contribute to achieve task objective.

d. Language is of an acceptable level. Learners expresses themselves in

utterances that are relevant easily comprehensible to each other, and of an

acceptable level of language accuracy.

B. The concept of Story Completion Technique

1. Definition of Story completion

Story completion is one of the techniques that use to improve students

speaking skill. According to Kayi (2006) said Story completion is a very


enjoyable, whole-class, free-speaking activities for which students sit in a

circle. For this activity, a teacher starts to tell a story, but after a few sentences

he or she stops narrating. Then, each student starts to narrate from the point

where the previous one stopped. Each student is supposed to add from four to

ten sentences. Students can add new characters, events, descriptions and so


According Ghiabi (2014) this technique helps students‟ speaking skills

improving. In this type of teaching students creativity also improve; in

contrast to story retelling, in this technique students must use vocabulary of

their own. This is an open task and it is students who manage the story and try

to complete it. There are a number of ways in which story completion can

enhance intercultural understanding and communication. Stories can:

a) Allow students to explore their own cultural roots.

b) Allow students to experience diverse cultures.

c) Enable students to empathize with unfamiliar people/ places/


d) Offer insights into different traditions and values.

e) Help students understand how wisdom is common to all peoples/all


f) Offer insights into universal life experiences.

g) Help students consider new ideas.

h) Reveal differences and commonalties of cultures around the world.

2. Benefits of Story Completion.

According to Ghiabi there are benefits of story completion, such as:

a) Stories promote a feeling of well-being and relaxation.

b) Increase children's willingness to communicate thoughts and feelings.

c) Encourage active participation.

d) Increase verbal proficiency.


e) Encourage use of imagination and creativity.

f) Encourage cooperation between students.

g) And enhance listening skills.

There are some advantages of using story completion technique in

teaching speaking. According to O‟Malley and Pierce in Ghiabi (2014) said

story completion gives students an opportunity to speak at length, if they can,

without teacher interruption in an informal setting. Teacher can ask students

to tell a story as if they were telling it to someone who is not familiar with it.

According to O‟Malley and Pierce in Ghiabi (2014) said that, story/text

completion has many advantages. There is:

a) Students produces oral report

b) Can be scored on content or language components

c) Scored with rubric or rating scale

d) Can determine reading comprehension, and speaking development

Meanwhile, the disadvantages which may occur during using this

method such as;

a) The complexity of collected data may lead to an important degree of

subjectivity in data interpretation.

b) The findings of the study cannot be generalized to all population,.

c) Technique tends to be expensive and time consuming.

3. Procedures of Story Completion Technique

In the context of the study, the procedures of conducting story completion

are arranged as follows:

a. The students in a group are asked to complete the story which is

previously told by the speaker based on the part given by the teacher.

Before that, the teacher should begin the story that must be completed by


the students. It is going to be an interesting technique because every

student is motivated to speak, ignoring the error that they will make later


b. Story completion is a very enjoyable, whole-class, free-speaking activity

for which students sit in a circle. For this activity, a teacher

starts to tell a story, but after a few sentences he or she stops narrating.

Then, each student starts to narrate from the point where the previous one


c. Each student is supposed to add from four to ten sentences.

d. Students can add new characters, events, descriptions and so on.

4. Steps of Story Completion Technique

The are some steps in Story Completion activity:

a. Introduction: Teacher explains about Story Completion and tells to students

how to do it well.

b. Assessment: Teacher explains to students what aspects that teacher will

assess to students‟ performance. Teacher focus to assess the fluency and

understanding the task.

c. Preparation: Teacher and students sit in a circle.

d. Performance: Teacher starts to tell or narrate an interesting story. After

teacher telling about few sentences then one by one student continue the

story. Students start from the point one that the previous one stopped. Every

student free to tell their idea about the story, so that everybody will be very

enjoying speaking. Students free to think about the part of the story, such as

what conflict of the story, climax until resolution and the last students free to

think about the resolution of the story, so the story will complete as a good


C. Descriptive text


1. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a kind of text with purpose to give the information.

The context of this kind of text is the description of particular thing, place, and


A descriptive paragraph colorfully describes a person, place, or thing.

It allows you to imagine the way the person felt, heard, or saw the object or

location at a particular time regardless if the writer explains a real or imagined

circumstance. Additionally, a descriptive paragraph gives reader‟s vivid image

of a person, place or thing.

2. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text has two main parts; they are identification and

description that‟s called generic structure.Dominant generic structure of

descriptive text

a. Identifications

In this part introduces to the subject of the description.

b. Description

In this part give details of the characteristic features of the subject. It may

describe parts of qualities, characteristics, size, appearance, ability, habit,

and daily live, etc.

c. Languge Features of Descriptive Text

1) Focus on specipic participants

(My English teacher, Vina‟s car, My Favorite place)

2) Use a simple Present Tense

3) Vebs of being and having “Relational Processes”

(My Dad is really cool, he has black hair)

4) Use descriptive adjectives

(Strong legs, white fangs)

5) Use of thinking verb and filling verb

6) Use of Simple Past Tense if Extent


7) Use of detailed Noun Phrase to give information about the subject ( A

very beautiful scenery, a sweeet young lady, very thick fur)

8) Use the action verb „Material Process‟

(It eats grass, it runs fast)

9) Use of adverbial to give additional information about behaviour (Fast,

at tree house)

10) Use of Figurative Language

(Lia is a white as chalk)

d. The Example of Descriptive Text

3. Language features of descriptive text are:

1). Descriptive often uses adjectives, numbering, and, classifying. For

example; is really cool, it has very thick fur, etc.

2). Tense which is often used is simple present tense. However, sometimes it

uses past tense if the thing to be described doesn‟t exist anymore for

example; go, fly, cook, etc.

3). Descriptive text uses thinking verbs (believe, think, etc.) and feeling verbs


4). Descriptive text also uses adverbs to give information about character or

adjective that explained. Example; it is extremely high, it runs definitely

past, etc.

4. The purpose of descriptive text

Fink et al said that the purpose of description is to imagine the reader by

using a picture of a person, subject, or setting. It is allowed by using picture,

so that the reader can visualize it. According to Febriani the purpose of the

descriptive text is to get the reader imagine within the story to get pleasure

and Lila Fink, et al, Choices a Text for Writing and Reading, (new York:

Little, Brown and Company Limited, 1983), 41 3information.Generally, the

purpose of descriptive text is to describe something, someone, a place, animal,

or plants specifically.


D. Some Previous Related Studies

This chapter presents the literature review which deals with the previous

related research findings and pertinent ideas. Many researchers have reported their

research about speaking and story completion. Some of the findings of related

research are presented in the following section:

The first studies conducted by Arisca (2015) Improving Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery Story Completion Technique in Speaking Activity at SMPN 2 Kotagajah.

the researcher concludes that, there was a significant improvement of the students‟

vocabulary mastery from the pretest and posttest after they were taught by using

Story Completion. In this research, the highest improvements of the students‟

vocabulary mastery were in verb achievement.

The Second research was conducted by Sukma (2015) The Effect of Using

Story Completion Toward Eight Grade Student’s Speaking Ability of SMP N 1

Mumbulsari Jember in the 2014/2015 Academic Year. The researcher found that,

there was a significant effect of using story completion toward eight grade

students‟ speaking ability of SMP 1 Mumbulsari in the 2014/2015 academic year,

where the students had a great enthusiasm to learn and can make the students

easily to describing a story well on speaking skill.

Next, the research was conducted by Feri Huda (2017) entitled“ The

Effectiveness of Story Completion Technique with Speaking Notepad Software to

Teach Narrative Speaking for English Department Students”. After doing all the

necessary calculation. It is finally found out that story completion technique with

speaking notepad software produces significantly better result than story telling

technique because the mean score for story completion technique with speaking

notepad software is 74.53, which is greater than 68.22 for story telling technique.

Steps of Story Completion with Speaking Notepad Technique, the students can be

motivated to speak, ignoring the error that they will make later on and enjoy the

speaking class. Because speaking notepad is a text-to-speech program with many


interesting features, that can be of great help for the students find out the new

vocabularies, grammar, pronunciation and fluency understanding. Those are

believed can influence significantly students understanding about the speaking


The last study was conducted by Waode Hamsia (2018) entitled “Developing

Students’ Speaking Ability Through Story Completion”. The purpose of this

research to describe developing students‟ speaking ability through story

completion. Story Completion is very enjoyable in free-speaking activity where

students sit in a circle. Descriptive qualitative was applied as the method of the

research while the observation was conducted to obtain the data to answer the first

research about how are the implementation of story completion. The result showed

that the technique of story completion was successfully implemented to improve

the students‟ speaking skill. The technique can make students to encourage

themselves to speak up. They have to be brave and have enough self-confident

when they want to talk something.

By considering the previous related findings above, the researcher was

interested in The Effect of Story Completion Technique on Students’ Speaking Skill at

the Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Kota Jambi.

E. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of the research is formulated as follows:

1. Ha : There is a significant Effect of Story Completion technique on students in

speaking skill at the Eleventh Grade in Islamic Senior High School Jambi.

2. Ha : Story Completion technique can enhance the students‟ in speaking skill

at the Eleventh Grade of MAN 1 Kota Jambi.

3. Ho : There is no significant Effect of Story Completion technique on students‟

in speaking skill at the Eleventh Grade in Islamic Senior High School Jambi.


4. Ho : Story Completion technique cannot enhance the students‟ in speaking

skill at the Eleventh Grade of MAN 1 Kota Jambi.



A. Setting of the Research

This research will be conducted in MAN 1 Kota Jambi. Which is located

at Jl. KH. Hasan Anang, Muara Jambi. This research is about The Effect of

Story Completion Technique on Students‟ Speaking Skill at the Tenth Grade

of Islamic Senior High School Jambi. This research was taken X IPA 1 and X

IPA 2.

B. Research Variables

There was two variables of this experiment research. They were

Independent variable and dependent variable:

First, the independent variable was Story completion technique, which is

the by use this technique; it will be help the students to improve their ability

in English especially in speaking.


Second, the dependent variable was the students‟ speaking skill.

Dependent variable was affected by independent variable. This research

shows that, Story Completion technique affects the students‟ skill in speaking

or not.

C. Research Design

The research was conducted with Quasi Experimental Design; exactly

Nonequivalent Control Group Design that involving two groups of classes.

One group was treated as the experimental class and other group was treated

as the control class. In experimental class, the Story completion Technique

was conducted as well as post-test and pre-test and the control class was only

get the post-test and pre-test. The research design of this research is designed

by Ary, Jacob, Sorenson, and Razavieh (2010:316) that can be seen below:

Table 1.1 The Research Design

Group Pre-test Independent Variable Post-test

E Y1 X Y2

C YI - Y2

Where : E = experimental group

C = control group

Y1 = pre-test

X = treatment

- = no treatment

Y2 = post-test

D. Population and Sample

1. Population


Population was the total member of research respondents, while

sample was a part or representation of population that was researched.

The population of this research was taken from the Tenth Grade Students

of MAN 1 Kota Jambi are X IPA 1, X IPA 2, X PIS 1, X PIS 2, X PIS 3.

The total numbers of population were 117 students, consists of 5 classes.

Table 1.2 The total numbers of population of the research

No Class Number of Students‟

1 X IPA 1 21

2 X IPA 2 21

3 X PIS 1 24

4 X PIS 2 25

5 X PIS 3 26

Total 117

2. Sample

The sample of this research is the Tenth grade students of MAN 1

Kota Jambi. In this research the researcher used purposive sampling

technique as the sampling technique recommended by the English

teacher. There are two variables namely independent variable, and

dependent variable. The dependent variable is speaking skill of students,

while the independent variable is the use of story completion technique.

The use of story completion technique is accepted as the independent

variable because it can develop speaking skill. The researcher was taken

X IPA 1 consist of 21 students as experiment class and X IPA 2 consist of

21 students as the control class.


E. Research Instruments

To obtain the data, the researcher was begin the tests that consists of pre-

test and post-test. The purpose of pre test is to know how far the speaking skill

of the students before using Story Completion technique and the Purpose of

post test was to know the improvement of students‟ skill in speaking after

using Story Completion technique.

F. The Validity and Reliability Test

1. Validity of the Test

According to Arikunto, validity is a measurement which shows the

level of validity or the realism of the instrument, a valid instrument has a

high validity. On the other hand, validity is the most important idea to

consider when preparing or selecting an instrument. A test is valid if the test

measured the object to be measured and suitable for the criteria.

2. Reliability of the Test

Creswell (2012, p.159) defines reliability as the scores of the instrument is

stable or consistent. In this research, the researcher uses inter-rater

reliability. There were two raters involved in this study. One of the raters is

an English teacher, while the otherone is an English lecturer. The result of

language skill assessment has high reliability if the result precisely

represents, if the language skill assessment result is too far away different

from the true level of skill being assessed then the assessment result has low


3. Homogenity test

In quantitative research, homogeneity test is used to know whether two

groups (experimental and control class) that are taken from population have

homogeneity or not. Homogenity test is done as a requirement in analysis of


independent sample t-test. In this research, the researcher used the folowing

formula to test the homogeneity of the population variants:

Ha is accepted if Sig. < α = 0,05

H0 is accepted if Sig. > α = 0,05

Ha = The data are normally distributed

H0 = The data are not normally distributed

4. Normality Test

According to Susetyo (2010:137), Normality test was to determine

whether the data from population normally or not. This test was purpose for

ensuring the distribution of data which were accomplished from the

population had normal distribution or not. Normality test used is the Liliefors

test. The criteria of the testing follow:

1) If the value (p) > significant (α=0,05) it means Ha was accepted and H0

was rejected (normal distribution).

2) If the value (p) < significant (α=0,05) it means Ha was rejected and H0

was accepted (not normal distribution).

5. T-Test

T-test is used to look any significant effect and different between

experimental class and control class. Standart significant of the successful test

is 0.05 between pretest and post-test or experimental class and control class

(AnasSudijono, 2009:346). This reserach used test, with paired sample t-test

and independent sample t-test. Paired sample t-test is used to see whether or

not there is significant effect to students‟ speaking skill before and after the

treatment. The independent sample t-test is used to compare the means of one

variable for two groups of cases.

In analyzing the data If t-test value is higher than t-table at the level of

significance α 0.05, it means that, (H1) was accepted and (H0) was rejected. In

contrary, if the t-table was higher than t-test, it means that (H1) was rejected


and (H0) was accepted. While the result of independent sample test showed

that if t-test was higher than t-table. It means that H1 was accepted and H0 was


G. The Data Collecting Technique

The researcher was collect the data by test (pre-test and post-test)

1. Pre-test

To collect the data, the researcher was administer a pre-test to both

classes. It was tested to the students. The Pre-test was intended to know the

prior knowledge of the students on speaking skill before giving the treatment.

The pre-test was given to students before giving them treatments. In this part,

the researcher asked the students about the descriptive text story in Appendix

10. After that, one by one of students tells their own story about the

descriptive text. Then, the researcher assessed the skill of the students.

2. Treatment

a. The way the researcher improves the students‟ speaking skill is treatment

by using Story Completion technique. After giving the Pre-test, the

researcher was conducted the treatment by using Story Completion

technique; it was used in experimental class only, while in the control

class was not. The treatment was gave for at least six meetings. The

procedures of treatment in experimental class, as follows: The

researcher introduces herself.

b. The researcher introduces the introduction materials to the class.

c. The researcher explained about the materials

d. The researcher divides the students into 4-5 groups

e. The researcher explained Story Completion technique.

f. The researcher gave explanation how to do Story Completion technique

in learning process.

g. The researcher tell the title of the story


h. The researcher ask the every groups to complete the story

i. The researchers tell the first sentence about the story and continue by the

students. Every student‟s in the groups have a chance to speak 2-3


j. The researcher never forgets to motivate the students by given positive

feedback and support them to believe that they can do well.

3. Post-test

After the treatment, the post-test was used after giving treatment to the

students. The test was same with the pre-test before. She asked the students

to tell about the descriptive text in Appendix 10. Then, the score of the

students‟ post-test was obtained. In this post-test, the researcher was saw the

effect of the students after giving treatment.

H. Technique of Data Analisis

This research would be analyzed by using statistical analysis, The

following table is the scale of oral testing criteria in assessing the students‟

speaking skill that was applied in this research, the researcher could assess the

students speaking skill by using some criteria and elements aspect which be

standardization on speaking assessment form (Brown, 2004: 172-173) as


Table 2.1 Tables of Specification of Speaking Test

Aspects score Qualifications

Pronunciation 5 If speech is fluent and effortless as that of native speaker






Denote that if it is always intelligible though one is conscious

of a definate accent

Refers to pronunciation problem necessitate concentrated

listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding.

Indicate that it is very hard to understand because of

pronunciation problem most frequently asked to repeat.

Shows that pronunciation problem so serve as to make

conversation unintelligible.

Grammar 5





Make few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order.

Occasionally makes grammatical and/or word order errors

which do not, however, obscure meaning.

Make frequent errors of grammar or order, which obscure


Grammar and word order make comprehension difficult must

often rephrase sentence and/or restrict him to basic pattern.

Errors in grammar and word order to reserve as to make speech

virtually unintelligible.

Vocabulary 5





The use of vocabulary and idiom virtually that is of native


Indicates that sometimes a student uses inappropriate terms and

or must rephrase ideas because inadequate vocabulary.

Refers to using frequently the wrong word, conversation

somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary.

Denotes that misutilizing of word and very limited vocabulary

make conversation quite difficult.

Means that vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make

conversation virtually impossible.


Comprehensibility 5





Appear to comprehend everything without difficulty.

Comprehend nearly everything at normal speed although

occasionally repetition may be necessary.

Comprehend most of what is said at lower than normal speed

with repetition.

Has great difficulty following what is said.

Cannot be said comprehend even simple conversation in English.







If that speech is fluent and effortless as that native speaker.

Refers to speech speed rather strongly affected by language


Refers to that speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by

language problem.

Means that a student usually doubt and often forces into silence

by language problem

Means that speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

(Source : Heaton, J.B 1991)

Table 2.2 Rating scale of students score

Rating Skill to communicate orally

5.01-6.00 Excellent

4.01-5.00 Very good

3.01-4.00 Good

2.01-3.00 Average

1.01-2.00 Poor

0.00-1.00 Very Poor


(Source: Heaton, J.B.1991).

Scoring the student achievement:

To calculate the mean score of the students‟ answer of pre-test and post-test, the

researcher was used the formula as follow:


x = mean score

Σx = sum of all scores

N = total score

The formula used in calculating the standard deviation is:


(∑ )


SD = standard deviation

SS = the sum of square

N = total number of the subjects

Σx2 = the sum of all square; each score is squared and all the squares are added


(Σx)2 = the square of the sum; all the scores are added up and the sum is square,



The formula will be used in finding out the difference between students‟ score in

Pre-Test and in Post-Test is:


) (



t = test of significance

x 1 = mean score of experimental group

x 2= mean score of controlled group

SS1 = sum square of experimental group

SS2 = sum square of controlled group

n1 = number of students of experimental group

n2 = number of students of controlled group


I. Schedule of the Research

No Activities


February March April May July August

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Proposal

Arrangement √ √

2 Consultation

of proposal √ √ √ √

3 Acc Seminar √

4 Seminar √

5 Research

Improvement √

6 Collecting

the data √ √ √ √

7 Writing

thesis √ √ √ √

√ √

8 Thesis





This chapter dealed with the findings of the research and the discussions of

the findings. The findings were in line with the problem statements that stated in the

introduction part. The findings of the research present the description of the result

of data collected through speaking test. In the discussions section, the researcher

described further explanation of the findings given.

Moreover, This chapter, the researcher analyzed the data that obtained from

the students‟ pre-test and post-test. The data consisted of the result of the pre-test and

post-test. The pre-test was intended to know the students‟ speaking skill before giving

treatments, while the post-test was intended to find out whether there was any

improvement or not of the students‟ speaking skill after having several treatments

through story completion technique.

A. Findings

1. The total of number on students in Experimental and Control Class on

English subject.

Table 3.1 Number of students in Expereimental and control class


NO Variable Students Total

Female Male

1 Experimental 13 8 21

2 Control 16 5 21

Total 42

Based on the table above, show that in the experimental class have 13

female and 8 male . While in the Control class have 16 female students and 7

male students.

2. The Classification of Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores in

Experimental Class

Based on the findings of the research, dealed with the rate percentage

of the students‟ score obtained through test, mean score, standard deviation,

and test of significance.

Table 4.1

The distribution of frequency and percentage score of

experiment class score in pre-test

No Score Classification Frequency Percentage

1 5.01-6.00 Excellent 0 0%

2 4.01-5.00 Very good 0 0%

3 3.01-4.00 Good 11 52,38%

4 2.01-3.00 Average 8 38,09%

5 1.01-2.00 Poor 2 9,52%

6 0.00-1.00 Very Poor 0 0%

Total 21 100%


Table 4.1 above showed that, the rate percentage of score of experiment class

in pre-test from 21 students, none of students achieved excellent score, none of

students achieved very good score, 11 (52,38%) students achieved good score, 8

(38,09%) students achieved average score, 2 (9,52%) students achieved poor score,

and none of students achieved very poor score.

Table 4.2

The distribution of frequency and percentage of

Experiment class score in post-test

No Score Classification Frequency Percentage

1 5.01-6.00 Excellent 0 0%

2 4.01-5.00 Very good 3 14,28%

3 3.01-4.00 Good 16 76,19%

4 2.01-3.00 Average 2 9,52%

5 1.01-2.00 Poor 0 0%

6 0.00-1.00 Very Poor 0 0%

Total 21 100%

While, the rate percentage of score of experiment class in post-test from 21

students at table 4.2 showed that, none of the students achieved excellent. 3 (14,28%)

students achieved very good score, 16 (76,16%) students achieved good score, and 2

(9,52%) student achieved average score.

It meant that, the score and percentages of experiment class in the post-test

were better than in pre-test because in the rate percentage in the post-test was higher

than the percentage in pre-test.

3. The Classification of Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores in Control



The following table showed that, the distribution of frequency and percentage

of final score of teaching speaking skill at the second grade students of

MAN 1 Kota Jambi in pre-test and post-test for control class.

Table 5.1

The distribution of frequency and percentage score of

Control class score in pre-test

No Score Classification Frequency Percentage

1 5.01-6.00 Excellent 0 0%

2 4.01-5.00 Very good 0 0%

3 3.01-4.00 Good 10 47,61%

4 2.01-3.00 Average 7 33,33%

5 1.01-2.00 Poor 4 19,04%

6 0.00-1.00 Very Poor 0 0%

Total 21 100%

Table 5.1 above showed that, the rate percentage and frequency of the

students‟ control class in pre-test, none of the students got excellent score, none of

students got very good score. There was 10 (47,61%) students got good score, 7

(33,33%) students got average score, 4 (19,04%) students got poor score, and there

was none students got very poor score.

Table 5.2

The distribution of frequency and percentage score of

Control class score in Post-test

No Score Classification Frequency Percentage

1 5.01-6.00 Excellent 0 0%

2 4.01-5.00 Very good 0 0%

3 3.01-4.00 Good 10 47,61%

4 2.01-3.00 Average 11 52,38%


5 1.01-2.00 Poor 0 0%

6 0.00-1.00 Very Poor 0 0%

Total 21 100%

Table 5.2 showed that, in post-test, there were 10 (23,80%) students got good

score. There were 11 (52,38%) students got average scor.

Based on the result above, it can be concluded that, the rate percentage in the

post-test was different in the rate percentage in pre-test.

4. Analysis Data

1. Normality Test of Pre-test

The writer tested normality test after she got score of students‟ Speaking

Skill in experimental and control class (Pre-test and Post-test). The normality

test was employed by using Lilliefors test.

Table 6.1 Normality Pre-test Experimental and Control class

Variable L count L Table

Experimental Class 0.721 0.188

Control Class 0.291 0.188

Based on table above Lcount of pre-test experimental was 0.721 and contol

class was 0.291.Then, Ltable of Pre-test experimental and control class was

0.188. The result in pre-test of experimental and control class Lcount > Ltable. It

can be said that the pre-test data of experimental and control class were

normally distributed.

2. Normality Test of Post-test


The writer tested normality test after she got score of students‟ Speaking

Skill in experimental and control class (Pre-test and Post-test). The normality

test was employed by using Lilliefors test.

Table 6.2 Normality Post-test Experimental and Control class

Variable L count L Table

Experimental Class 0.750 0.188

Control Class 0.221 0.188

Based on table above Lcountof pre-test experimental was 0.721 and contol

class was 0.291.Then, Ltable of Pre-test experimental and control class was

0.188. The result in pre-test of experimental and control class Lcount > Ltable. It

can be said that the pre-test data of experimental and control class were

normally distributed.

5. Homogeneity

The writer tested homogeneity test after she got score of students‟ Speaking

Skill in experimental and control class.

1. Homogenetictest (Post-test Experimental and Control class)

From the calculation above obtained F count 1.86 and from the distribution

list graph with the formula df1=K-1=( 2-1)=1, df2= N-K=(21-2)=19. The

denominator dk=19. and α=0.05 and F table= 2.74. it appeared that the F count<

F table : F table in Excel. 1.86<2.74. this means that the X and Y variable data

were homogenous.

2. Homogenetictest (Pre-test Experimental and Control class)


From the calculation above obtained F count 1.01 and from the

distribution list graph with the formula df1=K-1=( 2-1)=1, df2= N-K=(21-2)=19.

The denominator dk=19. and α=0.05 and F table= 2.74. it appears that the F

count< F table : F table in Excel. 1.01<2.74. it meant that the X and Y variable

data were homogenous.

6. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Experimental Class and

Controlled Class

After calculating the result of the students score, the mean score standard

deviation or both classes be presented the following table:

Table 7.1

The mean score and standard deviation of experimental class

and controlled class in pre-test and post-test

Class Pretest Post test

Mean Score Standard


Mean Score Standard


Experimental 3,04 0,55 3,61 0,57

Control 2,93 0,55 3,16 0,30

The table above showed that, the mean score of experiment class in pretest

was (3,04) and the standard deviation of experiment class was (0,55), and the mean

score of control class in pre-test was (2,93) and the standard deviation of control was

(0,55). While the mean score of experiment class in post-test was (3,61) and the

standard deviation of experimental class was (0,57), and the mean score of controlled

class in post-test was (3,16) and its standard deviation was (0,30). It can be concluded


from both of the tests; the experiment class gained greater mean score in the post test

than the control group.

The significant score between experiment and control class can be known by

using t-test. The result of t-test can be seen in table 7.2 as follows:

Table 7.2

Distribution the value of t-test and t-table

Variable t-test value t-table value

Paired Sampel Test 4,64 2,093

Independent Sample Test 4,5 2,093

Table 7.2 above indicates that, the value of the t-test was higher than the value

of the t-table. It indicated that, there was a significant difference between the result of

the students‟ pre-test and post-test.

The statistical analysis from the result of the students‟ speaking skill test of

this research showed that, the students‟ speaking skill before doing treatment through

applying Story Completion was still low. It was proved by the result of pre-test

before treatments that, there were 11 (52,38%) students achieved good score, 8

(38,09%) students achieved average score, 2 (9,52%) students achieved poor score.

On the contrary to the result of the students‟ pre-test before, there was a

significance improvement on the post-test where there were the students achieved 3

(14,28%) students achieved very good score, 16 (76,16%) students achieved good

score, and 2 (9,52%) student achieved average score.

Based on the table of distribution, the result of paired sample test was value of

t-test and t-table in Experimental class previously, the researcher concluded that, t-

test value was higher than t-table ( 4,64 > 2.093). It can be concluded that, the

students‟ speaking skill achievement has improved successfully. If t-test value is

higher than t-table at the level of significance α 0.05 and df ( n-k) = 21-2=19, it means

that, (H1) was accepted and (H0) was rejected. In contrary, if the t-table was higher


than t-test, it means that (H1) was rejected and (H0) was accepted. While the result of

independent sample test showed that t-test was higher than t-table ( 4,5 > 2,093). It

means that H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected.

From the result above, the researcher can show the difference between t-test

and t-table was enough high. It can be concluded that, teaching speaking skill

by using story completion technique was proved to be effective in improving the

students‟ speaking skill.

B. Discussions

As it was stated in second chapter, that story completion is a very enjoyable,

whole-class, free-speaking activities for which students sit in a circle. For this

activity, a teacher starts to tell a story, but after a few sentences he or she stops

narrating. Then, each student starts to narrate from the point where the previous one

stopped. Each student was supposed to add from four to ten sentences. Students can

add new characters, events, descriptions and so on, the researcher concluded that

story completion is a technique which is very helpful in teaching especially in

English, story completion can make the students more open their mind to explain the

story moreover the students also enjoy and fun the learning process and the students

were not bored as long as learning process.

Analysis of the mean score gap in the post-test between the Experimental and

controlled ensured if the technique used was effective. The mean score of the

Experimental class was 3,61 and 3,16 for Controlled class. It means that, the gap of

the students‟ score of the Experimental and Controlled class was 0,45. The

explanation of the gap between the two classes indicates that, the Experimental class

showed high improving than the Controlled class.

To sum up, based on the result of this study, which showed the students‟

scores were much higher after the treatment in Experimental class using Story

Completion, the use of Story completion technique in teaching speaking was surely

beneficial improve students‟ speaking skill.


To include chapter two, first studies conducted by Arisca (2015) in her

research, she found there was a significant improvement of the students‟ vocabulary

mastery from the pretest and posttest after they were taught by using Story

Completion. In this research, the highest improvements of the students‟ vocabulary

mastery were in verb achievement. Second, this studies conducting by Sukma (2015)

he found that there was a significant effect of using story completion toward eight

grade students‟ speaking ability of SMP 1 Mumbulsari in the 2014/2015 academic

year, where the students had a great enthusiasm to learn and can make the students

easily to describing a story well on speaking skill. Third, studies was conducting by

Feri Huda (2017) after doing all the necessary calculation, he found that story

completion technique with speaking notepad software produces significantly better

result than story telling technique because the mean score for story completion

technique with speaking notepad software is 74.53, which is greater than 68.22 for

story telling technique. Waode Hamsia (2018) The result showed that the technique

of story completion was successfully implemented to improve the students‟ speaking

skill. The technique can make students to encourage themselves to speak up. They

have to be brave and have enough self-confident when they want to talk something.

The use of Story Completion is the most appropriate technique for learning

because the research can provide an interesting material from the environment. In the

use of Story Completion there were advantages as follows:

1. The learning activities more interesting and did not make the students be bored to

sit for hours, so that, the students' motivation will be higher.

2. The activities of students learning more active because all of the student speak and

make a story according to their own words.

From the comparison of the result of post-test score between experimental and

controlled group, the skill of experimental group was getting higher than control

group. It means that, the treatment of using Story Completion to the experimental

group was successful.




This chapter consists of two sections. The first section dealed with the

conclusion and the second one dealed with suggestion.

A. Conclusion

Based on the previous research problem in the previous chapter, it was clear

that, using story completion technique can increase the students‟ speaking skill. The

data indicated that, there was a significant difference between the students‟ pre-test

and post-test in the experimental class and pretest and post-test in the control class.

The mean score of the students‟ pre-test of experimental group was (3,03) with

standard deviation was (0,55) and the mean score on the post-test was (3,61) with

standard deviation was (0,57) in the experimental class was higher than mean score of

pre-test (2,93) with standard deviation was (0,54) and the mean score of the post-test

was (3,16) with standard deviation was (0,30). In conclusion, the result between

experimental class and control class are different because the treatments were


From the t-test, the researcher found that, the value of the t-test (4.64) was

higher than the t-table (2.093) at the level of significant 0.05 with degree of freedom

(df) = 19. It meant that hypothesis was accepted. In other word, using Story

Completion technique can increase the students‟ skill in speaking English. It can be

concluded that using story completion technique was effective toward the students‟

speaking at the tenth grade students‟ of senior high school at MAN 1 Kota Jambi.

B. Suggestions


Based on the conclusion above, the researcher proposed the following


1. For the students

The students‟ need to be more active in the classroom. A further effort needed

to be make by the students‟ to encourage themselves in speaking skill without

worries making mistakes in grammar. It gave advantages for the students‟ if they

can develop their skill in speaking. The students can easily understand what they

listen, tell, read and write.

2. For the teacher

The teacher should make the class be interesting and enjoyable. Here, the use

of Story completion, contributed to motivate and stimulus the students‟ ability of

speaking. Giving the material about make connecting with situation in daily lives,

so they have the background knowledge can reduce the anxiety to tell about

material about make connecting with situation in daily lives, so they have the

background knowledge can reduce the anxiety to tell aboutnice experience because

easy to understand. Teacher should pay attention to the increasing of students‟

activities in the class. Let the students explore their potential and their ability.

3. For the other researchers

It was recommended to the other researcher who were interested in the same

field to continue and develop this action research in order to find out whether story

completion technique was effective in teaching speaking.

Finally, the researcher realized that there were still many shortages in her

thesis, so the researcher really expected the criticism and suggestions for the

improvements. Thus, the researcher also hopeds this thesis can be a meaningful

contribution for the teacher of English as well as students and further research.



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a. Frequency distribution table

Nilai (X) F FX - X2 FX

2 Fkb Fka

4 2 8 -2.848 8.109 16.2179 4 2

3.5 2 7 -2.871 8.245 16.4902 3.5 2.3

3.4 3 10.2 -2.876 8.272 24.8174 3.4 2.5

3.3 1 3.3 -2.881 8.300 8.2999 3.3 2.9

3.2 1 3.2 -2.886 8.327 8.3273 3.2 3

3.1 2 6.2 -2.890 8.355 16.7097 3.1 3.1

3 1 3 -2.895 8.382 8.3824 3 3.2

2.9 4 11.6 -2.900 8.410 33.6400 2.9 3.3

2.5 2 5 -2.919 8.521 17.0417 2.5 3.4

2.3 1 2.3 -2.929 8.577 8.5765 2.3 3.5

2 2 4 -2.943 8.660 17.3208 2 4

21 63.8 175.8239

b. To find average or mean (X)

c. Simpangan Baku

S √ ∑

(∑ )

( ) √

( )

( ) √


d. Table Lilliefors Normality

Experimental Class Pre-test

No Name Xi Fi Zi


Kum F(Zi) S(Zi) F(Zi)-S(Zi)

1 Student 1 3.2 1 0.29 1 0.6150 0.04762 0.567

2 student 2 2.9 1 -0.25 2 0.4015 0.09524 0.306

3 Student 3 3.5 1 0.83 3 0.7980 0.14286 0.655

4 Student 4 3.4 1 0.65 4 0.7434 0.19048 0.553

5 Student 5 4 1 1.74 5 0.9589 0.23810 0.721

6 Student 6 2.9 1 -0.25 6 0.4015 0.28571 0.116

7 Student 7 3.1 1 0.11 7 0.5445 0.33333 0.211

8 Student 8 2.5 1 -0.97 8 0.1655 0.38095 -0.215

9 Student 9 2 1 -1.88 9 0.0304 0.42857 -0.398

10 Student 10 2.3 1 -1.33 10 0.0912 0.47619 -0.385

11 Student 11 3 1 -0.07 11 0.4726 0.52381 -0.051

12 Student 12 2.9 1 -0.25 12 0.4015 0.57143 -0.170

13 Student 13 3.5 1 0.83 13 0.7980 0.61905 0.179

14 Student 14 2.5 1 -0.97 14 0.1655 0.66667 -0.501

15 Student 15 2 1 -1.88 15 0.0304 0.71429 -0.684

16 Student 16 3.4 1 0.65 16 0.7434 0.76190 -0.019

17 Student 17 3.4 1 0.65 17 0.7434 0.80952 -0.066

18 Student 18 3.3 1 0.47 18 0.6819 0.85714 -0.175

19 Student 19 4 1 1.74 19 0.9589 0.90476 0.054

20 Student 20 2.9 1 -0.25 20 0.4015 0.95238 -0.551

21 Student 21 3.1 1 0.11 21 0.5445 1.00000 -0.455

MEAN 3.0381 21 0.721

SD 0.5536

L count = 0.721

L table = 0.188

L count> L table= 0.721>0.188


a. Frequency distribution table

Nilai (X) F FX - X

2 FX

2 Fkb Fka

4.9 1 4.9 -3.381 11.431 11.4308 4.9 2.4

4.7 1 4.7 -3.390 11.495 11.4953 4.7 2.8

4.1 1 4.1 -3.419 11.690 11.6899 4.1 3.1

4 3 12 -3.424 11.722 35.1674 4 3.2

3.7 3 11.1 -3.438 11.820 35.4615 3.7 3.4

3.6 1 3.6 -3.443 11.853 11.8533 3.6 3.5

3.5 4 14 -3.448 11.886 47.5443 3.5 3.6

3.4 2 6.8 -3.452 11.919 23.8379 3.4 3.7

3.2 2 6.4 -3.462 11.985 23.9696 3.2 4

3.1 1 3.1 -3.467 12.018 12.0178 3.1 4.1

2.8 1 2.8 -3.481 12.117 12.1170 2.8 4.7

2.4 1 2.4 -3.500 12.250 12.2500 2.4 4.9

21 75.9 248.8348

b. To find average or Mean (X)

c. Simpangan baku

√ ∑

(∑ )

( ) √

( )

( ) √


d. Table Lilliefors Normality

Experimental Class Post-test

No Name Xi Fi Zi


Kum F(Zi) S(Zi



1 Student 1 3.7 1 0.15 1 0.5601 0.04762 0.512

2 student 2 3.2 1 -0.73 2 0.2324 0.09524 0.137

3 Student 3 3.4 1 -0.38 3 0.3527 0.14286 0.210

4 Student 4 3.4 1 -0.38 4 0.3527 0.19048 0.162

5 Student 5 4.9 1 2.27 5 0.9883 0.23810 0.750

6 Student 6 3.5 1 -0.20 6 0.4201 0.28571 0.134

7 Student 7 3.7 1 0.15 7 0.5601 0.33333 0.227

8 Student 8 3.5 1 -0.20 8 0.4201 0.38095 0.039

9 Student 9 2.8 1 -1.44 9 0.0754 0.42857 -0.353

10 Student 10 4.7 1 1.92 10 0.9723 0.47619 0.496

11 Student 11 3.7 1 0.15 11 0.5601 0.52381 0.036

12 Student 12 3.5 1 -0.20 12 0.4201 0.57143 -0.151

13 Student 13 4.1 1 0.86 13 0.8043 0.61905 0.185

14 Student 14 3.5 1 -0.20 14 0.4201 0.66667 -0.247

15 Student 15 2.4 1 -2.14 15 0.0161 0.71429 -0.698

16 Student 16 4 1 0.68 16 0.7519 0.76190 -0.010

17 Student 17 3.1 1 -0.91 17 0.1821 0.80952 -0.627

18 Student 18 3.2 1 -0.73 18 0.2324 0.85714 -0.625

19 Student 19 3.6 1 -0.03 19 0.4899 0.90476 -0.415

20 Student 20 4 1 0.68 20 0.7519 0.95238 -0.200

21 Student 21 4 1 0.68 21 0.7519 1.00000 -0.248

MEAN 3.6143 21 0.750

SD 0.5668

L count = 0.750

L table = 0.188

L count> L table= 0.750>0.188


a. Frequency distribution table

Nilai (X) F FX - X

2 FX

2 Fkb Fka

3.8 1 3.8 -2.7476 7.5494 7.5494 3.8 2

3.6 1 3.6 -2.7571 7.6018 7.6018 3.6 2.6

3.5 1 3.5 -2.7619 7.6281 7.6281 3.5 2.7

3.4 2 6.8 -2.7667 7.6544 15.3089 3.4 2.8

3.3 1 3.3 -2.7714 7.6808 7.6808 3.3 2.9

3.2 3 9.6 -2.7762 7.7072 23.1217 3.2 3

3.1 1 3.1 -2.7810 7.7337 7.7337 3.1 3.1

3 1 3.0 -2.7857 7.7602 7.7602 3 3.2

2.9 3 8.7 -2.7905 7.7868 23.3603 2.9 3.3

2.8 1 2.8 -2.7952 7.8134 7.8134 2.8 3.4

2.7 1 2.7 -2.8000 7.8400 7.8400 2.7 3.5

2.6 1 2.6 -2.804761905 7.8667 7.8667 2.6 3.6

2 4 8.0 -2.833333333 8.0278 32.1111 2 3.8

21 61.5 163.3761

b. To find average or mean (X)

c. Simpangan baku

√ ∑

(∑ )

( ) √

( )

( ) √


d. Table Lilliefors Normality

Control Class in Pre-test

No Name Xi Fi Zi F

Kum F(Zi) S(Zi)



1 Student 1 2.7 1 -0.42 1 0.3383 0.04762 0.291

2 student 2 2 1 -1.69 2 0.0450 0.09524 -0.050

3 Student 3 3.6 1 1.23 3 0.8898 0.14286 -0.747

4 Student 4 3.5 1 1.04 4 0.8515 0.19048 -0.661

5 Student 5 2.9 1 -0.05 5 0.4792 0.23810 0.241

6 Student 6 2.8 1 -0.23 6 0.4072 0.28571 0.122

7 Student 7 2 1 -1.69 7 0.0450 0.33333 -0.288

8 Student 8 3 1 0.13 8 0.5519 0.38095 0.171

9 Student 9 2.6 1 -0.60 9 0.2743 0.42857 -0.154

10 Student 10 3.2 1 0.50 10 0.6899 0.47619 0.214

11 Student 11 3.2 1 0.50 11 0.6899 0.52381 0.166

12 Student 12 3.4 1 0.86 12 0.8052 0.57143 0.234

13 Student 13 3.3 1 0.68 13 0.7511 0.61905 0.132

14 Student 14 2 1 -1.69 14 0.0450 0.66667 -0.622

15 Student 15 3.1 1 0.31 15 0.6228 0.71429 -0.091

16 Student 16 2.9 1 -0.05 16 0.4792 0.76190 -0.283

17 Student 17 3.2 1 0.50 17 0.6899 0.80952 -0.120

18 Student 18 2.9 1 -0.05 18 0.4792 0.85714 -0.378

19 Student 19 3.4 1 0.86 19 0.8052 0.90476 -0.100

20 Student 20 3.8 1 1.59 20 0.9442 0.95238 -0.008

21 Student 21 2 1 -1.69 21 0.0450 1.00000 -0.955

MEAN 2.9286 21 0.291

SD 0.5479

L count = 0.291

L table = 0.188

L count > L table= 0.291>0.188


a. Frequency distribution table.


(X) F FX - X2 FX

2 Fkb Fka

2.7 1 2.7 -3.0286 9.1722 9.1722 3.7 2.7

2.8 2 5.6 -3.0238 9.1434 18.2868 3.6 2.8

2.9 3 8.7 -3.0190 9.1146 27.3439 3.5 2.9

3 5 15.0 -3.0143 9.0859 45.4296 3.4 3

3.1 1 3.1 -3.0048 9.0286 9.0286 3.3 3.1

3.2 1 3.2 -3.0048 9.0286 9.0286 3.2 3.2

3.3 1 3.3 -3.0000 9.0000 9.0000 3.1 3.3

3.4 2 6.8 -2.9952 8.9715 17.9429 3 3.4

3.5 2 7.0 -2.9905 8.9429 17.8859 2.9 3.5

3.6 2 7.2 -2.9857 8.9145 17.8290 2.8 3.6

3.7 1 3.7 -2.9810 8.8861 8.8861 2.7 3.7

21 66.3 189.8337

b. To find average or mean (X)

c. Simpangan baku

√ ∑

(∑ )

( ) √

( )

( ) √


d. Table Lilliefors Normality

Control Class Post-test

No Name Xi Fi Zi


Kum F(Zi) S(Zi)



1 Student 1 2.7 1 -1.50 1 0.0665 0.04762 0.019

2 student 2 2.8 1 -1.50 2 0.0665 0.09524 -0.029

3 Student 3 2.8 1 -1.17 3 0.1202 0.14286 -0.023

4 Student 4 2.9 1 -0.85 4 0.1990 0.19048 0.009

5 Student 5 2.9 1 -0.85 5 0.1990 0.23810 -0.039

6 Student 6 2.9 1 -0.85 6 0.1990 0.28571 -0.087

7 Student 7 3 1 -0.52 7 0.3028 0.33333 -0.031

8 Student 8 3 1 -0.52 8 0.3028 0.38095 -0.078

9 Student 9 3 1 -0.52 9 0.3028 0.42857 -0.126

10 Student 10 3 1 -0.52 10 0.3028 0.47619 -0.173

11 Student 11 3 1 -0.52 11 0.3028 0.52381 0.221

12 Student 12 3.1 1 -0.19 12 0.4255 0.57143 -0.146

13 Student 13 3.2 1 0.14 13 0.5560 0.61905 -0.063

14 Student 14 3.3 1 0.47 14 0.6807 0.66667 0.014

15 Student 15 3.4 1 0.80 15 0.7876 0.71429 0.073

16 Student 16 3.4 1 0.80 16 0.7876 0.76190 0.026

17 Student 17 3.5 1 1.13 17 0.8701 0.80952 0.061

18 Student 18 3.5 1 1.13 18 0.8701 0.85714 0.013

19 Student 19 3.6 1 1.46 19 0.9272 0.90476 0.022

20 Student 20 3.6 1 1.46 20 0.9272 0.95238 -0.025

21 Student 21 3.7 1 11.16 21 1.0000 1.00000 0.000

MEAN 3.1571 21 0.221

SD 0.3043

L count=0.221

L table =0.1881

L count > L table = 0.221 > 0.188




Homogenity test

Experimental Class Pre-test

√ ∑

(∑ )

( ) √

( )

( ) √

Experimental Class Post-test

√ ∑

(∑ )

( ) √

( )

( ) √

Control Class Pre-test

√ ∑

(∑ )

( ) √

( )

( ) √

Control Class Post-test

√ ∑

(∑ )

( ) √

( )

( ) √

Df1= k-1= 2 – 1= 1

Df2= (n – k – 1)= (21- 1 – 1)= 19

F table = 4.35

1. Homogenetictest (Post-test Experimental and Control class)

From the calculation above obtain F count 1.86 and from the distribution

list graph with the formula df1=K-1=( 2-1)=1, df2= N-K=(21-2)=19. The

denominator dk=19. and α=0.05 and F table= 2.74. it appears that the F count< F

table : F table in Excel. 1.86<2.74. this means that the X and Y variable data are



2. Homogenetictest (Pre-test Experimental and Control class)

From the calculation above obtain F count 1.01 and from the distribution

list graph with the formula df1=K-1=( 2-1)=1, df2= N-K=(21-2)=19. The

denominator dk=19. and α=0.05 and F table= 2.74. it appears that the F count< F

table : F table in Excel. 1.01<2.74. this means that the X and Y variable data are






Experimental Control

Pre Test Post Test Pre Test Post Test



Experimental Control

Pre Test Post Test Pre Test Post Test

(∑ )

( )

(∑ )

( )

(∑ )

( )


(∑ )

( )





Paired Sample Test

X1 = 3,61 SS1 = 6,43

X2 = 3,03 SS2 = 6,13

T count:


) (


√( ) (


√( ) (


√( )( )


df= (n – k ) = 21-2= 19

T count= 4.64 >T table=2,093

Independent Sample T-Test

Experimental and Control class in Post-test

√( )

( )



√( )( ) ( )( )




df= (n-k)= 21-2 = 19

T count = 4,5

T Table = 2.093

T count>T Table = 4,5>2,093






Sekolah : MAN 1 Kota Jambi

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semeste : X/2

Materi Pokok : Descriptive text

Alokasi Waktu : 2x45 menit

Pertemuan : 6 Pertemuan (Experimental Class)

A. Standar Kompetensi


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek

sederhana berbentuk descriptive, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

Mengungkap kan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan


C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Mengungkapkan secara lisan teks monolog berbentuk descriptive.

2. Merespon unsur kebahasaan dalam teks descriptive dalam bentuk simple



D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa mampu mengungkapkan secara lisan teks monolog berbentuk


2. Siswa mampu merespon unsur kebahasaan dalam teks descriptive dalam

bentuk simple present.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Descriptive text yaitu teks yang menjelaskan gambaran seseorang atau benda.

Tujuannya adalah untuk menggambarkan atau mengungkapkan orang, tempat

atau benda tertentu. Bisa dikatakan juga bahwa Descriptive text adalah teks

yang menjelaskan tentang seperti apakah orang atau benda yang

dideskripsikan, baik bentuknya,sifat-sifatnya, jumlahnya dan lain-lain.

Struktur Descriptive Text (generic structure) adalah :

1. Identification (identifikasi) adalah pendahuluan , berupa gambaran umum

tentang suatu topik.

2.Description (deskripsi) adalah berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda,

tempat, atau orang yang dideskripsikan.

Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text :

- Menggunakan simple present tense

- Menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are)

- Hanya fokus pada satu objek tersebut.


Berikut adalah Contoh Descriptive Text :

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple compound in Central Java in

Indonesia, located approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta. It is characterised by its

tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple architecture, and by the 47 m

high central building inside a large complex of individual temples. It was built around

850 CE by either Rakai Pikatan, king of the second Mataram Dynasty, or Balitung

Maha Sambu, during the Sanjaya Dynasty. Not long after its construction, the temple

was abandoned and began to deteriorate. Reconstruction of the compound began in

1918. The main building was completed in around 1953.

F. Metode Pembelajaran

Story Completion Technique


G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang

materi yang akan diajarkan.



Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh


Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa




pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru membagikan siswa berkelompok

Guru menjelaskan teknik story completion

Guru menjelaskan cara melakukan teknik story


Guru memberikan topik cerita berjudul candi


Siswa membuat cerita dengan menggunakan

teknik story completion.

Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang

pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi




Pertemuan 2

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.




Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang

materi yang akan diajarkan.

Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh


Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru membagikan siswa berkelompok

Guru menjelaskan teknik story completion

Guru menjelaskan cara melakukan teknik story





Guru memberikan topik berjudul “Mother”

Siswa membuat cerita dengan menggunakan

teknik story completion.

Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang

pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi




Pertemuan 3

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang




materi yang akan diajarkan.

Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh


Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru membagikan siswa berkelompok

Guru menjelaskan teknik story completion

Guru menjelaskan cara melakukan teknik story


Guru memberikan topik cerita berjudul


Siswa membuat cerita dengan menggunakan

teknik story completion.



Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan





Guru memberikan arahan tentang

pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi


Pertemuan 4

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang

materi yang akan diajarkan.



Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive





Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh


Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru membagikan siswa berkelompok

Guru menjelaskan teknik story completion

Guru menjelaskan cara melakukan teknik story


Guru memberikan topik cerita berjudul “My


Siswa membuat cerita dengan menggunakan

teknik story completion.

Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang

pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi





Pertemuan 5

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang

materi yang akan diajarkan.



Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh


Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang





Guru membagikan siswa berkelompok

Guru menjelaskan teknik story completion

Guru menjelaskan cara melakukan teknik story


Guru memberikan topik cerita berjudul


Siswa membuat cerita dengan menggunakan

teknik story completion.

Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang

pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi




Pertemuan 6

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan




materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang

materi yang akan diajarkan.

Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh


Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru membagikan siswa berkelompok

Guru menjelaskan teknik story completion

Guru menjelaskan cara melakukan teknik story


Guru memberikan topik cerita berjudul “Joko





Siswa membuat cerita dengan menggunakan

teknik story completion.

Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang

pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi




H. Media dan Sumber Belajar:

Media presentasi : papan tulis

Media latihan: worksheet


- Kamus bahasa inggris

- Internet

I. Penilaian

1. Teknik: performance assessment

2. Bentuk: Tes Lisan

3. Pedoman Penilaian:

NO Score Classification

1. 6 Excellent

2. 5 Very Good


3. 4 Good

4. 3 Average

5. 2 Poor

6. 1 Very Poor





Sekolah : MAN 1 Kota Jambi

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : X/2

Materi Pokok : Descriptive text

Alokasi Waktu : 2x45 menit

Pertemuan : 6 Pertemuan (Control Class)

A. Standar Kompetensi


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek

sederhana berbentuk descriptive, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

Mengungkap kan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan


C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Mengungkapkan secara lisan teks monolog berbentuk descriptive.

Merespon unsur kebahasaan dalam teks descriptive dalam bentuk simple



D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

3. Siswa mampu mengungkapkan secara lisan teks monolog berbentuk


4. Siswa mampu merespon unsur kebahasaan dalam teks descriptive dalam

bentuk simple present.

A. Materi Pembelajaran

Descriptive text yaitu teks yang menjelaskan gambaran seseorang atau benda.

Tujuannya adalah untuk menggambarkan atau mengungkapkan orang, tempat

atau benda tertentu. Bisa dikatakan juga bahwa Descriptive text adalah teks yang

menjelaskan tentang seperti apakah orang atau benda yang dideskripsikan, baik

bentuknya,sifat-sifatnya, jumlahnya dan lain-lain.

Struktur Descriptive Text (generic structure) adalah :

1. Identification (identifikasi) adalah pendahuluan , berupa gambaran umum

tentang suatu topik.

2.Description (deskripsi) adalah berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda,

tempat, atau orang yang dideskripsikan.

Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text :

- Menggunakan simple present tense

- Menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are)

- Hanya fokus pada satu objek tersebut.

B. Metode Pembelajaran

Tanya jawab, ceramah, diskusi, role play dan penugasan.

C. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.




Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang

materi yang akan diajarkan.

Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh


Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menyusun teks

deskriptif sederhana tentang “Borobudur

Temple” secara berkelompok.




Guru menyuruh salah satu perwakilan dari

setiap kelompok untuk membacakan hasil kerja


Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang

pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi




Pertemuan 2

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang




materi yang akan diajarkan.

Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh


Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menyusun teks

deskriptif sederhana tentang “Mother” secara


Guru menyuruh salah satu perwakilan dari

setiap kelompok untuk membacakan hasil kerja




Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang




pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi


Pertemuan 3

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang

materi yang akan diajarkan.



Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh





Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menyusun teks

deskriptif sederhana tentang “Rabbit” secara


Guru menyuruh salah satu perwakilan dari

setiap kelompok untuk membacakan hasil kerja


Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang

pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi




Pertemuan 4

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.




Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang

materi yang akan diajarkan.

Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh


Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menyusun teks

deskriptif sederhana tentang “My Friend”

secara berkelompok.




Guru menyuruh salah satu perwakilan dari

setiap kelompok untuk membacakan hasil kerja


Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang

pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi




Pertemuan 5

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang




materi yang akan diajarkan.

Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh


Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menyusun teks

deskriptif sederhana tentang “Hobby” secara


Guru menyuruh salah satu perwakilan dari

setiap kelompok untuk membacakan hasil kerja




Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang




pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi


Pertemuan 6

Kegiatan Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

Pendahuluan Guru memberikan salam.

Guru menanyakan kabar siswa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dan

materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru menjelaskan materi yang akan diajarkan

dengan cara memberi gambaran umum

mengenai materi yang akan diajarkan.

Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai tentang

materi yang akan diajarkan.



Kegiatan Inti

Guru Menjelaskan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan language feature di dalam teks

descriptive yang diberikan

Guru Memberikan materi tentang descriptive


Siswa mengamati materi yang diberikan oleh





Siswa dipersilahkan memberi beberapa

pertanyaan mengenai descriptive text yang

telah di pelajari.

Guru memberikan penguatan tentang fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang


Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menyusun teks

deskriptif sederhana tentang “Joko widodo”

secara berkelompok.

Guru menyuruh salah satu perwakilan dari

setiap kelompok untuk membacakan hasil kerja


Penutup Siswa diberikan kesempatan jika ada hal yang

ingin ditanyakan mengenai pembelajaran hari


Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan


Guru memberikan arahan tentang

pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada

pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dan memberi




D. Media dan Sumber Belajar:

Media presentasi : papan tulis

Media latihan: worksheet


- Kamus bahasa inggris


- Internet

E. Penilaian

1. Teknik: performance assessment

2. Bentuk: Tes Lisan

3. Pedoman Penilaian:

NO Score Classification

1. 6 Excellent

2. 5 Very Good

3. 4 Good

4. 3 Average

5. 2 Poor

6. 1 Very Poor



Bahasa Inggris Umum

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA/MA

Kelas : X (Sepuluh)

Kompetensi Inti :

KI-1 dan KI-2:Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong

royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di

lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa,

negara, kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional”.

KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang

ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena

dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri,

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.

Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

Fungsi Sosial - Menyimak dan


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

kebahasaan teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis

yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait jati diri dan

hubungan keluarga, sesuai

dengan konteks

penggunaannya. (Perhatikan

unsur kebahasaan pronoun:

subjective, objective,






dengan teman

dan guru

Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi


luar dugaan)



- Sebutan


keluarga inti

dan yang lebih

luas dan


dekat lainnya;



- Verba: be,

have, go,

work, live


contoh interaksi terkait

jati diri dan hubungan

keluarga, dengan

ucapan dan tekanan

kata yang benar

- Mengidentifikasi


penting dan perbedaan

antara beberapa cara

yang ada

- Menanyakan hal-hal

yang tidak diketahui

atau yang berbeda.

- Mempelajari contoh

teks interaksi terkait

jati diri dan hubungan

keluarganya yang

dipaparkan figur-figur


- Saling menyimak dan

bertanya jawab tentang

jati diri masing-masing

dengan teman-

4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis

pendek dan sederhana yang

melibatkan tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait

jati diri, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

(dalam simple

present tense)

- Subjek

Pronoun: I,

You, We,

They, He, She,


- Kata ganti

possessive my,

your, his, dsb.

- Kata tanya

Who? Which?

How? Dst.

- Nomina

singular dan

plural dengan

atau tanpa a,

the, this, those,

my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan,

tekanan kata,


ejaan, tanda

baca, dan


- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajarnya


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

tulisan tangan


Deskripsi diri

sendiri sebagai

bagian dari

keluarga dan

masyarakat yang



perilaku yang

termuat di KI

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi

interpersonal lisan dan tulis

yang melibatkan tindakan

memberikan ucapan selamat

dan memuji bersayap

(extended), serta

menanggapinya, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

Fungsi Sosial




dengan guru,

teman dan orang


Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi


luar dugaan)


- Menyimak dan

menirukan beberapa

contoh percakapan

mengucapkan selamat

dan memuji bersayap

(extended) yang


guru/rekaman, dengan

ucapan dan tekanan

kata yang benar

- Bertanya jawab untuk

mengidentifikasi dan

menyebutkan ungkapan

4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi

interpersonal lisan dan tulis

sederhana yang melibatkan

tindakan memberikan ucapan


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

selamat dan memuji bersayap

(extended), dan

menanggapinya dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks


- Ungkapan



selamat dan







- Nomina

singular dan

plural dengan

atau tanpa a,

the, this, those,

my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan,

tekanan kata,


ejaan, tanda

baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Interaksi antara

pemberian selamat dan

pujian serta

tambahannya, n


persamaan dan


- Menentukan ungkapan

yang tepat secara

lisan/tulis dari berbagai

situasi lain yang serupa

- Membiasakan

menerapkan yang

sedang dipelajari.

dalam interaksi dengan

guru dan teman secara

alami di dalam dan di

luar kelas.

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

guru dan peserta

didik di dalam

dan di luar kelas

yang melibatkan

ucapan selamat

dan pujian yang



perilaku yang

termuat di KI

3.3 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis

yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait niat

melakukan suatu

tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai

dengan konteks

penggunaannya. (Perhatikan

unsur kebahasaan be going to,

would like to)

Fungsi Sosial





Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi


atau di luar




- Mencermati beberapa

contoh interaksi terkait

niat melakukan suatu


dalam/dengan tampilan

visual(gambar, video)

- Mengidentifikasidenga

n menyebutkan

persamaan dan

perbedaan dan dari

contoh-contoh yang

ada dalam video

tersebut, dilihat dari isi 4.3 Menyusun teks interaksi


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

transaksional lisan dan tulis

pendek dan sederhana yang

melibatkan tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait

niat melakukan suatu

tindakan/kegiatan, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks

- Ungkapan


niat yang

sesuai, dengan

modalbe going

to, would like


- Nomina

singular dan

plural dengan

atau tanpa a,

the, this, those,

my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan,

tekanan kata,


ejaan, tanda

baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Interaksi antara

guru dan peserta

didik di dalam

dan di luar kelas

yang melibatkan

dan cara


- Bertanya jawab tentang

pernyataan beberapa

tokoh tentang rencana

melakukan perbaikan

- Bermain game terkait

dengan niat mengatasi


- Membiasakan

menerapkan yang

sedang dipelajari.

dalam interaksi dengan

guru dan teman secara

alami di dalam dan di

luar kelas.

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar.


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran


niatyang dapat


perilaku yang

termuat di KI

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait tempat wisata

dan bangunan bersejarah

terkenal, pendek dan

sederhana, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

Fungsi Sosial





, mengkritik,


Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup

- Identifikasi



dan bagian)

- Sifat (ukuran,

warna, jumlah,

bentuk, dsb.)

- Fungsi,



- Menyimak dan

menirukan guru

membacakan teks

deskriptif sederhana

tentang tempat wisata

dan/atau bangunan



intonasi, ucapan, dan

tekanan kata yang


- Mencermati

danbertanya jawab

tentang contoh


dengan alat seperti

tabel, mind map, dan


menerapkannya untuk

menganalisis beberapa

4.4 Teks deskriptif

4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks deskriptif,

lisan dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana terkait tempat

wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan

dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, terkait tempat

wisata dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks




- Kosa kata dan

istilah terkait

dengan tempat

wisata dan




- Adverbia

terkait sifat

seperti quite,


extremely, dst.

- Kalimat

dekalraif dan


dalam tense

yang benar

- Nomina

singular dan

plural secara

tepat, dengan

atau tanpa a,

deskripsi tempat wisata

dan bangunan lain

- Mencermati cara


hasil analisis secara

lisan, mempraktekkan

di dalam kelompok

masing-masing, dan


mempresentasikan di

kelompok lain

- Mengunjungi tempat

wisata atau bangunan

bersejarah untuk

menghasilkan teks

deskriptif tentang

tempat wisata atau



- Menempelkan teks di

dinding kelas dan

bertanya jawab dengan

pembaca (siswa lain,

guru) yang datang


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

the, this,

those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan,

tekanan kata,


ejaan, tanda

baca, dan

tulisan tangan



tempat wisata

dan bangunan

bersejarah yang



perilaku yang

termuat di KI


- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar.

3.5 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

khusus dalam bentuk


(announcement), dengan

Fungsi Sosial




dan akademik

- Menyimak dan

menirukan guru

membacakan beberapa

teks pemberitahuan



Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait kegiatan

sekolah, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

antar peserta

didik, guru, dan


Struktur Teks

- Istilah khusus

terkait dengan




- Informasi khas

yang relevan

- Gambar,






- Ungkapan dan

kosa kata yang







dengan intonasi,

ucapan, dan tekanan

kata yang benar.

- Bertanya dan


tentang persamaan dan

perbedaan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaannya

- Mencermati

danbertanya jawab

tentang contoh


dengan alat seperti

tabel dan kemudian

menerapkannya untuk

menganalisis beberapa

teks pemberitahuan


- Membuat teks


(announcement) untuk

kelas atau teman

- Melakukan refleksi

4.5 Teks pemberitahuan


4.5.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks khusus dalam

bentuk pemberitahuan


4.5.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam

bentuk pemberitahuan

(announcement), lisan dan

tulis, pendek dan sederhana,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

- Nomina

singular dan

plural secara

tepat, dengan

atau tanpa a,

the, this,

those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan,

tekanan kata,


ejaan, tanda

baca, dan

tulisan tangan




kejadian yang



perilaku yang

termuat di KI


Layout dan

dekorasi yang

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar.


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran


tampilan teks


lebih menarik.

3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis

yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait

keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/

kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi di waktu

lampau yang merujuk waktu

terjadinya dan kesudahannya,

sesuai dengan konteks

penggunaannya. (Perhatikan

unsur kebahasaan simple past

tense vs present perfect tense)

Fungsi Sosial



, menyangkal,



Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi


luar dugaan)



- Kalimat

deklaratif dan


dalam simple

past tense,

present perfect


- Menyimak dan

menirukan beberapa

contoh percakapan

terkait dengan intonasi,

ucapan dan tekanan

kata yang tepat

- Guru mendiktekan

percakapan tersebut

dan peserta didik

menuliskannya dalam

buku catatannya untuk


jawab terkait

perbedaan dan

persamaan makna

kalimat-kalimat yang

menggunakan kedua

tense tersebut

- Membaca beberapa

teks pendek yang

4.6 Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional, lisan dan tulis,

pendek dan sederhana, yang

melibatkan tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/

kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi di waktu

lampau yang merujuk waktu

terjadinya dan kesudahannya,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks

- Adverbial

dengan since,

ago, now;

klause dan




- Nomina

singular dan

plural secara

tepat, dengan

atau tanpa a,

the, this,

those, my,

their, dsb.

- Ucapan,

tekanan kata,


ejaan, tanda

baca, dan

tulisan tangan





menggunakan kedua

tense tersebut, dan

menggunakan beberapa

kalimat-kalimat di

dalamnya untuk

melengkapi teks

rumpang pada

beberapa teks terkait.

- Mencermati beberapa

kalimat rumpang untuk

menentukan tense yang

tepat untuk kata kerja

yang diberikan dalam


- Diberikan suatu kasus,

peserta didik membuat

satu teks pendek

dengan menerapkan

kedua tense tersebut

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

peristiwa yang



erilaku yang

termuat di KI

3.7 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

recount lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait peristiwa

bersejarah sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya

Fungsi Sosial








Struktur Teks



- orientasi

- urutan



- orientasi ulang



- Kalimat

- Menyimak guru

membacakan peristiwa

bersejarah, menirukan

bagian demi bagian

dengan ucapan dan

temakan kata yang

benar, dan bertanya

jawab tentang isi teks

- Menyalin teks tsb

dalam buku teks


mengikuti seorang

siswa yang menuliskan

di papan tulis, sambil

bertanya jawab terkait

fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam teks

- Mencermati analisis

4.7 Teks recount – peristiwa


4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks recount lisan

dan tulis terkait peristiwa


4.7.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan

dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, terkait peristiwa


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

bersejarah, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan

sesuai konteks

deklaratif dan


dalam simple

past, past



perfect, dan

lainnya yang


- Adverbia


waktu: first,

then, after

that, before,

when, at last,

finally, dsb.

- Adverbia dan



penujuk waktu

- Nomina

singular dan

plural dengan

atau tanpa a,

the, this, those,

my, their, dsb.

terhadap fungsi sosial,

rangkaian tindakan dan

kejadian dengan

menggunakan alat

seperti tabel, bagan,

dan kemudian

mengerjakan hal sama

dengan teks tentang

peristiwa bersejarah


- Mengumpulkan

informasi untuk

menguraikan peristiwa

bersejarah di Indonesia

- Menempelkan

karyanya di dinding

kelas dan bertanya

jawab dengan pembaca

(siswa lain, guru) yang

datang membacanya

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan hasil



Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

- Ucapan,

tekanan kata,


ejaan, tanda

baca, dan

tulisan tangan



bersejarah yang



perilaku yang

termuat di KI

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait legenda

rakyat, sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks


Fungsi Sosial





nilai-nilai luhur,



Struktur Teks



- Menyimak guru

membacakan legenda,

sambil dilibatkan

dalam tanya jawab

tentang isinya

- Didiktekan guru

menuliskan legenda

tersebut dalam buku

catatan masing-masing,

sambil bertanya jawab

terkait fungsi sosial,

4.8 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan

dan tulis sederhana terkait

legenda rakyat

- Orientasi

- Komplikasi

- Resolusi

- Orientasi




- Kalimat-



past tense,



dan lainnya

yang relevan

- Kosa kata:



watak, dan

setting dalam


- Adverbia


dan penujuk


struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang ada

- Dalam kelompok

masing-masing berlatih

membacakan legenda

tsb dengan intonasi,

ucapan dan tekanan

kata yang benar,

dengan saling


- Membaca satu legenda

lain, bertanya jawab

tentang isinya, dan



kalimat-kalimat yang

memuat bagian-bagian

legenda yang


- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajar.


Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

- Ucapan,

tekanan kata,


ejaan, tanda

baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Cerita legenda

yang dapat


perilaku yang

termuat di KI

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan

unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu

terkait kehidupan remaja


Fungsi sosial


n nilai-nilai

kehidupan dan

karakter yang




- Kosa kata dan

tata bahasa

dalam lirik


- Membaca, menyimak,

dan menirukan lirik

lagu secara lisan

- Menanyakan hal-hal

yang tidak diketahui

atau berbeda

- Mengambil teladan

dari pesan-pesan dalam


- Menyebutkan pesan

yang terkait dengan

4.9 Menangkap makna terkait

fungsi sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan secara kontekstual

lirik lagu terkait kehidupan



Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

- Ucapan,

tekanan kata,


ejaan, tanda

baca, dan

tulisan tangan


Hal-hal yang



keteladanan dan


perilaku yang

termuat di KI

bagian-bagian tertentu

- Melakukan refleksi

tentang proses dan

hasil belajarnya




Meeting 1

Borobudur temple

Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia. It is

situated in central Java. Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the world

which needs to be preserved its circumstances. The people all over the world know

that Borobudur is one of the greatest art works that ever known since long time ago


Borobudur is visited by more and more tourists, both domestic and foreign

tourists. Most of them admire Borobudur temple because of its beauty, its elegance

and the story of the relief on its walls. Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or

private cars, while foreign tourists like to join travel bureau because they don‟t need

to think of the transportation, accommodation, and itinerary.

Meeting 2


My mother was a very beautiful woman, my mother had white skin, a sharp

nose, round black eyes, long hair and a tall body. Besides being pretty my mother is

also good at cooking. My mother is the person I love the most because she is the most

patient person to educate me.

My mother is a hard worker, every day she gives the best for her children. My

mother is always strict when I make mistakes. My mother is the greatest person in my

life, she always gives me motivation and enthusiasm to live life.


Meeting 3


Rabbits are cute animals and have a thick hair. They have two eyes, four legs,

two ears, and a tail. Their hair has become the main attraction so many people buy

rabbits because of their hair color which is really fascinating. You can see a rabbit

with a variety of different hair colors such as white, black, brown, gray, and others.

One of the most preferred color is white, because of white, rabbit symbolized as a

clean animal and absolutely adorable. Rabbit eye is very funny and most of them are

back. Some types even have a red color of eye.

They have two long ears and even theirs can grow up to 10 cm. With their

long ears, they could hear better and know the voices of their predators when

approaching. Rabbit ears look so funny and sometimes moving up. Four feet they

have are very strong, especially the hind feet because those are used as a point for


Meeting 4

My Friend

I have a very good friend. His name is Rani Saputri but I often call him Uti.

She is a very beautiful and kind friend. My friend Uti has a tall body for a woman,

about 167 cm. He has white skin with long black hair that reaches down to reach the

shoulders. The sharp nose and dimples on both cheeks make Uti very charming when

she smiles.

His red lips will look very sweet when he shows rows of teeth - white teeth

that sparkle. In addition, he also has a mole located under his chin.


In addition to her beautiful face, my friend Uti is very kind and friendly to everyone.

He was very unable to see other people, especially his friends were sad. If his friend

is sad, he will cheer him up with all his strength until his friend smiles again.

Meeting 5


I'll tell you about my hobbies are reading, I was the one who loves to read

books, all the books I like to read. such as religious books, lessons, general

knowledge, technology, internet, electronic, and others. but here I will focus on

describing my hobbies are reading this with an example that I brought this book. This

book entitled "The life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)". tell in this

book about the life of the prophet Muhammad. I like to read this book because in

addition I find out about the life and journey of the Prophet, I was also able to

improve my english language skills, because this book in English. in it there are also

some difficult vocabulary in the story.

My second hobby is hunting food, I was a young boy full of curiosity. I want

to try all the food in Indonesia, and if I get to the whole world. and I take pictures of

food and region of origin. There Timpan cuisine Aceh, there are "Porridge kampiun"

of Sulawesi, there tempoyak of jambi, betutu of Bali, and papede of Maluku.

Meeting 6

Joko Widodo

Joko Widodo or people can call him by Jokowi was born on June 21st 1961 in

Surakarta. He has 3 children. They are Kaesang Pangarep, Kahiyang Ayu, and Gibran

Rakabuming Raka.

Jokowi is thin. He has brown skin, short hair and tall body. He looks friendly

because he often keeps smile to everybody near him. Jokowi is an Indonesian

politician. He is the governor of capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta 2012-2017. His

politician career begins since he joined PDIP.


He was elected as governor of jakarta on 20 September 2012 after a second

round runoff of voting in which he defeated incumbent governor Fauzi Bowo. And

his job was to fix the flooding problems, traffic jumps, etc





Choose one of the title that you want and explain according to your own words.

You have two until three minutes to speak.

1. Tiger

2. Idol

3. Jambi Paradise


Choose one of the title that you want and explain according to your own words.

You have two until three minutes to speak.

1. Cat

2. Idol

3. Hobby




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Experimental Class