The Environment Part Three. The aerosol can & fridges have CFCs which are harmful to the atmosphere....

Post on 28-Mar-2015

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The Environment Part Three

The aerosol can & fridges have CFC’s which are harmful to the atmosphere. Even when disposed of they pose a threat.


Add all the Factory Smoke

The Acid Rain

Acid Rain When it rains all these chemicals mix together in the atmosphere to produce acid rain.

This poisons the ground killing plants

The ice cap is melting. This will produce flooding on some of the world’s coastlines.


Oil spill destroys the environment


In America over farming I producing land that is slowly turning to desert.

Satellite photographs show in 40 years how much damage we have done. Landlocked seas are dying up & in Africa lack of rainfall, leads to drought.

Radiation Poisoning

We have created toxic waste. This can & has escaped into the atmosphere. The result is the most unknown danger yet. It is called….


• The ozone layer which protects life from the sun is being destroyed.

• The earth is over heating.

These pictures show the damage to the ozone layer. This cannot be repaired.

Some scientists say that global warming will happen and is happening. The effects will be felt. Films like The Day after Tomorrow show what might happen.

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

The ozone layer is missing & so the harmful rays get through & skin cancer is a real possibility.

Weather Change

Weather Change Hurricanes, tornados & floods are more common.

A tornado and hail storm

The power of a Hurricane

Here we see what might happen if we continue to pollute the environment. We could change the weather for ever.

This could happen.


Costal Erosion

End of part three