The EuroRec Certification Suite Dr. Jos Devlies EuroRec.

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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The EuroRec Certification Suite

Dr. Jos DevliesEuroRec


• Intro• The concept of “Fine Grained

Statement”• The EuroRec Repository• Exploiting the EuroRec Repository• The EuroRec Certification Suite• The Certification Related “Services”


• This presentation does not address all the good reasons for introducing certification.

• Actual efforts are focused on certification of EHR systems… but certification should be introduced for any software application / tool that processes health & care related personal data.

• This presentation addresses the results of the Q-REC project and the tools / services offered by EuroRec, as a result of that project.

Fine Grained Statement

• Granular expression describing a single aspect or property of an EHR function or content element:– Derived (most often) from “reference statements”;– Decomposed;– Local aspects removed;– Reworded in a consistent way.

• Purely “descriptive” statement.• To be considered as a domain specific “linguistic

expression”.• Indexed by means of a multi-axial indexing system.• Nearby 1.500 FGS in the Repository.• At present partially translated in up to 11 languages.

Origin of the statements

• Each of the Fine Grained Statements has been generated within the Q-REC project.

• Many are based on pre-existing certification sets: Be, DK, F, IRL, US, UK, CN (Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario…). No copies.

• Each FGS is - in average - linked to two referenced statements.

• Over 10% were created from scratch while addressing a given functionality. They were not included in any of these certification sets.

Fine Grained Statements - Examples

Fine Grained Statements – Links


• Intro• The concept of “Fine Grained

Statement”• The EuroRec Repository• Exploiting the EuroRec Repository• The EuroRec Certification Suite• The Certification Related “Services”

EuroRec Repository Data Flow

Good Practice Requirements

• Fine Grained Statements are regrouped in “Good Practice Requirements”.– Homogeneous sets of FGSs.– Related to “Good Practice”… not necessarily

“Best Practice”.– Some of them are related to “existing practice”

rather than to “good practice”.• Centrally managed (user rights, authorship,

national variants, translations, version management, indexing…).

• Exploitable by means of the EuroRec Tools.• Used by the EuroRec Tools for retrieval of


Good Practice Requirements – Examples

Good Practice Requirements - Links

EuroRec Repository Status

Translations: 11 languages


• Intro• The concept of “Fine Grained

Statement”• The EuroRec Repository• Exploiting the EuroRec

Repository• The EuroRec Certification Suite• The Certification Related “Services”



Certification Documentation Procurement


Test CriteriaSets

EuroRecRepository Of






EuroRec Use Tools

EuroRec Repository Use Flow

EuroRec Use Tools™

• EuroRec Composer™To compose user defined, re-usable and exchangeable baskets of Fine

Grained Statements to be used for certification, product documentation or procurement.

• EuroRec Certifier ™To format a EuroRec Basket content to obtain the basic layer for the

certification of EHR systems. This is done by adding structure and attributes to the selected Fine Grained Statements.

• EuroRec Scripter ™To produce and link Test Scenarios to EuroRec Baskets for

Certification, Documentation and/or Procurement purposes.

EuroRec Use Tools™

• EuroRec Documenter ™To document EHR systems and their functions, enhancing

their understanding and comparability by using the EuroRec statements.

• EuroRec Procurer ™ To list and describe, for purchase purposes, required

functionalities and product characteristics using EuroRec statements.


• Intro• The concept of “Fine Grained

Statement”• The EuroRec Repository• Exploiting the EuroRec Repository• The EuroRec Certification Suite• The Certification Related “Services”



Certification Documentation Procurement


Test CriteriaSets

EuroRecRepository Of






EuroRec Use Tools

EuroRec Repository Use Flow

EuroRec Certification Suite

Define a certification – Step 1

– Agree – as authority - with the users and suppliers what should be certified.

– Select appropriate criteria to be validated during a particular certification session:• Initial certification might be comprehensive

• But is often limited to specific (new/changed) functions

– If needed, complete the repository with new statements (in cooperation with EuroRec).

– Use the Indexes and Good Practice Requirements as filters.

– Result => EuroRec Basket of Fine Grained Statements.


Select the domain / index

Select the statements

EuroRec Basket

Define a Certification – Step 2

• Structuring the Basket: – Order– Grouping in subsets

• Defining:– Essential (mandatory) criteria– Optional criteria– Criteria for “later”

• Weighting individual criteria and/or subsets• Produce certification documentation (for the

suppliers / users)


Define a Certification – Step 3

• Define test scripts• Link to each script a number of FGS / criteria

that will be validated by that script• Combine scripts in a test scenario• Link one or more test scenarios to a

certification session / basket• Produce certification formularies (to be

completed during a certification session…)


Scenario overview


• Intro• The concept of “Fine Grained

Statement”• The EuroRec Repository• Exploiting the EuroRec Repository• The EuroRec Certification Suite• The Certification Related



• Assistance / consultancy when introducing certification for a given market segment in a given country.

• Assistance to produce / maintain National Statements.

• EuroRec Use Tools training.• Licensing EuroRec Repository use rights.• Set-up of a concrete certification session

(content, scripts, testing, appeal, accreditation).

• Operationalizing the certification• Accreditation of local certification partners.

EuroRec… at your service!


Certification Now !