The Evolution of E-Learning...ED-6620

Post on 06-May-2015

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This is a critical slidecast of the future of e-learning and the new pedagogies which it encompasses.



ED-6620Stefan Moores

The ‘Then’ of Education…

The ‘Now’ of Education…


The Future…???

What is the future of e-learning going to encompass??

Does there need to be new pedagogical approaches to effectively address e-learning??


Defined by Harley, Lawrence and the University of California (2007) as being mostly facilitated through the use of the internet and may be assisted by other technologies such as interactive communication technologies or ICT’s.

According to Remtulla (2007) it is a ‘Grand Solution’ for the future of education.

Three Generations of Distance Education

According to Scott Niper (1989), as cited in Guri-Rosenblit (2005, p. 467), the

three are:

Correspondence teaching.

Print with broadcast media.

Use of ICT’s and the internet.

Moving Ahead…

New ICT’s…




(Conrad, 2008)

New E-Learning Platforms…

WebCT Window Blackboard Window

E-Learning Tools…

Integrated Learning System’s, web content and digital text (McFarlane, 2001).

The Future of E-Learning…

Benefits of E-Learning For Future Generations…

According to Tsai (2009) there are a number of benefits for e-learners, which include…

Flexible time and space. Allows for indirect social interaction. Abundance of learning resources Dynamic learning interfaces.

Future Designs of E-Learning Environments…

Hughes (2007) believes that future e-learning environments must include…

Freedom to challenge ideas. Must not become static, insular or

exclusive. Build a sense of community. Interactions provide greater opportunity

to engage the learner.

Assessment of E-Learning…

Future Pedagogies For E-Learning…

‘Disruptive’ technologies need ‘Disruptive’ Pedagogies (Remtulla, 2006).

Teaching strategies must exploit underused aspects of E-Learning technologies (Remtulla, 2006).

A ‘Blended’ Learning Approach…

Combines many pedagogical styles (Breen, 2007).

There are many positive benefits to using a blended learning approach (Clarke, 2007).

Couples face-to-face learning with e-learning (Breen, 2007)

‘Blended’ Learning Should Be Cyclic…

Something New??

E-Learning Pedagogy…

Connectivism-the learning process is cyclical, in that learners will connect to a network to share and find new information, will modify their beliefs on the basis of new learning, and will then connect to a network to share these realizations and find new information once more (Hill & Kop, 2008, p. 2).

Future Considerations…

E-learner’s must be passionate and considerate in the use of technologies for e-learning (Conrad, 2008).

New technologies and pedagogical approaches are necessary (Christen, 2009).

The Future of E-Learning…

References Abbad, M., Morris, D., & de Nahlik, C. (2009). Looking under the Bonnet: Factors

Affecting Student Adoption of E-Learning Systems in Jordan. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(2).

Breen, P. (2007). Lessons from an International e-Learning Project. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 8(3), 1-10.

Christen, A. (2009, January 1). Transforming the Classroom for Collaborative Learning in the 21st Century. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, 84(1), 28-31.

Clarke, A. (2007). The Future of E-Learning. Adults Learning, 18(7), 14-15. Conrad, D. (2008). Reflecting on Strategies for a New Learning Culture: Can we do

it? Journal of Distance Education, 22(3), 157-161. Davies, J., & Pigott, N. (2004). E-Learning across the Atlantic. Commentary.

Perspectives London policy and practice in higher education, 8(2), 37-40. Guri-Rosenblit, S. (2005). Distance Education and E-Learning: Not the Same Thing.

Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education and Educational Planning, 49(4), 467-493.

Harley, D., Lawrence, S., & University of California, B. (2007). The Regulation of E-Learning: New National and International Policy Perspectives. Research & Occasional Paper Series: A Report. Revised. Online Submission. Retrieved August 3, 2009, from ERIC.

References Hedberg, J. (2006). E-Learning Futures? Speculations for a Time Yet to Come.

Studies in Continuing Education, 28(2), 171-183. Hill, A., & Kop, R. (2008). Connectivism: Learning Theory of the Future or

Vestige of the Past?. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 9(3), 1-13.

Hughes, G. (2007). Diversity, Identity and Belonging in E-Learning Communities: Some Theories and Paradoxes. Teaching in Higher Education, 12, 709-720.

Kanuka, H., & Kelland, J. (2008). Has e-Learning Delivered on its Promises? Expert Opinion on the Impact of e-Learning in Higher Education. The Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 38(1), 45-65.

McFarlane, Kathryn.  (2001). Just another electric circus? Meeting standards for K to 12 e-learning classroom resources. Education Canada, 41(3), 26.

Remtulla, K. (2007). The Knowledge-Based Economy and E-Learning: Critical Considerations for Workplace Democracy. Convergence, 40, 9-24.

Tsai, M. (2009). The Model of Strategic e-Learning: Understanding and Evaluating Student e-Learning from Metacognitive Perspectives. Educational Technology & Society, 12(1), 34-48.

Watson, L. (2007). Building the Future of Learning. European Journal of Education, 42(2), 255-263.