The Facts About Dentures

Post on 11-Sep-2014

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What are dentures? What the the advantages and disadvantages?How many different types of dentures are there? What do they cost? How do I care for them?Get all these questions answered and more.


Dentures are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth. Dentures are supported by surrounding soft and hard tissues of your oral cavity.

Dentures are sometimes referred to as: dental prosthesis, dental plate, stay plate, false teeth and gnashers.

What are Dentures?

There are two main types of dentures:

Partial Dentures Complete Dentures

What are Dentures?(1 of 3)

Removable partial dentures are held together by an acrylic resin or metal frame material.

Acrylic resin partial dentures are attached to your natural teeth with pink acrylic material, while metal frame partial dentures have metal clasps or devices called precision attachments.

NOTE:  Metal frame partial dentures are a permanent prosthetic option normally done only after your gums and bone have healed completely.

What are Dentures?(2 of 3)

Complete dentures replace all of your teeth on upper or lower jaw.

The comfort of complete dentures or full dentures depends on your muscle, bones, tongue, and saliva.

NOTE:  After teeth are extracted, you might have temporary dentures or immediate dentures made first.

What are Dentures?(3 of 3)

Full dentures, to replace all of your original teeth, fit snugly over your gums.

They will help you to eat comfortably and speak clearly, and can improve your confidence and self-esteem.

Why wear Dentures?(1 of 2)

Partial dentures replace teeth that are missing and can sometimes be supported by your remaining teeth.

They can improve your ability to talk, chew and eat food want you want.

NOTE: If you have gaps between your teeth, your other teeth may move to take up some of the space, so you could end up with crooked or tilted teeth. This could affect the way you bite and could damage your other teeth.

Why wear Dentures?(2 of 2)

Dental implants can be used to support permanently cemented bridges, eliminating the need for a denture.

The cost is usually greater, but the implants and bridges more closely resemble the feel of real teeth.

Dental implants are becoming the alternative to dentures but not everyone is a candidate for implants. Always consult your dentist.

Dentures Alternatives


The Number of Missing Teeth

A denture which replaces 5 missing teeth will

cost higher than a denture for 3 missing teeth.

The cost of Dentures(1 of 8)

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures:


The Location of Each Missing Tooth

A denture for missing anterior teeth is more expensive

than a denture for missing posterior teeth.

The cost of Dentures(2 of 8)

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures:


The Type of Denture Needed

The cost of Fixed dentures is higher than

the cost of removable dentures.

The cost of Dentures(3 of 8)

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures:

 The Type of Support Used

Implant supported dentures are more expensive

than tooth supported dentures and tooth-tissue

supported dentures.

The cost of Dentures(4 of 8)

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures:


Dental Bridge Cost: Type of Bridge

Most dental bridges are made of either porcelain

fused to metal or ceramics. All ceramic bridges

are typically the most expensive.

The cost of Dentures(5 of 8)

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures:

 Type of Retention used for Removable Dentures

Implant retained removable dentures are more expensive

than precision attachment removable dentures if you

add the cost of the dental implant procedure.

The cost of Dentures(6 of 8)

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures:


Rigidity of Dental Framework

Flexible dentures are more expensive than

dentures with cast metal framework.

The cost of Dentures(7 of 8)

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures:


Location of Dental Practice

Dentures that are fabricated and installed in the US

and European countries are more expensive than

dentures made and installed in Asian countries.

The cost of Dentures(8 of 8)

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures:

Eating will take a little practice. Start

with soft foods cut into small pieces.

Chew slowly, using both sides of your

mouth at the same time to stop the

denture from moving.

As you become more used to your

denture, add other foods until you get

back to your normal healthy diet.

Eating with Dentures

1) Dentures may break if

you drop them. Always

clean your dentures

over a bowl of water or

a folded towel in case

you drop them.

Caring for Dentures(1 of 3)

2) To clean your dentures,

the general rule is: brush,

soak, brush. Brush your

dentures before soaking,

to help remove any bits

of food.

Caring for Dentures(2 of 3)

3) Most dentists advise using toothpaste and a small-to-medium

headed toothbrush. Make sure you clean all the surfaces of the

dentures, including the surface which touches your gums. 

Caring for Dentures(3 of 3)

Clean the dentures daily and after every meal

Take them out before sleeping

When not in use place in cold water (Hot water may cause wrapping)

  Inform dentist of any medication you are taking

  Schedule regular dental check ups

Care and Use Tips(1 of 2)

Do not brush with abrasive cleaners

   Do not use “drugstore” relines and denture repair kits

    Be careful not to get addicted to adhesives

   Don’t keep denture unclean and dry

Care and Use Tips(2 of 2)