The Facts of Massage Therapy

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Massage therapies are well-recognized way of curing health problems. They can improve your health and overall wellness so that you can function, feel, and look your best at any age. Here we point out a few facts about massage therapies you didn't know.

The majority of the people who get massages, do so for medical or health purposes, for instances; pain managing, wound treatment or general wellness.


Among the people who gets regular massages, 32% of them are using it for relaxation and stress cutback.


Women get massages more often than men. Past year's study show that 21% of women had massages, while only 11% of men had massages.


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Physicians and medical doctors are the foremost spokesperson of massage therapy recommendations.


In a study conducted in the United States, 35 million American adults (16% of the country) had at least one massage in the past year.


The majority of people who gets regular massages agree that massages can be helpful in reducing pain.


Most of the people in the United States want their insurance to cover massage therapy.


There are over 300,000 massage therapists inthe

United States.


Talking about the physical benefits of massage, it helps regulatory system working well. It is because the therapy is kind of little exercise that boosts blood stimulation and makes it run into the whole body. You do not need to go for any kind of yoga therapy if you regularly take the therapy. In fact, health experts have also recognized elite, special and ultimate medical benefits of this therapy.