The Fat Girl and the Naughty Trash Can

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Do you want to be a great student? Do you want to learn what happens when you disrespect others? Now, this is an inspirational story that may help you realize things you did to hurt others.


We dedicate this story to those children who disrespect their parents as well as children who doesn’t study

very well.


Written By: Janniah Pastores

Illustrated By: Mary Ellyana M. RicafrenteEdited By: Rolando Miguel R. Talagtag II

One day, there was a fat girl who always eat junk foods and throw trashes on the street. She always hurt her parents and talks back when her parents scold her.

When she is on her way to school, there’s a gangster who talked to her…

“You have beautiful teeth!” the gangster said. “Aww! Thank you!” the fat girl said. “Hmmm. They remind of a song!” the gangster said. “Which one?” the fat girl asked. “Black and Yellow!” the gangster said and started to

laugh.“How dare you!” the fat girl said.

When she is already in school, she always notice that the trash can keeps on changing places. But she is not noticing it and just continue to walk through the hallways.

In the next, the trash can transform in a talking and naughty trash can. And the fat girl saw the whole transformation.

And the fat girl can’t believe that the trash can can transform. While the fat girl is going upstairs, the trash can throw a ripped banana and the fat girl accidentally slipped. In the clinic, the fat girl can’t still believe that the trash can transform to a talking trash can. So she decided to investigate all day.

While investigating, she asked a student to come with her to visit the trash can. And nothing happens.

“Are you nuts? You are just wasting my time! Goodbye!.” The student said.Then the fat girl go back. But the trash can suddenly transform. “Really?! Why now?! You’re such a bad timing!” The fat girl said.

Then the trash can tried to scare the fat girl. “hiiiyoyoyoyohfhjbdjhuy.”The trash can said. But the fat girl is not scared at all.

In the next day, the naughty trash can start to observe the fat girl, and he can see that the fat girl is throwing trashes every where at the school. When the fat girl saw the trash can observing her, her mind flare up.

The fat girl convince the trash can to speak, and the trash can agreed. “Good! The fat girl said. “Sooo. I’m bubblegum, and bubblegum wants dum dum! Ahehe!.” The trash can said. “ Ahhh! You are a crazy trash can!” The fat girl said.

At midnight, there was a storm and it started to flood in the fat girl’s house. And she don’t know what to do because her parents are at work.She tried to scream so someone can hear and save her. After 1 day, the newscaster said that they will now experience hot days.

After 1 day, she is very happy because she will know what rank is she.

And she knew that she is not included in the honor roll. Then she asked herself “Why?”

Next day, she thought about the flood that happen the other day. Then she finally realize that throwing trashes everywhere is really bad and can result to floods.

And she will also strive harder so that she can make her parents proud and this is her chance to reconcile with her parents.

When the class already ended, the trash can notice the fat girl that she was having a hard time to solve the problems in Math, so he called the fat girl and helped her.

“You should always remember that when you do something you should always do your best because education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world and education is a gift that none can take away.” The trash can said. “Thank you for that wonderful advice!” The fat girl said.

After that, the fat girl studied hard and do her best to be successful, and, another trimester ended, and she knew that she is an honor student.

So she immediately tell it to her parents and ask forgiveness in what she’ve done to them.

Then in the graduation day, the fat girl thanked the trash can for everything that he’ve done to her.

but before the trash can leave, he tell a joke first. “Only a genius can say these four word, four times really fast without getting tongue twisted. EYE, YAM, STEW, PEED.” The trash can said. “Goodbye Trashcan! See you soon!” The fat girl said. “Goodbye Fat girl!” The Trashcan said.

And after that, they go back to their original life. And that’s the end of the story!

“ Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”Dream as if you’ll live forever, Live

as if you’ll die today

ACKNOWLDGEMENT I thank Mary Ellyana M. Ricafrente and Rolando Miguel R. Talagtag II for helping me to edit my story. I also thank Ms. Montines and Ms. Salvo for helping me to edit and plan for my story.

About the Editor and Illustrator EDITOR: Rolando Miguel R. Talagtag II is a Grade 5 student from The International School for Children. His inspiration to edit this story is reading books and he likes to edit errors especially in a story. ILLUSTRATOR: Mary Ellyana M. Ricafrente is also a Grade 5 student from The International for Children. Her inspiration is by reading books and have good imaginations. So she is inspired to draw things using her own imagination.

About the Author Janniah E. Pastores is a Grade 5 student from The International School for Children. She loved to write stories using her imagination and is inspired by fictional characters. Her parents is her inspiration to make this story.

Written By: Janniah PastoresIllustrated By: Mary Ellyana M. RicafrenteEdited By: Rolando Miguel R. Talagtag II

Grade 5 – dao

The International School for ChildrenTanza, Cavite, PhilippinesAcademic Year 2016-2017

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