The fetal development

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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The Fetal Development

By : Faisal Fahed Al-Otaibi (H00214727)

Fetal Development in the first month

• At this point the face and the neck are becoming evident

• The heart and blood vessels continue to develop

• By the end of the first month, the embryo is about 1/10 of an inch long. The heart, which is no larger than a poppy seed, has begun beating

First Month

Two Months

• Eyelids and ears are developing

• the tip of the nose is becoming visible.

• The embryo is about half an inch long and has distinct, slightly webbed fingers. Veins are clearly visible. The heart has divided into right and left chambers

Two Months

Three Months

• The fetus measures about 2 inches and starts to make its own movements The sex organs of the baby should start to become clear.

Four Months • The fetus now is about

4.3 to 4.6 inches and weighs about 3.5 ounces. The baby's eyes can blink and the heart and blood vessels are fully formed. The baby's fingers and toes should have fingerprints. The baby is covered with a layer of thick hair called lanugo

4 months

Five Months

• The baby weighs about 10 ounces and is a little over 6 inches long

• A protective coating called vernix caseosa begins to form on baby's skin

Six Months

• Eyebrows and eyelids are visible. the baby's lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, and he has started breathing motions.

6 Months

Seven Months

• By the end of the seventh month, your baby weighs about 3 1/2 pounds and is about 12 inches long. His body is well-formed. Fingernails cover his fingertips

Eight Months

• The baby is gaining about half a pound per week, and layers of fat are piling on. He has probably turned head-down in preparation for birth. He weighs between 4 and 6 pounds

Nine Moths• Babies differ in size, depending

on many factors (such as gender, the number of babies being carried, and size of the parents), so the baby's overall rate of growth is as important as the actual size. On average, it's about 18.5 inches and weighs close to 6 pounds. The brain has been developing rapidly. Lungs are nearly fully developed. The head is usually positioned down into the pelvis by now.


• "Fetal Development Pictures Slideshow: Photos Month-by-Month by WebMD." WebMD - Better Information. Better Health. Luis Chang, 11 Aug. 2011. Web. 26 Dec. 2011.

• . "Fetus." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 24 Dec. 2011. Web. 24 Dec. 2011. <>.