The Firehouse Scene – June 2004 THE FIREHOUSE SCENE€¦ · Tuesday Night Drill Training Photos...

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The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


TTHHEE FFIIRREEHHOOUUSSEE SSCCEENNEE AA mmoonntthhllyy ppuubblliiccaattiioonn ooff tthhee

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Vol. 10 No 6 June 2004

EExxttrriiccaattiioonn TTeeaamm WWiinnss BBiigg!!

Saturday, June 5, Harlem-Roscoe Fire's Extrication Team brought home three awards from the GREAT LAKES EXTRICATION CHALLENGE in Madison Wisconsin. The team took 2nd Place in the Limited Pit, 1st Place in the Unlimited Pit, and 1st Place Overall. The team also took 1st Place in the Limited Pit at the MIDWESTREGIONAL EXTRICATION COMPETITION in Cherry Valley on May 15. …….see page 2 for pictures


•• EExxttrriiccaattiioonn CCoommppeettiittiioonnss……..........……pp.. 22 •• HHaazzmmaatt CCaallllss…………......……....................…………pp.. 33 •• FFiirreess………………………………………………………………pp.. 44 •• AAcccciiddeennttss ……………………..……..……………………..pp.. 66 •• CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss…………..……......……......……....pp.. 99 •• SSttaattiioonn GGoossssiipp………………..…………....…………pp..1122

Great Lakes Extrication Challenge L-r kneeling, Lt. Bob Hamilton & Aaron Miller. Standing, Jim Daughenbaugh, Mike Huffman,

Ramona Baldoni, & Jeff Morris

Midwest Regional Extrication CompetitionL-r Jeff Morris, Ramona Baldoni, Aaron Miller, Chad

Radke, Mike Huffman, & Lt. Bob Hamilton.

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


Extrication Team Photos by Tom Lake & Chief Presley

Harlem-Roscoe Fire’s Extrication Team came out strong from the start for this year’s extrication competitions. The team of Lt. Bob Hamilton, Mike Huffman, Chad Radke, Aaron Miller, Jeff Morris, & Ramona Baldoni competed May 15 & 16 in the CHERRY VALLEY REGIONAL EXTRICATION COMPETITION. The team looked great and took 1st Place in the Limited Pit - a first for Harlem-Roscoe teams at the Cherry Valley Competition! Then came the GREAT LAKES EXTRICATION CHALLENGE in Madison Wisconsin on June 5. Jim Daughenbaugh covered for Chad Radke for this competition. The team did great again. They took 1st place in Overall, 1st Place in Unlimited, and 2nd Place in Limited. The 1st Place win in Overall also won them a seat at the 2005 National Competition in Las Vegas. The team will be competing in the 2004 Nationals in August in Pennsylvania from wins in 2003. I am sure there will be more pancake breakfast’s coming up to help fund their trip to Nationals, so keep a look out for them. Great Job Mike, Bob, Aaron, Jeff, Ramona, Chad, & Jim!!

The team works to free the ‘patient’ in the scenario in the Unlimited Pit at the Cherry Valley Extrication Competition.

The scenario in the Limted Pit at the Cherry Valley Competition included a cement barrier and a utility pole

The dreaded utility pole made this scenario dificult.

The extrication team arrives on an engine and everyone knows their job and heads out to do it.

Live wires had to be taken care of first during the Limited Pit scenario at the Madison Competition. IC Huffman made extra points by holding the team back until he called for the utility company.

The’Jaws of Life’ rests nearby, ready for use as the team works on the scenario in the Unlimited Pit at the Madison Competition. TERC judge Marty Schoonover moves in for a closer look.

Although technique and use of tools give more points, getting the "patient out" is a highlight when it happens. The team successfully rescued the "patient" during the unlimited pit at the Madison Competition.

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


Three Hazmat Calls Photos by Sheryl Drost

May 18, Harlem-Roscoe Fire responded to 9917 N. Alpine for a gas spill. Captain John Presley had command and reported a delivery truck had backed up to the the loading dock and struck a pipe, putting a hole in his gas tank. The driver then pulled the truck forward away from the dock leaking gas all the way. Presley had his crew contain the spill by putting oil dry down and the SERT (Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team) was called in. The scene was turned over to SERT Chief Dennis Lolli and his crew to help the business with the cleanup.

Captain Kirk Wilson and Lt. Don Shoevlin check out the situation as Jimmy Johnson & Ron Swain pour oil dry over the gas spill and Ryan Alms stands by with a hose line.

Kevin Bouton engineers minipumper 761 during the call.

Just as some of the vehicles were being released from the N. Alpine spill, another hazmat call came in on I-90 just North of the tollbooth. This time a driver of a tanker had been stopped by police and they found a barrel in the side

compartment of the tanker leaking a small amount of possible hazardous materials. Captain Kirk Wilson had command and as he watched using the telescope (pictured left), firefighters Lt. Don Shoevlin and Mike Pierson advanced with full gear and SCBA’s. After righting the overturned barrel the spill was contained and the site turned over to the Illinois State Police.

Mike Pierson writes down the information off the leaking barrel.

Then on May 22, a semi-driver on I-90 noticed smoke coming from his trailer. He pulled over at the 75.5 mm just after the tollbooth. He had the workers at the tollbooth call for help as he unhitched the trailer from his tractor and pulled the tractor ahead. It was also reported there was hazardous materials in the cargo. Harlem-Roscoe Fire trucks arrived and after opening the trailer, found the fire in the middle section of the cargo and went to work extinguishing it. To get to the fire, alot of the cargo had to be pulled from the trailer. The fire did not involve any of the hazardous materials on board. The Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team (SERT) was also called to the scene.

Amber Drost, Bob Stark, & Troy Vail(on nozzle) make the initial attack.

Left, Mike Pierson and Troy Vail climb to the top of the truck to ventilate.

Below, Firefighters had to pull a lot of the cargo to get to the fire.

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


Truck Fire Photos by Sheryl Drost

May 22, firefighters were called to the scene of a possible vehicle fire at 8385 Belvidere Road. Chief Presley arrived first on scene and reported that the vehicle was fully involved and that it may have crashed the way the truck was sitting. The homeowner reported that no, he had parked it that way. The fire was quickly extinguished and the scene turned over to the County Sheriff’s Deputy.

The pickup truck was fully involved when units arrived.

Captain Kirk Wilson and FF Dave Doyle make the initial attack on the fire.

Assitant Chief Ken O’Dell looks on as Dave and Kirk finish putting the fire out after Mike Morrison opened the hood of the truck.

Attic Fire Photos by Sheryl Drost

May 25, all three Harlem-Roscoe Fire stations were dispatched to 1609 Jennie Dr. when the homeowner smelled smoke. First in unit – Engine 705 with Captain Tim Schrader in command reported smoke in the attic and that the homeowner was safely outside. Captain Schrader had his crew take a hoseline into the attic through the crawl space in the garage and they located the fire, extinguishing it. Next in crews ventilated and set up a positive pressure fan to rid the home of smoke. Captain John Presley & Lt. Bill Sabin investigated the fire and believe it to be electrical. The next morning fire crews were called back to the scene when a neighbor thought she saw some smoke coming from the roof. The insulation suction machine was brought to the scene and all the insulation in the attic was vacuumed out to make sure there was no more fire extension.

Captain Tim Schrader had command as Chris Scott,, Matt Lane, and Mike Sherbon head up into the attic through the hatch in the garage.

Jimmy Johnson and Kevin Bouton remove a roof vent to check for fire extension and to ventilate.

Mike Sherbon and Lt. Bill Sabin use the insulation suction machine to remove more insulation from the attic as Assistant Chief Ken O’Dell comes out from checking the house.

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


Grass Fire Photo by Chief Presley

May 8, fire crews were called to 9309 Winfield to extinguish a grass fire that had spread into a line of trees.

Ryan Alms uses an Indian Water Pack to extinguish and area of the fire.

Suspicious Fire Photos by Sheryl Drost

May 10, workers at a neighboring business reported the piles of mulch behind 10505 Product Dr. on fire. Crews had to rake and dig through the piles to get to all the fire and extinguish it. Fire Investigator Captain Mike Drost investigated and reported the fire possibly started when a sign was set on fire and spread to the mulch.

Mike Sherbon rakes through the mulch as Paul Stanphill wets it down.

Paul Stanphill climbed up to the top of one of the piles to get to some of the fire.

Helicopter Called Photo by Sheryl Drost

May 5, Harlem-Roscoe Fire Paramedics were called to 11475 N. 2nd at the Physicians Immediate Care to transport a patient that had been in an accident earlier. Paramedics arrived and decided the patient’s injuries were serious enough to call in the helicopter. Lifeline Helicopter was landed and transported the patient to Saint Anthony Hospital.

Lifeline Helicopter Paramedics and Harlem-Roscoe EMT Mike Sherbon and Paramedics Bill Scheider & John Presley load the patient into the waiting helicopter.

Lawnmower Burns Photo by Chief Presley

June 4, Harlem-Roscoe Fire responded to 8197 Harvest Hills for a tractor fire. It seems the homeowner was mowing with his 1 yr old John Deere when it backfired and then started on fire. He called for the fire department as he tried to put it out with a garden hose, but the tractor was a total loss.

Smoking A/C Photo by Sheryl Drost

June 10, bartenders at the Whiffletree at 11347 Main St. reported an electrical smoke smell after the bar closed. The smoke was traced to a faulty air conditioner on the roof and the unit was shut down. The business contacted their cooling contractor then to come out and repair the unit.

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


Accidents Photos by Chief Oscar Presley & Sheryl Drost

05/08/04 Rockton Road & Willowbrook Road 05/14/04 Elevator Road and Main Street

05/17/04 9229 N. Alpine Rd. 05/31/04 Hwy 251 & Bridge Street

05/31/04 Roscoe Road & Gleasman Road 06/06/04 West Lane & N. Alpine Road

06/01/04 Ralston Road and Old Ralston Road

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


By Captain John Presley

Captains Tim Schrader, Kirk Wilson and John Presley attended Incident Command Class in Madison. We all had a great learning experience and look forward to future Command Schools. The department sent 6 firefighters to Champaign Fire School June 3-6th. Captain Mike Drost took Unified Scene Command and Officer Scene Command. Danny Gunderson took High Rise Fire Operations and Advanced Auto Extrication. Chris Scott took Coordinated Fire Ground Tactics and Single Family Dwelling Fire. Andrew Miller took Single Family Dwelling Fires and SCBA. Ron Swain took SCBA and Technical Rescue Awareness. Dan Borchardt took Saving Our Own. The stories sounded good and everyone must have learned a lot because they want to go next year. The ground work of electrical and gas has begun for the outside props at the tower, Chief Presley says the props should be here by June 12th. Hopefully everything will be completed shortly there after. Recruit class will be starting August 22. If you are interested in helping instruct any classes, see Captain Presley or Lt Shoevlin. We will be getting class schedules finalized by mid July.

Tuesday Night Drill Training Photos by Sheryl Drost For several weeks of Tuesday drill night, a house on Main Street became the site of real life training exercises for search and rescue in real smoke conditions.

Captain Kirk Wilson keeps track of who goes into the smoke filled building for search and rescue training.

Left, the RIT team stands by in case of an emergency, and right, more firefighters take their turns heading into the smoky maze.

Firefighters try two different ways to escape through a wall during this training.



Left, Harlem-Roscoe Fire Lt. Bob Hamilton accepts a saw from EMS Instructor Tony Celetti for the department’s assistance with an EMT Basic class. All EMT classes end with an extrication program so students can get a real world idea of how they are to apply the acquired skills from

class. Most students will never have the chance to develop street smarts, or have a chance to be involved in a real extrication. That is where we came in. One of Tony's students was our very own Mike Morrison. Tony had been promised by three other departments’ assistance with extrication. Mike contacted me and we helped him out. The saw is a gift from RMH and the EMT students as a way of saying thank you for the service. All of the students had an opportunity for hands on with the tools and patients in each scenario. Tony thanked us for the time, professionalism, patience and skill we shared.

… Lt. Bob Hamilton

May 14, Jim Burkett (left) from Smurfit-Stone donated a slightly used 300 gallon per minute trash pump with related equipment (suction and discharge hoses) to Beloit Firefighter Chad Eneix for the Stateline Technical Rescue Team. The unit will be placed on the trench rescue trailer located at Harlem-Roscoe Fire Station #1.

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


Happy Birthday

Happy 70th Birthday

Bob Schoonover July 8th

Open House Bob’s family would like to invite all of you that know Bob to come celebrate his 70th birthday at an Open House:

Saturday, July 10 Leland Park, Roscoe 2pm – 6pm

Chaplains Corner By Chaplain Jim Cole If you get the kind of mail I get, you get a lot of junk - and who doesn't?

But, once in a while something comes that is interesting. I won't spend any money to get anymore, but such an item came this past week. It was a little booklet entitled "Good Stuff." It is a collection of quotes - funny, helpful, challenging, instructive - you name it. One of these was a quote by Beverly Sills, opera star. "You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you do not try." It made me think of a quote by Teddy Roosevelt, which I tried to find, but could not (it's always the case when you want something real badly, but will find only after it is too late!). But, the gist of his comment was the same as Ms. Sills: you may fail, but you are not worth a toot if you do not try. I like this attitude. I preached a sermon once (it is still in my files if you want to hear it -Ha!), and the idea was that we have the freedom to fail. When Thomas Edison tried several hundred ideas for a light bulb that did not work, it did not discourage him. He just said that he now knew several ideas that would not work. And, Abraham Lincoln was a failure in several things before he won election as President. So, hang in there. Trying and failing is a lot better than sitting like a lump and doing nothing. You are worth nothing then.

Parade Float

Keep an eye out for dates and times of upcoming parades. See Joe Quast if you can help with any of them. The new guys are working hard on the new float.

Brad Delmore, April Cooper, and Ron Swain work on painting the float for this year’s parades.

Pancake Breakfast

The Pancake Breakfast the Extrication Team hosted May 23 was another success as many residents enjoyed a delicious breakfast. Thanks to all the firefighters that helped. The money raised is helping with the monies needed to send the Extrication Team to Pennsylvania to compete in the 2004 Nationals. And, now that they have qualified for the 2005 I am sure there will be more pancake breakfasts. Do You Know? As we start our new fiscal year, the totals for the year were kind of interesting. Do you know the department averages :

• 15 accidents a month. • 13 fire calls a month. • 17 misc. calls a month • 3 medical calls a day.

That’s over 4 calls a day on average. And do you notice they seem to come 3 at a time?



6th Ron Swain 7th Bill Sabin 8th Shannon Burbach 9th Dan Zintak ‘21st’ 11th Mike Huffman 16th Mickey Rykowski 18th Chris Scott 19th Jerry Ocker 21st Jerry Lindsay 25th Oscar Presley Brian Archambeau 26th Greg Zintak 27th Don Larson


1st John Bergeron 7th Mike Drost Virgil Johnson 8th Bob Schoonover ‘70th’ 10th Jeff Brandenburg 16th John Morgan 19th Dan Borchardt ‘21st’ Chuck Severson 21st Tim Bergeron 24th Steve Pomahac 26th Andrew Miller 27th Doug Wolfe

Total Calls

May 2004

Medicals - 89 425 Accidents - 8 59 Fires - 17 60 Misc. - 21 102 Total 135 646

July Breakfast Crew Ramona Baldoni, Jeff Ball,

John Bergeron, Tim Bergeron, Dan Borchardt & Jeff Brandenburg

The Firehouse Scene is a monthly newsletter produced by the Harlem-Roscoe Fire Protection District. The paper is written and assembled by Photographer Sheryl Drost, final edit by Chief Oscar Presley, and printed by Premier Printing in Machesney Park. The newsletter is available at Station One - 10544 Main Street in Roscoe and on the department’s website after the second Sunday of each month.

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


Graduates! • Lt. Don Shoevlin’s son Steve graduated from Hononegah

High School. • Ramona Baldoni’s son Ryker Jenkins graduated from

Christian Life High School and her daughter Rebecca Jenkins from 8th grade at Roscoe Middle School. Ramona would like to add that Rebecca also won the American Legion Award from the VFW.

• Mike Huffman’s son Patrick graduated from South Beloit High School.

• Paramedic Keith Lincoln had three graduations this year. His son Chad graduated from Valparaiso University, son Kyle graduated from Harlem High School, and son Daniel graduated from Grace Lutheran Preschool.

• The department’s computer guru John Makovec graduated from Rockford College.

Memorial Day Photos by Sheryl Drost

The fire trucks come up over the hill in the Memorial Day Parade in Roscoe

Residents watched from their lawns as the parade of fire trucks go by.

Chief Presley participated in the Memorial Day service at the Roscoe Cemetery.

Firefighters Receive Awards Photos by Sheryl Drost

May 13, three Harlem-Roscoe Firefighters received Certificates of Recognition during the Illinois State Medal of Honors Award Ceremony in Springfield. Chief Presley nominated the three for a state award after they saved a man from a car fire on June 16, 2003 and they were awarded a Certificate of Recognition.

L-r Jim Daughenbaugh, Captain Mike Drost, & Amber Drost with their certificates.

L-r Harlem-Roscoe Fire’s Lt. Bill Sabin, Jim Daughenbaugh, Amber Drost, Captain Mike Drost, & Chief Oscar Presley pose in front of the Fallen Firefighter Memorial in Springfield after the Medal of Honor Ceremony.

Rows of emergency trucks lined the streets beside the Capitol during the ceremony. Chief Presley and Lt. Sabin drove down the department’s minipumper 762 and it was part of display.

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


Father Day Jokes

“Daddy, Daddy, can I have another glass of water please?” “But I’ve given you 10 glasses of water already!” Yes, but the bedroom is still on fire!”

Do fathers always snore? No, only when they are asleep!

What did the father ghost say to the naughty baby ghost? Spook when you’re spooken to!

What do you call two people who embarrass you in front of your friends? Mom and Dad!

My dad thinks he wears the pants in our house. But, it’s always mom who tells him which pair to put on!

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there! I know being a father is an important part of many of our firefighter’s lives. I can’t tell you how many times the topic at the station is about babies and raising kids, and grandkids too! Health Fair Photos by Sheryl Drost

Lady of America Fitness Center which is located in the Hilander Plaza celebrated its Grand Opening on May 8 by sponsoring a Health Fair. Harlem-Roscoe Fire participated with an ambulance and a couple of fire trucks to view and firefighters were on hand to sell raffle tickets for the camper. A highlight for Lady of America owner Tracy House was when she and Radio 103.1FM DJ Denise Daniels were taken up to 101 feet in the air in Harlem-Roscoe Fire's aerial bucket to give a live broadcast promoting the Health Fair.

Paramedic Mike Powell shows off the ambulance as Assistant Chief Ken O’Dell and Lt. Bill Sabin sell raffle tickets.

L-r, Lady of America Owner Tracy House & Harlem-Roscoe Firefighter Dan Borchardt were 101 feet in the air with Radio 103.1 DJ, Denise Daniels when she went live on the radio with a broadcast promoting the Lady of America's Health Fair.

Harlem-Roscoe Firefighters Association Raffle

September 12, 2004 Tickets - $5 each or 3 for $10

• Grand Prize – New Coleman ‘Taos’ Tent Camper (Taxes, license, and fees are winners responsibility)

• 2nd Prize – 6-Month YMCA Family Membership (Roscoe/Rockton Stateline Facility)

• 3rd Prize – Barbecue Gas Grill Package

Winners will be drawn on Sunday night at the Fall Festival in Roscoe’s Leland Park. You need not be present to win

You will see the camper just about anywhere over the next couple months. The firefighters are on a big push to sell all the tickets for the raffle fundraiser.

Station Tour Photos by Sheryl Drost

Above, Chief Presley poses with Sean, Troy, John, Kayla, and Kayla from Harlem High School. The Chief and Firefighter Dave Doyle gave the kids a tour of the station and they all took turns trying on fire gear and getting their pictures taken. We had such a great time with the kids. Left, Kayla was so adorable and had us in stitches as she modeled firefighter Dave’s gear.

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


Weathering the Storms Photos by Sheryl Drost

The signs and barricades quickly came up as Riverside Park went under water.

This month the rains came down sending the Rock River out of its banks again. In our fire district the usual areas flooded such as: Riverside Park and Edgemere Terrace in Roscoe, and Queen Oaks Drive in Machesney Park. The residents on Edgemere and Queen Oaks though are not new to flooding and handle it as part of living on the river. Luckily the rains quit before they caused too much damage and created emergency calls. The storms did cause wires down on Elevator Road that made quite a viewing spectacle and took power out to many of the homes in that area.

Live Wires Down

May 31, fire crews were dispatched to 6955 Elevator Road for wires down. Chief Presley arrived and reported live wires were down and creating quite the fire show (above) as the line tried to recharge itself. When wires go down or a tranformer blows, never assume the wires to be dead because the system tries to recharge itself and will send electricity back through the line to try to connect again. Com Ed was called and fire crews shut down Elevator Road to traffic until they arrived. And it was the better part of the day before all the homes in the area had electricity again.


The resident at this home on Edgemere Terrace had to use a boat to get to and from their home as it was completely surrounded by water.

This is my favorite flooding picture. The American flag still flies in the middle of a flooded back yard on Queen Oaks Dr. After all it was Memorial Day when I took the picture!

Boat Safety

Firefighter Jimmy Johnson submitted this safety list that the Illinois Department of Conservation has put out. As we enter the boating season these are great tips.

• Do not overload your boat and do not leave shore in a leaky or poorly constructed boat.

• Liquor and safe boating do not mix. • Instruct at least one of your passengers in the rudiments of

handling your boat if you should become disabled, and, without alarming them, see that all hands know what to do in an emergency. Show all hands the location of emergency equipment.

• Don’t hurry when operating your boat or when securing equipment and supplies for it – take your time and use caution.

• Obtain local information and familiarize yourself with the locality in which you are going to operate your boat. Do not venture into dangerous or restricted waters.

• Have life preservers readily available and wear when conditions warrant. Don’t forget to have children in life preservers.

• Check your weather and tides before going out and have due regard for them.

• Check your battery and its ventilation. • Do not operate near swimmers in the water. • Do not use kapok-filled life preservers to sit upon, as such

action compresses the filler and reduces its efficiency. • Do not be afraid of a boat – respect it. • Do not forget your wake can damage others. •

The Firehouse Scene – June 2004


Station Funnies

Tim Schrader said to make sure his wife doesn’t hear that he did the dishes during the Association breakfast.

Well, he didn’t say I couldn’t show her, right?

Check out Joe Quast’s new mailbox! Sation Gossip by Sheryl Drost

• Our thoughts and prayers go out to two of our fire personnel this month for the loss of their loved ones. Firefighter Chad Radke’s grandma passed away. Trustee Bart Munger’s mother-in-law Judyth Schleicher

passed away May 18th. • Aaron Miller had just finished painting the floor to the new

Tech Trailer when Captain Presley walked up. Scott Johnson warned him not to walk on the floor because Aaron had just painted it. All worried, Aaron warned John again as he got closer to look at the job. Then, guess who turned and walked on the new paint job? Nope, not John, but Aaron!! Scott said Aaron was quickly trying to paint over his footsteps before I heard about it and took pictures…

• Ok, remember the picture in last month’s newsletter of the fire out on I-90. Well I put that the firefighter that was bending over in the truck was Aaron Miller. Well, I was corrected, that rear end belongs to Jerry McCormick…So I apologize Jerry. ☺

• I thought it was great to see Lt. Don Shoevlin’s wife and teenagers out to watch him drive a fire truck in the Memorial Day Parade. His wife Tammy said that Don watches everything the kids participate in and is always there for them, so they sure can be there to support him in what he does! Don, you better hang on to her!

• Babies, babies, and more babies….looks like we should have pictures of two new ones next month and then there are still 4 to go after that for a total of 6. Any more?

• Nick Jupin has left the fire department. He will be moving out of state. We wish you well Nick.

• Rumor has it Tom Lake lost a bet with Marty Schoonover. It seems the two bet on how many times Mike Huffman as IC during the extrication competition would say Good Job!

• Hmmm…Ask Bob Hamilton about his daughter and ice cream!

• Rumor has it Dave Doyle was spotted riding a bike that wasn’t a Harley…. OH NO!…..

• The story that the radio room is a fish bowl has gone even further. A sign is now posted in the radio room that it is not only ok to feed the fish, but it’s mandatory!

• Jim Daughenbaugh’s nephew Tyler gave him a ‘10’ for his fall off his parent’s roof while shingling it. Luckily Jim landed on the porch, on his feet, and nothing hurt!

• Zintak, Zintak, Zintak…remember Dan, everything gets back to the newsletter. Did you really?

• Fire Prevention Lt. Bill Sabin’s wife Joan switched cars with Bill one day at the station, so Bill could fill her car up with gas on the way home. Bill said he’d love to do it for her but it would be nice to have keys to the car! ☺

WWhheerree iinn tthhee WWoorrlldd …… ……aarree tthhee rreeaaddeerrss ooff TThhee FFiirreehhoouussee NNeewwss????

We want to hear from you readers out there – whether someone sends you a copy or you read it on

the website, we want to know who and where you are. Take a picture and write a hello or just send an email telling us who you are and where you live and if you have any family on HRFD. Email to or send to HRFD % Newsletter PO Box 45O, Roscoe, IL 61073.

“Hello from Hot Springs Arkansas to all my family at Harlem-Roscoe Fire Department; my big brother Chief Oscar Presley, my nephew Captain John Presley, and my niece’s husband Lt. Jeff Ball & friends, Assistant Chief Ken O'Dell and Photographer Sheryl Drost. I pretended to be a tourist to get this picture for the newsletter. I look forward to the newsletter every month. You do a great job with the stories and photos”. ….Sharon Thorton