THE FIRST ENGLISH COLONIES. Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan, was a 12 yr. old Indian...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Planting English Colonies Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief

Powhatan, was a 12 yr. old Indian girl who saved the life of Captain John Smith.

She brought food to the settlers of Jamestown and helped them survive the winter of 1607.

Pocahontas married John Rolfe, a colonist who exported tobacco. For a few years the English settlers and the Indians lived together without conflict.

2 Reasons For Establishing English Colonies

1. An economic revolution had created wealthy landowners who wanted a place to invest. The economic revolution also uprooted small farmers who needed new lands to farm.

Invest-to use money to help a business start or grow, with the hope of earning a profit.

Example-Jamestown Colony 1607 (Virginia)

2 Reasons For Establishing English Colonies

2. Religious conflict was the second reason for establishing English interest in colonies. Both Catholics and Protestants looked for religious freedom in America.

Example- The Plymouth Colony 1620 ( Massachusetts) founded by the Pilgrims

The First English Colony in America

In 1607, the first colony was Jamestown founded in Virginia as a joint stock company by the Virginia Company of London.

The Jamestown settlers looked for gold and silver but were not successful. The Jamestown settlers struggled, even after they grew tobacco for export.

Joint stock company-a business that raised money by selling shares called stocks to investors.

Exports-goods sent out of one country to sell in another

Jamestown 1607

In order to get to Virginia, poor people agreed to become indentured servants.

Indentured servants-they signed contracts agreeing to work four to seven years without pay for the person who paid their passage.

Jamestown 1607

Jamestown 1607


In 1619, Virginia took a step toward self government. Adult male landowners elected representatives to a legislature called the House of Burgesses.

Representatives- people chosen to speak and act in government for their fellow citizens

legislature-a group of people chosen to make laws

Virginia the Royal Colony

Burgesses- in Virginia, representatives were called Burgesses.

In 1624, King James I made Virginia a royal colony.

Royal colony- the king appointed the governor and the council of advisors

The Plymouth Colony 1620

In 1620, the Puritans a.k.a. Pilgrims started the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts. The Pilgrims came over on a ship called the Mayflower and “landed” on Plymouth Rock.

The Plymouth Colony 1620


Plymouth Rock

The Puritans a.k.a Pilgrims

The Mayflower Compact

The Pilgrims signed an agreement called the Mayflower Compact. It allowed signers to agree to make laws ” for the general good of the colony unto which we promise all due obedience”. Dated November 21, 1620.

The Signing of the Mayflower Compact

Puritans a.k.a. Pilgrims

Puritans- some English Protestants thought the Church of England was too much like the Catholic Church. These people were called Puritans because they believed in simpler, “purer” forms of worship.

Pilgrims-got their name from the word pilgrimage.Pilgrimage- a religious journey