The Five Most Common Organizing Mistakes...The Five Most Common Organizing Mistakes Gayle Goddard!...

Post on 24-Aug-2020

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The Five Most Common Organizing Mistakes

Gayle Goddard!

Professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas.!!


This presentation is available for download on our web site:!!

Buying organizing products is NOT the first step to getting organized.!

First, sort all your stuff to make keep/toss decisions.!

Then, buy only the organizing products that you actually need.!

We plan based on how long we’re willing to work, not how long the project requires.!

Be realistic about the time the project will take to complete.!

The longer you’ve been neglecting the mess, the more time you'll need to fix it.!

As you handle each item, it’s easy to get bogged down trying to decide what to keep.!

First, sort all the contents of your space into categories without deciding what to keep.!

Now you can make good keep/toss decisions about each category.!

“It was a gift!”!

“I’m going to fix it.”!

“Really. "I mean that.”!

“It cost me a lot of money!”!

Refusing to make "a decision is only postponing your pain.!

Don’t let one difficult decision halt your progress.!

Success in making easy decisions will empower you to make the harder ones.!

Time for your questions!

This presentation is available "for download on our web site:!!

Thank you for joining us!!

For more information or "to contact Gayle, visit our web site:!!