The flow--a talk for Toastmasters 2013

Post on 26-Aug-2014

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These are the slides from a talk I did about the concept of Flow. I gave this talk at a local Toastmasters group in 2013.


Go With…

•The metaphor of flow is one that many people have used to describe the sense of effortless action they feel in moments that stand out as the best in their lives.



What Flow is Not….

Flow is not the same as relaxation…Although it can be relaxing.

A generalized sense of being “laid-back” although it can contribute to a relaxed, overall sense of well-being.

• Nor is it just about excitement…• Although it can be exciting.

3) An involvement of your whole being—or those parts of you needed for this activity. And a sense of timelessness.

• 4) Happens when a person faces a clear set of goals that require appropriate responses and provide immediate feedback.

5) Also happens when a person’s skills are fully involved in overcoming a challenge that is just about manageable. Creates growth and “stepping out of the box”.

A person experiencing Flow is not likely to sail

away into the sunset…

Or if they do, it may involve

learning a new skill

(i.e. photography)

or perfecting an alreadyexisting skill…such as writing

•or Yoga.

•Children know about Flow…

So do Athletes…

•So do Athletes…




•And those who explore the frontiers of the mind…

One important factor of Flow seems to be the presence of concentrated focus.

Two areas in my life where I experience Flow are when creating photo-collages using PhotoShop, and also when doing massage.


Although these words aren’t synonymous with “Flow”, when you do something for its own sake, you’re more likely to experience this state. So, go for the Gusto—and go with the Flow..