The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe ... · The Foundations of Christian Society...

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The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe (Chapter 17)

While other parts of the world were experiencing unprecedented prosperity during the postclassical era, Europe's economy underwent a sharp constriction with the fall of the Roman Empire. Long-distance trade did not entirely disappear, significant developments took place in agricultural production, and there were brief periods of government consolidation; nevertheless, early medieval Europe was a world dominated by rural self-sufficiency and political decentralization. In spite of its seeming "backwardness" compared to the other great empires of the postclassical world, Europe was laying the foundation for the development of the powerful society that would emerge during the high middle ages.

HIST2321/ IDST2372Dr. C. Keller2

Roman Empire Successor States, about 600 CE

The Germanic Successor States, c. 500 CE

Last Roman emperor deposed by Germanic Odoacer, 476 CEAdministrative apparatus still in place, but cities lose populationGermanic successor states:

Spain: VisigothsItaly: OstrogothsGaul: Burgundians, FranksBritain: Angles, Saxons

The Quest for Political Order

Charlemagne’s Empire

The Quest for Political Order The Franks & the Temporary Revival of Empire

Heavy influence on European developmentLittle exposure to Roman traditionsStrong agricultural baseShifts center of economic

gravity to EuropeFirm alliance with

western Christian church

The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe

Baptism of Clovis

The Quest for Political Order The Franks & the Temporary Revival of Empire

Clovis (481 – 511) Major Frankish leaderDestroys last vestiges of Roman rule in GaulDominates other Germanic peoplesFranks establish themselves as

preeminent Germanic peopleClovis’s Conversion

Paganism, Arian Christianity popular among FranksClovis and army chooses Roman CatholicismInfluence of wife ClotildaPolitical implications:

Alliance with western church

The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe

Gregory of Tours on the Conversion of Clovis

“And the king was the first to be baptized by the bishop… And so the king confessed all-powerful God in the Trinity were baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and was anointed with the holy ointment with the sign of the cross of Christ. And of his army more than 3,000 were baptized.”

- History of the Franks

The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe

CharlemagneCapital at Aachen, Germany

Charlemagne’s AdministrationConstant travel throughout empireImperial officials: missi dominici(“envoys of the lord ruler)Continued yearly circuit travel

The Quest for Political Order


Charlemagne as EmperorHesitates to challenge Byzantines by taking title “emperor”

Yet rules in factPope Leo III crowns him as emperor in 800

Planned in advance?Challenge to Byzantium

The Quest for Political Order


Coronation of Charlemagne ~ Vatican, who is central figure?

The Quest for Political Order

Charlemagne’s Empire

Decline & Dissolution of the Carolingian Empire Louis the Pious

Son of CharlemagneLost control of courts, local authoritiesCivil war erupts between three sonsEmpire divided in 843

Invasions South: MuslimsEast: Magyars

The Quest for Political Order

The dissolution of the Carolingian Empire

North: VikingsNorse expansion begins

c. 800 CEDriven by population pressure, hostility to spread of Christianity

Superior seafaring technologySailed to eastern Canada, northeastern US

The Quest for Political Order

The Oseberg Viking Ship, approx. 800 c.e.

The VikingsFrom village of Vik, Norway (hence “Viking”)Shallow draft boats, capable of river travel / open seasAttacked villages, cities from 9th century

Constantinople sacked three timesCarolingians had no navy, dependent on local defenses

The Quest for Political Order

Viking Ships

The Establishment of Regional AuthoritiesEngland

Viking invasions force consolidation of Angles, Saxons & other Germanic peoples under King Alfred (r. 871-899)Builds navy & fortifies cities

Germany & FranceKing Otto of Saxony (r. 936-973) defeats Magyars, 955Proclaimed emperor by Pope in 962Establishment of Holy Roman EmpireFrance endures heavy Viking settlementLoss of local autonomy

The Quest for Political Order

Concept of FeudalismLords & vassalsIncreasingly inadequate model for describing complex societyAd hoc arrangements in absence of strong central authorities

Lords & RetainersLocal nobles take over administration from weak central governmentNominal allegiances, esp. to Carolingian kingsIncreasing independenceFormation of small private armiesIncentives: land grants, income from mills, cash paymentsFormation of hereditary class of military retainersDevelopment of other functions ~ justice, social welfare

Organizing a Decentralized Society

Potential for InstabilityComplex interrelationship of lord-retainer relationsRebellion always a possibilityNevertheless, viable large states developed (Germany, France, England)

Early Medieval Society

Sources From the Past: Life on an Early Medieval Manor ~ What does this

excerpt tell us about Medieval life?

“Of the food products other than meat, two-thirds shall be sent each year for our own use…and they shall not neglect this as in the past; because from those two-thirds, we wish to know how much remains.”

- Capitulary de Villis, 807 C.E.

The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe

Origins of Serfdom & Obligations

OriginsSlaves, free peasants in both Roman & Germanic societiesHeavy intermarriageAppeals to lords, special relationshipsMid-7th century: recognition of serf class

Midway between slave & free peasantObligations

Right to pass on land to heirsObligation to provide labor, payments in kind to lordUnable to move from landFees charged for marrying serfs of another lord

Serfs & ManorsSerfsSerfs’ ObligationsManors

Large, diverse estatesLord provides governance, police, justice services

Serfs provide labor, income

Early Medieval Society in Europe

AgricultureAgricultural center moves north from Mediterranean8th century iron-tipped plow introduced in EuropeDraft animals bredWater mill technologyAgricultural output insufficient to support growth of cities

TradeMediterranean TradeNorse Merchant-Mariners

Commerce or plunder as convenientLink with the Islamic world for trade

The Economy of Early Medieval Society

Population Growth of Europe, 200-1000 CE










200 400 600 800 900 1000
