The Foundations of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Czech Republic Ing. arch. Klára...

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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The Foundations of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Czech Republic

Ing. arch. Klára Frolíková Palánová, Ph.D.

First archeologic monument is settlement

• Prehistoric and early historic fortified settlement• By purpose is known

– Offensive settlement– Tribal (kmenové) settlement

• In early historic we named „settlement“ also castles, made from wood (Prague castle, Old Plzenec)…we call this period time settlement (7.-11. century)

• in our region where build also settlement by Celtic named „oppidum“ (from Latin), i. e. small town or protected place

• From Slavic settlement we know dwelling groundnut (zemnice), log huts (srubové chaty), square huts and building made from wicker (proutí)

mounds and tumuli

• easily visible in the landscape• Circle or oval layout• Cremation burials or skeletal

cult sites and iconic buildings

• Menhir (men – stone; hir – long…from caltic) – megalithic building• separate elongated unworked stones• Menhir in Prague - Dolní Chabry, Ládevská street

Cave – oldes dwelling of man

Cave Šipka (Arrow)

by town Štramberk

Roman military camps - castrum

• fortified quadrilateral• rectangular intersection of two

main streets

• Legionářský tábor; horní strana je obrácena k nepříteli 1 Principia 2 Via Praetoria 3 Via Principalis 4 Porta Principalis Dextra (right gate) 5 Porta Praetoria (main gate) 6 Porta Principalis Sinistra (left gate) 7 Porta Decumana (back gate) silnice od Porty Decumany až po Via Principalis je Via Decumanareets

Monuments of Great Moravian Empire

• 9. century till 906 (because of the raids of nomadic Hungarians)• Christianity from Italy, Bavarians, and the Frankish Empire

(Germanization)• Therefore duke Rostislav requested by the Byzantine Emperor

Michael III. east Christian missionaries: Cyril and Methodius from Thessaloniki, they came in 863 at Velehrad (they found own language and font for needs of Great Moravian Empire)

• Fortified buildings – palisade system and stone wall• Fortified settlements

Pohansko by Břeclav

• Churches – rotunda and longitudinal

Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque

• From Archaeology to Architecture, monuments and buildings still standing

• Pre-Romanesque– The Carolingian style (10. century)– Rotunda st. Víta (Prague castle)

– Ottonian style (10. – 11. century)– block church on settlement Libice by Poděbrady

• Romanesque ( 12. – 13. century..1100-1250)• Charakters:

– small and simple buildings– its weight and balance– vaulting – cupola, concha, barrel vault, cross vault– Thick wall

Romanesque arches: 1-cupola 2-concha 3-barrel vault 4- oblique pressure in the vault

Concession portal

Ramanesque windows

• building types– Churches (chancel turn to the East) - central and longitudinal

rotunda on the mountain Rip

Basilica. George at Prague Castle

Romanesque Basilica


1. A group of buildings for community of men or women – religious.

2. knightly orders (rytířské řády)

3. Templars

• Educations centers • Monastery

– Church– Convent (refektory, dormitory, the chapter hall, kitchen and storeroom…around

the paradise garden complemented by well - lavatorium)– farm yard and garden


1. residence of the monarch, duke…

2. Hunting castle

3. Guard (stráž) castle

4. Bishop´s clastle

• Prag castle

Stone houses

• single-storey and two-storey houses• indications street development

Judith Bridge