The Four Dimensions of Success - Global Alliance for the ... · learning, selection, and...

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The Four

Dimensions of

Success A closer perspective on

organizational ambidexterity

Dr. Yacoub Petro

GAPPS FTL40 – February 2018


– Aim of this presentation

– Objectives of the presentation

– What is ambidexterity?

– Why project management and ambidexterity?

– Four dimensions of success

– Mechanisms of ambidexterity

– Redefining ambidexterity

– What is next?

Aim of this presentation

To identify a future need or direction for project practitioners – to

confirm that ambidexterity of PBOs can be considered as a need

that can be seen through established techniques

Objectives of the presentation

– Establish that ambidexterity is contemporary and important;

– Establish a connection between ambidexterity and

project/portfolio management practices;

– Understand the outcome of the PMI’s research:

– Levels of ambidexterity;

– Dimensions of ambidexterity (the four dimensions of success);

– Mechanisms of ambidexterity;

What is ambidexterity?

“Organizational ambidexterity is the ability of an organization to

simultaneously explore the market and the surrounding environment,

and exploit one’s own knowledge base and resources to improve

performance and drive through sustainability”

Why project management and ambidexterity? – Projectized world and PBOs;

– Ambidexterity is theoretically constructed compared to project

management which is highly institutionalized;

– High relevance between portfolio management practices and

their effect on converting organizations;

Four dimensions of success

Four dimensions of success (2)

Four dimensions of success (3)

Four dimensions of success (4)

– Knowledge dimension: The ability to develop and at the same

time, seek and manage knowledge (old school new school);

– Technological dimension: manage the paradox emanating from

the knowledge output (i.e. technology);

– Process dimension: this deals with the resolution of trade-offs

between e.g. efficiency and control.

– Behavioral dimension: the ability to handle personal paradox at an

individual level… “project manager behavior drive results, metrics

only tracks results”;

Four dimensions of success (5)

Four dimensions of success (6)

Mechanisms of ambidexterity

Structural mechanisms

– Flexibility

– Complementary alliances

– Roles and responsibility

Learning mechanisms

– Learn about new direction

– Understand what others do

– Understand and harness own capabilities

– Learn about own projects

Selection mechanisms

– Selection of pool of clients

– Selection of resources

– Selection of projects

Communication mechanisms

– The bond between the leader and the team

– Internal communications

– External communications

– External relationships and networks

Redefining of ambidexterity

Ambidexterity is the ability of the organization to employ structural,

learning, selection, and communication techniques to resolve

paradoxical challenges within intellectual, behavioral, technological,

and processual dimensions in the various levels of the organization—

these levels (strategic, projects, operations, and individual) can be

separate or interwoven—to overcome situations of external

dynamicity and competitive environments, considering internal

limiting factors such as size, resources availability, and absorptive

capacity of the organization.

What is next?