The Foxglove Legacy - Chapter 5

Post on 15-May-2015

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The F


ve L



r 5

Hey, welcome back!

“Race you to see mama!” giggled Madeline.

“Maddie, that not fwair! I can‟t go outside and mwama is outside,” Lauren complained, crawling

behind her sister. “Ok ven! I win!”

“I win!” Madeline giggled to her „mum‟.

“The big scary monster‟s coming to eat you!” rawred Holly Blue,

gently lunging at her sister. Lauren laughed loudly, and Holly Blue smiled.

Holly Blue was making lots of new friends at school, but her best

friend was a boy named Orlando Bertino.

“Weee!” screamed Lauren as her dad tipped her upside-down.

Holly Blue should probably have been named Tickle. She liked

tickling people, and loved being tickled herself!

Madeline discovered the toilet.

“Who‟s a good girl?” “Mwe! Mwe!”

Holly Blue enjoyed school more than being at home. At home she

had to look after her sisters and clean up messes.

When there was only their dad at home, Maddie and Lauren made a

lot of mess.

Holly Blue had been enjoying school so much, that she got an


As well as good grades, Evangeline got a promotion, so the house

could now have some floors put in rather than grass.

Luckily it was soon time for Maddie‟s birthday, so she couldn‟t

make any more mess by playing in the toilet.


She grew up as cute as ever.

Holly Blue enjoyed having someone to play with.

They were soon good friends.

This meant that Lauren could spend more time with her mum,

which, of course, she loved.

“Madeline... Would you sit down? I‟d like to talk to you about

something...” Dominic said nervously. “Yeah?”

“Madeline, Evangeline isn‟t actually your mum.”

“But you‟re still my dad?” “Er... Yes. Actually, you have two dads. Your other dad.... he‟s an

alien. I got abducted when Holly Blue was young.”

“So...does that mean Evangeline doesn‟t love me, and I can‟t call

her mum any more?” “Oh, Maddie! Of course she still loves you and of course you can

call her mum!”

“Ok... Well, I‟m going to go and play with Holly,” Maddie sighed,

walking off.

“Why can I never catch any of these stupid butterflies!” Holly

Blue moaned. “Holly? Can I tell you something?” “Oh, hey Maddie! Sure what is it?”

Maddie told Holly Blue everything their dad had said.

“Oh, Maddie!”

“We‟ll still be best friends, whatever happens!”

“I‟m so glad I have you, Holly! Now, let‟s catch some of those stupid butterflies!”

“Ooh, Maddie! Orlando‟s here! Hey Orlando!”

“Should we go inside?” Maddie suggested. “It‟s cold out here.”

“Hello Orlando, nice to meet you!” “Pleased to meet you too, Miss

Foxglove!” They both giggled as they shook hands and pretended to be grown-


But it turned out Holly Blue had more fun with Orlando than with

Maddie, so Maddie went to play with Lauren.

“When you grow up, we can be best friends.”

“Orlando... Would you think me silly if I thought that one day

maybe we could be in love and have lots of children and get married and live happily ever after

like mum and dad?”

“Of course not! It would cool!” “Really?”


“We should play mums and dads and Lauren can be our baby!”

“Hahahahahaha, yeah!” “Can you stay for her birthday party tonight?”

“Sorry, my mum and dad have guests round, so I probably have to go soon.”

Maddie was ready to grow up a few hours later.

Instead of blowing out the candles, she tried to touch them, but

Evangeline pulled her away.

Evangeline had to blow out the candles for Lauren.

Lauren, instead of spraying confetti everywhere, oddly started

to spray snow...

She grew up into a very pretty child.

And as soon as she‟d got changed, Lauren decided to try out the


“Hey Orlando!” “Hi Blue!”

Holly Blue blushed – Blue – she liked that name.

“How was Maddie’s party?” “It was good! The cake was nice,

but I wish you could have been here!”

“So do I! Oh – sorry, my mum’s calling me, I have to do my

homework. See you at school tomorrow!” “See ya! Bye!”


Maddie had listened to the whole conversation, and ran to find

Lauren. “Happy birthday Lauren!” she said, hugging her.

“Thanks, Maddie! Should we be best friends?” “YEAH!”

That‟s the end of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! I‟m going to

try and fit their teenage years into one chapter, and hopefully decide the heir soon! It can‟t be Maddie

unfortunately because she‟s not strictly related to Evangeline, but she would have been my first

choice :(