The Fringe Lipped Bat by Zach. Habitat They live in caves and hollow trees. They live in Mexico,...

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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The Fringe Lipped Bat by Zach


• They live in caves and hollow trees. They live in Mexico, Ecuador, South American jungle and Brazil.

Physical Description

• My bat weighs 15 to 32 grams.

• They are dull brown, reddish brown, cinnamon brown.

• His size is 60-70 mm which is very tiny. He also has small whiskers –warts and stunned lips and chin. It also has a long life to 20 years.


• They have one pup every year. They are pregnant for four months. They are born in May, July, or June.


• Their enemies are cannibal bats, polluting humans and poisonous frogs


• Their diets are frogs and while my bat is eating a frog it coughs. They also eat insects, rats, mice, lizards, and chomp on fruit.

Interesting Facts

• The fringe lipped can tell which frogs are poisons because the echolocation tells it. It has a pointy nose with skin coming out of it