The frog and me

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.

Let me tell you a story about a frog, a frog and me That lived by the brook down by the big oak tree I first met him when I was lonely and in despair I was ready to call it quits and he didn't have a care "Why the long face old man Tell me your problems, a frog will understand"

"It's like this jumper" I said "I was born a human, that's the way I was bred They tell me I should have no need With all my brains, I can't help but succeed And that's all well and good But there is one thing I want understood

I had rather be a frog in a brook Than a professor teaching a book I had rather see water running over a rock Than be a fool punching a clock I am sorry for who I am and would like to trade What do you say frog, you have it made"

He looked at me with sad green eyes And said "it's tough catching flies And trying to get by, all the live long day But if you insist, you may have your way" All of a sudden I was a frog Basking on a sunny log

The river was just rolling by And I was looking at a clear blue sky Then all of a sudden it got dark And I realized I must find a place to park A place to call home, my abode I crawled under the log and ran into a toad

"Get your green ass out of here" he said "This happens to be my bed" " But I want to live here with my friends, I am not a hermit" "Look" said the toad "are you a wannabee Kermit Then you had better go back to your human life Cause out here fun is replaced by strife

And happiness, by the way Is measured by living through another day Most all of us creatures out here in the wild Never know the innocence of a child Or what love is really like You never know when death will strike

This existence is not for the down trodden or beaten For you are the prey of many And if you don't keep your wits about you tomorrow you may be eaten" "Gosh Toad" I said "how did you get so wise" " I have lived through many a sunrise Just being who I am, content with whom I was born

Nor a bird flying in the sky Or the human always asking why I am just trying to live until I die And though most of my life is here in the mud I wouldn't change it if I could

For we all have our place And we must run our own race Peace is not synonymous with pace For if you are rushing to go nowhere You will never get there"

All of a sudden I heard the most beautiful sound And I realized my life had turned around It was my wife saying "honey, get out of bed Were you dreaming or something" she said

Tell me about it" as she gave me a kiss "It's something I wouldn't want to miss"

"Oh, it was nothing" I replied "Just a silly dream about Nature's triad Birth, living and dying Who cares about all those creatures crying It is the weekend, lets go have some fun Down by the ocean and get some sun

Watch the gulls fly overhead Take that book that needs to be read And at the end of a beautiful day Let's go to the Seafood House by the bay" And at last there we were dressed to the nines Checking out the menu and all those fancy wines

"I will have the lobster" I said " it sure looks like a winner" My wife demurely smiled and said " I will have the frog leg dinner" Suddenly I saw a vision of the toad And a skull and crossbones lying in the road The toad was sitting on the sign Smiling as we drank our wine

"God, what is this all about" I thought And finally our dinner was brought I was feeling ill at ease Watching my wife happy as you please She finished her wine and began to partake  Of the frog legs which had been crisply baked

And as she bit down I heard this horrible sound And this terrible pain in my leg began to race As a drunken driver careened through the place   Then everything turned real dark and quiet Then I heard a voice in the night

"Come on frog, settle down,If you are going to live here with me Be still or find another tree“There is a frog that lives down by the brookWho has a toad for a friend just like in the book

Where the sun always shines and the sky is always blue And everybody loves everybody, just like me and you Where life is a barrel of dreams and happiness comes in a keg Where I see a frog sunning on a log With bite marks on his leg

By Winston W Wallace