The Future of Identification

Post on 21-Sep-2014

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Keynote originally given at Web and PHP Conference 2013 People are no longer satisfied with flat, single output websites that do nothing to personalize themselves to the needs and differences of each viewer. With the wealth of data and interaction mining techniques being employed in everything from online sites to brick and mortar stores, we are truly seeing a major industry shift towards automatic personalization. The future of user identification and personalization will not be in the act of logging in, it will be in mining the interaction of users with those sites, creating personality graphs and tracking the emotional state of each person based on their actions. Through these techniques you can deliver customized content, recommendations, and a fully personalized user experience that changes right along with each person.


The Future of IdentificationPersonalization Through Interaction

Jonathan LeBlancHead of Developer Evangelism (North

America)PayPal | DeveloperTwitter: @jcleblanc

The Age of Online Identity

You can determine the personality profile of a person based on what they interact


Psychology Meets Technology

What they know

What they know they don’t know

What they don’t know even exists

Everything you know



Building the Personality Profile

Our Subject Material

HTML content is unstructured

There are some pretty bad web practices on the interwebz

You can’t trust that anything semantically valid will be present

Start with Base Linguistics



Page Data

Weighting Important Data

Expanding to Phrases

Working with Hidden Users

Time Interactions and Identity

Applying Emotional Design

Color Theory & the Base Level

Primary color

Principal Emotion

Filler Color Neutral Glue

Accent colors Secondary Response

Some Color Theory may be BS…

Much is Based in Science

Birds with brightly colored leg bands higher on the mating ranks.

Red clothing in competition sports lead to higher win rate.

Culture Makes a Difference

Australian Aboriginals: Land, earth

Celtic: Death, afterlife

China: Good luck, celebration

Cherokees: Success, triumph

Hebrew: Sacrifice, sin

India: Purity

South Africa: Color of mourning

Eastern: Happiness and prosperity

Western: Excitement, danger, love,


Putting Data + Emotions Together

Understanding the Path

What is the path the user takes?

The Path the User Takes

What the User Cares About

Measuring time on page to give insight into user topic interest

Topic Interest from Time on Page

Managing Irrelevant Content

Remove / hide content based on user profile and state

Traits of the BoredDistractionRepetitionTiredness

Reasons for BoredomLack of interestReadiness

Acting on Disinterest / Boredom

Highlighting on Agitated Behavior

Highlight relevant content to reduce agitated behavior

Expanding Identity via Commonality

Thank You!

Jonathan LeBlanc (@jcleblanc)Head of Developer Evangelism (North

America)PayPal | DeveloperTwitter: @jcleblanc