The Future of UK Fundraising, 2016

Post on 06-Apr-2017

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Survey ResultsApril 2016



Savoo who?In September 2015, we changed.

And we’re not talking just a little touch up here and a little preening there...

We got a whole new face and an entirely new meaning to our existence.

Kind of like this...

Savoo who?


We’re now a Passive Giving site and a search engine, and we’re working with over 90 UK charities.

People use our voucher codes and search engine, and we donate our money (not theirs) to charity.

But that’s enough about us...

Because we’re new, we decided to find out what’s what

So we surveyed the general public to find out:

1. more about the UK charity sector on the whole; 2. and to dig a little deeper into how people actually

want to donate money to charity nowadays.

And 2,527 lovely ladies (78%) and gents (22%) responded

(Most were aged between 35-55)

We found out what people don’t like about the charity sector

And 92% said that they hate direct contact from charities.

And how people are now choosing to donate to charity

In the past 12 months:

62% donated online

74% donated to charity shops

46% sponsored a friend

As well as how muchTurns out young people donate more than older people,

and men claim to donate more than women.

– £192 is the– £192 average amount people

donated in past 12 months– 16–35 year old’s donated £225 on

average – 65+ age group donated £100 on

average– North East are the most generous

region by far; donating £469.60

But the majority of us have this in common...

56% of us would only ever donate to a UK based charity


54% of us would never mention how much we

give to charity or how we do it.

Interesting stuff huh?

And the last question we asked our ‘takers’ was about Passive Giving

89% of people hadn’t heard of itand

82% of people didn’t know that we did it------------------------------

Do you know what the heck it is?

Here’s the official definition...

89% of people hadn’t heard of it


So Passive Giving is basically the opposite of ‘direct contact’.

Remember, 92% of people we surveyed said direct contact would:

“put them off donating full stop.”

Make sense?

We’re not the only ones who think Passive Giving is the future of

fundraising. ‘Direct’ is out peeps.

If you’d like to find out more about the Passive Giving movement, please visit

Or get in touch with