The gift of prayer

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Zekeniam YSCHRaEL

Sherut haRitztzuy

(the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the

( Atonement)

reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy

Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

[“ahaYAH ASHER ahaYAH”]

( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be).


My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16

This is MY NAME for ever,


"And YaHuWaH said to Moshe , 'I am that which I am. [ahaYah

asher ahaYah]' and he said, 'so you will say to the sons of

YSCHRaEL, "I am [ahaYah] has sent me to you." 'and YaHuWaH

said further to Moshe, 'now you are to say to the sons of

YSCHRaEL, "YaHuWaH, ELoHeY of your fathers Abraham, Yitzchak

[Isaac], and Ya’aqob [Jacob], has sent me to you. this is my name

forever, and this is my memorial for generation to generation." '

"Shemoth 6:3," 'and I appeared to Abraham, to Yitzchak, and to

Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my name, YaHuWaH,

was not well known (famous) to them.

YaHuWaH, ELohey Tsebaoth, is his name.

The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav

(Written Torah)

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.



(in His Name)

YaHuWaH [Yah -hoo-Wah] is the Name of the Creator.

YaHuWShuWaH (Yahuwshua) is His Son

ALuaHiYM [Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"

Qadosh means Set-apart, Pure. Kodesh (Qodesh) also means "Set-


Ruwach (Ruach) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pic-

tured as the Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the One Who "proceeds

from the Father"


( I am HE )

The Gift of Prayer

This gift to be able to pray in the Ruwach is so over looked, and yet to know he hears you

when you pray, is surely a most precious Gift.

The family of YAHUWAH includes all who have believed in him in the past, all who believe

in the present, and all who will believe in the future.

Mishlei 8:34

Blessed [is] the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the

posts of my doors. For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of YAHUWAH






something swinging, that is, to let down a bucket to be emptied, (for drawing out water);

- door (two-leaved), gate, leaf, lid.

Prayers morning and evening fill from the bucket let down for his children to drink of daily,

Life giving waters

YAHUWAH, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto

thee. Let my tefillah be set forth before thee [as] incense; [and] the lifting up of my hands

[as] the evening sacrifice. Set a guard, O YAHUWAH (יהוה), before my mouth; keep the

door of my lips. Incline not my heart to [any] evil thing, to practice wicked works with

men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties. Let the righteous smite me; [it

shall be] a kindness: and let him reprove me; [it shall be] an excellent oil, [which] shall

not break my head: for yet my tefillah also [shall be] in their calamities.

But mine eyes [are] unto thee, O YAHUWAH (יהוה) ALuaHiYM: in thee is my trust;

Loukas 21:38

And all the people came early in the morning to him in Beit HaMikdash, for to hear him.


Ye that stand in the Beit YAHUWAH (יהוה), in the courts of the Beit Eloheinu,


And in the day time he was teaching in Beit HaMikdash; and at night he went out, and

abode in the mount that is called [the mount] of Olives.


Hinnei, bless ye YAHUWAH (יהוה), all [ye] avadim of YAHUWAH (יהוה), which by night

stand in the Beit YAHUWAH (יהוה).Lift up your hands [in] the Beit Ha Mikdash, and

barakhu YAHUWAH (יהוה). May YAHUWAH (יהוה) the Maker of heaven and earth bless

thee out of Tziyon.

If thou knewest the gift of ALuaHiYM (אלהים), and who it is that saith to thee,

Give Me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living


For blessed are they who guard my ways.“ Read the word written, sit under the word

preached, bless YAHUWAH for both, and hear him in both speaking to you.”

Ephesios 3:13

Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory. For this

cause I bow my knees unto ha Avinu of our Aloha YaHuWSHuWaH (ישוע) MaSHYaCH, Of

whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,That he would grant you, according

to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Ruwach in the inner man;

That MaSHYaCH may DWELL in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded

in love, May be able to comprehend with all set apart ones what [is] the breadth, and

length, and depth, and height;

So many of you have this knowledge in your heads, but it hasn't dropped eighteen inches

into their hearts.

How can we make that happen?

Through prayer.

And to know the love of MaSHYaCH, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with

all the fulness of ALuaHiYM).Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above

all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto Him [be] glory in

the Assembly by MaSHYaCH YaHuWSHuWaH (ישוע) throughout all generations le olam



We are all a family because we have the same Father. He is the source of all creation, the

rightful owner of everything. YAHUWAH promises his love and power to his family, you are

his family, set apart in him .If we want to receive YAHUWAH's blessings, it is important

that we stay in contact with other believers in the body of YaHuWSHuWaH HaMashiyach .


The Greek word translated "dwell" is katoikeo. Oikeo means "to dwell in a house." Kat

means "down." Therefore, katoikeo means "down home."

The idea is that Ruwach HaQodesh would be completely at home in our hearts.


Hinnei, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I

will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.

How does that happen?

Through prayer.

Hear the prayer of Nehemiah

Please let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open, to hear the prayer of Your servant

which I am praying before You now, day and night, for the children of YSCHRaEL Your

servants, and confess the sins of the children of YSCHRaEL which we have sinned against

You. Both my father’s house and I have sinned. O והיה , I pray, please let your ear be

attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to

fear Your Name. And let your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him compassion

in the presence of this man.” For I was cupbearer to the sovereign.

It’s a long time since I last prayed in such a humble way, prayers became like all things in

life, an automatic switch on and off button .

The time you and YaHuWSHuWaH are talking, like the time of Moshe on mount Sinai, it’s a

Sacred time, a time of being in his presence, where each thought, and word, each tear

and smile, are being recorded has we knee before him, and begin our prayer, in praise,

love and obedience servant attitude, a time when time has no meaning.. with a prayer the

universe stops still

Prayer is a powerful tool in our relationship with our father

YaHuWaH could not have made it any clearer; the need is not for more prayer - but for

Sacred prayer! What a frightful prophecy this is - YaHuWaH's people spreading out their

hands in prayer and supplication in great and multiplying numbers, and YaHuWaH is not


It is because we have been told that no one can ascend the sacred hill of YaHuWaH

except those with clean hands and pure hearts. These supplicating multitudes had unclean

hands and evil hearts. YaHuWaH said,

Sefer Yeshayahu 1:13-14

Stop bringing futile offerings, incense,(prayers) it is an abomination to Me. New Moons,

Sabbaths, the calling of meetings – I am unable to bear unrighteousness and assembly.

“My being hates your New Moons and your appointed times, they are a trouble to Me,

I am weary of bearing them.

Proverbs 28:9

Unrighteousness !!!!!

He who turns away his ear from hearing the Torah, Even his prayer is an abomination.

YAHUWAH is far from the wrong ones,

But He hears the prayer of the righteous

Look, the hand of YAHUWAH has not become too short to save, nor His ear too heavy to


But your crookedness’s have separated you from your ALuaHiYM. And your sins have

hidden His face from you, from hearing. But YSCHRaEL following after the Torah of

righteousness, has not arrived at the Torah of righteousness.

Righteousness brings answers to prayers, that’s the gift we seek

And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we guard His commands and do what

is pleasing in His sight Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another,

so that you are healed.

The earnest prayer of a righteous one accomplishes much.

How precious are our righteous prayers

Rev 5:8

And when He had taken the sefer, the Arbah Chayyot (Four living creatures) and esrim

v'arba'ah Zekenim fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them nevel, and golden

ke'arot (bowls) full of ketoreth ,(golden bowls filled with incense,) which are the tefillot of

Kedoshim.(prayers of the set-apart ones.)

Our whole eternity rests on our gift of praying

My covenant with him was life and peace, and I gave them to him, to fear. And he feared

Me, and stood in awe of My Name. “The Torah of truth was in his mouth, and

unrighteousness was not found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and straightness,

and turned many away from crookedness. And you came down on Mount Sinai, and spoke

with them from the heavens, and gave them straight right-rulings and Torah of truth, good

laws and commands.

For the lips of a priest should guard knowledge, and they seek the Torah from his mouth,

for he is the messenger of YAHUWAH of hosts.

The apostles of YaHuWSHuWaH HaMashiyach clearly warned some would give themselves

over to lust and worldliness, and their prayers would become mockery. But others would

arise, Keeping themselves in the love of YaHuWSHuWaH,

building themselves in the love of YaHuWSHuWaH -

building themselves up in holy faith

praying in the Ruwach HaQodesh


ALuaHiYM YaHuWShuWaH HaMashiyach

In His Name

blessed be, in His name

'YHWH be with you.' and they answered him, 'YHWH bless

you.' "

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they

heard that YaHuWSHuWaH passed by, cried out, saying, Have

mercy on us, O YaHuWaH, [thou] Ben David. And

YaHuWSHuWaH stood still, and called them, and said, What will

ye that I shall do unto you?

They say unto Him, YaHuWaH, that our eyes may be opened. So

YaHuWSHuWaH had compassion [on them], and touched their

eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed


His servant and yours

Shalom in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YHWH



Remember me and pray for me that YaHuWaH will be gracious

unto me and be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against

him. Peace be to them that read and that

hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel

Vineyard, though worthy of his Comfortable support while in the

work. Should never preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of the

Ruakh (spiritual work): what a scandal is it for a man to traffic with

gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received from the Ruakh

HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He

who preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the

most infamous sacrilege

The Everlasting Covenant is The Sabbath

ALuaHiYM YaHuWShuWaH HaMashiyach be with your Ruakh