The Glenville Mercury Glenville Mercury ' ... Battle Is the Pay Olf,"' looks as if It RECOVERS FROM...

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The Glenville Mercury '

Student Newspaper • GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE • Published Weekly

the student Siucle CopJ 5 Ceab Jaebon's llliU the

eertaiDQr had a 1100d

-~.!£!!!!""'" were n~ne o1 us. wbieb Eight Students wu the Ia~•~ delega-

Janett£ Cunningham Elected President to me of Attend Meeting Mias Bessie Boyd iBcU, CoUoge in-

wu only At Jackson's Mill structor, entertained eight lfUe&hl group. At with an Eute.l' Breakfa¥t at her

f"riday evening we home on Kanawha Drive, Glenville. " Well, Glenville Glt!:nV'Ule CiUte College wns repre· Gueatl we~ Mrs. E . G. Rohrbough

already.'' (Do sented by t.i_g'hl students ~Dd on~ in· of Wubiagton: D. C., Mies Addie be c:ould have meant !ltruetur :l the Student Chri!'tiau Colceley of Parkersburg, Mias Rache.l ~tlq 10 mueh!) Coth- Conl~rence ~~ld at Jackson'! Mill }fyer:s af Athe.ns, Mrs. J ohn R. Wag­

prorided a great. deal n--er tha week-end. Those re()r~!~nt- :ner, Mit:! Ivy Lee Myers~ M:s.s Alice IOinc to the estent of ln,r tht" Cnllesre v·wcA wen: Tbe.lma Arbuekle, Mrs. Herbert F. Withera.

enra mattruses to pu· Ry:.t."t'\ 'U\d Evelyn Finster, nft'XL year'! and Jln. Nota v. Roberts or Glen· cue she got eold. Bel ln· president and viae-pre!t;dent, re- ville.

of a Fuller Bruah u.le• 1rec.tively an.l Helen Taylor. presi a telephone eall with :e"t . ~ · MCA pre.\idcnt. DnviJ. T cw­

while we wait-- ,11; Prrch f"risn Jrf"nup, An c nnd strtet-car was auperb. ~ath..·rine WHbers. Mary K. Smith.

A W~-E~ c.bue.k·. taclip:t s~-:rdary), Clarence U:tder­diJCUSIIOn rrouptP wood. Jr., and Peggy Jun.· Adam•. a

We c.ertalnly werP junior in G1em~ille High Seht'nl: and for thought (and other· Miss Ros• Funk. Col1ege inliitructnr.

Thelma Ryan Is New President Of 'YW' Chapter

tra~ning .•n~ a The Coltega had the large! t dele Thr!ma Ryan, sopbomore of Spen· outlook "" racul preJU~tces, ,tation thue in respect to srhof'l1 en- cer, was elected president of the

and otber timely rol1mt.•nt. Otbe.r sel"ools repr<!sentcd \ Collep YWCA Chapter to succeed dl!cuase~ by able o:t.nd e nurnber atte_nrUng "'trP ns Ht'!len Taylor, outgoing president •. in

leaden 1n those follows: B~tha.ny (6); Bluefield (2) ~ { a special mee~ing after asaembly, of recre!&tlon and Fairmcnt {3); Mo.l'l"iS Ha_rvey (2); April 5. Other include: Vic~ o! the out!tanding lfa~hal! {1) ; Salem (3); West V_i-r~ ~ president, Evelyn Finister, sopho­

there was Mn. Fra.ncea ginia Univeu.ity (28)~ West VJrg10 n:ore of Wuton ; seuetary, l robelle a hicb sebool teacher from ia Wuleyan (3); Weat Virginia Clark. freshman of Weston, and Bridce- She bad a grand per tate (1): and three from a Mary- treasurer, Maxine Wright of Sand uu! certainly Mowed tho land cnllege, Frostburg .State "reac:h- Fork. They suce:eed Norita GAllien,

COIUOrl!l!o<~ • rood time. eor-s CoUere. Arlene Woodburn and Thelma Ryan. TBING we learned The- main spoken of t.he e:onfer- respectively.

a rnnd ! port !.nd luder enc'" a nd tl,eir topia were Dr. Jar.ob Mae Anderson, sophomore, waa Rose Flank ia_, Alt~ough the did pottnelc:cm~ profes.:or of .sociology. chainnan of t.he YWCA mee-tinl'

nnt ~tet to atttnd the whole confer- 7-.·, \ ' , u., "The Road W~ AT'e Trnv- the pa•t Wednesday evening in the enee. she sho_.ed u.s a rood time eling": Kermit Eby, "Alternative to Loui5 Bennett Lounge and gave a while \he wu there. Not only did she .:iride" and it Arc You Able?"; and brief history of t:he orguniut.ion akare oar fun but was a wise toun. Dr. Alferd Jospe, Rabbi. of Morgan- which began in England in 1866. wier whenever ulled upon for ad· town. •tThP Union Movement and Ruth Gro't'ea read an article about wlce. We miased bu when she had Dem~raey.'' Other leade.rt ineluded "YW" work in tbe Colle~te {rom the t8 lea-re ua Saturday afternoon. Edm•mia Gu.nt, Don Campbell. year book of 1918. Frances Gerwi« 'l'llaDira for e•e.r,thing. Mi.u Funk! Geonre .Menke. Lee ltlaer. and Fran- was in cbarp of de.•otionala.

OU1l PORKER llnanclal seen- ••• E<.du. FoT the flrat time the club uoe~ laO)', Uoyd G. Jones, who Is now new hymn boob whieb they bad ...a. ~tb the Ameriean U..d PEARL STALNAKER T AitES ordered and abo a'tceived tbeiT mom-G-. k• beo ..,ndinc Mi .. Beosie POSITION WITH F- B. I, benhip eards. These oarda wiil •d-... Bill aom.e very interesting ma- mit them to any YWCA organiz.a· ....... eo:neerning the armed foreH MW Pearl Stalna.lrer, S. N. '40. tion in the United Statu or abroad. .... il of interest to the ave.rage daughter ..,r Mr. and Mrs. Delbert A majority of the girls bought

t too. Be has M:nt weeki) Stalnaker of Glenville, bas re.c:ently ..... lilapo wbieh iiluatT•te :><tivi- aecep ed employment with the Fed- YWCA pin._ d h tt. on the war fronts. These g-in eral of Jnyutigation at Plans were ~ e to pay ~ e S~x-tll. eirilian and aoldie.r both an ex pcnse~ of two elegatea. to t e u-

eellent pimare of what is really hap. :::~!~:~P~~·~· b:~ss !oS::11":::~: ~~~~ ;~~:j:'aa c:::;re:~e ~!ck~:n~: penbac. One book, which is poeket left ht"re Saturday for her new work. ,~ El h lise, b7 Capt. Ralph Ingersoll. "Th• Mill thio put wee..-end. sew ere Battle Is the Pay Olf,"' looks as if It RECOVERS FROM ILLNESS in the Mercury will be found a re· waald be inteTesting reading. An· port of that meeting. other pocket size book was the •fQf. lolaJ hport on the Army, July 1 1189 o J11ne 3~. 1943." Other pamphlet. and the like included ar tlclea entitled, "G- I. Movies," "Row Sb-oQJ Is Japen," 'f'K._now the Ene­my," "ltnow Whr We Fir:ht," "Oft­Duty Education For Soldlen"' and numerous others. 'Miu Bell says stu dente ma)' make use of e.ny of thit mat.erial.

FELICITATIONS AND ALL go tJUa week to the newly elected Stu· deut Couneil and YW'CA who "Will take up their varhus dutie11 next faiL

CONGRESSMAN E. G. ROHR· BOUGH, pruident e.meritus. who was visiting Glenville with Mrs.. Robrboueh recently, ~ve a brief talk to Mi11 Besllie. B. Bell'• 11 o'clock Amerit'an History class. He 1poke about the much di~uasetl 'Soldier Vote BiU.'

BAD YOU HEARD tho latest?

Dea n R. T . Crawtord was unable Pune.r:tl ser";ees were conducted t-o meet coiAsse• for the put two Wednesday at 2 p. m., at. the. Tanner weeks because of an att!lr.k of in· I U. B. Church for- Mrs. Minerva Fling fluenu. this is hi5 fint. aboence from Kelly, grandmother of Bletty Lyd~c:k, duties beeause of illneu tor approx- freshman, nnd CT)•stalene Lyd1ck, iJnn~ly Ll'-irty yean. R~ reaumed his former student. _ Mrs. Ke11y died work the past Friday. April 9 at her home in Vienna.

Dr. John W. Elliatt to Deliver Address At College's Graduation Exercise, May 28

• Dr. John W, Elliott, president of I combined this year in nn effort. to

Alde:rlton-Broaddus College in Phil· eliminP.te unnecessary travel. es­ippi, w ill be in Glenville on May 281 pecially l or several seniors who a.rc ·u t l-e nrineipa1 speaker at Glenvillt aompleting work in extension anri State CoJlege'a tint combined bae- wouJd have had to make several roulaureate Fermon and graduation trips to GlcnvUle if the customary exerci!le, whic:.h will bewin a.t 10 :30 excrches were- spread out over SC.\.'·

3. m. in the auditor-ium.. eral days. Tbo'.lgh the list noturally is not.

e.omplete. College officials ertimn.te PRIN. BOCCS TO ATTEND that there "'ill be about thirty-five or MEETING IN HUNT INGTON

Of Glenville State's Student Council -------------------------.. H- L. WHITE TO GIVE GRADUATION ADDRESSES

Mr. H. L. 'Vh.ite, head of the Eng­!ish department, has announcl!d he will de-liver a Commencement ad­drel'<A ~t West Union High • chool. MAv 1 ~. Mr .• \Vh!te also has. accept· ed "two other invitations. at lle,·e.rly Md Gauley 11ridge High Schools, tu deliver like addresses on May 24 and 1 8 respectively.

I President of t he Student Cou.neil

for 1944-1945 is J anette CanniDg­ham, junior. daughter of Mr. &Del

~(rs. J . W. Cunningham of Tannu,

Miss Bell and Others to Attend Fairmont Meeting

who defeated David Tewell, j'unior, of Davis, by a vote :>f 45 to 10 at an election held Thursday, April 13_

Other officers elected were: Viee­president. Charle.s Mcintosh, sopho­more, of Walkersville, who defeated Margal'et Sweeny, sophomore~ of Pu.llm." "· by a margin of 40 to 16. For sec.retary, Mary Alice Wagner, sophomore, won over The1m& R7an, j'unior, in t he closest race of the eledion, by a vote of 31 to 26. For treasurer, Margy Jack, 1reshman, de­fented Belen Cox, fr<!shman, by a vote of 40 to 16 i and fo:r sergeant. at-arms, Homer Paul Beckert, soph·

A spring meeting of the Assoeia.- omore, defeated Betty Gainer, aopJI. omore, of Gle!wille. .

tion of Higher Education of th~ S. Approx.imateyl fifty•six -per c::ent E. A. is t(l be beld at Fairmont., May ol t he student body voted. BaUota ~ aJ\d 6. Mias Bessie Boy~ ~ell who were cast from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. 1s secretary of the AssoeJation, and Miss Cunningham, an active par­other f~culty ~ember_s plan to ~t· Licif!Ant in many e:ampus organisa,.. tend th1s meenng wh1ch has for tt:B tiona il a member of the Social main topic: "Preaent nnd Post.War Corn:nittec, w. A. A., Chemistey: Problems of Higher Education In- Club, Commuters' Club MERCURY stitu~ions W~th Respect Lo (A) ~e· 1 staft' me.mbtr, elec.ted t~ Who's Who turmnst Sold1ers nnd (B) Prepanng Among University and College Stu .. Teachers." . . dents, and ia now serving as viee.

Amon!!. be spcRkers and d• • president of the Council. She ia a lead~rs. w•!l be_ J . C. Knode: pnncl~ull sister of Millard and CUD· .apeC"Jallct m h1gher educa~on. Umt- nin~hnm, College alumni. Miss Cun-6d States Offict o.r Educah~n, Wash-~ ningbam and be:r parents plan to ington. D. c.~ MISS GeneV1eve Stu- move to the MeCall Apa--rtments in c~cr, stnte d~rect~r teache.r educa- Glenvil!e around May 1. lion and ce.rt1ficatron: E. M. Ash· I Miss Cunningham will be tbe sec. worth, Raletgb Oou~.ty supe.~nt~ntl· ond girl to serve as president of the ent; Delmas F. Miller, prtnelpG.I, Counci.l tince student government: Mound.s~ille lli~b Sehool; and ~r. wrus effected on ~be campus. P'J'es,. ' :· 8 . H11l. prestclent of the AasoCJa·l ently, the! Coune:il president is J(ip

bon. Catberine WitbeTs, daughter of Dr • and Mn. B . F . Withers of Glenville,

COUNTY SCRAP PAPER DRIVE whn hu the distinction of be;nc the '----- first girl student--body head. Miss

Clenvilie Boy Scou:s and studentr 1 \Vithers is a sister of Anne Witben, in Gilmer County's fh•e high school!\ a sophomore and before her eledion have realized $309.47 from the sale to the COuncil pres.idency had served of .t~c:rup paper collected and sold in numerous capacities as a Counc::tl· during the past two months. • offic:cr.

There'll Be Fun Aplenty Thursday, April 27, At Local Benefit Basketball Game

l·f fun To'ill bring in dolla rs for the R~d C!'t~ s nntl thereby increase the flow o( bll)od plasma nnd other es­~cniinls to the wn:r fron t!'-1 then fm1 it- wi11 be here Thursday e-vening, April 27, when members of the Col· lege fft~ulty :md ollher locn I peoplf" J!O ' 4ali Out'' for the war effort When t hey grapple with teams compo.sf!d of students in a benefit bo.!iiikctbatl

ameo o be Played in the gymna!'lium. Plo.ying wilt st3rt at 7 :30 p. m.

Dr. D. L. Haught and other fac­ultY members inrluding Dean R. T

he would participate, said he wv perfeetly wi11ing to have his name nn the team., but modestly added he didn't know whether he could play very mueb. Mr. H. L. White thought the idea' was ''funny.'' wondered what players would wear, and added be would "try to keep u·p," a.1thougb

(Continued on page 2)

College Girls On Civic Club Program

rnwft.nd, Linn B. Hickman . . John R. Six College girls, Nina Craigo, \Vngner, and H . L. White. plus Stan- Juanita W~stfalt, Lucille Hardman, Icy R a il . C'Oach in Glenville High Nina Moore, Leona Williams and Sc.bool. Rudy Wiseman nnd Doy Peggy' WiUiams fur nisbea special F rick. will play the "Pioneers/' music at a meeting of the Glenville with Hayw:~rd Gr.ove-1, Jaek Harris- Civic Club, Monday, April 3, at ~' D, Wi!l~ton Collins. John Wagner, whitlt tinte Miss Crystal Summers Homer Paul Bec:ken , and Clarence was reelected pre~ident; Mrs. H. Y. Undcrwond, J r. in the Hneup. Clark, vice-president; Oneta Arn· Well, B omer Paul Hec:kert., our es­

teemed sophomore.. hu reecived let-­ten and other UluaL.rated matl:!rial u.railll' him to attend Reppert'' School of Auctioneering. Live Stoek Jadginr and Pedigree Study. I quote: uThls school e:nables you to become a Real Auctioneer. a Super­Salesman." We're wondering wheth· •r we'll ever hear Homer Paul over die 'B1ae.' advertbing tobacco with a beautiful chant! P. S. For any onr who il inteuated, 1 undeutand t here

-forty !leniors who will complete work a nd be applic:.ants for the Baehelor of Arb degree to be awarded.

Principal Earl R.. Boggs will at.- The other feature on the night's old, recording !ecret.ary; Mrs. M. R.

18 a 'home Rudy eourae!

Dr. Elliott is well known in Glen· ville and has appeared hue on At leLct two previous occaeiona aa a !.peakcr, once at the Baptist Church and once at the ' College.

Preceding the exerdses in the audito~ium. a!'l academic procession will be organized in the gymna1ium a:nd proceed ncros.'l t he campus to adminietration Ball.

The commencement exucises weTe

tend n meeting o! the Secondary prog-rnm wi.ll Le a. game betwee:n a MeClung, eorTesponding secretary; School Principals at Huntington, team including Miss Ro~ Funk. Mis Mrs. Stanley H all, treasurer; Mrs. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. He Lnu.ise Whitlow, foculty members; Rob<!rt Dnis, auditor; and Mi~ \viB le-ave TUe!lday evening and wi!1 Mrs.. D. L. Haught, Mrs. J ohn R. Lucy \Volfe, f':t rliamentarian. visit the Training School there 'Ved· Wa~neL Mi9 E:cma. Edwards. Mis~ The program, with Mrs. Fred ne.sday. Mabel Wolfe. Miss Mary E. Young, Wiant ns leader, wns presented by

\\"bile in Huntington, 1\f_r, Boggs ' Mrs. Paul WooUfurd. l)trs. l\1. R. Me: Dr. A. E. Long of Weston. who dis-­will be a guest of Dean Otis G. Wil- ~ Clung, Mrs. Lestelle Mu~phy, a-nd I eussed eustoms, the. school system, on, oo-t Mars.ha11 Co11ege. a former Mra. Linn B. Hiekmnn, and the Col· ~net ot'!ter fen,tures of In.dia.

member of the College tacult)~ here. lege girls engaged in Red ·Cross Work 1\liss Margaret Prunty, College Mr. Boggs is a me.mber of the com- on the Compu.s. nurse. outlined plans for the r.UJ"rent

mittee on non·atbletic activities. President Haught, when 3Sked if c:ancer control drive.


The Glenville Mercury

Stadeol Weekly Newspaper of CJ.,nvill.. State College

Publisbed e1 .:b ·ruesday during the schoo. year by the cl• e;o in journnlis_m. " the pos offict. s second class mat!. Su b cr1ptio1, prke for the year 1s $1.00 ; for the semester. &Oc. Address atl communications to: The Glen­ville Mercury, IJJenviJle, West Virginia.

!JELEN TAYLOU Managing Edito ·

STAFF MEMBERS Ruby Messengnr. Catherine Withers. David

Tewell, Gray Barker, Janette Cunningham, Thelma Ryan, Hayward Grove>.

Linn B. HicJtma n .. . . . . .. . . Facu lty Adviser

Student Christian Movement Is a Worthwhile One

Several Coll~ge tudents attended the Stu­dent Christian conference of Area VIII. held I the past wee!:- ·nd at Jackson' Mill. Students not acquainted with ·ywcA work ~ay wonder just what t hjg conference had fo! 1ts purpose I and i/ it really was·wiJrth attendmg. .


For organizaUilnal purposes the M1ddle At­lantic Rel"i011 i~ di,•ided into five geographtcall areas. The REG IONAL PURPOSE: ''The Stu­dent Christian Movement of the l\Uddle Atlan­tic Region is an active fellowship of men a•1d -------------------------women who desire to be definitely, personally, j N F radically Christian ; and to join in the endeavor Otes rom . . . . . . to make real the life, principles and teachings ITh R b F K'dd L 'b of Jesus among t>tudents, especailly to individ- e 0 ert . 1 1 rary ual lives, to radical, political. economic, nation- --- .-------------al, international and other _aspects <?f our mod- Br Janette Cunniorh•m There!ll Be Fun em campu3 and world soc1ety ; w1th loyaltr I - .. · . and commitment to Je~us Christ as pre-eml- Ullder,.th~ headtng Good NogM] Aplenty Aprtl 27 nently the revealer of the character of God and Forever, TtME mngazme, (Apri r the answer to the needs of the world .'' .. (From JO) earn•• nn necount of the dearh (Continued !rom page t) . the Statement of Purpose and Structure). of Stephen Leacock. H -yenx-old be- h• ' orln 't play•<! :my bas~etbali s:nce

This is 8 STUDENT ~'lovement in the sense loved and economtSt and 191ft Dcnn Crnwford sa1d he would that its attention and membership is focused for t:ha~y-three prof~sor ~r try, nnd odUed. \\;th a smile, Hff you on t he campu~. It include8 und&graduates. ecQnom a~s and ~~1ence m will f urnish the crutcheg.'' JT&duates, facu lty. administrators, pastors and TorUJ'I tO K McG11t Umvet'slLY w~Er~ Admission will be by donation and adult friends. [t helieves in democracy . . .. a di· l'te hud. bcco~c a legend. ~e r~tu·~<J the; mihin1Um fee will be fifteen rect working fe rlows.hip of the younger and from h1~ dut1e a~ the Um\'erslty ~~ ~:cnt.s for child\'cm: twenty.fh•e ee.ntJ; older members in ~uch a way that every person· HJ3G. l:htt d~~th, m Toronto. 1o11o,,. ~ f o,· ndults. ality i.ct fully respected. ed a u op~ro.uon for throat caneer. liiiliiiit======--"'1

This i~ a CHRISTIAN Movement. Its purpose 1.1 to explore th~ Christian way of life by enter- !\'E V BOOK on th• sh~if is Burns ing into it rathet' than hy looking at it from Mantle'• BEST PJ..AYS L942- 3. I~ afar. I eontains ''The Skin of Our Teeth, 11

This is a MOVEMF.NT more than an institu- "The Patriot.," "The E\'e o! St. . tion. lt represents a force of !piri~al .feii•Hvship Mark," ."T~~ ~ama~k ~.h~ek:" '"The 88 well as the action (If an orgamzation. Above Dou~hgorls, Barnet, 'Ktss and all, it is WORTHWHILE!-Helen Taylor. TdL" "Tomorrow the World," ''Win.

,Le1· rddi rs," nnd "Oklahoma !"

Fewer Absences, More Studying, 'More Lamin'

1'hroughout the College year at various tim as there have been many former students visiting on the campus. and the first th ing usu~lly sa~ . after handshakes and cherry greebngs. 1·: "How are thin!'!' here?"

First of all. things are rolling a long smooth­ly and it looks as if they will do so until the days of your r turn roll around. All campus or­ganizations are intact " •ith the exception of the "G" Club which has had to close because there is only one member in schooL Other organiza­tions, uch as the Y. M. . A., Holy Roller Court Chemi try Club, Current Events Club, have ~utrered bu~ they ar e stil l carrying on ·for a greater day. An ~xnmple of how they suffer­ed might be the ou r1. which at the beginning of the school year had only four members. But they are carrying nn and will survive.

To the many who have yet to see the new I science hall or hnve only viewed it fro'!' a pic­ture, 1 can truthfullr ay that you are 10 for a aurpri-e when yQU return . It has blocked- off the beautiful view of the "Pioneer Trail" and the gymnasium. but in return it has created a new and more beautiful ce nic campus.

In the main, students realize the seriousness of the time! and fe r the gr~ater number there have been fewer absence. , more tudving and as some ha•·e said- " Much larrun'." - Hayward Groves.

A refu al of praise is n desire to be praised twice.-La Rochefoucauld.

What' the u. e of worrying? It never wa• worthwhlle, EO

Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, And smile . smile. smile.--George Asaf.

The thought of eternity consoles for the hortne.'<S of life.-MBleBberbes.

Q'l'tlElR NEW BOOKS: Paul Hn­~en, GER~IA= AFTER Hl'J\LER;

ifrt•d ~. Knopf, THE COLLECTElD POEMS OF WILLIAM ALEXAN­DER PER Y: Carole Landis, Ji10UH J JJ, J,.S IN A JEEP; OPERATION OF AIRCRAF"r E.'IGL"'ES; AIR NAVICAT!ON FOR BE'GI N'NERS,l Second Edition: Leemttn B .. Wil1inms , TFrE MAS'l'ER B001< OF ErUMOR-­OU ILlUSTRA'l'!ONS: Whit But·· nett, THE SEAS OF GOD ("Grent

1 :oJLoriH of tbe human spirit by forty­nine famous author~"); STA'I'JSTl -

~¢!',:~8 ;9~~-CT 01' THE UNITED I

Mercuryite Of the Week


By Thelma Ryan S--elrlom "!een without Toylor or

Waybright. H-air ·'fixe-r" at Veronn Mapel

lbll. t- s a t ophomore:. R-at~s. goo1l grad~! t..-ike.! Glenville Stste. E- asy to get along wit.h. Y- W. 0 . A. program ~bairrnan. . . . 5-pec:iAl branch ol wrvic~

Mnrin .. l P- l•n• to teach next year . E- nergetic bndm.inton pt.,yer ! N-ut as a pin! C- ame (r om We.rt Virginia Teo~h. £--..m-eat in her du ire lo become

a clothes dcaiJrner. R---adiant smUel




Automatic Pilots Automatic pilots are used in air·

planes to perform in a variety of ways. The title may be mislead­ing. There is no such thing as a .completely automatic pilot. Any device which is used as a substi· tut.e for work on the part of the

~:;n:: tt~0~u::n ';ll!~i4~si~:. i~ ia only a mechanism which re· aponds to his wishes. The dea-ree to whieh the instrument funetiona dependa upon the use to which .It II pat. 1

The moat work requir· oed la in ita employment of -preclaioa bombing. In thil inatance tbe au· tolllatlc pilot muat keep the plalle oD atrai\':,t and level ftir,t 10 that

h':: fr.omm!~h~;Pf:u.~~ P:~ ::: ::,s!:~ a:~=D~ta ::-~ buis of elwtgeo that are co­aztoagh 10 that the bombardier JIIQ take them lDto consideration aDil allow for tbem In his oighting.

In the cue of eommerclal trau­port planu no aueh aeeuraey 1a re-

~re~:~·~r~o~ ':!J~1': fatigue relief for tbe buiiWl pDot. It ia not oeceasary to keep a com· m""'ial pi&De on a bair-IIDe eoune, and the.rd'ore. a less uactiD6 • Ylce will do the work. ,

Smalln planea that ant liNd !IF m~d: ~~~ !~~;~pr!Ta: ped with automatic pilot.. ~ere are iD the coune of develo:P'Dlent

:tc!'~l: .. ~~.Ji:'e~:::U;riv!: planes. WMD lMtalled theae would

~:IJ. :;:!"!: ai~:..t:'":!~ili.:: tribute grutly to the popularity of private nUijon.

B,.)ttton Univenity has announeed .-pedal ac:h11lanbipa for children o£ graduate• ldlled In World War n.

Comments on Movie !'horts and Featurea

By Gray Barker

"The Pt•ide ol the Yankees," starring Gary Coopel' a nd Ttresn Wright, is slated for the coming Sunday at the Piclureland. Although a bit dull in spots a nd too long, thP st~ry aft'ords b•n ct en• r<·tin 1 nt. Basebull fans especially will enjoy it-the life story of the late Lou Gcrhig, wilh equal emphasis on his faml' Rs a hall playet and his home life. The latter pro­vides the be•t pllrt of the picture and brings a r w tetll's nfter Gerhig, played by Cooper, !Garn. bi· e ays ure numbered because of a rare disease. Tn real life Gerhig was left-handt>d, making a serious p1•oblem in the production be­ca use Cooper could bat only right-handed. But that did not stop the Hollywood wizards. They simply shot the scenes. turned the negative around, making Cooper a perfect "southpaw" when he is \riewed by the audience. Printing on signs in the view of the camera was reversed so it woulcl appear correct in the final print.

Dn vid T ewell has a namesake in the movie world-well , a lmost at least. While going through some movie items, I discovered a news item about a star of a few years back, David Newell. He i· now out of actual pictures. is now Ann Corio's makeup man for her new "B," "Call of the Jungle."

W a lter Pidgeon will croon in his new picture with Garso~. "Mrs. Parkington." ... "Little Lu· lu" of Saturday Evening Post {arne will appear in Paramount cartoons . . . "L'il Abner" car­toons are also now in t he making . . . Donald Duck's latest picture is "Doald and t.he Goril· Ia."

"Henry Aldrich Haunts a House," and "Aer· ial Gunner" will occupy the respective Tue· W d and Thurs-F'ri ·pots this week at the :Pic· tureland. Go at your own risk.


By Catherine Withera

Congratulations and best wishes to all new· ly e lected Council officers I . . . High school track men , forced to remain indoors because of bad weather, showed that time, neverthelesa, has " not been a-wastin','' when they presented a high-flying tumbling exhibition in the College gym, Thursday a fternoon ... Nina Moore and Margy Jack positively DEMAND p. 48 (S'k:IP TO THE LOU, etc.) at an assembly sing, Wed· nesday ... Mjss Bertha E. Olsen, standing in a local grocery stpre, remarked that "marketing is s urely a problem." W e'll agree, what with tok.en a nd stamps it's a bit confusing to say the least ... Latest token problem, concerns bridge addicts (of the fe male species) who use the little blue and 1•ed plastic butt<>ns far stakes . .. Ge.neva Proctor enhances her brunette col· oring by wearing a bright red satin jacket . .. Campu~ grass gains a new all-high as warm "P' ing rains encourage growth-lawn-mower season is just around the corner ... Homer Paul Heckert, budding virtuoso of the ivories, can be s~en n lmo~t d aily hurrying in the direction of Kllnawha Hal.l to practice on the piano there. ... FLASH: C. Ryan. our local 12aak Walton Cess) , reports a successful fishing spree over lhe holiday, Cha rlotte having landed a 2-pound catJish.

--- Qucrtea -----


It is easy to flatter, harder to praiae.-.Jean

I Paul Richte~. T he standard of literature as to exactneBS

I and purity of style is the Bible.-Blait·.

In truth there is no such thing in man's na­ture as a settled and fu ll resolve for either good or evil, except at the very moment of execu-tion.- H awthorne.

What sculptur~ is to a block of marble, edu· cation is to the souL-Addison.

Birds are entangled by their feet and men by their tongues.-Thomas Fuller.

A word to the wise is sufficient.-Terence.

We make our fortunes and call them fate.­Disraeli.


r. -------~

Rudoll Per~onalily

Vicki Vola Pretty Vicki Vela. the efficient

sec:retary of .. Mr Gn:trict Attor·

Miss Emma Jane Berry United In Marriage To Sergt. Harold James P rice of Weston

Scrgt. Jooeph Herold, Miaa Elaine BroWD Married

U S. Nsval Reserve, .ond Mrct. W hi· uey'" (S -tlon Wl r J Wednes· t l g. an Ensign in the USNRJ w~Te days. 8:30 p r- r",'lT' rut"'ks in Gle·nville Tuesday evening t o visit ODP of the b ig·

Miu Emma Jane Berry, daqllter of Hr. and Mn. Jl. 0. Berry of Lima Street, Glenville, and Sergt. Harold

!\fa1Tied, March 10, at the panon· James Price, son or Mr. and 1ln. 11;tu u! the Crace Baptiat Church, Clarence W. Priee of Weston, wen

vi~itots of their par· Jl.n. Chades P. WU,.on Ensign Cbarle! Wilson

Wilson. Samuel ws.s be tronsftrred to

bul wu delayed for allowed to come

of Charles ask­granted, a few days

to come home. Sam· April 8, and

Monday. been promoted

For the pasl he ba! been with the

South Pacific area. Glen,.;ne .Pathfinde.~.

enjoyed a te.lep" with his eldest son, L• Holt, Jr., who stopped

en route to (military to ret. new plane, which he

wJI1 pRot whUc on duty with thP Nan) Ren~ne. Mr. Bolt. had not heard from hi• son aince September

Through Dr. Kyle Bush, attecbed to a hospital staff in Pearl Harbor Dr. and Jlln. J . C:. Shreve hav• learned that their son, P!c, Fred Sllreve, USMC, is con\'ale.scing in o pct11t bospjtaJ from injuries su.ffered neently in action in the South Pa tdlr. Pfe:. Shreve burst ear ...... bat. ac.c:ording to Dr. Bush, ia ..-,...,nc well. a.-. Sexton Wright, stationed at.O.., Lee. Va .• has been I'J"IIduat­~~ a highly specialized com~t ..S lldtalnistrative training course 1/£ • Quartermaste.r Sc.hool there ... Ia now qualified to serve as a key .-.commi.uioned officer in the bat­tle of oupplJ. Upon completion of tJtii rigorous twelve-weeks cours€! hiD wub ago, he &pent 3 brief fur -witb lib wife, formerly Miss -..mta Haucbt, A. B. '42, and their

=I 10n in Grantsville and his par ID Glenville. With S-Sgt. Wright

1U class were other _..... IJ)ee:ialiats f.rom Army camps tlomacboat the country.

Tile following are changes of ad U.. reeeived at the Mercury office: Jot. Lt. Woodrow H. Showen. 0 108t781, 854th Chemical Co., APO 6&7, e-o Pottmaster, New York; l c;t. Lt. Johnoon H. Burke, SNR O- Hl42 f'R, 14th AB (AA) Bn., Camp Stew

Lieut. Whiting's parent.s while on u I ~::o.talents m seventy·two hour leave from their V l c k t wa~ r9 peetive assignment&. Lieut. Whi· bDrD in Dr,-ting, a nephew of Hunter Whiling, ver, Colorado.

I Richmond. Va., was Sergt. Joseph united in marriage in a single rinl ~. Herold. U. S. M. C., former Col~ ceremony read hue Suaday nelliuc •es;~ ~Ludent, and son of Mr. and at the bride'ts home by the Rev. G. :llrs. Wolter H. Herold of Cowen, to J . Jobnoon, puter of the TrlujtJ ~b:s Elnine Brov.rn, stepdaughter of Methodist Chun:h.

College instructo1·, is nqw a.ssigned and d y r i n g ~n. Edith Br,w.n of Richwood. The bride, an em])loye of the lle-to sea duty. ber hi&b sebool

Pvt. Kermet Fisher has arrived days stud1ed aafe1y in •North Alrieo. He was a actiDI despite ea.mpus visit'or a -few weeks ago :o~ :fpos;~

Scrgt. Herold is now stationed at Cullough'• Department .tore, ia a Camp Lejeune, N. C., with the Mar- graduate of Glenville High School, ine Corpta in whic.h aervic.e he has clua of 1931. ••d is a f ormer IN­t een !or the paSt two year.!. At the dent in Glenville State College.

while on furliugh before leaving tor she appeared overseas duty. in a bi&h school

Woodrow Rhoades, mac:hinist matt' play, and two

time uf his enlistment, he was emp Sergt. Price, • graduat e of Wea­ployorl by the State Road Commis- ton High School, clasa of 1988, loft "ion in Charleston. Weston with the National Guaid and

J.c., returned lo Neow York the post yean l a 1 e r Wednesday after spending leave in wu signed by Baldwin and Glenville. Be hu been a s tock company lur t.t~ I . .;enue,

role in a mystery drama. _ ,

Mr~ H~l'old, a graduate of Rie.'lt· for monthl! ""eel with .•mo'l Hii!'h School, is employed by the U. S. anned foreu in Alaaka and the Baltimore and Ohi!l Railroad the Aluetiana.

in the s-ervice more than three years Perhaps tha t first profess1onal and has seen ~everal months of for- engagement was an omen po'in t· e.ign duty, a part of it in TTinidad. iDg to ber radio success. It

Now home fin !ur\ough for thl' lasted for t wo years. A s Miss

,..ompany in Richwood. I AfUr a briel honeymoe n he wU! report to his present post at Color­

Leonard Cox-, ·former student, vis- ado Springs and the bride will ,.. itect the campus yesterday. ~ume her work here iR Gleu:rille.

tirat time a!ter two yean sen•ice i·n I Miller iD the ''D. A." dramas.

the Army, Pte. Roland Butcher =~sin totC ~nea:k,~r~as ~~::ed greeted his eighteen-months.old opposite Boris Karloft Hl the ra-daughter for the first t ime. Now sta- versions of "D r. J ekyl and tioned at Ft. J ackson, Columbia. S. Mr. Hyde" and ''Death Takes a C., he was recently tranderred from Holiday." Her work on these

Mercury to Donate Social Committee Deluge Of Jazz, Contemporary 'Hit' Recerdings

a coas.t artitle.ry unit in Key West. and almllar dramas. has attracted 1 --- • Fla. Pfc. Butcher was prineipal o! nation-wide a ttention. I Tht! Mercury currently is basking ' Wherever You Are," and usuddn .. Sond Fork High School for several in 1t deluze o! jazz and contemporary ly It's Spring,'' the latter f rom Para ..

h h' ·r f 1 M' ------------- ~wing as il re,·iews an assortment of! mount's "Lady l n the Dark." Vocal .. ~:an":vi:v:r~a~~i:.e~a:r::~erc~:~ transportation at New Orleans, La. new "Hit" record from the izing i n both !lumbers ia by Tomm.J

teacl:er. M.ra. Butc.her a.nd thei1 S d F k Q Glfl.ssie R~cord Company. Amo·ng the Ryan. . daughter have been living at her an or ne 11phlt .. r1'" is the curre·nt "hit" of Louis Prima a nd hi! O'Tehutn home. Lumberport, and with P!c. Qf S?5 S h l "Ttoe Hil Parade~·· ''J t'.s Love-Love.~ 1"e!'Jly "go to town" on u ls My Baby Butc.her'! parenh a.t CedarviUe. He C 00 S Love,'' with Jan Garber and his or-~ Blue Ton.ight?" and "I'll !Be Seeiq - b b f T M H 1 S • H L h chestra cutting the grooves. Liz Til· You." The vocal refrain by the :n: a:~~~r Boutc.h::~~~lle:; alu:~i: ervtng Ot UOC ton pr!:~vides very suitable vocalizing .. maestro•· and the t rumpeting mab RobPrt is with the U. S. Navy in --- for tl'" e rr'"'ceedin~s, plus the one on hoth numbers very Agreeabll!. Newfoundland. In response to queries from school t r e other s ide. "Leave Us F!\ce ft.''J T.he record'!i wi11 be donated to tlte

P\•t. Ted Riddle. until rcc.ently R lunch sponsors in West Virginia re- with "v.oids and malady by Archie Social Committee. Pitc.h'ie Count)• ~cho~l teacher, is sul\ing from recent -action by the nt Duffy's Tavern." --------no\\· taking hi! basic. training at House of Representatives turning1 Another very interesting tune THE MORNING AFTER

By John Greenleaf Lichello Cam_p Lee, Va. His wife and four down an appropriat ion lor the 1944· monop ... many whistlers nowa chi'dlen, of Burnt House, -visited him 45 school lunch progrnm, W. R. J . tiay~ is E.rric Madriguera a net his or- A there the past week·end. Zimmerman, atate superv!.sor of che!l.tru'c: t·f"ndition e~f the lilting, ori-

teacher may t hink it'1 fitting, To give a student the. air

Vi~itors in Glenville the past week WFA's offiec of distl'ibution, said uPoinei:uu." Alp Woodrow Maxwell, ol th~ that all •contraets made _prior to the though only recently beco!l"iog pop­Army, a nd Ensign Warren Lamb. end of June will be carried out and ular, its birth certificate dates baek Ma.xwell, who has been ! tationed in sponsors will be fuUy re~mbuned. to t93f; at Leone's Re.staurant in Kentucky, is zpending a twelve· day "-The Congl.'ess has not made a ~~w Yor'<, where its authr>r, Nat lea'"e at his home near Gle.nvUle. final dedsion in eonnection with the Simon, " .. 1tf' i~s main bars on a

Pvt. Robert J. Humphreys, of Elk· continuation of the WFA-Commun· tablecloth after suddenly beeomin~ ity sponsored sc.hool lunch program inspired. He bonght the doth, fin­during the fiscal year, but in any isiled the song when be got home; event funds already appropriated hu~ it w"'s only recently its publish· through June of this year will not t'I'S decilled to include it in one of be aff'ec.ted," Zimmerman said. their drives--result, a smash hit! On

view, was rec.ently awarded the Good Oonduet Medal at Camp Crowder, llo. The medul is awarded to a ol· dier who has served continuously for a year with "exemplary behavior, effit"iency and fidelity," upon recom· mendation ot his immediate com· manding officer.

AC Kline Bush, of the Army Air Forces. recently · received his wingr and commi o:ioned a Second Lieutenant at T urner Field, Atlantu. Gn.

1st. Lt. Herold Gainer hns been graduated from the offict·r~' depart. ment of the Tra.nsport.ation Corps SchoOl a t the Army Service Force4 i-nstallation nt the New 0Tleans Army Air Base.. Commi!sioned August 28, 1942, he spet!i3lized In higbwa.y

At present, there are 8'75 schools the othH t1ide is ''In a Friendly Lit· and 77,049 children participating -in tle Rar:.C\r.'' with Bob Lide proviJ~ the community school lunch program ing thf" \'ocal refrain. in the State of West Virginia . .Fed- Blue- Ba1·ron's orc'iiestra monopo­cral ex·penditure for the 1943-44 lize_s OUt> disc, with., 11Goodnight-, sc'honl year is expected tO be approx­imately S-'716,916. Contributions of 7 centq neT meal. Pdn. Gilbert Reed

~~i~~ ~~:";:::e;~e c:~:;i~t=~0~0 be directs the program.

Only ee.n~r in Gtlmer County- to which this a.ction will apply is Saud Fork. where. the counW's only hot lunch program is A few more than 200 students nre served meals doily there at a c('st of only



To wr:ite an "F'' upon his eard And !ay be doesn't care.

But lot the morning a:fter , The feel of guilt creeps in,

And in a flazh returns to her The blac.kneas of 'her liD.

So after this, you teachers. Muc.b kinder you should be

Stay the band that writes tlle "F'' And give the kid a n ' 'E".

-Parkenburg H. S. J ournal . I thought kissing you wa.s the neu-­

est thing t o bliss.

Suggestions fo"T Observing Nation· a1 Boys' and Girls' Week, April 29 te May 6, will be sent f ree, upon re­guest, by t he National Btoys' aDd Gir!s' Week Commit tee, 36 Eut Wacker Drive, Chicago, lll.


• 72 Sheeta 98c • 48 Eavelopea

art, Georgia: Pvt. D<lnz<l E. Betts 115 M'l B T • D ' W D "d a&7&822&. c ... F, so4 w . Reg .• APO - 1 e us np oesn t orry avt Mi 31 Antiaeptic

Full l!'int 59c ''·Camp McCoy. Wis.: Pfc. BUiy Tewell, Blind Student in Glenville State Adams, S6756Q10, Co. A, 26th Tk Ba., APO 4C6, Camp <:ampbell. Ky., -,-- . - - - - - --- - ----Pfe. Clitrord D. Stalnaker, 15362883 By Gra y Barker Pb'o'obkli5c.~ti0o0ncsh •,"u-t



Co. I, 417 l nf., APO 76, Camp Me 0 .1vid Tewell, t-lind junior from ~ Co,., Wis. i Lt. (jg) Stanle.y J . Jer Davis, wa~ not in the least fazed by he faithfully peruses the braille : uko, USNR. 5th Floor, YMCA the hectic travel situation when he Bible recebtly presented to him by .-,.., 9th and Beacon Sts., San Pe went 115 mile~ by bus in order to Lhe Baptist Chureb, where he r'egu.

1 ., Calif.; Joe Rodriguez. HA 1-c, !ipend his Easter vacation with l11s lal"ly attends. 1 DDG 41, MCAS. Santa Anna. Cal· par:!nt!l. During the holiday rush Eaeh number of the Reader's Dt·



If.: Pvt.. Helen Goldberg, A207409 when it is difficult (or even a person gest in braille is contained in thTee AAP Tactical Center, Orlando. Fla. , with 5ight to have sueces! in travel- thick voluml!s, appearing like uMair· 1 L:============~l LJorct Singleton, AS, Armed Guard ing by public transportation, his trip, ::y Doats" to the average person, :' c.rt., Brooklyn, N. y . that included !our bus change~. but pErfectly intelligible to his fin- :

Pfe. Ric.ha.rd Smith, A. B. '42, left seems quit-e an accomplishment. gers as !:hey rapidly skim O\'el· the GleDri1le Wednesday after ! Pending He refused to divulge the sec.r~t lines. Hi:s room became. crowded by a llirief furlough at his home here. of his succ.esstul "strap~hanging" the accumulation o! reading matter 1

For De licious Plate Lui.chea

and Dinners and that

Graham Cracker P ie

Stop a t

• Log Cabin Restaurant

t employee of the Glenville Bank however, said, "I just gave the t·ecentl ·, ~o he dona "ted it to the po· aM Trust Company when he en ticket- and went.'' per salvage drive. The "talking­

iRed the service, Pfr. Smit.h will be Mr. Tewell, president of the Col- hooks"' are books recorded on large ,linn transfer orders immediatelv t leJ!'"e Y. M. C. A .. a memhe1· of the twelve-minute records, are played a,GD his ret·um to Camp Joseph TL. I Current Events Club, and recently a on a special phonograPh in his room Boblnson, Ark. He ia a brother· of candidate for president nf the Stu· in Louis Bennett Hall. Some books, Gwendolyn Smith, o\. B. •ae. and dent Council. is perhaps one ot thtt jf they are large, take more than 1farr L Smith, College. 1ophom.ore. J .. best cead'' st udents on tbe Camp- twelve doublepfaeed records for I

Lieut. Fred Madison Whiting. J r . , us, regularly digesting various braille their complete transcription. :....-----------.......!

Thompaon'a RexaD Store




$40.00 Complete

• THE GRill

Dial Glenville 2891



VIEWS a,. Thelma Ryaa

The hi~lllight ~ports ~vent on the campus will he held Thursday night, April 2'1, in the College gymnasium :t» the Caculty members meet the stu­-dents on the basketball court. The men of the faculty will prove their nbility by playing the men st\ldents in the first gamt.. and immediattoly fol'owing will be a gnme between the women faculty members and the women stude.nt.a. All proceeds of the two games 1Aili be donated to tile American Red Cross. DON'T MJSS

Rev. Mr. Arehart Conducts Final Assembly Program

Plans for the assembly hour to­avor.row are indefinite, ext"ept :for a few routine matte'N!, announces Dean Robert T. Crawford. In two previous ~emblics, on April .S and 12, re­spectively, special Easter services were conducted by the Rev. Carl Lloyd Arehart, and Pres. D. L. Haught conducted n !tho!"t program of group singing and ·brief talks by candidates for Student Council ol­fices.

The Rev. Mrr. Areha.rt. who ha!\ .. e.signed hie: position in Glenville as College -lnstructor ond Presbyterian

1"HOSE GAMES! • minister to aecept a pastorate at

T"te St. Louis C:n·dinatc; nnd the Dunbar. made his last appearance New York Yanke(•~. of tl,e National! at th~~ College a t the Easter assem­o.nd American 1ea~es. respectively, bl:.. ~:uple f_org~t th~ presence of have been picked as favorite! to win ~ rls t . he ~Jd. He ~~ here at all t he major league pennnnts this year. ~ames: aff'ectmg thnt wh1eh he would AlthouJth both the Cardinals and tlle m thl~ world · · · That !)resen~e Yankees have lost a large number make& life real and work dignified. of men to. the armed forces, their . · . Christianity j ... true .and valid ~quads riiU appear · to be hette.r than only because of the sa~rafices made tbo!'e of oth.rr teams. by Christ and His followe-rs ... The

81 end a Gelse.r won the 1 OO·tard free-style event of the 1944 Nation­Al Senior women'$ swimmimr ai1d dhdng championship in Oakland. Calif'ornia. The 19-year-old swim­ming star of Portland, Oregon. won in 1:00.6, just six-tenths o-f a second !flower than the world'~ record. . .

unity of Ch"i!lt's life and sacrifice gives those who Jive the memory of t~nt life the ri!Z'h~ to speak freely.,

Catheri!le Withers, Student Coun· eil president was in charge of the ;;u;-tetnlily and presented the Rev. Mr. ATehnt. in the absence of Dean R. T. Cuwford.


W. A. A. pins and merit ban have arrived for distribution nmong Col· lege girls who have earned enou&h points, Miss Rose Funk, physical ed· ucation instructor. announced. The awartb will be made a t the en~-1 of the semeeter.

HERE AND TIIERE B, Harwanl Cro•••

s;nce gripin~ is supposedly a typi· American custom. I am going to try contrasting a few civilian gripes with those of :u!' • fig~ting men.

The averagr dvilion, especiaUy among the younger set, gripe$ be­cause there is nothing to do which i"' exciting. Our soldiers gripe because they have !!O much exeitement and hazardous living that they can't get nny peace or rest.


a,. Thelma R,.aa

1932: Eighty-five ooapleo attend­e.d the fourth annual Athletic Bop in the gymnasium. Friday night. Frank Craven and bia Canadian Roamers from East Liverponl, Ohio, furnished the music.

1933: Reginald Lawson, who will represent Glenvtlle in a national o~atorica! contest in Chicago, gave h1s address in Chapel Wednesday. HiJ subject is f'Cance1lation on Cot .. onies.''

stuffs diviolon of E. l. du Pon' Nemours and Co., IDe., wu cme the principal l]le&ken Ill toile annual AU.sclenee day here. Bruinier u.aed u hill subject, Development of the Dyeot11lr try in the United States."

1939: The Ploneeretteo woll return basketball J!Ome with Wesleyan girls at BueklauaoD April 4 by a ..,.,.., ot 28 to 18. the line-up for Glenville were naker, Wolfe, lloore, Daniell, son and Radc:llffe. 'Ve ~tuden~ o1ten gripe because

thet•e is. 'IO mu~h to read or so !11ftDY lessons to study. Our boys who have 1934 : EaTI Boggs_ of Glenville wu bt!en unfortunate enough to become named general chairMan of thr­ of war ~tripe, and t~e co.u~e alumni reception committee of the is just because t..,ey have nothing to CoJiege. Other chairmen are Dean rend or nnything to do to kill time. Hunter Whiling, entert.ainment;

1940: Tereu Bateher of ville waa elected president year's senior tlan. Other elected were: Viee-preslcleJit. Seott ol Troy i aeeretaey, Wright ol Glenville, and Ralph Cos of Elizabeth.

• • • Mn. Phyllis Rohrbough, decoration;

It i3 nt~t unusual for us to com· A. E. Harris, publicity and ticke-t pitt in abnut a bed being 'SO hard that ~ale~; Mr~ Macel Wolfe Boclc4 re­we can•t sleep on it. Here a vetcra~ re

5 men c:-.

1942: Brooka Walker,

of any (ront cBn have a f!.ilertt !nlek-1 .193_5: Dr. Hilt.on Ira J~nes, n~ted er het'ause he know:s all foxholes are setentJst and lecturer, wtll cleliver equipped with inner-spring mat· his demonstration-lecture ,.Science tre.csett. and the Future in the College audi·


was elected president of the C::baptor o~ the YMCA. at a meeting. Other oflcen ehoaen Vice-president, David TeweU; 9eCTetary-t.reasurer, James Doteoa.

The l'.iJ!'h ute of income tax we ha\·e to pay i'i another pel subject for the civilia.n poplllation. Very f~w service men have much to say Ill out thi :.~ their fi!ty bucks a mont \. doesn't count up very fast. . . .

Rationing .!llso c:omes up near the tor Cl f ~he gripers list nnrl should bl" lc~s thought of !:han it is. Alter al!. no r ne is forced to go !or days \o;:ithnut n bite of food as Jometimes our men who are lost at sea after rheir ll"hip wu torpedoed or their airplane was !.hot down are forced to do.

1936: Twenty-seven members of the Canterbury Club, with Mi!o Wii-Ja Brand, club adviler, made their ---fifteenth annual pilgrimage follow- ~ The Robert F. Kidd Library 111 Jng a epec1al program in Miaa pictured on the eover of the A'Pril Erand's classroom. I number of the West Virginia Sehool

1987: Miss Winilred White of Journal, along with other Br1dgeport, a sophomore iD the Col- scenes at !Ome of West "'·-~-·-•- • lege. won first place in a Leaqty con- institutions of higher education." test sponsored by the Jr. Woman':t Club of Gle~ville. Other entrants in Etta Jane Judge, freshman, the contest mcluded : Eleanor Wag~ turned to .her classes Monday ner, Ella Summers, Mary Lutk. l being ill at her home in Clendtmbal l Mary Leone West, Sadie Barleu. the past week. Lois. Thompson, Eileen Hamrick. Mr. Hunter Whiting, College In· Wed1th Greenlie1, Elfreda Wiseman, t¢ruetor in languages &Dd literature Mary Helen ~ta.lnaker, Josephine , w8! unable to attend his c1uaea ye,;.

Paul Brown, coach at Ohio StAte University. received a commission as Lt. {j. g.) in t:he Navy and reported to the Great Lakes NavAl Training Station last week. Carroll Widdoe.c;;, who )las been •Brown 's assistant at the University since they left Mas· t.illon three yean ago, Was appoint­ed head coach of the B"Uckeyea.

These few gripes have jus! RUI'ee- and MarJone Barnett. I te.rday beeauae of illness. Mrs. H. G. Law. wife of Mr. Law, scratched the surface of the many 1938: ~naco G. Bruinjer, Jr., of 1 1 Estella Bonner, unlor, qent tlle

College janitor, 1s said to be much which one can heaT everyday. You the techn1cal laboratory d the dy~ week..end at her home iD. Lockney.

W. A. A. NEWS Norita Gallien's voJieyball team

walloped Margy Jack's team for the Mth consecutive. time Thunday night in the College gymnuium by 10·16; 1.5·9i 15-5 scores. Gallien's teum lost the first set but eame baek to e'aiily c:apture the last two. Sleigh u.nd Hudkins paced the winnera while Gerwig-.. Waybright and Hardman led th.e luserft. In an earlier badminton ~ameo, Shirley Spencer's team beat ~ina CJ'aigo's giTis by scoTes of 15-12: 15-14 : 15-0. Playing were: Sp@nt'er. Ga1licn, Hudkins, Bleigh, Hintcrer. A. Withers, Wagner. T. Ryu, Jack, Wayb1·ight. Given, Cook, Gerwig. Taylor and Hardman.

Shaver Heads Local Golf Club Group

H. L. \Vnlte. head of the College Englbth department. will be succeed~ "" li3 preol'ident of the Glenville Golf Club by Elmer Shaver. representa­twe of the C. &. P. Telephone Com­,an~·· who wa- elected at n mectiD6, .Monday. April 10. Mr. White. has •1erved as pre.!i(ient of the organiza. tion for ot leASt three years.

Ernest G. Rollyson. former Col­leJe student, wa; elected vice-presi­dent; Crystal SummeD was r eelect. ed ~eocrretary and Linn B. Hickman,

allege !aeulty member, treasurer. Mr. Shaver is the husband of the

fonner )lies Marybe.ll Summers, a College alumna.

Mrs. Hayward Taylor, mother of Hel•n Taylor, senior, who is now Te-

impro\'Cd after a serious iJlnus. know th~ and I know it, so in the - ----------- - ------------- ----- --- future why can't we just take things'--------------------------•

David Tewell, junior. presenled a as they ne and Tealize how lucky we 1 ~, re~ume of recent important news are that we have a free country and, '! events at a meeting of the Current that we are fnrtuno.te enough to be Events Club yesterday afternoon. alive and healthy. I


" Are you the man who was ried in a cage of lionR?"

" I'm the man." ''Did it seem exl'iting7"'

.. -------------------------mar- DR. H. F. WITHERS ON


"It did then, but it wouldn't now.''

Mother : GDod hcnvens, Hilda! Do you know how to cook a squad? Jun. ior is bringing one home for dinner I


Why Not Start a Savings Account With Us?

You Will Get Courteous, Efficient Service.

* * * Glenville Banking~ Trust Company

• Gleaville, w. v._ (Member Federal Depoait laauriUlce Corp.) He planned to go on a vacation

and forget everything. And the first time. he opened his grip be dist'overed how nearly he had succeeded.

Dr. H. F. Withers, Glenville. den~ tist and father of Catherine and Ann \V'ithers. senior and sophomore in I the College, respectively. ha.s been named a me.mbe:r of the Gilmer County Board of Education, to suc­ceed T. Bryan McQuain, a former student who has been given a leave of absence to serve with the Ship 1

Repair Unit of the U. S. Navy. -------------------------4 Dr. Withers prevjously had served ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

on the GlenviUe Independent District f ''He's "'o ~;oman tie! Every time he Boa1•d before the advent of the

,speak~ to me he starts. uFair Lady county unit plan heTe.

''Roma.ntic, nothing! Belore he joined the Army, he was a street ear conductor."

Gray B:lr'ker, staff member, visit.­ed in We.ston the past week..end.

The editor of a local newspaper ~~~~~~~!~~~~~~ asked his readers to send in remarlul on the sUbjeet.. "Book$ that have helped me." One of the re.plie!l was: "M~· mother's cook book and my father's checK book."

Fluff' : "What wutime occupation are you pursuing?''

Muff : "We11. right now it's a lieutenant .n

Pictureland Theatre Tuesday-Wednesday, April 18·19 HENRY HAUNTS HOUSE

James Lydon, John .Lytel

Thursday-Friday, Aprll 20·21 AERIAL CUNNER

Chester Morris, Richard Arlen






Courteous, Efficient Service at All Timea cuperatin~ Jrom & long .lnd serious . . illness bu returned home from the The gtrl of today 1s as good as t he

Saturday, April 22 JESSE JAMES, JR.

Don Red Barry, Lynn Merrie.k Kelley Clin ic in Batlimore and is re~' one of .tO yean ago--provided she ported doing nicely. isn't the !=arne girl. THUMBS UP

Jenivee Osborne, freshman, of Baltim(Jre. withdrew from College ~~~week.

Norita GaUien, sophomore, visit­t-d friends in Cba.rle.aton over the week-eDd.

Brenda Joyce, R. Fra,er

The Re\·. George L. Strader of Sunday-P.fonday, April 23·2.t KANAWHA UNION BANI

Grantsville, a former resident of PRIDE OF THE yANKEES Glenville. will deliver the annual Gary Cooper, Trcssic Wright (Member Federal buuraaoe Ccwp.)

sennon to the graduating dua, May iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·j=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~~~ 21.