The Globe...majority of my clothes were made, and it’s a little distasteful knowing who made my...

Post on 01-Aug-2020

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The Globe Newsletter of Gleeson College

Issue 5 > Friday 8 May 2020

Our Class of 2020 were the first to be introduced to our new Micah

Centre on Monday this week, with students gathering in House groups at each entrance and our Leadership Team opening the doors to welcome them in! There was much excitement

as students explored each area, and hopefully a renewed energy to engage, connect and learn in this

amazing space.

Gleeson College40-60 Surrey Farm Dve, Golden GroveSouth Australia 5125 T: 8282 6600


Dear Families,

Welcome to Term 2!As we start this new term I would like to acknowledge the wonderful work of Vera Holl who retired from teaching at the end of Term 1 and Tim Knight who retired from teaching a couple of years ago but worked at Gleeson College as a support in the IT Department. I would also like to warmly welcome some new staff members in Tamira Thompson (Maths/Science), Sarah Cornelius (English/HaSS – taking Kate Pill’s teaching role as Kate is on long service leave), Elisa Shepperd in Reception and First Aid and Danielle Bailey in Student Services (now located in the new Micah Centre). We also are very happy to have Candice Mitchell back from long service leave in Term 1.

Opening of the Micah CentreOn Monday this week, we opened our new building, the Micah Centre, for Senior student use (see photos). It was indeed a proud moment after years of planning and significant hard work. The vision of our Principal, Mr Andrew Baker, the Micah Centre is the pinnacle of the student journey at Gleeson College. Year 7 students start out in the recently refurbished Faulkner Building and eventually progress to the Micah Centre to finish their education at Year 12.

Winston Churchill said “We shape our buildings and thereafter they shape us.” It is certainly our hope that our Senior students are ‘shaped’ in a particular way by learning and socialising in the Micah Centre. We hope that they share deep connections with one another and their teachers. That they become capable and independent learners and show leadership in their respect for the building and each other.

What have we learned from COVID-19?I read last week one of the many articles which have been published about the positive side of the global pandemic that we are living through and it struck a particular chord with me. In summary,

it named seven positive outcomes of COVID-19, three of which have been very important to us at Gleeson College: Connectedness, Education and Gratitude.

COVID-19 has a rejuvenated sense of community and social cohesion. Self-isolation has challenged us as social animals who desire relationships, contact and interaction with other humans. Who would have thought that our ‘Focus on Connection’ theme at Gleeson College this year would become so important and on a global scale.

Education has been re-imagined. We are globally involved in one of the largest-scale experiments in changing education at all levels. Home-schooling is becoming a new way of learning, exposing many parents to what their children know and do. This connection of parents to school through their children and their learning has always

been a desire of educators and it took this pandemic to make it happen.

Finally, COVID-19 is giving us is a new sense of appreciation and gratefulness. It has offered us a new perspective on everything we have taken for granted for so long - our freedoms, leisure, connections, work, family and friends. I am so grateful for being a part of the amazing community that Gleeson College is and I pray that we never forget to be thankful to the people who make it up.

My deepest gratitude to you, our families and to the amazing students and staff of Gleeson College.

Happy Mother’s Day to ourbeautiful mothers and caregivers.

Joe Corbo,Principal 2020


ANZAC DAY 2020 > Middle School Students Learn, Acknowledge + Respect

Middle School Reading Classes have been involved in ANZAC Day

reflections in Thomas Library this week. Students engaged and listened to

the story, ‘ANZAC Biscuits’ by South Australian author, Phil Cummings.

The story depicts the experience of a soldier fighting at war while

his wife and daughter prepare and cook ANZAC biscuits to send to him from the home front. As his wife puts on her bright flowered apron, he is

fighting amongst the poppies on the battlefield, and while his daughter

smells the heat and smoke from the oven as the cookies bake, her father experiences the smell of gunfire and

bombs around him.

Students reflected on the meaning of ANZAC Day and why we acknowledge

and show our respect each year on April 25. Students were then able to

remember a family member they may know of who experienced war and

place their name on a coloured poppy. These poppies are displayed in the

library as part of our ANZAC reading display and a special tribute to those

who fought at war.

Milinda DeConno,Thomas Library Teacher Librarian



In Year 9 Textiles Technology, students have been looking into the ethical and sustainable production of the clothes we wear. Students have watched ‘The True Cost’ film, which shows insight into poor working conditions and environmental impacts made by

the fashion industry.

“I had no idea this happened to the people who make our clothes.”

- Molly“This documentary opened our eyes

to the harsh fashion world that affects our everyday lives. Workers are being deprived of their basic human rights, all for a small piece of clothing that we would wear once or twice in our

week. This needs to change as people are dying from all the toxins and being

treated like animals. These workers can barely afford to pay their family let

alone profit from this job.This NEEDS to stop!”- Tayla, Paige & Sofia

“The documentary for me was really eye-opening. I had no idea where the

majority of my clothes were made,and it’s a little distasteful knowing

who made my clothes, and the hardships they are faced with for my

personal gain.” - Scarlett H“Although I knew that in countries such as Bangladesh and Cambodia,

clothes makers were being underpaid - I didn’t know just how poor their working conditions actually were. It was also interesting to discover

that almost all cotton is genetically modified and the chemicals that they use on the cotton can also

irritate our skin and cause rashes and other allergic reactions. It was very confronting when the workers who

tried to stand up for themselves were beaten and even shot by the company management, and the government as well, just for demanding a minimum

wage. I hope that there are some major changes in the fashion industry in the near future and that all people’s

rights and beliefs are respected.”- Amy Tschina

“The documentary showed when workers in Cambodia tried to stand up for themselves they were just rejected

and ruthlessly attacked bythe government.” - Stephane Furler“After watching the documentary,

we were more aware of the struggles less fortunate people go through to

make our clothes. We found surprising that they only make up to $2 a week and their working conditions are so bad that some of the workers lost

their lives. We will consider the people making our clothes next time

we buy them.” - Tia Proud

Students begun investigating clothing brands that they commonly wear. By considering and challenging

“who made my clothes?” we can all lead a positive change in the ethical consumption of clothing, fight for fair working rights and reduce the

environmental impact.

As a College, we challenge you to consider who made your clothes?

Madeline Cooke & Lisa Feleppa,Textile Technology Teachers


Name: Imogen Brooksby

Year Level: Year 12

House: Damiani

Position: House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Parents

Favourite Sporting Team:Adelaide Crows

Favourite Meal: Stir fry

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:10 Things I Hate About You

Favourite subject/s: PE

Do you have any pets?Dog called Sash

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Running

What is your definition of happiness?Hanging out with my friends and family

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Working in a job, possibly starting a family

What do you love about Gleeson College?The sense of community

Name: Lauren Tucker

Year Level: Year 12

House: Damiani

Position: House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Brother

Favourite Sporting Team: Brisbane Lions

Favourite Meal: Lasagne

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:Bojack Horseman

Favourite subject/s: Psychology

Do you have any pets? Black Labrador - Raffa

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Playing footy for TTG

What is your definition of happiness?Finding peace within yourself and no longer being reliant or codependent on anyone other than yourself

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Name: Vincent Musolino

Year Level: Year 10

House: Damiani

Position: House Vice Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Dad

Favourite Sporting Team: Adelaide Crows

Favourite Meal: Pasta

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: Wii Sports

Favourite subject/s: Mathematics

Do you have any pets? No pets

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Cricket

What is your definition of happiness?Doing the things you enjoy with the people you enjoy spending time with

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Working in the family transport company with my Dad

Hopefully working as a psychiatrist

What do you love about Gleeson College?Mr Bond, and sometimesMr Bertram!

What do you love about Gleeson College?The community and the friendly faces

Name: Aidan Barry

Year Level: Year 9

House: Damiani

Position: MS House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Mum & Dad

Favourite Sporting Team: Adelaide Crows

Favourite Meal: Lasagne

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: NBA 2K20

Favourite subject/s: Maths and Digital Tech.

Do you have any pets? Two dogs called Daisy and Benny

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Footy, Athletics and Cross Country

What is your definition of happiness?A happy person or thing

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Studying hard

What do you love about Gleeson College?Getting to school and seeing my friends every day

Name: Molly BrooksbyYear Level: Year 9

House: Damiani

Position: MS House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Parents

Favourite Sporting Team: Adelaide Crows

Favourite Meal: Lasagne

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: Survivor AllstarsFavourite subject/s:Maths, PE and Geography

Do you have any pets?A German Shepherd called Sash

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Footy and Soccer

What is your definition of happiness?Spending time with friends and family

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Working in a job, maybe a sporting career

What do you love about Gleeson College?The great community and the great friends I have

Name: Thuan Pham

Year Level: Year 9

House: Damiani

Position: MS Vice Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Parents

Favourite Sporting Team: Don’t know

Favourite Meal: Sushi

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:A Quiet Place

Favourite subject/s: Maths and HaSS

Do you have any pets?A Goldfish called Cheeto

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Piano, Volleyball, Swimming, Tennis

What is your definition of happiness?Being happy - having fun

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Graduated university

What do you love about Gleeson College?Making new friends and learning new things


Name: Michigan San Juan

Year Level: Year 12

House: Fyfe

Position: House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Sister

Favourite Sporting Team:None

Favourite Meal:Singapore noodles

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: Fate/ApocryphaFavourite subject/s: Drama

Do you have any pets? No

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Martial Arts, Badminton & Cosplay

What is your definition of happiness?Being with loved ones

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Making props and sets for Disney

What do you love about Gleeson College?The wide array of subjects

Name: Jack Wachtel

Year Level: Year 11

House: Fyfe

Position: House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Mum & Dad

Favourite Sporting Team: Liverpool FC

Favourite Meal: Pizza

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:FIFA / Battlefront 2

Favourite subject/s: Psychology, Furniture Construction

Do you have any pets? A Beaglier called Billy and black cat named Skittles

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Club Soccer for TTG

What is your definition of happiness?When you find something or someone in life which makes you happy

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Social working within the community

What do you love about Gleeson College?The students and staff

Name: Zane Cooper

Year Level: Year 10

House: Fyfe

Position: House Vice Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Dad

Favourite Sporting Team:Manchester United

Favourite Meal: Pasta

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: Minecraft

Favourite subject/s: Japanese & English

Do you have any pets? A Husky x Shar-pei and cockatiel called Teebo and Billi

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport?Gaming

What is your definition of happiness?Good vibes

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?In a job

What do you love about Gleeson College?The teachers

Name: Kane Halfpenny

Year Level: Year 9

House: Fyfe

Position: MS House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Dad & Mum

Favourite Sporting Team:Adelaide Crows

Favourite Meal: Ravioli

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:Absolutely no clue

Favourite subject/s: PE, English and Drama

Do you have any pets? A dog called Murphy

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Football and Cricket

What is your definition of happiness? Being genuinely happy, enjoying life and being comfortable with what you do

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Playing AFL

What do you love about Gleeson College?The community feel and connection between students and staff

Name: Hayley Thompson

Year Level: Year 9

House: Fyfe

Position: MS House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Sister

Favourite Sporting Team:Adelaide Crows

Favourite Meal: Pasta and bruschetta

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: Brooklyn Nine Nine

Favourite subject/s: English and History

Do you have any pets?Two dogs - Mia (mini Schnauzer) and Chloe (Maltese/Chihuahua)

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? No

What is your definition of happiness?My dogs!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?With a Nursing degree

What do you love about Gleeson College?The community

Name: Bayley Hancock

Year Level: Year 8

House: Fyfe

Position: MS Vice Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Mum & Dad

Favourite Sporting Team:Adelaide United

Favourite Meal: Roast Lamb

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: Brooklyn Nine Nine

Favourite subject/s: Maths and Soccer

Do you have any pets?A Beaglier called Charlie

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Soccer

What is your definition of happiness?Enjoying life and having fun

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Working or at University

What do you love about Gleeson College?Soccer Program, friends and teachers


Name: Natasha Hossen

Year Level: Year 12

House: Hughes

Position: House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Dad

Favourite Sporting Team:Carlton FC

Favourite Meal:Anything Mexican

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:The Vampire Diaries!!!!!

Favourite subject/s: Home Ec

Do you have any pets? A dog, three cats, chickens, a turtle, canaries and a quail

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Going to Chai-Time with friends

What is your definition of happiness?Travelling the world with my dog

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?In the Maldives

What do you love about Gleeson College?Miss Feleppa

Name: Jana Ivancic

Year Level: Year 12

House: Hughes

Position: House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Mum

Favourite Sporting Team:Adelaide Crows

Favourite Meal: Butter Chicken / Lasagne

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:Anything on Netflix

Favourite subject/s: Nutrition

Do you have any pets? A dog called Maggie

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Aerobics

What is your definition of happiness?Travelling the world and eating different foods

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Name: Scarlett Smith

Year Level: Year 10

House: Hughes

Position: House Vice Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Nonna and NonnoFavourite Sporting Team: Adelaide Crows

Favourite Meal: Ravioli with Nonna’s sauce

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:The Originals

Favourite subject/s: Maths and Science

Do you have any pets? A minature Bull Terrier called Copper

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? I used to play Netball

What is your definition of happiness?Being able to be yourself

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Famous!! (kidding!) A radiologist with a nice home and family

What do you love about Gleeson College?Miss Feleppa

I hope to see myself surrounded by family and friends and in a job I love

What do you love about Gleeson College?It is one big community

Name: Brooke Benzie

Year Level: Year 9

House: Hughes

Position: MS House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Parents

Favourite Sporting Team:Port Power

Favourite Meal:Pasta

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:Survivor Allstars

Favourite subject/s:PE and Home Ec

Do you have any pets? No

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Tennis

What is your definition of happiness?Family and friends

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Travelling

What do you love about Gleeson College?The community and friends

Name: Jacob Trimboli

Year Level: Year 9

House: Hughes

Position: MS House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Mum & Dad

Favourite Sporting Team: Essendon FC

Favourite Meal: Pasta

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: Impractical Jokers

Favourite subject/s:Maths, Science, PE & Music

Do you have any pets? No

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Guitar and footy

What is your definition of happiness?Being able to make others happy and spending time with people closest to you

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Hopefully earning money in a full time job

What do you love about Gleeson College?The community feel, teachers and friends

Name: Natasha Hoang

Year Level: Year 8

House: Hughes

Position: MS Vice Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Parents

Favourite Sporting Team:Port Power

Favourite Meal:Any pasta

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:The Hustle

Favourite subject/s:PE, Maths & Home Ec

Do you have any pets? No

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Running and cycling

What is your definition of happiness?My family and my friends

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I see myself being successful in life

What do you love about Gleeson College?The community


Name: Jett CameronYear Level: Year 12

House: McDonald

Position: House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Father

Favourite Sporting Team: New York Rangers

Favourite Meal:Chicken Rice & Broccoli

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: Coach Carter

Favourite subject/s:Certificate III in Fitness

Do you have any pets? No

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Boxing and going to the gym

What is your definition of happiness?Being comfortable and feeling free

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Working in the Special Forces

What do you love about Gleeson College?The community

Name: Phoebe Surman

Year Level: Year 12

House: McDonald

Position: House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: Freddie MercuryFavourite Sporting Team: Port Power

Favourite Meal: Ice Cream

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: Survivor

Favourite subject/s:Japanese and Music

Do you have any pets? I have none :(

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Music, Dance and Gymnastics

What is your definition of happiness?Feeling fulfilled and happy with the things you are doing in your life and the people you surround yourself with

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Travelling the world and living happily

What do you love about Gleeson College?The community spirit

Name: Jaxon Joy

Year Level: Year 10

House: McDonald

Position: House Vice Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: n/aFavourite Sporting Team: n/a

Favourite Meal: n/a

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:Star Wars - Jedi: Fallen Order

Favourite subject/s: Music

Do you have any pets?A bird named Freddie

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Theatre and Scouts

What is your definition of happiness?Enjoyment

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?No clue!

What do you love about Gleeson College?The inclusivity

Name: Sienna Burns

Year Level: Year 9

House: McDonald

Position: MS House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Family

Favourite Sporting Team: Thunderbirds

Favourite Meal: Pasta

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:Don’t have one

Favourite subject/s: PE and Netball

Do you have any pets?A Labradoodle called Piper

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Playing sport (Netball) and hanging out with friends and family

What is your definition of happiness?Sunshine, smiles, laughter

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?I want to have travelled and played lots of Netball

What do you love about Gleeson College?The community feeling

Name: Jack Taylor

Year Level: Year 9

House: McDonald

Position: MS House Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Parents

Favourite Sporting Team:Port Adelaide and Cleveland Cavs

Favourite Meal:Lasagne

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game:NBA 2K20

Favourite subject/s: Maths and Religion

Do you have any pets?Two birds called Sammy and Bluebell

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Football and Athletics

What is your definition of happiness?Seeing family and friends

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?With a degree in Pharmacy

What do you love about Gleeson College?Friends and the good stuff

Name: Gabriella Kozak

Year Level: Year 8

House: McDonald

Position: MS Vice Captain

Most influential person/sin your life: My Mum & Dad

Favourite Sporting Team: Port Power and Adelaide Thunderbirds

Favourite Meal: Chicken Parmi

Favourite TV Show/Movie/Game: Friends

Favourite subject/s:Recess, Lunch, Home Ec and PE

Do you have any pets? A dog called Daisy and a ragdoll cat named Serafinka

Do you have any hobbies and/or play sport? Netball

What is your definition of happiness?Netball, listening to music and hanging out with my friends and family

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Successful at Uni/ Travelling the world

What do you love about Gleeson College? The community, friends and Shared Facilities

GC CAREERS CORNER MAY 2020 > Exploring Future Pathways

UNIVERSITY 1:1 COUNSELLINGUniversities are providing 1:1 counselling for any student wishing to find out more about their pathway options and course offerings.

Adelaide University: Student appointments are scheduled every 30 minutes and can be booked via the following link: Adelaide University Publications Library now has available the undergraduate program guides for 2021 courses > guides provide essential information on entry criteria, program content and structure, and may also provide useful links to study plans, internship opportunities and much much more.

University of South Australia: Year 12 students and parents can book a phone appointment with a Student Liaison Officer. Book appointments at: University: Advisors are available to guide you in your pathway to Flinders. Telephone appointments are available for domestic students. Book appointments at: University: Call 1300 575 803 to talk to their expert Course &Career Advisors who can point you in the right direction

Tabor: If you’re thinking about a degree with Tabor, a great first step is to have a conversation with one of their friendly team. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have, and give you an overview of what you can expect. You can even ar-range a pathway meeting that will help you choose the best subjects and workload to reach your goal.

VIRTUAL CAREERS EXPO 2020Date: Friday 8 May 2020, 12-8pm ONLINERegistrations: Virtual Careers Expo is an innovative and interactive collaboration between Australia’s major tertiary education providers, designed to showcase the wide range of options available to students as they prepare for life after school. 75+ exhibitors will be participating in the Virtual Careers Expo, including all of the major South Australian Universities and TAFE SA amongst others.

Why join?• EXPLORE > Wander through our virtual expo hall featuring more than 50 institutions• DISCOVER > Visit the Webcast Hub to watch seminars and feature presentations from exhibitors• RESEARCH > Download course guides and take a virtual campus tour• ENGAGE > Chat with staff and current students to find out more about each institution

The Virtual Careers Expo is a unique opportunity for you to explore some of the country’s best tertiary education providers and get the information you need to map out the next steps on your career journey, all while you #stayhome. This expo aims to combat the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, so please feel free to pass this info onto students, and encourage them to register (using the link above) for the largest careers expo of 2020.

AIE OPEN DAY ONLINEThe Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) Open Day Online Event is on Saturday 16 May. In response to the current situation, we have moved our Open Day event online, not on-campus. Join us in a specialised presentations catered to help you better understand what AIE has to offer and more in the comfort of your home! AIE will be running the event twice on this day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. You will even have time at the end of the event to have one-on-one chats with an AIE staff member. To join us in this exciting event, simply register at:

GC CAREERS CORNER MAY 2020 > Exploring Future Pathways

VET PATHWAYSIn Grand Junction Trade Training Centre are offering places in the following short courses: >Pre-Construction Pathway - Introduction to Building and Construction IndustryThis hands-on course is the first step towards getting an apprenticeship in the construction industry and the following careers:• Carpentry and Joinery• Bricklaying• Plastering• Tiling• ElectrotechnologyCourse is completed one day a week on alternate weeks throughout Semester 2. Students gain 10 Stage 1 SACE credits on successful completion. Course cost is $620 plus Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) costs.

Auto Trade Taster > This course is for students interested in working with cars, bikes or trucks, and looking to continue with further Automotive VET and Apprenticeship opportunities. Course is completed over 5 weeks in Semester 2. Course cost is $500 plus necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) costs.

Rosewater Trade Training Centre: Certificate II in Engineering Pathways > Rosewater Trade Training Centre is offering a small number of places for this midyear intake of their Certificate II in Construction Pathways course beginning in Term 3 2020. This course runs in Semester 2 2020 & Semester 1 2021 for 35 weeks. Location is the Rosewater Trade Training Centre in Rosewater (near Port Adelaide). Students would earn 55 Stage 1 SACE credits.

This course is suggested for Year 11 students not already enrolled in a construction VET course, or Year 10s who want to pursue a career in construction. The cost for students who are 16 years old and eligible for TGSS funding will be $394 for resource fees and $159.50 for Personal Protective Equipment. Students who are 15 or not eligible for TGSS funding will pay a higher fee closer to $1700 per semester, plus resource and PPE fees. Gleeson College will pay 50% of VET course fees. Places in each of these courses are limited so please contact Mr Blake via email at for more information.

APPRENTICESHIPSCarpentry Apprenticeships Adelaide > Career Employment Group Inc is seeking applications for multiple Carpentry Ap-prenticeships to work with our skilled and valued Host Employers. Opportunities are available in many locations throughout Adelaide. As a Carpentry Apprentice you will undertake a 4 year Training Contract (longer if undertaking part-time) where you will learn on-the-job to become a qualified carpenter.

Apprenticeship Requirements: To be considered for a carpentry apprenticeship the following is required >• Satisfactorily pass a pre-employment medical• Hold a current drivers licence• Willingness to learn and develop new skills• Be punctual and have a good work ethic• Be able to use initiative and work well in a team• Cert I or II in Construction/White Card is preferred• Junior applicants/school leavers/out of traders are encouraged to apply

How to apply > Applications or enquires about a Carpentry Apprenticeship are to be sent to: need to include a cover letter and resume. *Only people who are shortlisted for positions will be contacted.

If you are intending to apply please inform Mr Blake via email at


UCAT and COVID-19 > If you’re needing to sit the UCAT test and are worried about how COVID-19 may be impacting the test, the UCAT Consortium has a page on their website dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest developments. At this stage testing is still scheduled to proceed as normal. Don’t forget that the deadline for booking is Monday 11 May. Find out more here:

Thomas Blake,Flexible Pathways Leader

Working together, the Life Buoyancy Institute Foundation and Federation of Catholic School Parent Communities SA are offering a series of free live online workshops across Term 2.

Living through Uncertainty How can we reassure our kids and support them to grow and thrive?

Practical advice for parents, caregivers and teachers to support primary and secondary students through times of change and uncertainty

We are offering these workshops to help families and schools support children to feel well, deal with stress and be successful while the coronavirus continues to affect their schooling, social activities and daily family life.

The first workshop will look at primary school students and will be held on: Thursday 14 May from 7.00 – 8.00 pm (Week 3)

The second workshop will look at secondary school students and will be held on: Tuesday 19 May from 7.00 – 8.00 pm (Week 4) (students can join in side by side)

Who are the presenters, and will I be able to ask questions? The workshops will be presented by Dr Ivan Raymond (psychologist|researcher), Kylie Agnew (psychologist|teacher) and David Kelly (manager for school programs like the IMPACT program at Tenison Woods College, Mount Gambier). You can ask questions and we encourage you to.

How much will each workshop cost me? Nothing. The Federation is sponsoring these foundation workshops and six others across Term 2.

What technology will I need? You will need a device (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet) and you will need to download the free version of ZOOM. More information about how to join in will be sent to you when you enrol. How do I enrol? Click on the link(s) below for the workshop(s) you would like to attend and give your email address. You will receive an email confirming your registration from the LBI Foundation.

If you experience any problems, call one of the Federation’s Parent Engagement Officers for help. Nicole: 0407 394 732. Lisa: 0400 680 601.


MAKE MENTAL HEALTH A PRIORITY.Eat well and keep active. Stay in touch by phone or video calls and seek help if you need it.

Together we can help stop the spread and stay healthy.

Find out more at

Gleeson College40-60 Surrey Farm Dve, Golden GroveSouth Australia 5125 T: 8282 6600

Student Services T: 8282 6634