The Golden Link #2 · Thursday, October 6! th Apple Orchard in North Georgia THE GOLDEN LINK Wise &...

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Volume 1 Issue Number 2 July 1, 2016

Our Visit to Roosevelt’s Little White House… ThefirsttripforWise&WonderfulgroupwasonThursday,May12th to Roosevelt’s Li?le White House. Twenty two wise &wonderful friendsmetat thechurch. At8:00amsharpwe leHjust as our busdriverRhe? tolduswewould. Rhe?plo?edaroute that took us through the country roads… the start to abeauMfuldaywithwonderfulfriends!Whenwearrivedthereweresixschoolbusesloadedwithmanychildrenonafieldtrip.ThestaffattheLi?leWhiteHousehelpedus get through the museum without any delays. The manyexhibits included President Roosevelt’s 1938 Ford converMbleequippedwithhandcontrols,a1930’skitchenwithhis“FiresideChats” playing on the radio, the Great Depression, ruralelectrificaMon, key people in the President’s life and interacMveexhibits. A short film narrated by Walter Cronkite includedhistoric footage of the President visiMng with neighbors andswimminginthepool. AHerleavingthemuseum,wewenttodowntownWarmSpringsandenjoyedadeliciouslunchattheBullochHouse. AHerwards,weloadedbackonthebustoheadbacktoRutledge. Withfullstomachs, I think most of us would have liked to take ouraHernoonnap,butwedecidedonfellowshippingtogether…and


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THE GOLDEN LINK Wise & Wonderful Newsletter

Volume 1 Issue Number 2 July 1, 2016

Devotional Thoughts… SHARE YOUR JOY! Did you know that a simple smile can change a person's day? If someone gives you a radiant smile, most times you will spontaneously smile back and immediately feel

better! Smiles are contagious and healing! Proverbs 17:22 says "A cheerful heart is good medicine." A frown, on the other hand, can change a person's day as well, but in a negative way. It causes stress to arise, and deflates your spirit (not to mention causing those annoying wrinkles between your eyes)! Joy ought to be a distinguishing feature of the children of God, because, after all, He is the Source of all true joy! Nehemiah 8:10 says "The joy of the Lord is our strength." We have lots to smile about - our salvation, God's unconditional love for us, His promise that He will always be with us, that He is working all thing out for our good and His glory, our hope of Heaven, and so much more! I'm smiling already! Share your joy with someone today! Go on, give somebody the gift of that big ole toothy grin and make their day! Rhett and Lynn Goodman!

STITCHIN' SISTER'S ! Have you ever wondered how to crochet, or how that is d i f f e r e n t t h a n k n i t t i n g ? Perhaps you have always wanted to learn. Christmas is just a few months off and personal handmade gifts are always cherished Christmas gifts if you only knew how to make them. Maybe you already know how, but would like to bounce ideas around with a group. Do you have any UFPs (unfinished projects) sitting around your

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Volume 1 Issue Number 2 July 1, 2016

house? You just need a good reason to finish that half done project. Maybe you would just like to have some good conversation while working on something new. Do you have a couple of hours to spare on Friday morning? Come meet The Sisters. The Stitching Sisters that is. No one claims to be proficient enough to teach a skill but everyone is helpful enough to show you how to learn something new. Myrthelene Astin crochets and loves to teach anyone how to begin or advanced types of crocheting. Annette Cosper always has her sewing machine handy and is working on her granddaughter's quilt top with a ballet motif. Gerry Hammonds is a quilting officiant and will help you cut or piece a quilt. Billie-Joe Thomason goes to quilt classes all around the area and brings back all the new ideas to share with everyone. Together we are a jack of all trades, and master of none. We sew, quilt, embroider, crochet, and knit. We also are always eager to learn anything new, maybe you can teach us a new craft. All ages are welcome and everyone loves to show the younger generation the skills they learned growing up. If you are working on a project, bring it and your supplies to share with us. We have been meeting for over three years. The Stitchin' Sister's meet most Friday's from 10 am to 2 pm at Centennial Baptist Church in the fellowship hall area. If you want a snack or drink while you are there, bring a snack or sack lunch. Follow the sounds of laughter down the hall, you will find the right room. Please come and join us! You can give me a call if you need more information. ! Annette Cosper Telephone: 770-385-8624 Email: !MISSION MOMENT… Serving God in Missions for 50 Years

We first met at a large fire in Red Bank, NJ. Barb was serving refreshments to emergency workers from a Salvation Army Canteen. I wanted to take her photograph but she said, "No!" Several months later after I was stationed at Fort Monmouth in the Army, we met the second time in a chapel on the Army post. In unison, we both said, "Haven't we met before!?" She invited me to her birthday party where I took some pictures and from there things "developed" quickly! I was assigned to a unit in Frankfurt, Germany. The following year, Barb flew there and we were married in Basel, Switzerland and returned to Frankfurt. After my discharge from the Army, we were in New Jersey for almost two years. At a missions conference, we heard a missionary

that was a mechanic and realized that our knowledge and skills could be used on the mission field. Less than a year from that date, we went

to Trans World Radio (TWR) Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles on Nov. 1, 1966 and served there until the end of July 1993. We served with TWR in Monte Carlo, Monaco from 1994-1996 and in Vienna, Austria from 1996-2002. We arrived in Madison, GA on January 2, 2003 serving with Source of Light Ministries International (SLM) until now. Barb serves at SLM as: Receptionist Telephone Operator and Coordinator, proof reader for prayer letters and other materials we print, composes and sends out prayer requests to staff and

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Volume 1 Issue Number 2 July 1, 2016

foreign fields, and schedules housing for guests and work groups and mentors ladies as God sends them her way. Chuck serves at SLM as: Photographer & in Audio Visual Aids, Emergency Management (accident prevention, response to emergencies, coordination with Morgan County Public Safety), and representing SLM at county agencies.

Chuck Roswell

Shut-In Ministry Opportunities for July, August & September

July: August: September: Sandy Krueger Mary Peters David Dickson Matthews Manor 4831 Seven Islands Rd 4501 Brownwood Rd Building 1, Room 12 Madison, GA 30650 Rutledge, GA 30663 Social Circle, GA 30025

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Senior Adult Choir Meets the 2nd & 4th

Thursdays @ 10:30AM.Beginning August 11th!

If You Have Questions or Need More Information

Contact: Rhett Goodman (706-474-1996)

Mike Bryan (404-396-1218)Church Staff Representative:

Rev. Donnie Compton(706-474-1112)

“Wise & Wonderful” is a Ministry of Centennial Baptist Church in Rutledge, GA 706-557-2120


“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in our hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16