The Good News of Second Baptist Church · Eric Mathison by letter arol Mathison by letter In Memory...

Post on 02-Aug-2020

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The Gathering 10:30 am

Men’s Prayer 6:00 pm

WOM 1:30 pm

Deacon’s Meeting 8:30 am

Men’s Prayer 6:00 pm

WOM 1:30 pm

Spring Fling Outreach

3:30-4:30 pm

Men’s Prayer 6:00 pm

Men’s Prayer 6:00 pm

Sunshine Srs 11:30

Shut-In Visitation 1:00 pm

Administrative Team Mtg 5:00 pm

Spring Fling 4:00 pm

Ladies Quilt Group

6:30 pm

Wedding Shower Levy Strickland & Morgan Bennett

10:30 am

Office & Daycare Closed

Youth Amazing Weekend

Lord’s Business 5:00 pm

Lord’s Supper PM service



SS 9:45 am Worship

8:30 & 11:00 am

Ladies Quilt Group 6:30 pm

The Good News of

Second Baptist Church

Greetings and grace to you all in Jesus’ Name. What a

joy to know our Savior reigns instead of government or any

other organized group. The name of Jesus is the only name

at which “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord”.

I want to take the privilege today and encourage you

concerning your church and your ministry. Having served

you and with you for 19 years, I am sensing some growing

pains again. Yes, before any organism grows, including

your church, there are some pains in the preparation and

birthing process. I want to speak to two areas specifically.

First is Worship. The first encounter most people have

with the local church is morning worship. Prepare for wor-

ship, plan to be in worship, and participate. Some of my

thoughts - change your seating periodically, encounter new

people in worship, join the choir, lift your hands as the Spirit

leads, etc. Scripture says “where the Spirit of the Lord is,

there is liberty”. I also want you to start inviting and encour-

aging others. Fill the house!

Second is Small Group Bible Study! Some are enrolled

but negligent to attend! Let’s take April and let it be a

MOVE month. That means if you will be more apt to fit in

another class - MOVE. We will be working with group lead-

ers to fill the chairs as we Move Up.

Pastor Derwin

Bro. Derwin’s Heart . . .


Derwin Griffin Pastor

Mike Carter Minister of Music

Daniel Harding Associate Pastor/

Students & Recreation

Easter Activities The Gathering Ministry Suppers “S” Night VBS Clinic


Women’s Ministry Music Ministry


Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry


Awana 5

Thank You Notes Memorial Gifts New Members Senior Adults


Ministry Schedule Stewardship Church Staff


Church Calendar 8




Spring Fling Sunday, April 9 @ 4 pm at The Property

Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Please bring picnic food for your family and to share.

We will have an Egg hunt for the kids.

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Supper is served each Wednesday evening in the Fellowship Hall from 5:30 to 6:15 pm. Prices are $4.00 per person or $13.00 per family. All meals include sides, dessert & iced tea. Take-out plates are $5.00 per plate. Come join us for a great meal and fellowship!

Ministry Supper Menu

Ministry Suppers

The POBA Vacation Bible School Clinic will be Thursday, April 13 at Mershon Baptist at 7:00 pm.

April 5 ~ Chicken Tenders (C. Deen)

April 12 ~ Beef Stew (D. Harding)

April 19 ~ Fried Chicken (D.Griffin)

April 26 ~ TBA


Two worship services

8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday school 9:45 am

No evening service.

The Senior Adult ‘Gathering’ Friday, April 21 at 10:30 am

Special Guests: The Liberty Quartet Please sign up in the middle foyer.

A Southern lunch of barbeque and all the trimmings will be served after the event. Cost for lunch is $6 per person and needs to be paid at the door the

day of the event.

“S” Night at Hoboken Baptist April 20 at 6:45pm

“S” Night is a one day intensive Evangelism Training for Pastors, Staff and lay people.

Breakout Sessions

Randy Mullinax - Evangelism Training for Pastors to their congregation Mike Everson - Prayer and Effective Evangelism Ben Glosson - Day to day Evangelism Susan Allen - How to lead a child to faith in Christ

Spring Fling Outreach Sunday, April 2nd ~ 3:30 - 4:30 pm Join us to place hangtags in church neighborhoods for the Spring Fling.

Families welcome to join us!

Graduate Recognition Service Sunday evening, May 21

All high school and college graduates who would like to participate need to

sign up in the middle foyer and see Cindy Hyers for information.

Please drive


in the church

parking lot.

CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION 301 Tomberlin Road, Waycross, GA 31503 (912) 283-0436 ~ Fax (866) 332-0914

Second Baptist Church Page 7

Misty Perkins Financial Secretary Belinda Thompson Secretary/Receptionist Henry Ross Church Custodian

Church Staff


Items for the May 2017 Newsletter are DUE by April 19th.

All items for the Sunday Bulletins are DUE each Wednesday.

Our Purpose Statement Second Baptist Church unites in fellowship and love to exalt our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to evangelize the lost, and to edify and equip the saints for the work of the ministry.

Our Vision Statement

Second Baptist Church, as an Acts 1:8 church, seeks to honor God and join Him in growing Kingdom Ministry in the Waycross/Ware County Area, Georgia, America and the World through: Exciting Worship, Challenging Discipleship, Effective Evangelism.

Church Nursery Please help us keep our babies safe by remem-bering that only adults who are nursery staff, scheduled nursery volunteers and mothers who are nursing are permitted in the nursery rooms. Exceptions will be made during emer-gencies only.

Church security is in need of 2 men each month to help with securing the church build-ings after all Sunday morning/evening and Wednesday night services. This includes mak-ing sure all outdoor entrances are locked and turning off lights and heat or a.c. The sign-up sheet is in the middle foyer. Please see Jim Blackburn with any questions.

Church Security Ministry Schedule

For the month of March

S. S. Attendance Average 207

Contributions $ 36,760.88

Land Retirement Balance $ 0

Monthly Stewardship Report


Pastoral Staff Prayer 8:30 am

Sunday School 9:45 am

Morning Worship 11:00 am

J.A.M. Kids Church 11:00 am

Worship Choir Practice 4:30 pm

Precious Blessings Choir (Age 3-K) 5:00 - 5:30 pm

Evening Worship 6:00 pm


White Glove (Youth Room) 5:00 pm

J.A.M. Children's Choir (Gr 1 - 5) 5:00 - 5:40 pm

Ministry Supper 5:30 - 6:15 pm

AWANA Clubs 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Youth Bible Study (Tower) 6:45 - 8:00 pm

Adult Prayer & Bible Study 6:45 - 7:45 pm

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Thank You Notes

Memorials Gifts

Dear Second Baptist Church, I wanted to personally thank you for praying for me through this difficult time in my life. Praise the Lord for churches that pray! Pastor Warren Christensen

Dear friends & loved ones, I really did appreciate the nice card with the 17 names in it. I’m going to make it my pleasure to go to Second Baptist Church. How I miss that church and the people. I am a people person. It boils down that I love everyone. My apartment is real nice and I’m in love with it. God has recently had an angel to visit me - not in person. I was thrilled. God is going to help me out with my arthritis. I have the regular kind of arthritis but it real-ly is painful. May God’s richest blessings be upon you always. God is so awesome! Love & Prayers Ramona Herrin

Sunshine Seniors News No regular luncheon this month, but please join us for The Senior

Adult ’Gathering’ (April 21)! Mark July 15 on your calendars! We will be going to the Alhambra Dinner

Theater for lunch and to see the show “Annie” Cost is $45.00 per per-son. Sign up will begin in late April.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Eric Mathison by letter

Carol Mathison by letter

In Memory of Virginia Lewis by The Bereavement Committee Bennie Sweat Burr Miller Gilbert & Carol Aldridge In Memory of Betty Tyre Murray by The Bereavement Committee Bob & Laura McVeigh Doris Bryant Elon Gillis Galloway In Memory of William James Highsmith by The Bereavement Committee In Memory of Bennie Hyers by The Bereavement Committee Glenda C. Hyers Louise Conley Mr. & Mrs. Roy Sweat J. Randolph Weed, Jr. Donna G. Foland Grant/Mann Family

J.A.M. Praise Kids Choir The Children’s choir, grades 1 – 5, practice on Wednesdays at 5:00 pm in the J.A.M. Kid's Church Room.

Orchestra News - We have just finished our

19th year of having 3 or more in the orchestra. What started as a pianist, organist, and one trum-pet player has evolved into 7-14 musicians each Sunday. God has blessed us with many giving and talented musicians throughout the years. We would love for you to come and be a part of it. See Bro. Mike on how you can join the SBC Orchestra this month. Some students are ready for the or-chestra as soon as the 8th Grade.

Music Ministry ~ Mike Carter

Second Baptist Church Page 3

The Women’s Ministry has several events planned for the upcoming months. Listen out and watch the church bulletin for announce-ments concerning the details of these events. Seventeen ladies will be traveling by bus to Liv-ing Proof Live which will be held on April 28-29 in Orlando, Florida. We are looking forward to seeing how God will be working through these ladies! The annual Mother/Daughter event is sched-uled for Saturday, May 6 in the Fellowship Hall. This year’s event will be a Mother/Daughter Brunch beginning at 10am. Tina Goble will be our special speaker! A sign-up sheet will be placed in the church middle foyer. WOM ladies will meet in April and May. We will not meet in June or July but will resume meeting in August. All ladies are invited to attend the following workshops. We have plenty that you will be able to help with!

Women's Ministry

Precious Blessing Children's Choir Ages 3 - Kindergarten practice on Sundays at 5pm.

Choir News - We invite you to come and join

the choir in April as we continue working on our Easter musical for April 16th. We will also be learn-ing some new songs for worship. See Bro. Mike or another choir member and ask any questions you have. We want and need you!

Sound & Video Ministry - This ministry

team is responsible for producing our TV ministry as well as all sound and video for our worship ser-vices. We are always looking to train other indi-viduals who would like to learn more in this field. Let Bro. Mike or Bro. Daniel know if you are inter-ested. It is a fantastic place to serve!

Sparrow Ministries (Richard and Jackie Gillespie) has a digital newsletter that is sent quarterly to keep everyone posted about events and

everything in between. If you would like to sign up, just include your email address on the signup sheet in the main foyer. Also, there are several of the printed newsletters left over, if you would

like to take one. We appreciate your prayers for this outreach!

Women on Mission Schedule Room 305

April, May, & June, 2017 (Crochet/Knit/Mission Dolls)

Quilting Grp Fellowship

Hall Apr., May,


April 13th, May 11th

1:30-3:30pm Prayer & Mtg to precede Work-


April 11th & 25th 6:30-8:30pm

April 27th, May 25th

1:30-3:30pm Workshop

May 9th & 23rd 6:30-8:30pm

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CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Richard and Jackie Gillespie Children's Church Directors


Camp Navigate July 5-9

$40 Deposit per family. Due Now! Spots

will be limited, so sign up today!

Camp this year will be Wednesday through Sunday. This will help us work around July 4

which is on Tuesday. I know that a lot of fami-lies have family events around the 4th but we hope by delaying until Wednesday that your

kids will be able to participate. If you have any questions please see Daniel. We will be heading back to

St. George Island again this year and are very excited about this year’s

camp! Total cost will be $150.

He's the noisiest kid in the room! Kids stand in line to just to get a chance to share money with him. He's always smiling and he is the most popular J.A.M Team Member in the Group. His name is Snicklefritz! Snicklefritz is our J.A.M. excuse to party and bring our offerings joyfully to the Storehouse. His ministry is essential to helping the kids under-stand that their pocket change goes to help other children come to know Jesus and to help others fighting diseases that they should never have to fight. Snicklefritz's offerings have already been sent to St. Jude's Cancer Hospital in Memorial for Camp Tatum and this current offering is designated to send one of our own Team Members, Morgan Hyers along with Lydia Harding, to Mexico to share the Gospel with children this Summer. Snicklefritz reminds us that the Lord loves a cheerful giver and if you could see these children joyfully sharing their offerings, we believe you can see our Heavenly Father smile too! We have a lot of fun in the J.A.M. Room, but we are praying that hearts will have the seeds of compassion and giving planted deep into these growing little hearts. J.A.M. serving the Lord with J.O.Y. (Jesus Others and Yourself).

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compul-sion, for God loves a cheerful giver. The J.A.M Team

Amazing Weekend

April 28-29

Mystery Scavenger Hunt!

Lock-In! Chalk Drawing!

At this time we are planning a ministry

opportunity for Saturday morning. If this

possibility does not work out we will change

the pick up time to 9AM.

Pickup Saturday morning at 12PM!

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AWANA Commanders Mike and Rachel Long


April 12th is "Messy Mix Match Night" ‘We would be a mess without Jesus’

Clubbers - wear messy mix matched clothes.

April 26th is T & T store night.