The Goode Legacy 1.2

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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The second part of the Goode legacy, generation 1.



The Goode Legacy

Part 2


Melchior is heading off to his job in the Show Business career. He wants to be an Icon. He started pretty high up the ladder and is doing very well.


Sylvia got a job too. She’s working in Journalism and would like to be a Media Magnate. The suit does not look good on her…


Of course, Sylvia didn’t have to wear her ugly job suit for long. She felt the effects of her wedding night quite quickly.


Sylvia spent the first morning of her pregnancy calling up all her friends from college to tell them her suspicions.


Eh heh heh…I’m a good simmer, really. Sylvia’s needs were only going down like that because she was pregnant. (I’ll be honest—I lost track of Sylvia’s needs because I’d used PlumBobToggle to take a few pictures and I didn’t notice this until she started whining. I let her go to bed, since that’s where she headed, and then I pulled her hunger up with the Sim Blender. I paid for this later, as you’ll see.)


Sylvia managed to pull her needs up and then went to work that day. She came home and popped into default pregnancy wear that does not look good with her hat.


I feel I must mention here that Sylvia’s parents are buried in the backyard. Sylvia didn’t have the heart to move them to the graveyard when she came home and I haven’t had ghosts in my game for ages.


You can see that dear old Scott came out for a visit one night. I didn’t have my headphones in and it took me a while to notice him, but once I found him, I tried to keep an eye on him. It didn’t work as well as I hoped…


I looked away for just a second and Scott went and scared poor Melchior. Melchior had just made himself a plate of food that he desperately needed. His hunger bar was deep orange. The scare did not help.


Melchior sat down at the table with Sylvia with that plate of yummy food in front of him. The next thing I knew, Sylvia had stood up with “Cry Softly” in her queue. The scare had killed poor hungry Melchior.


“Please, sir, give me back my husband. We’ve only been married for a few days. I’m pregnant. Our baby needs him. I need him. Please, give my Melchior back to me!”



I was as nervous as Sylvia during this exchange.


She chose correctly! Melchior is saved! I was afraid I’d have to go on without him. I decided that if she failed I would play on instead of exiting the lot without saving and going back. Luckily, Sylvia won and Melchior lives.


Sylvia kissed Melchior fiercely. “Don’t you ever, ever do that again,” she said. “You are not allowed to die until I say so!”


The events of the night really got to Sylvia. She sat down on the couch and burst into tears shortly after bringing Melchior back to life.


After this incident, I sent Sylvia’s parents off to the local graveyard. She can go visit them there if she wants and it will give my future Knowledge sims a place to go to fulfill that “See a Ghost” want.


Sylvia and Melchior went to bed after all the drama, but Sylvia woke up again briefly to have her second pop. Baby Goode is on the way, hopefully with both Mommy and Daddy there to greet him or her. (Let’s hope for a her, since this is a Matriarchy and the first born daughter inherits.)