The Gospel According To Jesus: Mark 1.35-39

Post on 21-May-2015

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Andrew and Sharon Beel PERTH

MARK 1:35-45

Making our own discovery of what God wants us to know

35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up and went out of the house to a lonely place where he was praying. 36 Simon and the others went out to look for him. 37 When they found him they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” 38 He responded by saying, “Let us go to a different place, to the neighbouring towns so that I can preach there as well. It is for this very reason I have come. 39 And he went around preaching and casting out demons in the synagogues of all the Galilean towns.

40 A leper came and knelt down before him begging. “If you want to you are able to make me clean” he said. 41 Moved with compassion, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him saying, “I am willing. Be made clean.” 42 The leprosy immediately left him and he was made clean. 43 Jesus sent him away with a stern warning, “See to it that you say nothing to anyone about his but go and show yourself to the priest and make an offering for your healing as commanded by Moses as testimony to them. 45 But the man left and told everything to everyone and the story rapidly spread. As a result, Jesus was not able to openly enter a city but had to remain in the remote places. Even so, people came to him from everywhere.

Feedback and Questions

Mark 1:39

And he went around preaching and casting out demons in the

synagogues of all the Galilean


Q ?

Was it only in the synagogues that

Jesus was preaching and

casting out demons or was it in other



And he was going

preaching in the synagogues of them

in all Galilee and

demons casting out.



Jesus of Nazareth


all of Galilee




preaching and casting out demons

Feedback and Questions

Mark 1:39

And he went around preaching and casting out demons in the

synagogues of all the Galilean


Q ?Was it only in the

synagogues that Jesus was preaching and casting out

demons or did he preach in the synagogues and cast

out demons in other places?

What do you think ?

35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up and went out of the house to a lonely place where he was praying. 36 Simon and the others went out to look for him. 37 When they found him they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” 38 He responded by saying, “Let us go to a different place, to the neighbouring towns so that I can preach there as well. It is for this very reason I have come. 39 And he went around preaching and casting out demons in the synagogues of all the Galilean towns.




WHAT has God told us about?

WHAT IF this happened in and through me?

What do I need TO DO about this so that it can happen?

35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up and went out of the house to a lonely place where he was praying. 36 Simon and the others went out to look for him. 37 When they found him they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” 38 He responded by saying, “Let us go to a different place, to the neighbouring towns so that I can preach there as well. It is for this very reason I have come. 39 And he went around preaching and casting out demons in the synagogues of all the Galilean towns.

What has God told us about? [1]

1. The morning after he had healed many people from Capernaum who gathered at the house he got up early and went out on his own to pray.

2. People had started to arrive at the house wanting to see Jesus.

3. Peter and the other three disciples realized that Jesus had left the house and they went looking for him.

4. When they found him they told him that people had gathered and they wanted to see HIIM.

What has God told us about? [2]

5. Jesus told them that he had not come just to spend time with one group of people in one town.

6. He said he had come to spread the message in the other towns as well.

7. They left Capernaum and, starting with the neighbouring towns he visited all the towns in the region of Galilee.

8. In all of those towns he went to the synagogues and preached and also cast out demons as he had done in Capernaum

WHAT IF this were happening ? I would not assume that yesterday’s “success”

was the plan for today. [no franchise approach]

In the midst of experience of blessing from God I would seek after him in prayer to know what

to do next to avoid jumping to a wrong conclusion. [relating to God as primary source]

I would allow my understanding of his calling on my life to be the guide as to what I should do next. [complete the work of the call]

I would go and fulfill that calling using a strategy that was consistent with that calling.


what do I need TO DO ?

I will do a review of the way I serve Jesus to see if I am just doing what I feel comfortable with or successful at.

I will make a point of praying and asking God what I should do as a matter of principle so as not to assume.

I will check my priorities and see whether they are reflecting the call or my pride/insecurity etc.

I will keep on doing what fulfills that call regardless of whether it might cause trouble or be difficult.

MARK 1:35-45

What discovery have you made?