The Great Equalizer: Technology as an Equalizer - A myth or fact

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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How can initiatives such as “UX for Good” , “Design for Social Change” ensure integration of all users, irrespective of income, ethnicity, goegraphy etc. instead of creating a special category by ‘poorifying’ existing products and services?

Should and (will) ‘delightful’ UX be used as another ‘luxury’ service for the rich?


"Through the power of technology, humans are set to take on the role of Intelligent Designer. We can upgrade ourselves and surmount evolution. The latest human enhancements will be accessible only to the rich, leading to a 21stcentury society more unequal than any that came before”

The Great Equalizer

The Guardian.( )

7ICE Breakers by

Technology as an Equalizer - A myth or fact.

Wearables, 3D printing, VR, Self-Quantification and other cutting edge technologies are accessible only to the privileged few. In the near future when body upgrades and skills enhancements using technology are possible, society will become more unequal than ever. There will be other growing concerns such as data security, privacy and piracy.

Sometime back, technology and more specifically Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was seen as the major tool to alleviate inequalities in various aspects of life across the world. The advent of each new technology has enabled people to get in contact with many more people, be more informed, and knowledgeable; however, we are still far out from the dream of a world where technology acts as the Great Equalizer.

“According to a recent Pew report, access to devices is noticeably different between higher and lower income schools. Schools don’t allow students of color to use their mobile devices because they think those students will not use them in what they consider appropriate ways”(Tina Barseghian, MindShift. )

Txt2work ( )Connecting ‘disadvantaged’ jobseekers and employersTxt2Wrk helps connect disadvantaged jobseekers with timelyemployment opportunities via SMS. The project emerged from a participatory design process at an Oakland hackathon in which a formerly incarcerated participant described the challenges of job search for those with limited resources and no home computer or broadband connection.

LavabitPrivacy only for the rich

Lavabit is a discontinued encrypted webmail service, founded in 2004. In the new era, truly secure data is increasingly rare. New companies like

Lavabit are emerging to take advantage of the growing demand for privacyand creating a new market in the process. Like opening a Swiss bank

account to keep your holdings safe and undetectable, those individuals and corporations with enough capital can now buy their way to security.