The Great Lent (Valiya Nombu) · The Great Lent (Valiya Nombu) begins on February 15. It’s a time...

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From the Vicar’s desk“The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” Acts 11:26

Dearly Beloved in Christ,

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!

This is the second time I am addressing you through the newsletter of MTC of Silicon Valley. We saw God’s moving power in our midstthe past month through the first Holy Qurbana services, divine services, fellowship, and a great beginning of auxiliary ministries. We were able to elect another managing committee for the year 2015 in the month of January.May God continue to be glorified through our work and witness here in Silicon Valley.In John 14:8-9, when Philip, one of the disciples of Jesus, asked Jesus to show them Father, who is invisible, Jesus told him, “he who has seen me has seen the Father” as He was the image of the invisible God.

Jesus in his earthly life called his God in his mother tongue (Aramaic) “Abba,” which means “father” or “progenitor” without the male-female distinction. He had a special privilege to address God as Abba/ Father because he was the Son. However, he extended the same privilege to his followers to address God as “our Father.” It did not matter whether they were Jews or Gentiles, Sadducees or Pharisees, Samaritans or sinners; everyone was included in the “our” of the ‘Our Father…’ prayer. Therefore, whoever knowsJesus Christ in faith knows who God is.

Our church is entering into an important liturgical season this month. The Great Lent (Valiya Nombu) begins on February 15. It’s a time of self-discipline, in which we deepen our union with our Lord Jesus while remembering His suffering, crucifixion, death, and resurrection. It is also a time of meditating on the salvific act of our God Almighty through His son Jesus. I wish and pray that the Lent observation may lead us all to the holiness of God and help us to lead a life worthy of His calling. This is a time to set apart our time for meditating the cross and the sacrificial love of our Lord towards us. Please plan and pray for a meaningful lent season. Let us continue our dedicated journey with Christ.

With love & prayers, Your’s in Christ,Rev. Biju Pulikottil Simon Achen

3275 Williams Rd, San Jose, CA 95117 | www.mtcsv.orgVicar: 408-648-2360 | Secretary: 408-648-2350 |

February newsletter 2015

The Great Lent (Valiya Nombu) - begins on February 15


Wedding Anniversary:

Worship Schedule

Service starts at 4:00 PMFebruary 1: English Holy Communion Service

February 8: English Divine ServiceFebruary 15: Malayalam Holy Communion Service

February 22: English Divine Service

Ministry Meetings

All Sundays: SundaySchool from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PMFebruary 14 and February 28: Choir Meeting from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM

February 1: YuvajanaSakhyam General BodyFebruary 8: Edavaka Mission General Body SevikaSanghom General Body

February 15: Youth Fellowship General Body Executive Committee Meeting

Prayer Meeting:

February 20: Friday 8:00 PM at the residence of Robin and MincyCheliyil, 555 Tarter Ct, San Jose, CA 95136

Events and Programs:

February 15: Executive committee dedication (Tentative)February 21: Outreach event at City Impact (Tentative)


Secretary’s Note

Dear All,

I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!By the grace of God, our first Holy Communion service was held on January 4 2015. The congregation was formed with 39 families from Mar Thoma Church of San Francisco by a kalpana from Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius. Vicar, Rev. Biju.P.Simon preached the sermon where he encouraged the congregation to embrace people with diverse generation, language and culture and as a diaspora community, we should cater to the need of people in multi-generation, multi-linguistic and multi-culture.

There are many of you who have helped in some way or the other with effort, time and money for the start of this congregation. I would like to thank each one of you, as we would not have gotten so far without your commitment and dedication. This is only a start and we have miles to go. We held a General Body in January and elected the office bearers for the year 2015. The committee will convene this month to decide the programs for the year. We started the process of forming various ministries and are expected to complete by mid February. I hope and pray that along with various ministries and with the participation of each and every member, we will be able to start various programs that will help the needy in this area.

Thanks and regards,Satish David Abraham


Date Title Lessons Epistle-Gospel

Healing and Wholeness (Medical Mission Sunday) C.H. 43

Job.42:1-12Rev. 22:1-5

2 Cor. 12:1-10St.John 5:1-9

Eph. 1:3-14 St.Luke.18:31-34

2 Cor. 5:16-21St.John. 2:1-11

Rom. 15:7-13St.Mat.8:1-4

Gen. 1:24-31Acts.10:9-16

Gen. 45:1-15Eph. 2:11-22

2 Kings. 5:1-10Heb.13:7-17





Beginning of 120th Maramon Convention C.H. 76

Pethrutha: Beginning of Great Lent-Lent: A time of reconciliation - End of 120th Maramon Convention C.H. 211

Touching the untouchable (2nd Sunday in Lent) C.H. 222

19 Anil Raj Gopalakrishnan&Menaka Rose Chandran

25 Suresh Mohan & Susan Cheryan

Date Name


Wedding Anniversary:

Worship Schedule

Service starts at 4:00 PMFebruary 1: English Holy Communion Service

February 8: English Divine ServiceFebruary 15: Malayalam Holy Communion Service

February 22: English Divine Service

Ministry Meetings

All Sundays: SundaySchool from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PMFebruary 14 and February 28: Choir Meeting from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM

February 1: YuvajanaSakhyam General BodyFebruary 8: Edavaka Mission General Body SevikaSanghom General Body

February 15: Youth Fellowship General Body Executive Committee Meeting

Prayer Meeting:

February 20: Friday 8:00 PM at the residence of Robin and MincyCheliyil, 555 Tarter Ct, San Jose, CA 95136

Events and Programs:

February 15: Executive committee dedication (Tentative)February 21: Outreach event at City Impact (Tentative)


6 Steffi Mathew

9 RennyChandy

14 Sam Mathew

18 Shana Mathew

19 John Chandy

24 Anil Raj Gopalakrishnan

27 Aju Varghese

Date Name



The 120th Maramon Convention is scheduled from 8 to 15 February. Main Speakers of the meeting are Rev. Dr. Leonard Sweet, USA (Semiotician & Best-selling Author), Dr. Sam T. Kamaleson, Tamil Nadu-USA (Evangelist, Mission Director, Musician, Lecturer) and Bishop Ziphozihle D. Siwa, Methodist Church, S.A. (Renowned Revivalist). Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church and various other Churches would address different sessions of the meet, including

various personalities attached to Ecumenism.
