The Great Space Race - Weebly

Post on 11-Apr-2022

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The Great Space RaceA timeline of how man conquered space

Where did it all begin?

The actual race to space began in…


The first successful rocket was the…


On December 22, 1942 Adolf Hitler approved the production of a “vengeance weapon”.

May 1945 Germany surrenders!

• 300 trainloads of V2 rockets are captured and shipped to the US.

• We also took 126 of Germany’s rocket designers too!

Project Paperclips

The US and the USSR competition for space

October 4, 1957

• The USSR launched Sputnik 1

Sputnik 2

• Sputnik 2 carried a dog named Laika

January 31, 1958

• The US space program began with Explorer 1.

NASA is established!

Project Mercury

• Goal of this program was to get a human to space, observe how a human performs in space and then return him safely!

USSR creates Luna 1

The Moon or Bust!

• USSR had hit the moon and taken pictures of the far side of the moon!

In 1960 President Kennedy is elected!

Testing the limits!• A chimp named Ham is sent on a

16 minute space flight.

Did Ham make it back?

Day #2 – The Space Race Continues

President Kennedy Speaks

• Kennedy Speaks

The 1960’s are BUSY!• 1961 – First man in space

May 5, 1961

• Alan Shepard becomes 1st

American in Space

President Kennedy wants Congress to finance NASA to put a man on the moon!

The US suffers a setback• The hatch on the Liberty Bell 7

blows and the capsule sinks to the bottom of the ocean

The USSR strikes back!

• August 1961 they complete the first day long flight.

The US strikes back!• February 1962 John Glen has the first orbital flight for the US.

John Glen – A National Hero

A USSR first in 1962

• Vostok 3 launches! • One day later Vostok 4 launches!

They become the first country to control 2 rockets in orbit.


• Gordon Cooper becomes the 1st

American to sleep in space.

USSR 1963

• They send the first woman into space.

The US has a setback

• President Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, TX.

1965 – a USSR first

• They conduct the first spacewalk.

• A spacewalk is when astronauts leave the spacecraft and can move outside of the spacecraft.

The US would not be outdone in 1965!

Project Gemini begins for the US

• These missions were designed to be longer and include multi-ship docking.

• Gemini means “twin”…why would NASA need these missions to be successful?

The birth of Apollo

• 1967 NASA began the famous Apollo Missions

Meanwhile, back in the USSR

• Yuri Gagarin is killed in a fighter jet crash.

Apollo Missions

• Apollo 1 – blew up before launching

Apollo 11

• Americans had successfully landed on the moon.

• It took less than 10 years to complete this task

Apollo 13

• Failed to land on the moon due to system failures.

• They made a movie about this mission.

The first space station

• Launched in 1971 by the USSR

Soyuz-Apollo Joint Mission

• July, 1975

• Video Clip

Day #3 – The Space Race Comes to an End


• 1973 – the US space station

1976 – Space Shuttle Enterprise

• Originally called the Constitution, but fans of Star Trek petitioned the White House to change the name.

April 12, 1981

• Columbia has heat tile issues. Crew said had they known of this issue at take off, they would have ejected to safety.

June 18, 1983

• Challenger 7 – Carrying the first woman.

August 30, 1983

• Challenger 8 – First African American in space

February 3, 1984

• Challenger 10 – first untethered space walk.

January 28, 1986

• Challenger launched carry the first teacher.

February 1986

• USSR launches MIR.

• This was the first space station

April 24, 1990

• The US launches the first pieces of the Hubble Telescope.

June 27, 1995

• The US Shuttle docks with MIR

November 20, 1998

• The first pieces of International Space Station (ISS) is launched on a Russian rocket.