Post on 25-Jan-2022

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Ancient Greeks told stories of gods and goddesses, in whichthey believed, to help them explain phenomena for whichscience had no answers for, yet. These stories were also aimedat teaching moral lessons or explain history, tradition, andculture.

Each god and goddess ruled over a certain aspect, such asdeath or fire or the mountains, and were worshipped withtheir own religions.

These stories now are known as myths.


• These deities, the gods and goddesses, were worshipped by the people of ancient Greece. They were thought to have been the reasons behind man’s success or failure.• People worshipped these deities by praying to

them, offering them tributes, and building them temples.


• It is amazing to think of how ancient Greek culture has persevered, and was passed down to us thousands of years later. Greek culture has made its way to modern times both orally and written, and it is represented in many modern media forms.• Many plays, novels (Yes, the Percy Jackson series), TV shows,

movies, and songs refer to Greek mythology and culture.• These movies, books, and games aren’t only informative, but

they also entertain us. Think of the animated Hercules, for example.


• Myths also inform us about the culture of the people, and the kind of art they created.

• Culture is sometimes defined as: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time. (Merriam-Webster).


• It has many purposes, such as explaining the creation of the universe or explaining natural phenomena. It could be to tell the story behind religious practices, or to teach a moral lesson. Myths could also be aimed at explaining history or expressing the deepest dreams, hopes, and fears of mankind.

• Its contents could also vary. The characters could be gods and goddesses with superhuman powers, or with humanlike qualities, most likely flaws. They could include heroes with admirable and teachable qualities, and monsters or otherworldly creatures. Myths can also be about humans who are either helped or hindered by the deities, or about a quest or ordeal that must be accomplished or overcome.

• It can have many modern faces, such as TV shows and movies, or even music, that tell the same stories as the myths. It could also be reflected in places or things or expressions that refer to mythology.


Purposes Explain the creation of the universe

Explain natural phenomena

Religious practices

Teaching a moral lesson

Explaining history

Expressing the deepest hopes and fears of mankind, their thoughts and dreams.

Content Gods and goddesses with superhuman powers

Gods and goddesses with flaws that are humanlike qualities

Heroes with admirable and teachable qualities

Monsters or otherworldly creatures

Humans that are either helped or hindered by deities

A quest or ordeal that must be accomplished or overcome


Movies, TV shows, Music that tell the same stories as the myths

Modern expressions, places, or things that refer to mythology.


•What is a “Symbol”?A person, place, or a things that stands for something.

EX:A sunset can represent that the day has ended.An Egyptian flag represents Egypt.A marriage represents a bond.A school represents education.Electronics represent the evolving technology.

• The technique of using symbolsin writing is called Symbolism.

The white dove representspeace, a lion can represent strength, the color red can represent anger, and an owl can represent wisdom.


• A mark, sign or a word that indicates or reveals an idea, object or a relationship that the author is tryingto explain.

• It could be a place, action or evenan event.


• The Greek gods are not all equal in power and status, Prometheus was a part of a family of giants, the Titans.

• He is best known for the creation of mankind or god of mankind.

• He is sympathetic, a friend of mankind

• He disobeyed Zeus – god of the sky, and he was punished, for he granted mankind with a spark (fire) stolen from Mount Olympus.


• He is known in Greek myths as god of the sky.

• He is king of gods of MountOlympus.

• Also known as “the father of gods”.

• The most imposing god figure in Greek myths.

• He is cruel, selfish


• Theme: Consequences.

• At the beginning of the story, it introduces the main characters: Zeus and Prometheus.

• There is a disagreement that is going on between Prometheus and Zeus: Prometheus is trying to understand why Zeus does not wish to enlighten the people with knowledge and instead leaves them to live in darkness.

• Prometheus sees the relationship or symbol between darkness and knowledge (or lack thereof), and questions the reason behind such ignorance.

• Zeus believes that: (Symbolism)(a) Ignorance is innocence.(b) Darkness is the shadow of law and order.(c) Mankind is happy that way.(d) Mankind is happy, unless they are told otherwise.

• “Look at him. Look below. He crouches in caves. He is at the mercy beast and weather.” In those lines, Prometheus is advocating the idea of leading mankind to knowledge, awareness, information and recognition.

• In the quote, “Tell me why, you refuse to give them fire,” he symbolizes knowledge with fire.

• In lines (12 – 15), the author is trying to show what he will explain along the myth how mankind came to have fire.

• Zeus is trying to explain his reasons for not giving people fire, because he believes that mankind are created to worship the gods. That was obvious when he said, “He has another quality, the capacity to worship, and the aptitude of admiring power.” (Elements of Greek Myth - Religion)• Zeus disagrees with Prometheus’ insistence on giving

people fire. He also mentions that if people are given fire, it would not be interesting for them, but rather dangerous, for they will forget who they really are; they will become arrogant and behave like gods themselves. He also fears that people might as well attack the home of gods by storming Olympus.

• The climax rose after Prometheus went up to Mount Olympus, and, thrusting into the sunlight, he produced a spark of smoke, thus generating fire, and he went down and gave it to the people.

• As soon as people started cooking food, carrying torches to light the way, creating swords, sailing ships, and riding chariots for battles: this is when Prometheus felt like he saved mankind from ignorance and gave them what they needed.

• Upon giving mankind fire (symbol), he gave them advice on using it carefully, for it could ruin their lives and make them greedy for more.

• He asked mankind to use water (symbol) as its own magic to put it down, otherwise it could eat everything it touches.

• As soon as Zeus looked down on the people, he decided to punish them for disobeying him, and above all punish Prometheus for turning the world upside down against the father of gods.

• Prometheus had to bear the consequences of what he had done (theme), for Zeus ordered his guards to chain and tie him up on the mountains, and he would send vultures to eat his liver as a punishment for ignoring Zeus’s command and giving the spark (symbol) to the people.


• Based on the conversation between the two gods, what aspect of the natural world do you think the myth will explain?

• According to Zeus, how are people happy?

• What kind of gift does Prometheus believe that people need? Explain. (Symbolism)

• According to Zeus, why does he believe that people should not be granted fire?

• What does Zeus think would be the consequence of giving people fire?

• “It is an ill-natured spirit, a little brother of the sun, but if you handle it carefully, it can change your while life”, what is Prometheus trying to do by saying this? Explain.

• How does Prometheus bring the gift of fire? (Elements of Greek myths)

• How does Zeus react to what he see when he looks down from the mountain? (Theme)