The Guaranteed Astro Loge Part 4 b w

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Part Four


Saptarishis Astrology

e thank the readers for their kind words of encouragement for the previous

series. What must be remembered is that each technique that he wrote in

his books was an observation and not a statistical astrologically tested

technique, he found many charts of same event saw some of his principles working and

then found a sub principle that he has given as sutra.

Below we would present some of his principles on which we could not find many

charts yet in order that someone might be able to decipher the underlying principles

behind his sutras and teach us back we have presented some of his rules with examples.

Some rules from his book ‘New Rules & Combinations in Hindu Astrology’1

Technique 3: The author (Mr Mehta) has observed that if Mars, being the lord of the 12th house,

is situated in the 3rd sign or the 4th sign, the native either elopes or is kidnapped at least once in life.

But in such a case the native is not killed by the kidnappers. Page 179 from New Rules &

Combinations in Hindu Astrology.

SA’s Notes:

a) Mars is 12L either for Taurus Asc or for Sagittarius Asc.

b) Mars should either be in the sign of Gemini or in the sign of Cancer.

c) The native either elopes or is kidnapped once in life but in such a case is not killed

by the kidnappers.

d) If such a case does not happen then one has to see what other factors avoided in

such an incident from happening.

e) The classical mistake done by statistical oriented astrologers is to take 10 charts of natives

who had been kidnapped and test the above technique and then come to a conclusion but

what should be kept in mind is that some other yoga or combination might be working on

those charts where this combination of Mehta Saheb is not to be seen. This mistake is often

1 He has written 3 books, the first one to be read are New Dimensions in Astrology, next to be read are New Rules &

Combinations in Astrology, the final one is on timing of events ‘Synchronization of Periods’. One should remember that Mehta Saheb was one of those few astrologers who would predict to the date without any computers. You can buy

these from SA book shop or any other book shop it does not matter to us. SA book shop can be accessed at - SA


repeated on internet forums and it has been noticed that stalwarts also do this mistake,

young minds who blindly follow the stalwarts often get misguided into inappropriate type of

research conducting is what we learnt from Late C S Patel. He would often repeat some

other combination might be working in the chart.

f) Unfortunately, in astrology for every rule there are several exceptions and it is these

exceptions that are not known to all of us. Teachers will take you to the well but never fill

the cup for you to drink or open your mouth for the water to be consumed.

Chart 1: Sutherland, Tom

Do note in the chart above that Mars is the 12L and is in the 4th sign thereby working T to

the rule given by the Guaranteed Astrologer S K Mehta.

Kidnap Victim - Jhora gives 2 Ta 11 whereas Kala gives 1 Ta 15

Birth Source: BC and given a AA Rating by Lois Rodden

Scottish-American Dean of Agriculture at the American University at Beirut who was taken

hostage by terrorists in the mid-East hostage crisis. En route from the airport to his on-campus

home, he was stopped by gunmen who sprayed his car with automatic rifle fire and took him as a

hostage. Kidnapped on 9th June 1985, he was held hostage by Muslim fundamentalists and kept in a

Lebanese prison for over six years, 2,347 days, incognito and chained by the ankle to a wall. His

family did not even know if he were dead or alive.

Note: Out of 59 charts of various Ascendants found in ADB where kidnapping had occurred only

one chart was found matching with the rule. This is for the statistical astrologer.

Technique 4: In a Leo Asc if Mars is located in 1H or 10H, the native will not stay in his birth

place and he or she will have to leave the birth place in childhood. Page 59 from New Rules &

Combinations in Hindu Astrology.

Mehta Saheb later adds

a) If Mars is placed in Asc, native leaves birth place in childhood.

b) Native often meets with an accident at a T point, but he or she is not injured but the vehicle

is badly damaged.

c) He says that as per his observation when Mars is placed in the 4H for a Leo Asc, the

natives leaves his birth place after 35-40 years of age.

Special Note

ne cannot forget that for Leo Asc Mars is a Yogakaraka planet and if placed in

1H it aspects its own sign and in 10H then also it aspects its own sign Scorpio, yet

as per S K Mehta it gives unfavorable results like separation from home land (in

olden days it was considered unfavorable but now in modern world Indians consider it

favorable) and destruction of vehicle. This was the genius of S K Mehta that he went

against established norms that planet aspecting its own sign need not give good results,

something that no astrologer in thousands of years of Indian astrology has observed or

dared to write.

Let us see some charts where it works to the T and sometimes arbitrarily, please note

arbitrarily. But it is obvious that such a technique will not always work since other

planets will come in the picture. What is not so important that it did not work on 5 charts so

it’s useless, what is more important and worrisome is why it even worked on one chart. Let’s see in

the below chart where this scribe dismissed Mehta’s technique but found contradictory results.

Chart: SA Mumbai Club Team Member


After finishing half of this article a mail was sent to an SA Mumbai Club member. This

scribe could have blindly used Mehta Sahebs technique but the fear of failure is too heavy

hence scribe kept quiet and instead of predicting just asked via email.

Dear ….. I presume this technique does not work in your chart (this is from the 4th part of the article which i never published)

Technique 4: In a Leo Asc if Mars is located in 1st House or 10th House, the native will not stay in

his birth place and he or she will have to leave the birth place in childhood. Page 59 from New

Rules & Combinations in Hindu Astrology.

His reply below each point:-

a) If Mars is placed in Asc, native leaves birth place in childhood. I never lived in my place of birth, since my father was transferred to another town only 70 miles from place of birth.

b) Natives often meets an accident in a T point, but he or she is not injured but the vehicle is badly damaged

Yes this happened to me on my way to my friend’s baarat (wedding) in Delhi. The driver was a common friend of mine and the bridegroom. We had a head-on collision on the highway at a T junction. It was a Honda Accord and the air-bags inflated and saved both of us. The car was

totally wrecked and had to be salvaged. But, both of us walked out without a scratch on us. Amazing! isn’t it?

c) He says that as per his observation when Mars is placed in the 4H for a Leo Asc, the natives leaves his birth place after 35-40 years of age.

I've Mars and Sun in parivartan. So would like to check this rule if I would be overseas again after my 35th year?

Note that the accident happened at a T junction, just like Mehta Saheb has written in his

book. Now the worry starts as to why it works inconsistently in charts below. Various

theories can come up giving reasoning and exception rules for each chart below, but that

would be our thinking and not the Sages thinking and wish Mehta Saheb was alive today

or some of his students who are in hiding to come out and teach us.

Chart 1: Dunaway, Faye

Mars is in the 4H for this Leo Asc and does it match with Mehta Saheb’s observation of

above point c) He says that as per his observation when Mars is placed in the 4H for a Leo Asc,

the natives leaves his birth place after 35-40 years of age.

American actress, on-screen from 1966 in films that include "Bonnie and Clyde," 1967, for

which she won the Oscar as Best Actress, "Little Big Man," 1970, "Three Days of the

Condor," 1975 and "Network," 1976, for which she won a second Oscar as Best Actress.

In 1974 she married Peter Wolf for four years and made a second marriage to

photographer Terrance O'Neill in 1982 after their son Liam was born in May 1980. She

and O'Neill moved to England but a divorce returned her to the States in 1987.

She was born in 1941 in Bascom, Florida and moved to England around 1980 or

something, year is not clear, but its somewhere around 35-40 years range when she had the

major move out of country. It is somewhat matching with his observation although she

had many moves in childhood contrary to Mehta observation.

Chart 2: Hemingway, Ernest

Mars is in the 1H for a Leo Asc. 2 degree difference in Asc between Jhora and Kala.

American writer, novelist and adventurer who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for

"The Old Man and the Sea" and in 1954, the Nobel Prize for Literature. His works

include "The Sun Also Rises," which established his reputation in 1926, "A Farewell to

Arms" and "For Whom The Bell Tolls."

He left at 18 to begin his adventures and after his doctor-father committed suicide in 1928,

he never returned to Oak Park. In Cuba, where Hemingway made his home from 1939 to 1950,

the ghost of Papa Hemingway is preserved as nowhere else.

One can notice that he left home at 18 and later moved to Cuba at the age of 40.

Since his death, more than 500 books have been written about Ernest Hemingway and his


Chart 3: Meyer, Marie M.

Mars is in 10H for Leo Asc. American accountant who became a professional astrologer,

teacher and lecturer. In 1939, she founded the Astrology Club of Greater St. Louis and

was appointed its honorary Life Chairman in August 1944. In 1952 she moved to California

and in the late '60s she retired from accounting, but continued her practice of astrology.

She later moved to Tyler, TX for three years in the early '70s, but returned to California to live in


Chart 4: Morris, Sarah Jane

Leo Asc, Mars is in 10H. Around 1 degree difference between Jhora and Kala.

British popular singer with a strong following in the London circuit when she became

famous as a recording artist with "The Communards," a gay band in 1986. Morris had a

transient childhood, by age 30 she had lived in 22 locations in the U.K.

Chart 5: Rutherford, Paul

British rock musician, a singer with the group "Frankie Goes to Hollywood," popular in

the London gay scene. By the time he was 16 years old, he was known as a free spirit, and

he was always rushing here and there, seemingly never settling down in one place for

very long. Although he had a close relationship with his father, he was quick to pack up and

move out, and he spent some time traveling around England, finally settling temporarily in

London. He says he doesn’t like to be "rooted" in any one place. Home is where his friends

are, and he gets bored easily.

Leo Asc with Mars in 4H, he did not move out of place of birth immediately after birth

contrary to Mehta Saheb’s observation, yet he moved around quite a lot, see the

concentration of planets in the 4H.

Accidents Part

In Point b) Mehta Saheb writes that

b) Natives often meets an accident in a T point, but he or she is not injured but the vehicle is

badly damaged

Let us analyze few charts of Leo Asc where Mars is in 1H or 10H and see if the event as

outlined by Mehta Saheb in Point b) has worked or not

Chart 1: Hemingway, Ernest

Mars is in the 1H for a Leo Asc. 2 degree difference in Asc between Jhora and Kala.

American writer, novelist and adventurer who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction

in 1953.

He was in a car crash in Billings, Wyoming early morning of 4/07/1935, another in

London on 6/20/1945, and another in Havana, Cuba on 7/01/1950. He was in two

airplane crashes, the first at nightfall of 1/24/1954 in which he was severely injured, and a

second plane crash, also in Uganda. (Please note that dating system used is American

dating system, month, date and then year ).

Observation: The part of car accidents is seen working but the other part of no harm to

body is not seen working.

Chart 2: Vincent, Jan-Michael

American actor with a history of substance abuse. Leo Asc with Mars in 10H. He

survived a drunk driving accident on 8/26/1996 in which he broke his neck. This was a

second major accident; the year before he had a crash that shattered bones in his face and

damaged his left eye. Unable to work, he dropped out further. In March 1999, he had

three arrests for public drunkenness and in January 2000, another arrest constituted a

violation of parole conditions. So here as per Mehta’s method the accidents have

happened but the other part of his technique has not worked at all as body harm has been


a) Asc lord is body and here Asc Lord is Sun who is with his enemy Saturn in 8th

from 4H of vehicle and is with Rahu (alcohol/drugs). So harm to body is

confirmed. Saturn is the 6L of accidents.

b) It was in Saturn/Saturn/Sun he had the accident on 26th Aug 1996

c) 4H has the sign Scorpio, the secret in analyzing any house is to see who are its friends

and who are its enemies, who is exalted there and who is debilitated there. 4H of vehicles

has sign Scorpio where Moon (mind) gets debilitated and this Moon is with

Neptune, illusions and delusions via alcohol and drugs.

Chart 3: Luhrmann, Anna

American child who survived a fiery blast that killed her younger sister when a propane

gas tank exploded in their Moultonboro, NH cottage on May 25, 2003 at 9:45 PM. Anna

suffered minor burns.

This chart does not work as per Mehta’s principles of point b) Natives often meets an

accident in a T point, but he or she is not injured but the vehicle is badly damaged.

Here it is not a vehicular accident but still an accident to the body and a part of the

technique works that is no harm (minor burns) was done to her though her sister died.

Chart 4: Carlough, Tommy

American musician who played and sang in piano bars from the age of 17, pro for the

next 20 years. In November 1965 he bought a beauty salon as an investment. The same

month he turned over his new Cadillac in the rain, but suffered no injury.

Now read the last two sentences couple of times in the light of Ketu (accidents) is with Venus

(beauty salon) in 10H and is with Mars (4L of vehicles) and the story unfolds. This is one of the

ways of decoding conjunctions that is not known.

Coming back to Mehta’s technique, it is Leo Asc, Mars is in the 10H, an accident did occur

and he suffered no body harm.

Chart 5: Bocelli, Andrea

Jhora gives 13 Leo whereas Kala gives 25 Leo. After adjusting time zone we get 25 Leo in

Jhora which is reproduced above.

Italian singer who has cut an unusual swath through a unique path, becoming a pop star

without radio and a chart-topping lyric tenor virtually without singing opera. Almost

immediately after he was born, his family doctor noticed that he had great difficulty

seeing. Born with an hereditary form of glaucoma he underwent his first eye operation at

six months of age. After 27 more operations, he lost his sight at the age of 12 following a

soccer accident in which he was hit by a ball.

Coming to Mehta’s technique, it is Leo Asc, Mars is in 10H aspecting the chronic disease

sign Scorpio, no vehicular accident happened only a football accident which caused him

his eyesight forever. Note that Mars is in the sign of Taurus which in natural zodiac is

the sign of eyes.

Readers are requested to probe other techniques of the unsung hero of Indian astrology S

K Mehta who dared to write without fearing the crititism that comes from complex

oriented astrologers. Readers can share their experiences on his techniques in the Guest

Book section

If a technique does not work it’s not a problem, if a technique works on even one chart then it’s a

problem as to why it worked – remember this.